Module      : $HEADER$
Description : Extra functions on List.
Copyright   : (c) Justus Adam, 2015
License     : BDS3
Maintainer  : dev@justus.science
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX, Windows
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Data.List.JAExtra
  -- * Reading values


  -- * Modifying lists

  , slice

  -- * Tuple conversions

  -- | \"to__N__Tuple\" functions match whether a list contains /only/ __N__
  -- elements yielding an __N__-'Tuple' containing those elements.
  -- This can for example also be used to extract elements from a section of the
  -- list as a 'Tuple' like so:
  -- > to3Tuple . take 3

  , to1Value, to2Tuple, to3Tuple, to4Tuple, to5Tuple
  , to6Tuple, to7Tuple, to8Tuple, to9Tuple, to10Tuple

  -- * Zipping lists

  -- | Zipping functions that do not stop when the shorter lists expire but when
  -- the longer lists do.

  -- ** Zipping to Maybe

  -- | The fillZip__N__ function family takes __N__ lists and returns a list of
  -- __N__-tuples.
  -- Unlike 'zip' 'fillZip' does not stop when one of the lists is empty, but
  -- keeps going inserting 'Nothing' for the missing values in the shorter lists.

  , fillZip, fillZip2, fillZip3, fillZip4, fillZip5

  -- ** Zipping Monoids

  -- | The monoidFillZip__N__ function family takes __N__ lists and returns a
  -- list of __N__-tuples.
  -- Unlike 'zip', 'monoidFillZip' does not stop when one of the lists is empty,
  -- but keeps going inserting 'mempty' for the missing values in the shorter
  -- lists.

  , monoidFillZip, monoidFillZip2, monoidFillZip3, monoidFillZip4, monoidFillZip5

  ) where

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.List
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Tuple.JAExtra

  Completeness function that converts a singleton list into its only contained value.

  This function is the single value version of the \"to__N__Tuple\" function family.
to1Value  [α]  Maybe α
to1Value [a] = return a
to1Value _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to1Value #-}

to2Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α)
to2Tuple [a1, a2] = return (a1, a2)
to2Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to2Tuple #-}

to3Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α, α)
to3Tuple [a1, a2, a3] = return (a1, a2, a3)
to3Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to3Tuple #-}

to4Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α, α, α)
to4Tuple [a1, a2, a3, a4] = return (a1, a2, a3, a4)
to4Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to4Tuple #-}

to5Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α, α, α, α)
to5Tuple [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5] = return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
to5Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to5Tuple #-}

to6Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α, α, α, α, α)
to6Tuple [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6] = return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
to6Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to6Tuple #-}

to7Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α, α, α, α, α, α)
to7Tuple [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7] = return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7)
to7Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to7Tuple #-}

to8Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α, α, α, α, α, α, α)
to8Tuple [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8] =
  return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8)
to8Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to8Tuple #-}

to9Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α, α, α, α, α, α, α, α)
to9Tuple [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9] =
  return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9)
to9Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to9Tuple #-}

to10Tuple  [α]  Maybe (α, α, α, α, α, α, α, α, α, α)
to10Tuple [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10] =
  return (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)
to10Tuple _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE to10Tuple #-}

  The function that '!!' should be.

  The 'get' function attempts to extract the element at the specified index from
  the list, but instead of failing with an error returns a 'Maybe' value.

  >>> get 0 [1, 2, 3]
  Just 1
  >>> get 2 [1, 2, 3]
  Just 3
  >>> get 3 [1, 2, 3]

  This function also accepts negative indexes, taking elements from the back of
  the list, aka @get (-1)@ is the last element of the list and @get (-2)@ the
  second to last.
  Both positive and negative indexes are subject to boundary checks.

  >>> get -1 [1, 2, 3]
  Just 3
  >>> get -4 [1, 2, 3]

  For infinite lists using negative indexes is _|_ (does not terminate).
  Positive indexes do however do work with infinite lists.
get  Int  [α]  Maybe α
get index
  | index >= 0 = get' index
  | otherwise = get' (-index) . reverse
    get' 0 (x:_)    = return x
    get' _ []       = mzero
    get' i (_:xs) = (i-1) `get'` xs

  @slice i j@ extracts a sublist from index i up to, but not including, j.

  This function also accepts negative indexes which, again, are _|_ for infinite

  >>> slice 1 3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  [2, 3]

  The index rules are the same as with 'get'.
slice  Int  Int  [α]  [α]
slice start end list = take (end' - start') . drop start' $ list
    turn i
      | i < 0     = length list + i
      | otherwise = i
    end'= turn end
    start'= turn start

monoidFillZip2  (Monoid α, Monoid β)  [α]  [β]  [(α, β)]
monoidFillZip2 [] ys = zip (repeat mempty) ys
monoidFillZip2 xs [] = zip xs (repeat mempty)
monoidFillZip2 (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x, y) : monoidFillZip2 xs ys

monoidFillZip3  (Monoid α, Monoid β, Monoid γ)  [α]  [β]  [γ]  [(α, β, γ)]
monoidFillZip3 [] ys zs =
  uncurry (zip3 (repeat mempty)) $ unzip $ monoidFillZip2 ys zs
monoidFillZip3 xs [] zs = zip3 xs' (repeat mempty) zs'
  where (xs', zs') = unzip $ monoidFillZip2 xs zs
monoidFillZip3 xs ys [] =
  uncurry zip3 (unzip $ monoidFillZip2 xs ys) (repeat mempty)
monoidFillZip3 (x:xs) (y:ys) (z:zs) = (x, y, z) : monoidFillZip3 xs ys zs

monoidFillZip4  (Monoid α, Monoid β, Monoid γ, Monoid δ) 
                 [α]  [β]  [γ]  [δ]  [(α, β, γ, δ)]
monoidFillZip4 [] bs cs ds =
  uncurry3 (zip4 (repeat mempty)) $ unzip3 $ monoidFillZip3 bs cs ds
monoidFillZip4 as [] cs ds = zip4 as' (repeat mempty) cs' ds'
  where (as', cs', ds') = unzip3 $ monoidFillZip3 as cs ds
monoidFillZip4 as bs [] ds = zip4 as' bs' (repeat mempty) ds'
  where (as', bs', ds') = unzip3 $ monoidFillZip3 as bs ds
monoidFillZip4 as bs cs [] =
  uncurry3 zip4 (unzip3 $ monoidFillZip3 as bs cs) (repeat mempty)
monoidFillZip4 (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) =
  (a, b, c, d) : monoidFillZip4 as bs cs ds

monoidFillZip5  (Monoid α, Monoid β, Monoid γ, Monoid δ, Monoid ζ) 
                 [α]  [β]  [γ]  [δ]  [ζ]  [(α, β, γ, δ, ζ)]
monoidFillZip5 [] bs cs ds es =
  uncurry4 (zip5 (repeat mempty)) $ unzip4 $ monoidFillZip4 bs cs ds es
monoidFillZip5 as [] cs ds es = zip5 as' (repeat mempty) cs' ds' es'
  where (as', cs', ds', es') = unzip4 $ monoidFillZip4 as cs ds es
monoidFillZip5 as bs [] ds es = zip5 as' bs' (repeat mempty) ds' es'
  where (as', bs', ds', es') = unzip4 $ monoidFillZip4 as bs ds es
monoidFillZip5 as bs cs [] es = zip5 as' bs' cs' (repeat mempty) es'
  where (as', bs', cs', es') = unzip4 $ monoidFillZip4 as bs cs es
monoidFillZip5 as bs cs ds [] =
  uncurry4 zip5 (unzip4 $ monoidFillZip4 as bs cs ds) (repeat mempty)
monoidFillZip5 (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) (e:es) =
  (a, b, c, d, e) : monoidFillZip5 as bs cs ds es

  Alias for 'monoidFillZip2'.
monoidFillZip  (Monoid α, Monoid β)  [α]  [β]  [(α, β)]
monoidFillZip = monoidFillZip2

fillZip2  [α]  [β]  [(Maybe α, Maybe β)]
fillZip2 [] ys = zip (repeat mzero) (map return ys)
fillZip2 xs [] = zip (map return xs) (repeat mzero)
fillZip2 (x:xs) (y:ys) = (return x, return y) : fillZip2 xs ys

fillZip3  [α]  [β]  [γ]  [(Maybe α, Maybe β, Maybe γ)]
fillZip3 [] ys zs = uncurry (zip3 (repeat mzero)) $ unzip $ fillZip2 ys zs
fillZip3 xs [] zs = zip3 xs' (repeat mzero) zs'
  where (xs', zs') = unzip $ fillZip2 xs zs
fillZip3 xs ys [] = uncurry zip3 (unzip $ fillZip2 xs ys) (repeat mzero)
fillZip3 (x:xs) (y:ys) (z:zs) =
  (return x, return y, return z) : fillZip3 xs ys zs

fillZip4  [α]  [β]  [γ]  [δ]  [(Maybe α, Maybe β, Maybe γ, Maybe δ)]
fillZip4 [] bs cs ds =
  uncurry3 (zip4 (repeat mzero)) $ unzip3 $ fillZip3 bs cs ds
fillZip4 as [] cs ds = zip4 as' (repeat mzero) cs' ds'
  where (as', cs', ds') = unzip3 $ fillZip3 as cs ds
fillZip4 as bs [] ds = zip4 as' bs' (repeat mzero) ds'
  where (as', bs', ds') = unzip3 $ fillZip3 as bs ds
fillZip4 as bs cs [] = uncurry3 zip4 (unzip3 $ fillZip3 as bs cs) (repeat mzero)
fillZip4 (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) =
  (return a, return b, return c, return d) : fillZip4 as bs cs ds

fillZip5  [α]  [β]  [γ]  [δ]  [ζ] 
           [(Maybe α, Maybe β, Maybe γ, Maybe δ, Maybe ζ)]
fillZip5 [] bs cs ds es =
  uncurry4 (zip5 (repeat mzero)) $ unzip4 $ fillZip4 bs cs ds es
fillZip5 as [] cs ds es = zip5 as' (repeat mzero) cs' ds' es'
  where (as', cs', ds', es') = unzip4 $ fillZip4 as cs ds es
fillZip5 as bs [] ds es = zip5 as' bs' (repeat mzero) ds' es'
  where (as', bs', ds', es') = unzip4 $ fillZip4 as bs ds es
fillZip5 as bs cs [] es = zip5 as' bs' cs' (repeat mzero) es'
  where (as', bs', cs', es') = unzip4 $ fillZip4 as bs cs es
fillZip5 as bs cs ds [] =
  uncurry4 zip5 (unzip4 $ fillZip4 as bs cs ds) (repeat mzero)
fillZip5 (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds) (e:es) =
  (return a, return b, return c, return d, return e) : fillZip5 as bs cs ds es

  Alias for 'fillZip2'.
fillZip  [α]  [β]  [(Maybe α, Maybe β)]
fillZip = fillZip2