module Test.Data.Series.Index (tests) where import qualified Data.Series.Index as Index import qualified Data.Series.Index.Internal as Index.Internal import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Hedgehog ( property, forAll, tripping, assert, (===) ) import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import Test.Tasty ( testGroup, TestTree ) import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog ( testProperty ) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Data.Series.Index" [ testPropRange , testPropFromToSet , testPropFromToList , testPropFromToAscList , testPropFromToVector , testPropFromToAscVector , testPropMemberNotMember , testPropFilter ] testPropRange :: TestTree testPropRange = testProperty "range always includes the start, and all elements less than/equal to end" $ property $ do start <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 50) end <- forAll $ (Range.linear 51 100) step <- forAll $ (Range.linear 1 5) let ix = Index.range (+step) start end assert $ start `Index.member` ix assert $ maximum ix <= end if (end - start) `mod` step == 0 then assert (end `Index.member` ix) else assert (end `Index.notMember` ix) testPropFromToSet :: TestTree testPropFromToSet = testGroup "conversion to/from Set" [ testProperty "fromSet / toSet" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> Gen.alpha) tripping (Set.fromList ms) Index.fromSet (Just . Index.toSet) , testProperty "toIndex / fromIndex" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> Gen.alpha) tripping (Set.fromList ms) (Index.toIndex :: Set.Set (Char, Char) -> Index.Index (Char, Char)) (Just . Index.fromIndex) ] testPropFromToList :: TestTree testPropFromToList = testGroup "conversion to/from list" [ testProperty "fromList / toAscList" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> Gen.alpha) let index = Index.fromList ms tripping index (reverse . Index.toAscList) (Just . Index.fromList) , testProperty "toIndex / fromIndex" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> Gen.alpha) let index = Index.toIndex ms :: Index.Index (Char, Char) tripping index (reverse . Index.fromIndex) (Just . (Index.toIndex :: [(Char, Char)] -> Index.Index (Char, Char))) ] testPropFromToAscList :: TestTree testPropFromToAscList = testProperty "fromAscList / toAscList" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> Gen.alpha) let index = Index.fromList ms tripping index Index.toAscList (Just . Index.Internal.fromAscList) testPropFromToVector :: TestTree testPropFromToVector = testGroup "conversion to/from Vector" [ testProperty "fromVector / toAscVector" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> Gen.alpha) let index = Index.fromList ms tripping index (Vector.reverse . Index.toAscVector) (Just . Index.fromVector) , testProperty "toIndex / fromIndex" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> Gen.alpha) let index = Index.toIndex ms :: Index.Index (Char, Char) tripping index (Vector.reverse . Index.fromIndex) (Just . (Index.toIndex :: Vector.Vector (Char, Char) -> Index.Index (Char, Char))) ] testPropFromToAscVector :: TestTree testPropFromToAscVector = testProperty "fromAscVector / toAscVector" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> Gen.alpha) let index = Index.fromList ms tripping index (Index.toAscVector :: Index.Index (Char, Char) -> Vector.Vector (Char, Char)) (Just . Index.Internal.fromAscVector) testPropMemberNotMember :: TestTree testPropMemberNotMember = testProperty "elements are either a member or not a member of the index" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ( (Range.linear (-100) 100)) k <- forAll $ (Range.linear (-100) 100) let ix = Index.fromList ms assert $ (k `Index.member` ix) /= (k `Index.notMember` ix) testPropFilter :: TestTree testPropFilter = testProperty "filter works just like for Sets" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) ( (Range.linear (-100) 100)) let ss = Set.fromList ms ix = Index.fromSet ss Index.fromSet (Set.filter even ss) === Index.filter even ix