#line 1 "src/Foreign/Java.cpphs"
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010
    , MultiParamTypeClasses
    , FunctionalDependencies
    , FlexibleInstances
    , FlexibleContexts
    , UndecidableInstances

-- |
-- Module       : Foreign.Java
-- Copyright    : (c) Julian Fleischer 2013
-- License      : MIT (See LICENSE file in cabal package)
-- Maintainer   : julian.fleischer@fu-berlin.de
-- Stability    : provisional
-- Portability  : non-portable (see LANGUAGE pragma)
-- This module contains the medium level interface to the Java Bridge.
-- See "Foreign.Java.JNI.Safe" and "Foreign.Java.JNI.Unsafe" for the low
-- level interface which is a plain translation of the Java Native
-- Interface. Information about the library can be retrieved using
-- "Foreign.Java.JNI".
-- High level bindings can be generated using "Foreign.Java.Bindings".
module Foreign.Java (

    -- * Medium Level Java Interface
    -- $medium_level_intro

    -- ** Obtaining Class and Method References
    -- $obtaining_references

    -- ** Calling Methods
    -- $calling_methods

    -- * Reference
    -- ** The Java Monad




    -- ** Classes and Objects

    -- *** Object creation

    -- ** Methods

    -- *** Method invocation

    -- ** Fields

    -- ** Arrays
    JavaArray (..),

    -- ** Objects
    JavaObject (..),

    -- ** Utilities
    -- | Re-exported for convenience when dealing with high-level bindings.
    module Foreign.Java.Value,

    -- *** Interaction with IO

    -- ** JVM data

    -- ** Method discovery
    MethodDescriptor (..),


  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.State hiding (void)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Int
import Data.Word

-- The monad class and associated functions come from
-- the following module:
import Foreign.Java.JavaMonad

import qualified Foreign.Java.JNI.Safe   as JNI
import qualified Foreign.Java.JNI.Unsafe as Unsafe
import qualified Foreign.Java.JNI.Types  as Core

import Foreign.Java.JNI.Types (
    JObject (..),
    JClass (..),
    JThrowable (..),
    JArray (..)

import Foreign hiding (void)
import Foreign.C.String

import Foreign.Java.Types
import Foreign.Java.Util
import Foreign.Java.Value

-- | INTERNAL Checks whether an exception has occurred in the
-- virtual machine and returns either a @Left JThrowable@
-- if that is so or a @Right a@ where a is the excepted type
-- of the result.
check result = do
    vm   <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    let excOccurredClear = if safe then JNI.exceptionOccurredClear
                                   else Unsafe.exceptionOccurredClear
        release = if safe then JNI.release else Unsafe.release

    exc <- io $ excOccurredClear vm
    if exc /= nullPtr
        then do ptr <- io $ newForeignPtr release exc
                return $ Left (JThrowable ptr)
        else do return $ Right result

throwJavaException :: JThrowable -> Java a
-- | INTERNAL This function is used to really throw a JThrowable,
-- that is to throw a Java Exception as an exception in Haskell.
throwJavaException throwable = do
    strMessage <- toString throwable
    io $ throw $ JavaException strMessage throwable

-- | Provides basic functions that every Java Object supports.
-- There are instances for 'JObject', 'JClass', 'JThrowable',
-- and 'JArray' (which are all references to objects in the
-- virtual machine).
-- Minimal complete definition: 'asObject'.
class JavaObject a where

    -- | Invokes the @toString@ method which every Java Object has.
    toString :: a -> Java String

    -- | Invokes the @hashCode@ method which every Java Object has.
    hashCode :: a -> Java Int32

    -- | Turns the reference into a JObject. This can be used
    -- to down-cast any reference to an Object inside the JVM
    -- to a JObject.
    asObject :: a -> Java JObject

    -- | Returns a reference to the Class of the given object.
    classOf  :: a -> Java JClass

    -- | Checks two objects for equality using their @equals@ methods.
    equals   :: JavaObject b => a -> b -> Java Bool

    toString obj = asObject obj >>= toString
    hashCode obj = asObject obj >>= hashCode
    classOf obj  = asObject obj >>= classOf

    equals this obj = do
        this'  <- asObject this
        object <- asObject obj
        this' `equals` object

instance JavaObject JObject where

    toString obj = do
        clazz <- classOf obj
        state <- State.get
        toString <- case jvmToString state of
            Nothing -> do
                method <- clazz `bindMethod` "toString" ::= string
                State.put (state { jvmToString = Just method })
                return method
            (Just method) -> return method
        toString obj $> maybe "" id

    hashCode obj = do
        clazz <- classOf obj
        state <- State.get
        hashCode <- case jvmHashCode state of
            Nothing -> do
                method <- clazz `bindMethod` "hashCode" ::= int
                State.put (state { jvmHashCode = Just method })
                return method
            (Just method) -> return method
        hashCode obj

    asObject = return

    classOf (JObject obj) = do
        safe <- getSafe
        vm   <- getVM
        ptr  <- io (withForeignPtr obj $
                    \p -> (if safe then JNI.getObjectClass
                                   else Unsafe.getObjectClass) vm p)

        JClass <$ io (newForeignPtr (if safe then JNI.release
                                             else Unsafe.release) ptr)

    equals this obj = do
        clazz  <- classOf this
        equals <- clazz `bindMethod`
                    "equals" ::= object "java.lang.Object" --> boolean
        object <- asObject obj
        this `equals` Just object

-- | Every JArray is a JavaObject.
instance JavaObject (JArray L) where
    toString arr = toList arr
        >>= mapM (maybe (return "null") toString)
        >>= return . show

    asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr)

-- further instances for primitive types are below

-- | Every JClass is a JavaObject.
instance JavaObject JClass where
    asObject (JClass ptr) = return (JObject $ castForeignPtr ptr)

-- | Every JThrowable is a JavaObject.
instance JavaObject JThrowable where
    asObject (JThrowable ptr) = return (JObject $ castForeignPtr ptr)

arrayLength :: JArray e -> Java Int32
-- ^ Return the length of an JArray.
arrayLength (JArray size _) = return size

class JavaArray e a | e -> a where
    at      :: JArray e -> Int32 -> Java a
    write   :: JArray e -> Int32 -> a -> Java ()
    toList  :: JArray e -> Java [a]

    toList arr@(JArray size _) = forM [0..size-1] (arr `at`)

instance JavaArray Z Bool where {        at = _get "getBoolean" jvmGetZ (\s v -> s { jvmGetZ = v }) boolean ;        write = _set "setBoolean" jvmSetZ (\s v -> s { jvmSetZ = v }) boolean }    ;    instance JavaObject (JArray Z) where {        toString arr = toList arr >>= return . show ;        asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr) }
instance JavaArray C Word16 where {        at = _get "getChar" jvmGetC (\s v -> s { jvmGetC = v }) char ;        write = _set "setChar" jvmSetC (\s v -> s { jvmSetC = v }) char }    ;    instance JavaObject (JArray C) where {        toString arr = toList arr >>= return . show ;        asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr) }
instance JavaArray B Int8 where {        at = _get "getByte" jvmGetB (\s v -> s { jvmGetB = v }) byte ;        write = _set "setByte" jvmSetB (\s v -> s { jvmSetB = v }) byte }    ;    instance JavaObject (JArray B) where {        toString arr = toList arr >>= return . show ;        asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr) }
instance JavaArray S Int16 where {        at = _get "getShort" jvmGetS (\s v -> s { jvmGetS = v }) short ;        write = _set "setShort" jvmSetS (\s v -> s { jvmSetS = v }) short }    ;    instance JavaObject (JArray S) where {        toString arr = toList arr >>= return . show ;        asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr) }
instance JavaArray I Int32 where {        at = _get "getInt" jvmGetI (\s v -> s { jvmGetI = v }) int ;        write = _set "setInt" jvmSetI (\s v -> s { jvmSetI = v }) int }    ;    instance JavaObject (JArray I) where {        toString arr = toList arr >>= return . show ;        asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr) }
instance JavaArray J Int64 where {        at = _get "getLong" jvmGetJ (\s v -> s { jvmGetJ = v }) long ;        write = _set "setLong" jvmSetJ (\s v -> s { jvmSetJ = v }) long }    ;    instance JavaObject (JArray J) where {        toString arr = toList arr >>= return . show ;        asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr) }
instance JavaArray D Double where {        at = _get "getDouble" jvmGetD (\s v -> s { jvmGetD = v }) double ;        write = _set "setDouble" jvmSetD (\s v -> s { jvmSetD = v }) double }    ;    instance JavaObject (JArray D) where {        toString arr = toList arr >>= return . show ;        asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr) }
instance JavaArray F Float where {        at = _get "getFloat" jvmGetF (\s v -> s { jvmGetF = v }) float ;        write = _set "setFloat" jvmSetF (\s v -> s { jvmSetF = v }) float }    ;    instance JavaObject (JArray F) where {        toString arr = toList arr >>= return . show ;        asObject (JArray _ ptr) = return (JObject ptr) }

instance JavaArray L (Maybe JObject) where
    at = _get "get" jvmGetL (\s v -> s { jvmGetL = v }) (object "java.lang.Object")
    write = _set "set" jvmSetL (\s v -> s { jvmSetL = v }) (object "java.lang.Object")

instance JavaArray (A e) (Maybe (JArray e)) where
    at arr ix = do
        let get = _get "get" jvmGetL (\s v -> s { jvmGetL = v }) (object "java.lang.Object")
        result <- get arr ix
        case result of
            (Just (JObject ptr)) -> do
                vm <- getVM
                safe <- getSafe

                length <- io $ withForeignPtr ptr $ \ptr ->
                    (if safe then JNI.getArrayLength
                             else Unsafe.getArrayLength) vm ptr

                return $ Just $ JArray length ptr
            Nothing -> return Nothing
    write arr ix arg = do
        let set = _set "set" jvmSetL (\s v -> s { jvmSetL = v }) (object "java.lang.Object")
        case arg of
            Nothing -> set arr ix Nothing
            (Just (JArray _ ptr)) -> set arr ix (Just (JObject ptr))

_get getter get set result (JArray size arr) ix
        | ix < 0 || ix >= size = fail $ "Index out of bounds (read): " ++ show ix
        | otherwise = do
            state <- State.get
            -- get the getter function cached in the monad
            -- or if there is none look it up in the VM.
            method <- case get state of
                Nothing -> do
                    (Just arrayClass) <- getClass "java.lang.reflect.Array"
                    m <- arrayClass `bindStaticMethod` getter
                            ::= object "java.lang.Object" --> int --> result
                    State.put $ set state $ Just $ m
                    return m
                Just m -> return m
            method (Just $ JObject arr) ix

_set setter get set arg (JArray size arr) ix value
        | ix < 0 || ix >= size = fail $ "Index out of bounds (write): " ++ show ix
        | otherwise = do
            state <- State.get
            -- get the setter function cached in the monad
            -- of if there is none look it up in the VM.
            method <- case get state of
                Nothing -> do
                    (Just arrayClass) <- getClass "java.lang.reflect.Array"
                    m <- arrayClass `bindStaticMethod` setter
                            ::= object "java.lang.Object" --> int --> arg --> void
                    State.put $ set state $ Just $ m
                    return m
                Just m -> return m
            method (Just $ JObject arr) ix value

newObject, newObjectX :: JClass
                      -> Java (Maybe JObject)
newObject clazz = newObjectE clazz
    >>= either (\exc -> toString exc >>= fail) return

newObjectE :: JClass
           -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))
newObjectE clazz = newObjectX clazz >>= check

newObjectX clazz = do
    vm <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    ptr <- io $ do
        csig <- newCString "()V"
        cptr <- withForeignPtr (jclassPtr clazz) $ \p ->
                    (if safe then JNI.getConstructorID
                             else Unsafe.getConstructorID) vm p csig
        free csig
        return cptr
    if ptr == nullPtr
    then return $ fail "no default constructor"
    else do
        obj <- io $ withForeignPtr (jclassPtr clazz) $ \p ->
                    (if safe then JNI.newObject
                             else Unsafe.newObject) vm p ptr nullPtr
        if obj == nullPtr
            then return (fail "could not create object")
            else io (newForeignPtr (if safe then JNI.release
                                            else Unsafe.release) obj)
                    >>= return . return . JObject

-- getConstructor

data JConstructor a = JConstructor (ForeignPtr Core.JClassRef)
                                   (Ptr Core.JConstructorID) a
    deriving Show

infixl 7 `getConstructor`

getConstructor clazz p = do
    vm <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    ptr <- io $ do
        csig <- newCString $ constructorSignature p

        cID <- withForeignPtr (jclassPtr clazz) $ \p -> do
                  (if safe then JNI.getConstructorID
                           else Unsafe.getConstructorID) vm p csig
        free csig
        return cID

    return $ if ptr == nullPtr
        then fail "No such constructor"
        else return $ JConstructor (jclassPtr clazz) ptr p

-- createObject

newObjectFrom :: (NewObject p b) => JConstructor p -> b
newObjectFrom (JConstructor clazz ptr t) =
    _newObject (ConstructorH clazz ptr) [] t

newObjectFromE :: (NewObjectE p b) => JConstructor p -> b
newObjectFromE (JConstructor clazz ptr t) =
    _newObjectE (ConstructorH clazz ptr) [] t

newObjectFromX :: (NewObjectX p b) => JConstructor p -> b
newObjectFromX (JConstructor clazz ptr t) =
    _newObjectX (ConstructorH clazz ptr) [] t

data ConstructorH = ConstructorH (ForeignPtr Core.JClassRef)
                                 (Ptr Core.JConstructorID) deriving Show

class NewObject  a b | a -> b
    where _newObject  :: ConstructorH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b
class NewObjectE a b | a -> b
    where _newObjectE :: ConstructorH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b
class NewObjectX a b | a -> b
    where _newObjectX :: ConstructorH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b

instance (JArg t v, NewObject x b) => NewObject (P t x) (v -> b) where
    _newObject m args (P t x) val = _newObject m (jarg t val : args) x
instance (JArg t v, NewObjectE x b) => NewObjectE (P t x) (v -> b) where
    _newObjectE m args (P t x) val = _newObjectE m (jarg t val : args) x
instance (JArg t v, NewObjectX x b) => NewObjectX (P t x) (v -> b) where
    _newObjectX m args (P t x) val = _newObjectX m (jarg t val : args) x

instance NewObject  Z (Bool -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX Z (Bool -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE Z         (Bool -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  C (Word16 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX C (Word16 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE C         (Word16 -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  B (Int8 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX B (Int8 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE B         (Int8 -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  S (Int16 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX S (Int16 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE S         (Int16 -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  I (Int32 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX I (Int32 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE I         (Int32 -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  J (Int64 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX J (Int64 -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE J         (Int64 -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  F (Float -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX F (Float -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE F         (Float -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  D (Double -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX D (Double -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE D         (Double -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  L (Maybe JObject -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX L (Maybe JObject -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE L         (Maybe JObject -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  Q (Maybe JObject -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX Q (Maybe JObject -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE Q         (Maybe JObject -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  X (String -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX X (String -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE X         (String -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }
instance NewObject  (A e) (Maybe (JArray e) -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObject = nuObject }    ;    instance NewObjectX (A e) (Maybe (JArray e) -> Java (Maybe JObject))         where { _newObjectX = nuObjectX }    ;    instance NewObjectE (A e)         (Maybe (JArray e) -> Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where         { _newObjectE = nuObjectE }

nuObject c args t val = nuObjectE c args t val
    >>= either (\exc -> toString exc >>= fail) return

nuObjectE c args t val = nuObjectX c args t val >>= check

nuObjectX (ConstructorH clazz cid) args t val = do
    vm  <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    ptr <- liftIO $ do
        let mkValues = (if safe then JNI.mkJValues
                                else Unsafe.mkJValues)
        jvalues <- mkValues vm $ reverse (jarg t val : args)
        jobject <- withForeignPtr clazz $ \p ->
                       (if safe then JNI.newObject
                                else Unsafe.newObject) vm p cid jvalues
        free jvalues
        return jobject

    if ptr == nullPtr
        then return (fail "Object could not be created")
        else io (newForeignPtr (if safe then JNI.release
                                        else Unsafe.release) ptr)
                >>= return . return . JObject

-- getStaticMethod

data JStaticMethod a = JStaticMethod (ForeignPtr Core.JClassRef)
                                     (Ptr Core.JStaticMethodID) a
    deriving Show

infixl 7 `getStaticMethod`

getStaticMethod :: (Method (p -> String))
                => JClass
                -> MethodDescriptor p
                -> Java (Maybe (JStaticMethod p))
getStaticMethod clazz (name ::= p) = do
    vm <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    ptr <- liftIO $ do
        cname <- newCString name
        csig  <- newCString $ methodSignature p

        let getStaticMethodID = if safe then JNI.getStaticMethodID
                                        else Unsafe.getStaticMethodID
        methodID <- withForeignPtr (jclassPtr clazz) $ \p -> do
                        getStaticMethodID vm p cname csig
        free cname >> free csig
        return methodID

    return $ if ptr == nullPtr
        then fail "No such static method"
        else return $ JStaticMethod (jclassPtr clazz) ptr p

-- bindStaticMethod

infixl 7 `bindStaticMethod`

bindStaticMethod :: (Method (p -> String), StaticCall p b)
                 => JClass
                 -> MethodDescriptor p
                 -> Java b
bindStaticMethod c m =
    getStaticMethod c m $> fromJust $> callStaticMethod

-- bindMethod

infixl 7 `bindMethod`

bindMethod :: (Method (p -> String), MethodCall p b)
           => JClass
           -> MethodDescriptor p
           -> Java (JObject -> b)
bindMethod c m = getMethod c m $> fromJust $> callMethod

-- getMethod

data JMethod a = JMethod (ForeignPtr Core.JClassRef) (Ptr Core.JMethodID) a
    deriving Show

infixl 7 `getMethod`

getMethod :: (Method (p -> String))
           => JClass -> MethodDescriptor p -> Java (Maybe (JMethod p))
getMethod clazz (name ::= p) = do
    vm <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    ptr <- liftIO $ do
        cname <- newCString name
        csig  <- newCString $ methodSignature p

        let getMethod = if safe then JNI.getMethodID
                                else Unsafe.getMethodID
        methodID <- withForeignPtr (jclassPtr clazz) $
                        \p -> getMethod vm p cname csig
        free cname >> free csig
        return methodID

    return $ if ptr == nullPtr
        then fail "No such method"
        else return $ JMethod (jclassPtr clazz) ptr p

callStaticMethod :: (StaticCall p b) => JStaticMethod p -> b
callStaticMethod (JStaticMethod clazz ptr t) =
    _staticCall (StaticH clazz ptr) [] t

callStaticMethodE :: (StaticCallE p b) => JStaticMethod p -> b
callStaticMethodE (JStaticMethod clazz ptr t) =
    _staticCallE (StaticH clazz ptr) [] t

callStaticMethodX :: (StaticCallX p b) => JStaticMethod p -> b
callStaticMethodX (JStaticMethod clazz ptr t) =
    _staticCallX (StaticH clazz ptr) [] t

data StaticH = StaticH (ForeignPtr Core.JClassRef)
                       (Ptr Core.JStaticMethodID)
    deriving Show

class StaticCall  a b | a -> b
    where _staticCall  :: StaticH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b
class StaticCallE a b | a -> b
    where _staticCallE :: StaticH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b
class StaticCallX a b | a -> b
    where _staticCallX :: StaticH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b

instance (JArg t v, StaticCall x b) => StaticCall (P t x) (v -> b)
    where _staticCall m args (P t x) val =
            _staticCall m (jarg t val : args) x
instance (JArg t v, StaticCallE x b) => StaticCallE (P t x) (v -> b)
    where _staticCallE m args (P t x) val =
            _staticCallE m (jarg t val : args) x
instance (JArg t v, StaticCallX x b) => StaticCallX (P t x) (v -> b)
    where _staticCallX m args (P t x) val =
            _staticCallX m (jarg t val : args) x

instance StaticCall V (Java ()) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticVoidMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticVoidMethod)                                           return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE V (Java (Either JThrowable ())) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticVoidMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticVoidMethod)                                             return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX V (Java ()) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticVoidMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticVoidMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance StaticCall Z (Java Bool) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticBooleanMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticBooleanMethod)                                           return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE Z (Java (Either JThrowable Bool)) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticBooleanMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticBooleanMethod)                                             return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX Z (Java Bool) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticBooleanMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticBooleanMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance StaticCall C (Java Word16) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticCharMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticCharMethod)                                           return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE C (Java (Either JThrowable Word16)) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticCharMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticCharMethod)                                             return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX C (Java Word16) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticCharMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticCharMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance StaticCall B (Java Int8) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticByteMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticByteMethod)                                           return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE B (Java (Either JThrowable Int8)) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticByteMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticByteMethod)                                             return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX B (Java Int8) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticByteMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticByteMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance StaticCall S (Java Int16) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticShortMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticShortMethod)                                           return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE S (Java (Either JThrowable Int16)) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticShortMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticShortMethod)                                             return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX S (Java Int16) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticShortMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticShortMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance StaticCall I (Java Int32) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticIntMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticIntMethod)                                           return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE I (Java (Either JThrowable Int32)) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticIntMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticIntMethod)                                             return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX I (Java Int32) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticIntMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticIntMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance StaticCall J (Java Int64) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticLongMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticLongMethod)                                           return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE J (Java (Either JThrowable Int64)) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticLongMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticLongMethod)                                             return m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX J (Java Int64) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticLongMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticLongMethod)                                             return m a t }

instance StaticCall F (Java Float) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticFloatMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticFloatMethod)                                           (return . realToFrac) m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE F (Java (Either JThrowable Float)) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticFloatMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticFloatMethod)                                             (return . realToFrac) m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX F (Java Float) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticFloatMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticFloatMethod)                                             (return . realToFrac) m a t }
instance StaticCall D (Java Double) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticDoubleMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticDoubleMethod)                                           (return . realToFrac) m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE D (Java (Either JThrowable Double)) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticDoubleMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticDoubleMethod)                                             (return . realToFrac) m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX D (Java Double) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticDoubleMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticDoubleMethod)                                             (return . realToFrac) m a t }

instance StaticCall X (Java (Maybe String)) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticStringMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticStringMethod)                                           returnString m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE X (Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe String))) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticStringMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticStringMethod)                                             returnString m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX X (Java (Maybe String)) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticStringMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticStringMethod)                                             returnString m a t }
instance StaticCall L (Java (Maybe JObject)) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                           returnObject m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE L (Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                             returnObject m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX L (Java (Maybe JObject)) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                             returnObject m a t }
instance StaticCall Q (Java (Maybe JObject)) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                           returnObject m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE Q (Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                             returnObject m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX Q (Java (Maybe JObject)) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                             returnObject m a t }
instance StaticCall (A e) (Java (Maybe (JArray e))) where {        _staticCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               staticCall (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                           returnArray m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallE (A e) (Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe (JArray e)))) where {        _staticCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallE (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                             returnArray m a t }    ;    instance StaticCallX (A e) (Java (Maybe (JArray e))) where {        _staticCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                staticCallX (if safe then JNI.callStaticObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStaticObjectMethod)                                             returnArray m a t }

staticCall, staticCallX
    :: (Ptr Core.JVM -> Ptr Core.JClassRef -> Ptr Core.JStaticMethodID
        -> Ptr Core.JValues -> IO a)
    -> (a -> Java b)
    -> StaticH
    -> [Core.JArg]
    -> x
    -> Java b
staticCall callback convert m a t = staticCallE callback convert m a t
    >>= either throwJavaException return

    :: (Ptr Core.JVM -> Ptr Core.JClassRef -> Ptr Core.JStaticMethodID
        -> Ptr Core.JValues -> IO a)
    -> (a -> Java b)
    -> StaticH
    -> [Core.JArg]
    -> x
    -> Java (Either JThrowable b)
staticCallE callback convert m a t = staticCallX callback convert m a t
    >>= check

staticCallX callback convert (StaticH clazz method) args _ = do
    vm <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    result <- io $ do
        let mkValues = if safe then JNI.mkJValues else Unsafe.mkJValues
        jvalues <- mkValues vm $ reverse args
        jreturn <- withForeignPtr clazz $
            \c -> callback vm c method jvalues
        free jvalues
        return jreturn

    convert result

callMethod :: (MethodCall p b)
    => JMethod p
    -> JObject
    -> b
callMethod (JMethod _ ptr t) object =
    _methodCall (MethodH (jobjectPtr object) ptr) [] t

callMethodE :: (MethodCallE p b)
    => JMethod p
    -> JObject
    -> b
callMethodE (JMethod _ ptr t) object =
    _methodCallE (MethodH (jobjectPtr object) ptr) [] t

callMethodX :: (MethodCallX p b) => JMethod p -> JObject -> b
callMethodX (JMethod _ ptr t) object =
    _methodCallX (MethodH (jobjectPtr object) ptr) [] t

data MethodH = MethodH (ForeignPtr Core.JObjectRef) (Ptr Core.JMethodID)
    deriving Show

class MethodCall  a b | a -> b
    where _methodCall  :: MethodH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b
class MethodCallE a b | a -> b
    where _methodCallE :: MethodH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b
class MethodCallX a b | a -> b
    where _methodCallX :: MethodH -> [Core.JArg] -> a -> b

instance (JArg t v, MethodCall x b) => MethodCall (P t x) (v -> b)
    where _methodCall m args (P t x) val =
            _methodCall m (jarg t val : args) x
instance (JArg t v, MethodCallE x b) => MethodCallE (P t x) (v -> b)
    where _methodCallE m args (P t x) val =
            _methodCallE m (jarg t val : args) x
instance (JArg t v, MethodCallX x b) => MethodCallX (P t x) (v -> b)
    where _methodCallX m args (P t x) val =
            _methodCallX m (jarg t val : args) x

instance MethodCall V (Java ()) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callVoidMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callVoidMethod)                                           return m a t };        instance MethodCallE V (Java (Either JThrowable ())) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callVoidMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callVoidMethod)                                             return m a t };        instance MethodCallX V (Java ()) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callVoidMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callVoidMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance MethodCall Z (Java Bool) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callBooleanMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callBooleanMethod)                                           return m a t };        instance MethodCallE Z (Java (Either JThrowable Bool)) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callBooleanMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callBooleanMethod)                                             return m a t };        instance MethodCallX Z (Java Bool) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callBooleanMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callBooleanMethod)                                             return m a t }

instance MethodCall C (Java Word16) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callCharMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callCharMethod)                                           return m a t };        instance MethodCallE C (Java (Either JThrowable Word16)) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callCharMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callCharMethod)                                             return m a t };        instance MethodCallX C (Java Word16) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callCharMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callCharMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance MethodCall B (Java Int8) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callByteMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callByteMethod)                                           return m a t };        instance MethodCallE B (Java (Either JThrowable Int8)) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callByteMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callByteMethod)                                             return m a t };        instance MethodCallX B (Java Int8) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callByteMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callByteMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance MethodCall S (Java Int16) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callShortMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callShortMethod)                                           return m a t };        instance MethodCallE S (Java (Either JThrowable Int16)) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callShortMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callShortMethod)                                             return m a t };        instance MethodCallX S (Java Int16) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callShortMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callShortMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance MethodCall I (Java Int32) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callIntMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callIntMethod)                                           return m a t };        instance MethodCallE I (Java (Either JThrowable Int32)) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callIntMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callIntMethod)                                             return m a t };        instance MethodCallX I (Java Int32) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callIntMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callIntMethod)                                             return m a t }
instance MethodCall J (Java Int64) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callLongMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callLongMethod)                                           return m a t };        instance MethodCallE J (Java (Either JThrowable Int64)) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callLongMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callLongMethod)                                             return m a t };        instance MethodCallX J (Java Int64) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callLongMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callLongMethod)                                             return m a t }

instance MethodCall F (Java Float) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callFloatMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callFloatMethod)                                           (return . realToFrac) m a t };        instance MethodCallE F (Java (Either JThrowable Float)) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callFloatMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callFloatMethod)                                             (return . realToFrac) m a t };        instance MethodCallX F (Java Float) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callFloatMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callFloatMethod)                                             (return . realToFrac) m a t }
instance MethodCall D (Java Double) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callDoubleMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callDoubleMethod)                                           (return . realToFrac) m a t };        instance MethodCallE D (Java (Either JThrowable Double)) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callDoubleMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callDoubleMethod)                                             (return . realToFrac) m a t };        instance MethodCallX D (Java Double) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callDoubleMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callDoubleMethod)                                             (return . realToFrac) m a t }

instance MethodCall X (Java (Maybe String)) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callStringMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callStringMethod)                                           returnString m a t };        instance MethodCallE X (Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe String))) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callStringMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStringMethod)                                             returnString m a t };        instance MethodCallX X (Java (Maybe String)) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callStringMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callStringMethod)                                             returnString m a t }
instance MethodCall L (Java (Maybe JObject)) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                           returnObject m a t };        instance MethodCallE L (Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                             returnObject m a t };        instance MethodCallX L (Java (Maybe JObject)) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                             returnObject m a t }
instance MethodCall Q (Java (Maybe JObject)) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                           returnObject m a t };        instance MethodCallE Q (Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe JObject))) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                             returnObject m a t };        instance MethodCallX Q (Java (Maybe JObject)) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                             returnObject m a t }
instance MethodCall (A e) (Java (Maybe (JArray e))) where {        _methodCall m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                               methodCall (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                    else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                           returnArray m a t };        instance MethodCallE (A e) (Java (Either JThrowable (Maybe (JArray e)))) where {        _methodCallE m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallE (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                             returnArray m a t };        instance MethodCallX (A e) (Java (Maybe (JArray e))) where {        _methodCallX m a t = do safe <- getSafe ;                                methodCallX (if safe then JNI.callObjectMethod                                                      else Unsafe.callObjectMethod)                                             returnArray m a t }

methodCall, methodCallX
    :: (Ptr Core.JVM -> Ptr Core.JObjectRef -> Ptr Core.JMethodID
            -> Ptr Core.JValues -> IO a)
    -> (a -> Java b)
    -> MethodH
    -> [Core.JArg]
    -> x
    -> Java b
methodCall callback convert m a t = methodCallE callback convert m a t
    >>= either throwJavaException return

    :: (Ptr Core.JVM -> Ptr Core.JObjectRef -> Ptr Core.JMethodID
        -> Ptr Core.JValues -> IO a)
    -> (a -> Java b)
    -> MethodH
    -> [Core.JArg]
    -> x
    -> Java (Either JThrowable b)
methodCallE callback convert m a t =
    methodCallX callback convert m a t >>= check

methodCallX callback convert (MethodH object method) args _ = do
    vm <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    result <- io $ do
        let mkValues = if safe then JNI.mkJValues else Unsafe.mkJValues
        jvalues <- mkValues vm $ reverse args
        jreturn <- withForeignPtr object $
            \obj -> callback vm obj method jvalues
        free jvalues
        return jreturn

    convert result

data JField a = JField (ForeignPtr Core.JClassRef) (Ptr Core.JFieldID)
    deriving Show
data JStaticField a = JStaticField (ForeignPtr Core.JClassRef)
                                   (Ptr Core.JStaticFieldID)
    deriving Show

_getField :: Param a => (ForeignPtr Core.JClassRef -> Ptr x -> c a)
          -> (Ptr Core.JVM -> Ptr Core.JClassRef -> CString -> CString
                -> IO (Ptr x))
          -> (Ptr Core.JVM -> Ptr Core.JClassRef -> CString -> CString
                -> IO (Ptr x))
          -> JClass
          -> String
          -> a
          -> Java (Maybe (c a))
_getField constructor safeGet unsafeGet (JClass clazz) name p = do
    safe <- getSafe
    vm   <- getVM

    ptr <- io $ do
        cname <- newCString name
        csig  <- newCString $ fieldSignature p

        let get = if safe then safeGet else unsafeGet
        fieldID <- withForeignPtr clazz $ \p -> get vm p cname csig

        free cname >> free csig
        return fieldID

    if ptr == nullPtr
        then return (fail "No such field.")
        else return $ return $ constructor clazz ptr

getField :: Param a => JClass -> String -> a -> Java (Maybe (JField a))
getField = _getField JField JNI.getFieldID Unsafe.getFieldID

getStaticField :: Param a
    => JClass
    -> String
    -> a
    -> Java (Maybe (JStaticField a))
getStaticField = _getField JStaticField JNI.getStaticFieldID

class Field a b | a -> b where
    readStaticField :: JStaticField a -> Java b
    writeStaticField :: JStaticField a -> b -> Java ()
    readField :: JField a -> JObject -> Java b
    writeField :: JField a -> JObject -> b -> Java ()

instance Field Z Bool where {        readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr c $ \p -> ((if safe then JNI.getStaticBooleanField                                                    else Unsafe.getStaticBooleanField) vm p fieldID))              >>= return         } ;        writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr c (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setStaticBooleanField else Unsafe.setStaticBooleanField) vm ptr fieldID t))         } ;        readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr o $ \p -> (if safe then JNI.getBooleanField                                                   else Unsafe.getBooleanField) vm p fieldID)              >>= return         } ;        writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr obj (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setBooleanField else Unsafe.setBooleanField) vm ptr fieldID t))         }     }
instance Field C Word16 where {        readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr c $ \p -> ((if safe then JNI.getStaticCharField                                                    else Unsafe.getStaticCharField) vm p fieldID))              >>= return         } ;        writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr c (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setStaticCharField else Unsafe.setStaticCharField) vm ptr fieldID t))         } ;        readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr o $ \p -> (if safe then JNI.getCharField                                                   else Unsafe.getCharField) vm p fieldID)              >>= return         } ;        writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr obj (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setCharField else Unsafe.setCharField) vm ptr fieldID t))         }     }
instance Field B Int8 where {        readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr c $ \p -> ((if safe then JNI.getStaticByteField                                                    else Unsafe.getStaticByteField) vm p fieldID))              >>= return         } ;        writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr c (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setStaticByteField else Unsafe.setStaticByteField) vm ptr fieldID t))         } ;        readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr o $ \p -> (if safe then JNI.getByteField                                                   else Unsafe.getByteField) vm p fieldID)              >>= return         } ;        writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr obj (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setByteField else Unsafe.setByteField) vm ptr fieldID t))         }     }
instance Field S Int16 where {        readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr c $ \p -> ((if safe then JNI.getStaticShortField                                                    else Unsafe.getStaticShortField) vm p fieldID))              >>= return         } ;        writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr c (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setStaticShortField else Unsafe.setStaticShortField) vm ptr fieldID t))         } ;        readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr o $ \p -> (if safe then JNI.getShortField                                                   else Unsafe.getShortField) vm p fieldID)              >>= return         } ;        writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr obj (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setShortField else Unsafe.setShortField) vm ptr fieldID t))         }     }
instance Field I Int32 where {        readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr c $ \p -> ((if safe then JNI.getStaticIntField                                                    else Unsafe.getStaticIntField) vm p fieldID))              >>= return         } ;        writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr c (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setStaticIntField else Unsafe.setStaticIntField) vm ptr fieldID t))         } ;        readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr o $ \p -> (if safe then JNI.getIntField                                                   else Unsafe.getIntField) vm p fieldID)              >>= return         } ;        writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr obj (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setIntField else Unsafe.setIntField) vm ptr fieldID t))         }     }
instance Field J Int64 where {        readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr c $ \p -> ((if safe then JNI.getStaticLongField                                                    else Unsafe.getStaticLongField) vm p fieldID))              >>= return         } ;        writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr c (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setStaticLongField else Unsafe.setStaticLongField) vm ptr fieldID t))         } ;        readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr o $ \p -> (if safe then JNI.getLongField                                                   else Unsafe.getLongField) vm p fieldID)              >>= return         } ;        writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>=              io . (\t -> withForeignPtr obj (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setLongField else Unsafe.setLongField) vm ptr fieldID t))         }     }

instance Field D Double where {        readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr c $ \p -> ((if safe then JNI.getStaticDoubleField                                                    else Unsafe.getStaticDoubleField) vm p fieldID))             $> realToFrac >>= return         } ;        writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>= return . realToFrac >>=             io . (\t -> withForeignPtr c (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setStaticDoubleField else Unsafe.setStaticDoubleField) vm ptr fieldID t))         } ;        readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr o $ \p -> (if safe then JNI.getDoubleField                                                   else Unsafe.getDoubleField) vm p fieldID)             $> realToFrac >>= return         } ;        writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>= return . realToFrac >>=             io . (\t -> withForeignPtr obj (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setDoubleField else Unsafe.setDoubleField) vm ptr fieldID t))         }     }
instance Field F Float where {        readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr c $ \p -> ((if safe then JNI.getStaticFloatField                                                    else Unsafe.getStaticFloatField) vm p fieldID))             $> realToFrac >>= return         } ;        writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>= return . realToFrac >>=             io . (\t -> withForeignPtr c (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setStaticFloatField else Unsafe.setStaticFloatField) vm ptr fieldID t))         } ;        readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            io (withForeignPtr o $ \p -> (if safe then JNI.getFloatField                                                   else Unsafe.getFloatField) vm p fieldID)             $> realToFrac >>= return         } ;        writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) v = do {            vm <- getVM ; safe <- getSafe ;            return v >>= return . realToFrac >>=             io . (\t -> withForeignPtr obj (\ptr ->                      (if safe then JNI.setFloatField else Unsafe.setFloatField) vm ptr fieldID t))         }     }

instance Field L (Maybe JObject) where
    readStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) = do
        vm <- getVM
        safe <- getSafe
        let readField = if safe then JNI.getStaticObjectField
                                else Unsafe.getStaticObjectField
        result <- io $ withForeignPtr c
                     $ \ptr -> readField vm ptr fieldID
        if result == nullPtr
            then return Nothing
            else do
                let release = if safe then JNI.release
                                      else Unsafe.release
                io (newForeignPtr release result)
                    >>= return . Just . JObject

    writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) Nothing = do
        vm <- getVM
        safe <- getSafe
        let writeField = if safe then JNI.setStaticObjectField
                                 else Unsafe.setStaticObjectField
        io $ withForeignPtr c
           $ \ptr -> writeField vm ptr fieldID nullPtr

    writeStaticField (JStaticField c fieldID) (Just (JObject obj)) = do
        vm <- getVM
        safe <- getSafe
        let writeField = if safe then JNI.setStaticObjectField
                                 else Unsafe.setStaticObjectField
        io $ withForeignPtr c
           $ \clazz -> withForeignPtr obj
           $ \value -> writeField vm clazz fieldID value

    readField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject obj) = do
        vm <- getVM
        safe <- getSafe
        let readField = if safe then JNI.getObjectField
                                else Unsafe.getObjectField
        result <- io $ withForeignPtr obj
                     $ \ptr -> readField vm ptr fieldID
        if result == nullPtr
            then return Nothing
            else do
                let release = if safe then JNI.release
                                      else Unsafe.release
                io (newForeignPtr release result)
                    >>= return . Just . JObject

    writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) Nothing = do
        vm <- getVM
        safe <- getSafe
        let writeField = if safe then JNI.setObjectField
                                 else Unsafe.setObjectField
        io $ withForeignPtr o
           $ \this -> writeField vm this fieldID nullPtr

    writeField (JField _ fieldID) (JObject o) (Just (JObject obj)) = do
        vm <- getVM
        safe <- getSafe
        let writeField = if safe then JNI.setObjectField
                                 else Unsafe.setObjectField
        io $ withForeignPtr o
           $ \this  -> withForeignPtr obj
           $ \value -> writeField vm this fieldID value

returnObject ptr = do
    safe <- getSafe
    io $ if ptr == nullPtr
        then return $ fail "null returned"
        else newForeignPtr (if safe then JNI.release else Unsafe.release) ptr
                >>= return . return . JObject

returnString ptr = io $ if ptr == nullPtr
    then return $ fail "null returned instead of String object"
    else peekCString ptr >>= \string -> free ptr >> return (return string)

returnArray ptr = if ptr == nullPtr
    then return $ fail "null returned"
    else do
        vm   <- getVM
        safe <- getSafe

        length <- io $ (if safe then JNI.getArrayLength
                                else Unsafe.getArrayLength) vm ptr
        ptr'   <- io $ newForeignPtr (if safe then JNI.release
                                              else Unsafe.release) ptr
        return $ return $ JArray length ptr'

-- | Finds and loads a class.
-- Note that this function can indeed fail with an exception and
-- may execute code from the class to be loaded inside the virtual
-- machine.
-- This is due to the fact that @getClass@ is a translation of the
-- @findClass@ function in the JNI which loads *and* resolves the class.
-- If you want to get a class definition without resolving the class,
-- use the method @loadClass(String,boolean)@ on a @ClassLoader@.
-- Here is an example of how to do that:
-- > main' = runJava $ do
-- >     (Just classLoader) <- getClass "java.lang.ClassLoader"
-- >     getSystemClassLoader <- classLoader `bindStaticMethod` "getSystemClassLoader"
-- >         ::= object "java.lang.ClassLoader"
-- >     (Just systemClassLoader) <- getSystemClassLoader
-- > 
-- >     loadClass <- classLoader `bindMethod` "loadClass"
-- >         ::= string --> boolean --> object "java.lang.Class"
-- >     (Just clazz) <- loadClass systemClassLoader "java.awt.EventQueue" False
-- >     io$ print clazz
getClass :: String
            -- ^ The name of the class. This should be a name
            -- as would be returned by the @getName()@ method
            -- of the class object, for example
            -- @java.lang.Thread$State@ or @java.util.Map@.
         -> Java (Maybe JClass)
            -- ^ Returns Just the JClass or Nothing, if
            -- the class does not exist.
getClass name = do
    vm <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe

    ptr <- io $ do
        cname <- newCString $ tr '.' '/' name
        let findClass = if safe then JNI.findClass
                                else Unsafe.findClass
        ptr <- findClass vm cname
        free cname
        return ptr

    if ptr == nullPtr
        then return $ fail "class not found"
        else io (newForeignPtr (if safe then JNI.release
                                        else Unsafe.release) ptr)
                >>= return . return . JClass

isInstanceOf :: JObject -> JClass -> Java Bool
-- ^ Check whether the given object is an instance of the
-- given class.
isInstanceOf (JObject objectPtr) (JClass classPtr) = do
    vm <- getVM
    safe <- getSafe
    let isInstanceOf = if safe then JNI.isInstanceOf
                               else JNI.isInstanceOf

    io $ withForeignPtr objectPtr
       $ \obj -> withForeignPtr classPtr
       $ \clazz -> isInstanceOf vm obj clazz

-- More Documentation

{- $medium_level_intro

    The medium level interface tries to take all the pain from the JNI.
    It automatically manages references (i.e. garbage collection) for
    you and makes sure that all operations take place in the presence of
    a virtual machine.

    This module contains the 'Java' monad which basically wraps the IO
    monad but allows for actions to be executed in a virtual machine.
    Such actions on the other hand can only be executed within the Java
    monad and not within the IO monad. See 'runJava', 'runJavaGUI', and
    'initJava' for information on how to run a computation in the JVM.

    Using the medium level interface you will need to obtain references
    to classes and methods manually. You can avoid this by creating high
    level bindings (effectively some glue code) via

{- $obtaining_references

    In order to invoke methods in the virtual machine you first need a
    reference of these methods. These can be retrieved via
    'getMethod', 'getStaticMethod', 'bindMethod', and
    'bindStaticMethod'. References to constructors can be obtained using
    'getConstructor'. All of these functions require a class.
    'getClass' will lookup and load Java classes.

    Here is an example for calling @Thread.currentThread().getName()@
    and printing the result.

> import Foreign.Java
> main = runJava $ do
>   (Just threadClass) <- getClass "java.lang.Thread"
>   currentThread <- threadClass `bindStaticMethod`
>                       "currentThread" ::= object "java.lang.Thread"
>   getName <- threadClass `bindMethod` "getName" ::= string
>   (Just thread) <- currentThread
>   (Just name) <- getName thread
>   io$ putStrLn name

    NOTE: The boilerplate of retrieving class and method references can
    be avoided by using the high level java bindings offered by

{- $calling_methods

    All the functions that involve calling a method ('callMethod',
    'callStaticMethod', and 'newObject') come in three versions: E, X,
    and with no suffix.

    The X functions will not check for exceptions. Use them if your
    absolutely sure that you are calling a total function.

    The E functions will check for exceptions and return a value of type
    @Either JThrowable a@. A Left value is returned iff an exception
    occured (carrying the exception thrown) whereas a Right value
    carries the result of the function. Note that such a correct result
    may be Nothing (which resembles the @null@ reference) or void
    (i.e. unit: @()@).

    The functions without any suffix will check for exceptions and throw
    a Haskell exception. Throwing that exception will cause the
    computation in the JVM to be cancelled. This means that it is not
    possible to catch the exception within the Java monad, as the
    computation will be cancelled already. You can however catch such
    exceptions in the IO monad.

    In general you should use E functions if a method throws any checked
    exceptions and a function without suffix if a method does not throw
    any checked exceptions. This way runtime exceptions will still be
    propagated. If you know by heart that a function can not throw any
    exceptions, neither checked nor unchecked exceptions, you can use
    an X method, which is faster as it does not check for exceptions at
    all. If however the method does throw an exception and you do not
    check it, you are entering a world of pain.