{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 , ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} import Prelude import qualified Prelude as P import Data.List import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess import System.Environment import System.FilePath import Text.Printf import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs main = do args <- getArgs let hooks = simpleUserHooks { hookedPreProcessors = [ ("hss", transformHss) , ("cpphs", transformCpphs) ] } defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks args transformCpphs :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor transformCpphs _ _ = PreProcessor True $ \(inDir, inFile) (outDir, outFile) _ -> do source <- readFile (inDir inFile) _ <- printf "Preprocessing (CPPHS) %s -> %s\n" (inDir inFile) (outDir outFile) let options = defaultCpphsOptions { boolopts = (defaultBoolOptions { ansi = True }) } runCpphs options (inDir inFile) source >>= writeFile (outDir outFile) transformHss :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor -- ^ Transforms a *.hss file containing TriString-literals ("""triString""") -- into an ordinary *.hs file. transformHss _ _ = PreProcessor True $ \(inDir, inFile) (outDir, outFile) _ -> do source <- readFile (inDir inFile) _ <- printf "Preprocessing (HSS) %s -> %s\n" (inDir inFile) (outDir outFile) writeFile (outDir outFile) (doProcessHss inFile source) -- | The actual processing of 'transformHss'. No advanced method of parsing -- have been used in order to reduce the dependencies of the Setup script -- and to now blow it up by a whole combinator library or auto generated code. -- -- Every triString is replaced by the concatenation of ordinary haskell -- strings. Code embedded in curly braces (introduced by a hash sign) is -- embedded literally. LINE pragmas keep the line numbers consistent. doProcessHss file = processHss (1 :: Int) where processHss n xs = case xs of ('"':'"':'"':xs) -> triString n xs ('{':'-':xs) -> '{' : '-' : comment n (1 :: Int) xs ('"':xs) -> '"' : string n xs ('\n':xs) -> '\n' : processHss (succ n) xs (x:xs) -> x : processHss n xs "" -> "" where triString n xs = case breakIt xs of (str, xs) -> concat [ "((\\_ -> let { __ = " , "\n{-# LINE ", show n, " ", show file, " #-}\n" , sanitizeIt (mkTriString str) , "\n{-# LINE ", show n', " ", show file, " #-}\n" , "} in __) undefined)" , processHss n' xs ] where n' = n + length (filter (== '\n') str) breakIt xs = case xs of ('"':'"':'"':xs) -> ("", xs) (x:xs) -> case breakIt xs of (y, ys) -> (x : y, ys) "" -> ("", "") sanitizeIt xs = case xs of ('\\':'\\':'n':xs) -> sanitizeIt xs (x:xs) -> x : sanitizeIt xs "" -> "" mkTriString xs = "concat [\"" ++ process string ++ "\"]" where string = concat $ intersperse "\\n" lines process xs = case xs of ('#':'{':xs) -> case break (== '}') xs of (ls, (_:rs)) -> "\", (" ++ ls ++ "), \"" ++ process rs _ -> error "could not match closing curly brace" ('"':xs) -> '\\' : '"' : process xs (x:xs) -> x : process xs [] -> [] lines = case P.lines xs of ("":lines) -> map (dedent (indent lines)) lines (line:[]) -> [line] lines@(_:lines') -> map (dedent (indent lines')) lines [] -> [] indent xs = case xs of [] -> 0 _ -> minimum $ map (length . takeWhile (== ' ')) xs dedent n line = case splitAt n line of (ls, rs) -> dropWhile (== ' ') ls ++ rs comment l 1 ('-':'}':xs) = '-' : '}' : processHss l xs comment l n xs = case xs of ('{':'-':xs) -> '{' : '-' : comment l (succ n) xs ('-':'}':xs) -> '-' : '}' : comment l (pred n) xs ('\n':xs) -> '\n' : comment (succ l) n xs (x:xs) -> x : comment l n xs "" -> "" string l xs = case xs of ('\\':'"':xs) -> '\\' : '"' : string l xs ('"':xs) -> '"' : processHss l xs (x:xs) -> x : string l xs "" -> ""