{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{- |
Module      : $Header$
Description : Module providing simple implementation based on mutable linked
Copyright   : (c) Maciej Piechotka
License     : MIT

Maintainer  : uzytkownik2@gmail.com
Stability   : none
Portability : portable

Module providing simple implementation based on mutable linked list.
It is optimised for longer parsers.
module Text.Parsec.Iteratee.LinkedList
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Iteratee
import Data.ListLike as LL
import Data.Reference
import Data.Typeable
import Text.Parsec hiding (Stream)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P

-- | Specify the 3 possible states of next cursor - existence, non-existence
-- and not being evaluated
data (Monad m, Reference r m, ListLike s el) => NextCursor r m s el
    -- | Points to next cursor
    = NextCursor (Cursor r m s el)
    -- | States that next cursor does not exists
    | None
    -- | Next cursor is not evaluated
    | Uneval

-- | Cursor holds current value and reference to possible next cursor
data (Monad m, Reference r m) => Cursor r m s el
    = Cursor (r (NextCursor r m s el)) s

-- | Creates new cursor
mkCursor :: (Monad m, Reference r m, ListLike s el) => m (Cursor r m s el)
mkCursor = (\r -> return $! Cursor r LL.empty) =<< newRef Uneval

instance (Monad m, Nullable s, Reference r m, ListLike s el) =>
         P.Stream (Cursor r m s el) (Iteratee s m) el where
  uncons = unconsStream

unconsStream :: (Monad m, Nullable s, Reference r m, ListLike s el)
             => Cursor r m s el
             -> Iteratee s m (Maybe (el, Cursor r m s el))
unconsStream p@(Cursor r c)
    | LL.null c = unconsCursor r =<< lift (readRef r)
    | otherwise = return $! unconsChunk p

unconsCursor :: (Monad m, Nullable s, Reference r m, ListLike s el)
             => r (NextCursor r m s el)
             -> NextCursor r m s el
             -> Iteratee s m (Maybe (el, Cursor r m s el))
unconsCursor _ (NextCursor c) = return $! unconsChunk c
unconsCursor _  None          = return $! Nothing
unconsCursor r  Uneval        = icont (extendCursor r) Nothing

insertCursor :: (Monad m, Reference r m, ListLike s el)
             => r (NextCursor r m s el)
             -> s
             -> m (Cursor r m s el)
insertCursor r s = do
    r' <- newRef Uneval
    let c = Cursor r' s
    writeRef r (NextCursor c)
    return c

extendCursor :: (Monad m, Nullable s, Reference r m, ListLike s el)
             => r (NextCursor r m s el)
             -> Stream s
             -> Iteratee s m (Maybe (el, Cursor r m s el))
extendCursor r (Chunk s)
    | LL.null s = liftI (extendCursor r)
    | otherwise = return . unconsChunk =<< lift (insertCursor r s)
extendCursor r (EOF Nothing)
    = const (return Nothing) =<< lift (writeRef r None)
extendCursor r (EOF (Just se@(SomeException e)))
    | typeOf e == seekType = throwErr $ unhandled
    | otherwise = throwRecoverableErr se (extendCursor r)
    where seekType = typeOf (undefined :: SeekException)
              = SomeException $! EnumUnhandledIterException (IterException e)

unconsChunk :: (Monad m, Reference r m, ListLike s el)
            => Cursor r m s el -> Maybe (el, Cursor r m s el)
unconsChunk (Cursor r s) = Just (LL.head s, Cursor r $ LL.tail s)

concatCursor :: (Monad m, Reference r m, ListLike s el)
             => Cursor r m s el -> m s
concatCursor (Cursor r s) = liftM (s `mappend`) (concatCursor' =<< readRef r)

concatCursor' :: (Monad m, Reference r m, ListLike s el)
              => NextCursor r m s el -> m s
concatCursor' (NextCursor n) = concatCursor n
concatCursor' _              = return $! mempty

-- | Runs parser. If it suceed the remaining part of stream stands in stream,
-- however if it fails the stream is not in defined state.
parsecIteratee :: (Monad m, Reference r m, Nullable c, ListLike c el)
               => ParsecT (Cursor r m c el) u (Iteratee c m) a
                  -- ^ Parser to run
               -> u -- ^ A user state
               -> SourceName -- ^ Source name
               -> Iteratee c m (Either ParseError a)
parsecIteratee p u sn = do
   c <- lift mkCursor
   res <- runParserT (liftM2 (,) p getInput) u sn c
   case res of
     Right (a, c') -> do sc <- lift $ concatCursor c'
                         idone (Right a) (Chunk sc)
     Left   err   -> return $! Left err

-- | Runs parser. If it suceed the remaining part of stream stands in stream,
-- however if it fails everything stands in stream.
safeParsecIteratee :: (Monad m, Reference r m, Nullable c, ListLike c el)
                   => ParsecT (Cursor r m c el) u (Iteratee c m) a
                      -- ^ Parser to run
                   -> u -- ^ A user state
                   -> SourceName -- ^ Source name
                   -> Iteratee c m (Either ParseError a)
safeParsecIteratee p u sn = do
    c <- lift mkCursor
    Right (c', res) <- runParserT (parsecSafe p) u sn c
    sc <- lift $ concatCursor c'
    idone res (Chunk sc)

parsecSafe :: Monad m
           => ParsecT s u m a
           -> ParsecT s u m (s, Either ParseError a)
parsecSafe p = mkPT $ \s -> do
    r <- unConsume =<< runParsecT p s
    case r of
      Error pe  -> let rp = Ok (stateInput s,  Left pe) s  (unknownError s)
                  in return $! Empty $ return $! rp
      Ok v s' _ -> let rp = Ok (stateInput s', Right v) s' (unknownError s')
                  in return $! Consumed $! return $! rp
    where unConsume (Consumed x) = x
          unConsume (Empty    x) = x