Name: ivar-simple Version: 0.2 Category: Concurrency Stability: experimental Copyright: (c) 2008-2012 Bertram Felgenhauer Maintainer: Bertram Felgenhauer License: MIT License-File: LICENSE Synopsis: Write once concurrency primitives. Description: @IVar@s are write-once (immutable) variables. . They can be read, an operation that will block until a value was written to the variable. They can be written to exactly once. Cabal-Version: >= 1.4 Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: README HISTORY Library HS-Source-Dirs: src Exposed-Modules: Data.IVar.Simple Data.IVar.Simple.IChan Data.IVar.Simple.MIChan Build-Depends: base < 5 -- workaround for if impl(ghc <= 6.10.1) GHC-Options: -fno-state-hack