{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | -- Module : Nix.JenkinsPlugins2Nix -- Copyright : (c) 2017 Mateusz Kowalczyk -- License : BSD3 -- -- Main library entry point. module Nix.JenkinsPlugins2Nix where import qualified Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad (foldM) import qualified Control.Monad.Except as MTL import qualified Crypto.Hash as Hash import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP import qualified Nix.Expr as Nix import qualified Nix.JenkinsPlugins2Nix.Parser as Parser import Nix.JenkinsPlugins2Nix.Types import qualified Nix.Pretty as Nix import System.IO (stderr) import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as Pretty import Text.Printf (printf) -- | Get the download URL of the plugin we're looking for. getPluginUrl :: RequestedPlugin -> Text getPluginUrl (RequestedPlugin { requested_name = n, requested_version = Just v }) = Text.pack $ printf "https://updates.jenkins-ci.org/download/plugins/%s/%s/%s.hpi" (Text.unpack n) (Text.unpack v) (Text.unpack n) getPluginUrl (RequestedPlugin { requested_name = n, requested_version = Nothing }) = Text.pack $ printf "https://updates.jenkins-ci.org/latest/%s.hpi" (Text.unpack n) -- | Download a plugin from 'getPluginUrl'. downloadPlugin :: RequestedPlugin -> IO (Either String Plugin) downloadPlugin p = do let fullUrl = getPluginUrl p Text.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Downloading " <> fullUrl req <- HTTP.parseRequest $ Text.unpack fullUrl archiveLBS <- HTTP.getResponseBody <$> HTTP.httpLBS req let manifestFileText = fmap (Text.decodeUtf8 . BSL.toStrict . Zip.fromEntry) $ Zip.findEntryByPath "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" $ Zip.toArchive archiveLBS case manifestFileText of Nothing -> return $ Left "Could not find manifest file in the archive." Just t -> return $! case Parser.runParseManifest t of Left err -> Left err Right manifest' -> Right $! Plugin -- We have to account for user not specifying the version. -- If they haven't, we downloaded the latest version and do -- not have a URL pointing at static resource. We do -- however have the version of the package now so we can -- reconstruct the URL. { download_url = getPluginUrl $ p { requested_version = Just $! plugin_version manifest' } , sha256 = Hash.hashlazy archiveLBS , manifest = manifest' } -- | Download the given plugin as well as recursively download its dependencies. downloadPluginsRecursive :: ResolutionStrategy -- ^ Decide what version of dependencies to pick. -> Map Text RequestedPlugin -- ^ Plugins user requested. -> Map Text Plugin -- ^ Already downloaded plugins. -> RequestedPlugin -- ^ Plugin we're going to download. -> MTL.ExceptT String IO (Map Text Plugin) downloadPluginsRecursive strategy uPs m p = if Map.member (requested_name p) m then return m else do -- Adjust the requested plugin based on whether it was -- specifically requested by the user and on resolution -- strategy. let adjustedPlugin = case Map.lookup (requested_name p) uPs of -- This is not a user-requested plugin which means we have -- to decide what version we're going to grab. Nothing -> case strategy of -- We're just going with whatever was in the manifest -- file, i.e. the thing we passed in in the first place. AsGiven -> p -- It's not a user-specified plugin and we want the latest -- version per strategy so download the latest one. Latest -> p { requested_version = Nothing } -- The user has asked for this plugin explicitly so use -- their possibly-versioned request rather than picking -- based on versions listed in manifest dependencies. Just userPlugin -> userPlugin plugin <- MTL.ExceptT $ downloadPlugin adjustedPlugin foldM (\m' p' -> downloadPluginsRecursive strategy uPs m' $ RequestedPlugin { requested_name = plugin_dependency_name p' , requested_version = Just $! plugin_dependency_version p' }) (Map.insert (requested_name p) plugin m) (plugin_dependencies $ manifest plugin) -- | Pretty-print nix expression for all the given plugins and their -- dependencies that the user asked for. mkExprsFor :: Config -> IO (Either String Pretty.Doc) mkExprsFor (Config { resolution_strategy = st, requested_plugins = ps }) = do eplugins <- MTL.runExceptT $ do let userPlugins = Map.fromList $ map (requested_name &&& id) ps plugins <- foldM (downloadPluginsRecursive st userPlugins) Map.empty ps return $ Map.elems plugins return $! case eplugins of Left err -> Left err Right plugins -> let args = Nix.mkParamset exprs res = Nix.mkNonRecSet $ map formatPlugin plugins mkJenkinsPlugin = Nix.bindTo "mkJenkinsPlugin" $ Nix.mkFunction (Nix.mkParamset [ ("name", Nothing) , ("src", Nothing) ]) $ Nix.mkApp (Nix.mkSym "stdenv.mkDerivation") $ Nix.mkNonRecSet [ Nix.inherit [ Nix.StaticKey "name" , Nix.StaticKey "src" ] , "phases" Nix.$= Nix.mkStr "installPhase" , "installPhase" Nix.$= Nix.mkStr "cp $src $out" ] in return $ Nix.prettyNix $ Nix.mkFunction args $ Nix.mkLets [mkJenkinsPlugin] res where fetchurl :: Plugin -> Nix.NExpr fetchurl p = Nix.mkApp (Nix.mkSym "fetchurl") $ Nix.mkNonRecSet [ "url" Nix.$= Nix.mkUri (download_url p) , "sha256" Nix.$= Nix.mkStr (Text.pack . show $ sha256 p) ] mkBody :: Plugin -> Nix.NExpr mkBody p = Nix.mkApp (Nix.mkSym "mkJenkinsPlugin") $ Nix.mkNonRecSet $ [ "name" Nix.$= Nix.mkStr (short_name $ manifest p) , "src" Nix.$= fetchurl p ] formatPlugin :: Plugin -> Nix.Binding Nix.NExpr formatPlugin p = short_name (manifest p) Nix.$= mkBody p exprs :: [(Text, Maybe Nix.NExpr)] exprs = [ ("stdenv", Nothing) , ("fetchurl", Nothing) ]