module JavaScript.Extras.String where import JavaScript.Extras.Recast as JE import Data.Text as T import qualified GHCJS.Types as J -- | This makes it easier to use OverloadedStrings with inputs that accept a JSVal that could be a JSString -- Less verbose version of'toJS @JSString' strJS :: J.JSString -> J.JSVal strJS = JE.toJS -- | This makes it easier to use OverloadedStrings with inputs that accept a JSVal that could be a Data.Text -- Less verbose version of'toJS @Text' txtJS :: T.Text -> J.JSVal txtJS = JE.toJS -- | This makes it easier to use OverloadedStrings with inputs that accept a JSVal that could be a [String] -- Less verbose version of'toJS @Jtring' strJS' :: [Char] -> J.JSVal strJS' = JE.toJS