ipopt-hs- haskell binding to ipopt including automatic differentiation

Safe HaskellNone




gradients and hessians tend to be sparse. This can be probed by calculating these with NaNs as inputs. http:www.gpops2.com/ uses this strategy, but perhaps there are relatively common cases (calls to blas/lapack for example) that do not propagate NaNs correctly.

All functions provide indices that are affected (and should thus be included)

functions ending in 1 set one variable at a time to NaN, and additionally provide a hint as to which variable to change.

functions not ending in 1 set all input variables to NaN

it seems that adding a 1 achieves the same thing as doing one more derivative. In other words, nanPropagateG1 tells the same thing as nanPropagateH.



>>> let g x = x!0 + x!1 * x!1 * x!2



:: Int

size of input vector

-> (forall a. RealFloat a => Vector a -> a) 
-> [Int]

inputs that don't become NaN

>>> nanPropagate1 4 g

variable 3 isn't even used.



:: Int

size of input vector

-> (forall a. RealFloat a => Vector a -> a) 
-> Vector Int 
>>> nanPropagateG 4 g
fromList [0,1,2]


nanPropagateJ :: Int -> (forall a. RealFloat a => Vector a -> Vector a) -> Vector (Int, Int)Source

hessian sparsity



:: Int 
-> (forall a. RealFloat a => Vector a -> a) 
-> Vector (Int, Int)

(i,j) indexes

>>> nanPropagateH 4 g
fromList [(1,1),(1,2),(2,1)]



:: Int

size of input vector

-> (forall a. RealFloat a => Vector a -> a) 
-> [(Int, Vector Int)]

(i,js) shows that a NaN at index i produces NaNs in gradient indexes js... so the hessians only need to include i and js

a nonzero gradient when inputs are NaN ==> no need to include that row/column in the hessian, since it will be zero

>>> nanPropagateG1 4 g
[(1,fromList [1,2]),(2,fromList [1])]

nanPropagateHF :: Int -> (forall a. RealFloat a => Vector a -> Vector a) -> Vector (Vector (Int, Int))Source

sparse derivatives (faked for now)

jacobianSS :: RealFloat a => Vector (Int, Int) -> (forall a. RealFloat a => Vector a -> Vector a) -> Vector a -> Vector aSource