module Synthesizer.Render where import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice as VoiceMsg import Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice (Pitch, ) import qualified Data.StorableVector.ST.Strict as SVST import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV import Foreign.Storable (Storable, ) import Control.Monad.ST.Strict as ST import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as MS import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Monad (liftM, ) import Debug.Trace (trace, ) type Time = Integer type Size = Int type SampleRate = Int check :: Monad m => Bool -> String -> m () -> m () check b msg act = if not b then trace msg $ return () else act unsafeAddChunkToBuffer :: (Storable a, Num a) => SVST.Vector s a -> Int -> SV.Vector a -> ST s () unsafeAddChunkToBuffer v start xs = let go i j = if j >= SV.length xs then return () else SVST.unsafeModify v i (SV.index xs j +) >> go (i + 1) (j + 1) in check (start>=0) ("start negative: " ++ show (start, SV.length xs)) $ check (start <= SVST.length v) ("start too late: " ++ show (start, SV.length xs)) $ check (start+SV.length xs <= SVST.length v) ("end too late: " ++ show (start, SV.length xs)) $ go start 0 arrange :: (Storable a, Num a) => Size -> [(Int, SV.Vector a)] -> SV.Vector a arrange size evs = SVST.runSTVector (do v <- (fromIntegral size) 0 mapM_ (uncurry $ unsafeAddChunkToBuffer v) evs return v) data OscillatorState a = OscillatorState a a Int type State a = Map.Map Pitch (OscillatorState a) initialState :: State a initialState = Map.empty stopTone :: Int -> (Maybe (Int, OscillatorState a), [(Int, Int, OscillatorState a)]) -> [(Int, Int, OscillatorState a)] stopTone stopTime (mplaying, finished) = case mplaying of Just (startTime, osci) -> (startTime, stopTime-startTime, osci) : finished Nothing -> finished renderTone :: (Storable a, Floating a) => Int -> OscillatorState a -> (SV.Vector a, OscillatorState a) renderTone dur state@(OscillatorState amp freq phase) = if dur<0 then trace ("renderTone: negative duration " ++ show dur) $ (SV.empty, state) else let gain = 0.9999 in (SV.zipWith (\y k -> y * sin (2*pi*fromIntegral k * freq)) (SV.iterateN dur (gain*) amp) (SV.iterateN dur (1+) phase), OscillatorState (amp*gain^dur) freq (phase+dur)) processEvents :: (Storable a, Floating a, Monad m) => Size -> SampleRate -> [(Time, VoiceMsg.T)] -> MS.StateT (State a) m [(Int, SV.Vector a)] processEvents size rate input = do oscis0 <- MS.get let pendingOscis = fmap (\(mplaying, finished) -> let mplayingNew = fmap (\(start,s0) -> case renderTone (fromIntegral size - start) s0 of (chunk, s1) -> ((start,chunk), s1)) mplaying in (fmap snd mplayingNew, maybe id (\p -> (fst p :)) mplayingNew $ map (\(start, dur, s) -> (start, fst $ renderTone dur s)) finished)) $ foldl (\oscis (time,ev) -> case VoiceMsg.explicitNoteOff ev of VoiceMsg.NoteOn pitch velocity -> Map.insertWith (\(newOsci, []) s -> {- A key may be pressed that was already pressed. This should not happen, but we must be prepared for it. Thus we call stopTone. -} (newOsci, stopTone time s)) pitch (Just (time, OscillatorState (0.2 * 2 ** VoiceMsg.realFromVelocity velocity) (VoiceMsg.frequencyFromPitch pitch / fromIntegral rate) 0), []) oscis VoiceMsg.NoteOff pitch _velocity -> Map.adjust (\s -> {- A key may be released that was not pressed. This should not happen, but we must be prepared for it. Thus stopTone also handles that case. -} (Nothing, stopTone time s)) pitch oscis _ -> oscis) (fmap (\s -> (Just (0, s), [])) oscis0) (map (\(time,ev) -> (fromInteger time, ev)) input) MS.put (Map.mapMaybe fst pendingOscis) return (concatMap snd $ Map.elems pendingOscis) run :: (Storable a, Floating a, Monad m) => Size -> SampleRate -> [(Time, VoiceMsg.T)] -> MS.StateT (State a) m (SV.Vector a) run size rate input = liftM (arrange size) $ processEvents size rate input