# Haskell Binding for Isocline You can build and run the [example] program as: ``` $ ghc -ihaskell test/Example.hs src/isocline.c $ ./test/Example ``` See the [API documentation](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/isocline-1.0.0/docs/System-Console-Isocline.html) on hackage. ## Using with Stack You can build with isocline by adding ``` extra-deps: - isocline-1.0.0 ``` to your `stack.yaml` file, and ``` dependencies: - isocline ``` to your `package.yaml` file (and also run `stack update`). ## Using with Cabal To use it with Cabal, add ``` build-depends: isocline ``` to your `project.cabal` file (and perhaps run `cabal update`). # Building Isocline from Source ## Building with Stack From the isocline directory, run: ``` $ stack build $ stack exec example ``` ## Building with Cabal From the isocline directory, run: ``` $ cabal build $ cabal run example ``` You can install the locally build `isocline` package as: ``` $ cabal install ``` [example]: https://github.com/daanx/isocline/blob/main/test/Example.hs