{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleInstances, PatternGuards #-}

module Language.Javascript.JMacro.TypeCheck where

import Language.Javascript.JMacro.Base
import Language.Javascript.JMacro.Types
import Language.Javascript.JMacro.QQ

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow((&&&))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Either
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.List(intercalate, nub, transpose)
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ

import Debug.Trace

-- Utility

isLeft (Left _) = True
isLeft _ = False

partitionOut :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> ([b],[a])
partitionOut f xs' = foldr go ([],[]) xs'
    where go x ~(bs,as)
             | Just b <- f x = (b:bs,as)
             | otherwise = (bs,x:as)

zipWithOrChange :: (a -> a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] -> [b]
zipWithOrChange f g xss yss = go xss yss
    where go (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : go xs ys
          go xs@(_:_) _ = map g xs
          go _ ys = map g ys

zipWithOrIdM :: Monad m => (a -> a -> m a) -> [a] -> [a] -> m [a]
zipWithOrIdM f xs ys = sequence $ zipWithOrChange f return xs ys

unionWithM :: (Monad m, Ord key) => (val -> val -> m val) -> Map key val -> Map key val -> m (Map key val)
unionWithM f m1 m2 = T.sequence $ M.unionWith (\xm ym -> join $ liftM2 f xm ym) (M.map return m1) (M.map return m2)

intersectionWithM :: (Monad m, Ord key) => (val -> val -> m b) -> Map key val -> Map key val -> m (Map key b)
intersectionWithM f m1 m2 = T.sequence $ M.intersectionWith f m1 m2

-- Basic Types and TMonad
data StoreVal = SVType JType
              | SVConstrained (Set Constraint)
                deriving Show
              {- -- | SVFreshType Int -}

data TCState = TCS {tc_env :: [Map Ident JType],
                    tc_vars :: Map Int StoreVal,
                    tc_stack :: [Set Int],
                    tc_frozen :: Set Int,
                    tc_varCt :: Int,
                    tc_context :: [TMonad String]}

instance Show TCState where
    show (TCS env vars stack frozen varCt cxt) =
        "env: " ++ show env ++ "\n" ++
        "vars: " ++ show vars ++ "\n" ++
        "stack: " ++ show stack ++ "\n" ++
        "frozen: " ++ show frozen ++ "\n" ++
        "varCt: " ++ show varCt

tcStateEmpty = TCS [M.empty] M.empty [S.empty] S.empty 0 []

newtype TMonad a = TMonad (ErrorT String (State TCState) a) deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadState TCState, MonadError String)

instance Applicative TMonad where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

class JTypeCheck a where
    typecheck :: a -> TMonad JType

evalTMonad (TMonad x) = evalState (runErrorT x) tcStateEmpty

runTMonad (TMonad x) = runState (runErrorT x) tcStateEmpty

withContext :: TMonad a -> TMonad String -> TMonad a
withContext act cxt = do
  cs <- tc_context <$> get
  modify (\s -> s {tc_context = cxt : cs})
  res <- act
  modify (\s -> s {tc_context = cs})
  return res

traversem_ :: (F.Foldable t, Monad f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f ()
traversem_ f = F.foldr ((>>) . f) (return ())

--assums x is resolved
freeVarsWithNames :: JType -> TMonad (Map Int String)
freeVarsWithNames x =
  intsToNames . (\(a,_,_) -> a) <$>
       execStateT (go x) (M.empty, S.empty, 0)
      go :: JType -> StateT (Map Int (Either String Int), Set String, Int) TMonad ()
      go (JTFree vr) = handleVR vr
      go (JTRigid vr cs) = handleVR vr >> traversem_ (go . fromC) cs
      go v = composOpM_ go v

      handleVR (mbName, ref) = do
        (m,ns,ct) <- get
        case M.lookup ref m of
          Just (Left _) -> return ()
          Just (Right _) -> case mbName of
                              Just name -> putName name ref
                              Nothing -> return ()
          Nothing -> do
            case mbName of
              Just name -> putName name ref
              Nothing -> put (M.insert ref (Right ct) m, ns, ct + 1)
            mapM_ (go . fromC) =<< lift (lookupConstraintsList (mbName, ref))

      putName n ref = do
        (m,ns,ct) <- get
        let n' = mkUnique ns n 0
        put (M.insert ref (Left n') m, S.insert n' ns, ct)

      mkUnique ns n i
          | n' `S.member` ns = mkUnique ns n (i + 1)
          | otherwise = n'
          where n' | i == 0 = n
                   | otherwise = n ++ show i

      fromC (Sub t) = t
      fromC (Super t) = t

      intsToNames x = fmap (either id go) x
          where go i = mkUnique (S.fromList $ lefts $ M.elems x) (int2Name i) 0
                int2Name i | q == 0 = [letter]
                           | otherwise = letter : show q
                    where (q,r) = divMod i 26
                          letter = toEnum (fromEnum 'a' + r)

prettyType x = do
  xt <- resolveType x
  names <- freeVarsWithNames xt
  let replaceNames (JTFree ref) = JTFree $ fixRef ref
      replaceNames (JTForall refs t) = JTForall (map fixRef refs) $ replaceNames t
      replaceNames v = composOp replaceNames v

      fixRef (_,ref) = (M.lookup ref names, ref)

      prettyConstraints ref = map go <$> lookupConstraintsList (Nothing, ref)
            myName = case M.lookup ref names of
                       Just n -> n
                       Nothing -> "t_"++show ref
            go (Sub t) = myName ++ " <: " ++ (show $ jsToDoc $ replaceNames t)
            go (Super t) = (show $ jsToDoc $ replaceNames t) ++ " <: " ++ myName

  constraintStrings <- nub . concat <$> mapM prettyConstraints (M.keys names)

  let constraintStr
          | null constraintStrings = ""
          | otherwise = "(" ++ intercalate ", " constraintStrings ++ ") => "

  return $ constraintStr ++ (show . jsToDoc $ replaceNames xt)

tyErr0 :: String -> TMonad a
tyErr0 x = throwError x

tyErr1 :: String -> JType -> TMonad b
tyErr1 s t = do
  st <- prettyType t
  throwError $ s ++ ": " ++ st

tyErr2ext :: String -> String -> String -> JType -> JType -> TMonad a
tyErr2ext s s1 s2 t t' = do
  st <- prettyType t
  st' <- prettyType t'
  throwError $ s ++ ". " ++ s1 ++ ": " ++ st ++ ", " ++ s2 ++ ": " ++ st'

tyErr2Sub :: JType -> JType -> TMonad a
tyErr2Sub t t' = tyErr2ext "Couldn't apply subtype relation" "Subtype" "Supertype" t t'

prettyEnv :: TMonad [Map Ident String]
prettyEnv = mapM (T.mapM prettyType) . tc_env =<< get

runTypecheckRaw x = runTMonad (typecheckMain x)

runTypecheckFull x = runTMonad $ do
                       r <- prettyType =<< typecheckMain x
                       e <- prettyEnv
                       return (r,e)

runTypecheck x = evalTMonad $ prettyType =<< typecheckMain x

evalTypecheck x = evalTMonad $ do
                    _ <- typecheckMain x
                    e <- prettyEnv
                    return e

typecheckMain x = go `catchError` handler
    where go = do
            r <- typecheck x
            setFrozen . S.unions . tc_stack =<< get
            return r
          handler e = do
                 cxt <- tc_context <$> get
                 throwError =<< (unlines . (e:) <$> sequence cxt)

-- Manipulating VarRefs and Constraints

addToStack v (s:ss) = S.insert v s : ss
addToStack _ _ = error "addToStack: no sets" --[S.singleton v]

newVarRef :: TMonad VarRef
newVarRef = do
  v <- tc_varCt <$> get
  modify (\s -> s {tc_varCt = v + 1,
                   tc_stack = addToStack v (tc_stack s)})
  return $ (Nothing, v)

newTyVar :: TMonad JType
newTyVar = JTFree <$> newVarRef

mapConstraint :: (Monad m, Functor m) => (JType -> m JType) -> Constraint -> m Constraint
mapConstraint f (Sub t) = Sub <$> f t
mapConstraint f (Super t) = Super <$> f t

partitionCs [] = ([],[])
partitionCs (Sub t:cs) = (t:subs,sups)
    where (subs,sups) = partitionCs cs
partitionCs (Super t:cs) = (subs,t:sups)
    where (subs,sups) = partitionCs cs

--add mutation
lookupConstraintsList :: VarRef -> TMonad [Constraint]
lookupConstraintsList vr@(_,ref) = do
    vars <- tc_vars <$> get
    case M.lookup ref vars of
      (Just (SVConstrained cs)) -> filter notLoop . nub <$> mapM (mapConstraint resolveType) (S.toList cs)
      (Just (SVType t)) -> tyErr1 "lookupConstraints on instantiated type" t
      Nothing -> return []
    notLoop (Super (JTFree (_,ref'))) | ref == ref' = False
    notLoop (Sub   (JTFree (_,ref'))) | ref == ref' = False
    notLoop _ = True

-- if we instantiate a var to itself, then there's a good chance this results from a looping constraint -- we should be helpful and get rid of any such constraints.
instantiateVarRef :: VarRef -> JType -> TMonad ()
instantiateVarRef vr@(_,ref) (JTFree (_,ref')) | ref == ref' = do
    cs <- lookupConstraintsList vr
    let cs' = simplify cs
    modify (\s -> s {tc_vars = M.insert ref (SVConstrained (S.fromList cs')) (tc_vars s)})
  where simplify (Sub   (JTFree (_,r)):cs) | r == ref = cs
        simplify (Super (JTFree (_,r)):cs) | r == ref = cs
        simplify (c:cs) = c : simplify cs
        simplify x = x

instantiateVarRef vr@(_,ref) t = do
  occursCheck ref t
  cs <- lookupConstraintsList vr
  modify (\s -> s {tc_vars = M.insert ref (SVType t) (tc_vars s)})
  checkConstraints t cs

occursCheck :: Int -> JType -> TMonad ()
occursCheck ref (JTFree (_,i))
  | i == ref = tyErr1 "Occurs check: cannot construct infinite type" (JTFree (Nothing,i))
occursCheck ref x = composOpM_ (occursCheck ref) x

checkConstraints :: JType -> [Constraint] -> TMonad ()
checkConstraints t cs = mapM_ go cs
    where go (Sub t2) = t <: t2
          go (Super t2) = t2 <: t

addConstraint :: VarRef -> Constraint -> TMonad ()
addConstraint vr@(_,ref) c = case c of
       Sub t -> case t of
                  JTFree _ -> addC c

                  JTForall vars t -> normalizeConstraints . (c : ) =<< lookupConstraintsList vr

                  JTFunc args res -> do
                         mapM_ (occursCheck ref) (res:args)
                         normalizeConstraints . (c :) =<< lookupConstraintsList vr

                  JTRecord t m -> occursCheck ref t >>
                                  F.mapM_ (occursCheck ref) m >>
                                  addRecConstraint (Left (m,t))

                  JTList t' -> do
                         vr' <- newVarRef
                         addConstraint vr' (Sub t')
                         instantiateVarRef vr (JTList (JTFree vr'))

                  JTMap t' -> do
                         vr' <- newVarRef
                         addConstraint vr' (Sub t')
                         instantiateVarRef vr (JTMap (JTFree vr'))

                  JTRigid _ cs -> do
                         (subs,sups) <- partitionCs <$> lookupConstraintsList vr
                         let (subs1,sups1) = partitionCs $ S.toList cs
                         when ((null sups1 && (not . null) sups) ||
                               (null subs1 && (not . null) subs)) $ tyErr2Sub (JTFree vr) t
                         mapM_ (uncurry (<:)) [(x,y) | x <- subs, y <- subs1]
                         mapM_ (uncurry (<:)) [(y,x) | x <- sups, y <- sups1]

                         modify (\s -> s {tc_vars = M.insert ref (SVType t) (tc_vars s)}) --can all this be subsumed by a call to instantiate varref and casing on jtrigid carefully in the <: relationship?
                         -- a polymorphic var is a subtype of another if it is "bigger" on the lattice -- its subtypes are lower and supertypes are higher. sups a > sups b, subs a < subs b
                  _ -> instantiateVarRef vr t

       Super t -> case t of
                  JTFree _ -> addC c

                  JTForall vars t -> normalizeConstraints . (c : ) =<< lookupConstraintsList vr

                  JTFunc args res -> do
                         mapM_ (occursCheck ref) (res:args)
                         normalizeConstraints . (c :) =<< lookupConstraintsList vr

                  JTRecord t m -> occursCheck ref t >>
                                  F.mapM_ (occursCheck ref) m >>
                                  addRecConstraint (Right (m,t))

                  JTList t' -> do
                         vr' <- newVarRef
                         addConstraint vr' (Super t')
                         instantiateVarRef vr (JTList (JTFree vr'))

                  JTMap t' -> do
                         vr' <- newVarRef
                         addConstraint vr' (Super t')
                         instantiateVarRef vr (JTMap (JTFree vr'))

                  JTRigid _ cs -> do
                         (subs,sups) <- partitionCs <$> lookupConstraintsList vr
                         let (subs1,sups1) = partitionCs $ S.toList cs
                         when ((null sups1 && (not . null) sups) ||
                               (null subs1 && (not . null) subs)) $ tyErr2Sub (JTFree vr) t
                         mapM_ (uncurry (<:)) [(y,x) | x <- subs, y <- subs1]
                         mapM_ (uncurry (<:)) [(x,y) | x <- sups, y <- sups1]

                         modify (\s -> s {tc_vars = M.insert ref (SVType t) (tc_vars s)}) --can all this be subsumed by a call to instantiate varref and casing on jtrigid carefully in the <: relationship?
                         -- a polymorphic var is a subtype of another if it is "bigger" on the lattice -- its subtypes are lower and supertypes are higher. sups a > sups b, subs a < subs b

                  _ -> instantiateVarRef vr t
      putCs cs =
        modify (\s -> s {tc_vars = M.insert ref (SVConstrained $ S.fromList $ cs) (tc_vars s)})

      addC constraint = do
        cs <- lookupConstraintsList vr
        modify (\s -> s {tc_vars = M.insert ref (SVConstrained (S.fromList $ constraint:cs)) (tc_vars s)})

      findRecordSubs cs = partitionOut go cs
          where go (Sub (JTRecord t m)) = Just (m,t)
                go _ = Nothing

      findRecordSups cs = partitionOut go cs
          where go (Super (JTRecord t m)) = Just (m,t)
                go _ = Nothing

      --left is sub, right is super
      --There really should be at most one existing sub and sup constraint
      addRecConstraint eM = do
        (subs,restCs) <- findRecordSubs <$> lookupConstraintsList vr
        let (sups,restCs') = findRecordSups restCs

            mergeSubs [] = return Nothing
            mergeSubs [m] = return $ Just m
            mergeSubs (m:ms) = Just <$> foldM (\(mp,t) (mp',t') -> do
                                                  mp'' <- unionWithM (\x y -> someLowerBound [x,y]) mp mp'
                                                  t'' <- someLowerBound [t,t']
                                                  return (mp'',t'')
                                              ) m ms
            mergeSups [] = return Nothing
            mergeSups [m] = return $ Just m
            mergeSups (m:ms) = Just <$> foldM (\(mp,t) (mp',t') -> do
                                                                mp'' <- intersectionWithM (\x y -> someUpperBound [x,y]) mp mp'
                                                                t'' <- someUpperBound [t,t']
                                                                return (mp'',t'')
                                                            ) m ms
        mbSub <- mergeSubs $ case eM of
                               Left mt -> mt : subs
                               _ -> subs
        mbSup <- mergeSups $ case eM of
                               Right mt -> mt : sups
                               _ -> sups
        normalizeConstraints =<< case (mbSub, mbSup) of
          (Just (subm,subt), Just (supm,supt)) -> do
            when (not $ M.isSubmapOfBy (\_ _ -> True) subm supm) $ tyErr2ext "Incompatible constraints" "Subtype constraint" "Supertype constraint" (JTRecord subt subm) (JTRecord supt supm)
            _ <- intersectionWithM (\x y -> y <: x) subm supm
            _ <- supt <: subt
            return $ Sub (JTRecord subt subm) : Super (JTRecord supt supm) : restCs'
          (Just (subm,subt), Nothing)  -> return $ Sub (JTRecord subt subm) : restCs'
          (Nothing , Just (supm,supt)) -> return $ Super (JTRecord supt supm) : restCs'
          _ -> return restCs'

      --There really should be at most one existing sub and sup constraint
      normalizeConstraints cl = putCs =<< cannonicalizeConstraints cl

cannonicalizeConstraints constraintList = do
        -- trace ("ccl: " ++ show constraintList) $ return ()
        let (subs,restCs)  = findForallSubs constraintList
            (sups,restCs') = findForallSups restCs
        mbSub <- mergeSubs subs
        mbSup <- mergeSups sups
        case (mbSub, mbSup) of
          (Just sub, Just sup) -> do
            sup <: sub
            return $ Sub sub : Super sup : restCs'
          (Just sub, Nothing)  -> return $ Sub sub : restCs'
          (Nothing , Just sup) -> return $ Super sup : restCs'
          _ -> return restCs'

    findForallSubs cs = partitionOut go cs
      where go (Sub (JTForall vars t)) = Just (vars,t)
            go (Sub (JTFree _)) = Nothing
            go (Sub x) = Just ([],x)
            go _ = Nothing

    findForallSups cs = partitionOut go cs
      where go (Super (JTForall vars t)) = Just (vars,t)
            go (Super (JTFree _)) = Nothing
            go (Super x) = Just ([],x)
            go _ = Nothing

    findFuncs cs = partitionOut go cs
        where go (JTFunc args ret) = Just (args, ret)
              go _ = Nothing

    mergeSubs [] = return Nothing
    mergeSubs [([],t)] = return $ Just $ t
    mergeSubs [s] = return $ Just $ uncurry JTForall s
    mergeSubs ss = do
      rt <- newTyVar
      (_,frame) <- withLocalScope $ do
          instantiatedTypes <- mapM (uncurry instantiateScheme) ss
          let (funcTypes, otherTypes) = findFuncs instantiatedTypes
          when (not . null $ funcTypes) $ do
                     let (argss,rets) = unzip funcTypes
                         lft = length funcTypes
                     args' <- mapM someUpperBound $ filter ((== lft) . length) $ transpose argss
                     ret'  <- someLowerBound rets
                     rt <: JTFunc args' ret'
          mapM_ (rt <:) otherTypes
--        ((args',ret'):_,o:_) -> tyErr2ext "Incompatible Subtype Constraints" "Subtype constraint" "Subtype constraint" (JTFunc args' ret') o
      rt' <- resolveType rt
      case rt' of
        (JTFunc args res) -> do
          freeVarsInArgs <- S.unions <$> mapM freeVars args
          freeVarsInRes  <- freeVars res
          setFrozen $ frame `S.difference` (freeVarsInArgs `S.intersection` freeVarsInRes)
        _ -> setFrozen frame
      -- tryCloseFrozenVars
      Just <$> resolveType (JTForall (frame2VarRefs frame) rt')

    mergeSups [] = return Nothing
    mergeSups [([],t)] = return $ Just $ t
    mergeSups [s] = return $ Just $ uncurry JTForall s
    mergeSups ss = do
      rt <- newTyVar
      (_,frame) <- withLocalScope $ do
           instantiatedTypes <- mapM (uncurry instantiateScheme) ss
           let (funcTypes, otherTypes) = findFuncs instantiatedTypes
           when (not . null $ funcTypes) $ do
                     let (argss,rets) = unzip funcTypes
                     args' <- mapM someLowerBound $ transpose argss
                     ret'  <- someUpperBound rets
                     rt <: JTFunc args' ret'
           mapM_ (<: rt) otherTypes
--        ((args',ret'):_,o:_) -> tyErr2ext "Incompatible Supertype Constraints" "Supertype constraint" ("Supertype constraint" ++ show o) (JTFunc args' ret') o
      rt' <- resolveType rt

      case rt' of
        (JTFunc args res) -> do
          freeVarsInArgs <- S.unions <$> mapM freeVars args
          freeVarsInRes  <- freeVars res
          setFrozen $ frame `S.difference` (freeVarsInArgs `S.intersection` freeVarsInRes)
        _ -> setFrozen frame
      -- tryCloseFrozenVars
      Just <$> resolveType (JTForall (frame2VarRefs frame) rt')

tryCloseFrozenVars :: TMonad ()
tryCloseFrozenVars = runReaderT (loop . tc_frozen =<< get) []
      loop frozen = do
        mapM_ go $ S.toList frozen
        newFrozen <- tc_frozen <$> lift get
        if S.null (newFrozen  `S.difference` frozen)
           then return ()
           else loop newFrozen
      go :: Int -> ReaderT [Either Int Int] TMonad ()
      go i = do
        s <- ask
        case findLoop i s of
          -- if no set is returned, then that means we just return (i.e. the constraint is dull)
          Just Nothing  -> return ()
          -- if a set is returned, then all vars in the set should be tied together
          Just (Just vrs) -> unifyGroup vrs
          Nothing       -> do
              t <- lift $ resolveTypeShallow (JTFree (Nothing, i))
              case t of
                (JTFree vr) -> do
                     l <- tryClose vr
                     case l of
                       [] -> return ()
                       cl -> do
                         mapM_ (go' vr) cl
                         lift (mapM_ (mapConstraint resolveType) cl)
                          -- not clear if we need to call again. if we resolve any constraints, they should point us back upwards...
                         --if cl remains free, recannonicalize it?
                _ -> return ()
      -- Left is super, right is sub
      go' (_,ref) (Sub (JTFree (_,i)))
          | i == ref = return ()
          | otherwise = -- trace (show ("super: " ++ show (ref,i))) $
                        local (\s -> Left ref : s) $ go i
      go' (_,ref) (Super (JTFree (_,i)))
          | i == ref = return ()
          | otherwise = -- trace (show ("sub: " ++ show (ref,i))) $
                        local (\s -> Right ref : s) $ go i
      go' _ _ = return ()

      unifyGroup :: [Int] -> ReaderT [Either Int Int] TMonad ()
      unifyGroup (vr:vrs) = lift $ mapM_ (\x -> instantiateVarRef (Nothing, x) (JTFree (Nothing,vr))) vrs

      findLoop i cs@(c:_) = go [] cs
            cTyp = isLeft c
            go accum (r:rs)
               | either id id r == i && isLeft r == cTyp = Just $ Just (either id id r : accum)
                  -- i.e. there's a cycle to close
               | either id id r == i = Just Nothing
                  -- i.e. there's a "dull" cycle
               | isLeft r /= cTyp = Nothing -- we stop looking for a cycle because the chain is broken
               | otherwise = go (either id id r : accum) rs
            go _ [] = Nothing

      findLoop i [] = Nothing

      tryClose vr@(_,i) = do
        cl <- lift$ cannonicalizeConstraints =<< lookupConstraintsList vr
        -- trace ("tryclose: " ++ show vr) $ trace (show cl) $ return ()
        case partitionCs cl of
          (_,[s]) -> lift (instantiateVarRef vr s) >> go i >> return [] -- prefer lower bound (supertype constraint)
          ([s],_) -> lift (instantiateVarRef vr s) >> go i >> return []
          _ -> return cl

-- Manipulating the environment
withLocalScope :: TMonad a -> TMonad (a, Set Int)
withLocalScope act = do
  modify (\s -> s {tc_env   = M.empty : tc_env s,
                   tc_stack = S.empty : tc_stack s})
  res <- act
  frame <- head . tc_stack <$> get
  modify (\s -> s {tc_env   = drop 1 $ tc_env s,
                   tc_stack = drop 1 $ tc_stack s})
  return (res, frame)

setFrozen :: Set Int -> TMonad ()
setFrozen x = modify (\s -> s {tc_frozen = tc_frozen s `S.union` x})

-- addRefsToStack x = modify (\s -> s {tc_stack = F.foldr addToStack (tc_stack s) x })

frame2VarRefs frame = (\x -> (Nothing,x)) <$> S.toList frame

addEnv :: Ident -> JType -> TMonad ()
addEnv ident typ = do
  envstack <- tc_env <$> get
  case envstack of
    (e:es) -> modify (\s -> s {tc_env = M.insert ident typ e : es}) -- we clobber/shadow var names
    _ -> throwError "empty env stack (this should never happen)"

newVarDecl :: Ident -> TMonad JType
newVarDecl ident = do
  v <- newTyVar
  addEnv ident v
  return v

resolveTypeGen :: ((JType -> TMonad JType) -> JType -> TMonad JType) -> JType -> TMonad JType
resolveTypeGen f typ = go typ
      go :: JType -> TMonad JType
      go x@(JTFree (_, ref)) = do
        vars <- tc_vars <$> get
        case M.lookup ref vars of
          Just (SVType t) -> do
            res <- go t
            when (res /= t) $ modify (\s -> s {tc_vars = M.insert ref (SVType res) $ tc_vars s}) --mutation, shortcuts pointer chasing
            return res
          _ -> return x

      -- | Eliminates resolved vars from foralls, eliminates empty foralls.
      go (JTForall refs t) = do
        refs' <- catMaybes <$> mapM checkRef refs
        if null refs'
           then go t
           else JTForall refs' <$> go t
      go x = f go x

      checkRef x@(_, ref) = do
        vars <- tc_vars <$> get
        case M.lookup ref vars of
          Just (SVType t) -> return Nothing
          _ -> return $ Just x

resolveType = resolveTypeGen composOpM
resolveTypeShallow = resolveTypeGen (const return)

--TODO create proper bounds for records
integrateLocalType :: JLocalType -> TMonad JType
integrateLocalType (env,typ) = do
  (r, frame) <- withLocalScope $ flip evalStateT M.empty $ do
                                 mapM_ integrateEnv env
                                 cloneType typ
  resolveType $ JTForall (frame2VarRefs frame) r
      getRef (mbName, ref) = do
            m <- get
            case M.lookup ref m of
              Just newTy -> return newTy
              Nothing -> do
                newTy <- (\x -> JTFree (mbName, snd x)) <$> lift newVarRef
                put $ M.insert ref newTy m
                return newTy

      integrateEnv (vr,c) = do
        newTy <- getRef vr
        case c of
          (Sub t) -> lift . (newTy <:) =<< cloneType t
          (Super t) -> lift . (<: newTy) =<< cloneType t

      cloneType (JTFree vr) = getRef vr
      cloneType x = composOpM cloneType x

lookupEnv :: Ident -> TMonad JType
lookupEnv ident = resolveType =<< go . tc_env =<< get
    where go (e:es) = case M.lookup ident e of
                        Just t -> return t
                        Nothing -> go es
          go _ = tyErr0 $ "unable to resolve variable name: " ++ (show $ jsToDoc $ ident)

freeVars :: JType -> TMonad (Set Int)
freeVars t = execWriterT . go =<< resolveType t
    where go (JTFree (_, ref)) = tell (S.singleton ref)
          go x = composOpM_ go x

--only works on resolved types
instantiateScheme :: [VarRef] -> JType -> TMonad JType
instantiateScheme vrs t = evalStateT (go t) M.empty
      schemeVars = S.fromList $ map snd vrs
      go :: JType -> StateT (Map Int JType) TMonad JType
      go (JTFree vr@(mbName, ref))
          | ref `S.member` schemeVars = do
                       m <- get
                       case M.lookup ref m of
                         Just newTy -> return newTy
                         Nothing -> do
                           newRef <- (\x -> (mbName, snd x)) <$> lift newVarRef
                           put $ M.insert ref (JTFree newRef) m
                           mapM_ (lift . addConstraint newRef <=< mapConstraint go) =<< lift (lookupConstraintsList vr)
                           return (JTFree newRef)
      go x = composOpM go x

--only works on resolved types
instantiateRigidScheme :: [VarRef] -> JType -> TMonad JType
instantiateRigidScheme vrs t = evalStateT (go t) M.empty
      schemeVars = S.fromList $ map snd vrs
      go :: JType -> StateT (Map Int JType) TMonad JType
      go (JTFree vr@(mbName, ref))
          | ref `S.member` schemeVars = do
                       m <- get
                       case M.lookup ref m of
                         Just newTy -> return newTy
                         Nothing -> do
                           newRef <- JTRigid vr . S.fromList <$> lift (lookupConstraintsList vr)
                           put $ M.insert ref newRef m
                           return newRef
      go x = composOpM go x

--only works on resolved types
checkEscapedVars :: [VarRef] -> JType -> TMonad ()
checkEscapedVars vrs t = go t
      vs = S.fromList $ map snd vrs
      go t@(JTRigid (_,ref) _)
          | ref `S.member` vs = tyErr1 "Qualified var escapes into environment" t
          | otherwise = return ()
      go x = composOpM_ go x

-- Subtyping
(<:) :: JType -> JType -> TMonad ()
x <: y = do
     xt <- resolveTypeShallow x --shallow because subtyping can close
     yt <- resolveTypeShallow y
     -- trace ("sub : " ++ show xt ++ ", " ++ show yt) $ return ()
     if xt == yt
        then return ()
        else go xt yt `withContext` (do
                                      xt <- prettyType x
                                      yt <- prettyType y
                                      return $ "When applying subtype constraint: " ++ xt ++ " <: " ++ yt)

    go _ JTStat = return ()
    go JTImpossible _ = return ()

    go xt@(JTFree ref) yt@(JTFree ref2) = addConstraint ref  (Sub yt) >>
                                          addConstraint ref2 (Super xt)

    go (JTFree ref) yt = addConstraint ref (Sub yt)
    go xt (JTFree ref) = addConstraint ref (Super xt)

    --above or below jtfrees ?

    -- v <: \/ a. t --> v <: t[a:=x], x not in conclusion
    go xt yt@(JTForall vars t) = do
           t' <- instantiateRigidScheme vars t
           go xt t'
           checkEscapedVars vars =<< resolveType xt
           --then check that no fresh types appear in xt

    -- \/ a. t <: v --> [t] <: v
    go (JTForall vars t) yt = do
           t' <- instantiateScheme vars t
           go t' yt

    go xt@(JTFunc argsx retx) yt@(JTFunc argsy rety) = do
           -- TODO: zipWithM_ (<:) (appArgst ++ repeat JTStat) argst -- handle empty args cases
           when (length argsy < length argsx) $ tyErr2Sub xt yt
           zipWithM_ (<:) argsy argsx -- functions are contravariant in argument type
           retx <: rety -- functions are covariant in return type
    go (JTList xt) (JTList yt) = xt <: yt
    go (JTMap xt) (JTMap yt) = xt <: yt
    go (JTRecord xt xm) (JTRecord yt ym)
        | M.isSubmapOfBy (\_ _ -> True) ym xm = xt <: yt >> intersectionWithM (<:) xm ym >> return () --TODO not right?
    go xt yt = tyErr2Sub xt yt

x <<:> y = join $ liftA2 (<:) x y

someUpperBound :: [JType] -> TMonad JType
someUpperBound [] = return JTStat
someUpperBound xs = do
  res <- newTyVar
  b <- (mapM_ (<: res) xs >> return True) `catchError` \e -> return False
  if b then return res else return JTStat

someLowerBound :: [JType] -> TMonad JType
someLowerBound [] = return JTImpossible
someLowerBound xs = do
  res <- newTyVar
  mapM_ (res <:) xs
  return res
--  b <- (mapM_ (res <:) xs >> return True) `catchError` \e -> return False
--  if b then return res else return JTImpossible

x =.= y = do
      x <: y
      y <: x
      return x

--todo difft ixing. a[b] --num lookup, a#[b] --string lookup, a.[b] --num literal lookup (i.e. tuple projection)

instance JTypeCheck JExpr where
    typecheck (ValExpr e) = typecheck e
    typecheck (SelExpr e (StrI i)) =
        do et <- typecheck e
           case et of
             (JTRecord t m) -> case M.lookup i m of
                               Just res -> return res
                               Nothing -> tyErr1 ("Record contains no field named " ++ show i) et -- record extension would go here
             (JTFree r) -> do
                            res <- newTyVar
                            addConstraint r (Sub (JTRecord res (M.singleton i res)))
                            return res
             _ -> tyErr1 "Cannot use record selector on this value" et
    typecheck (IdxExpr e e1) = undefined --this is tricky
    typecheck (InfixExpr s e e1)
        | s `elem` ["-","/","*"] = setFixed JTNum >> return JTNum
        | s == "+" = setFixed JTNum >> return JTNum -- `orElse` setFixed JTStr --TODO: Intersection types
        | s == "++" = setFixed JTString >> return JTString
        | s `elem` [">","<"] = setFixed JTNum >> return JTBool
        | s `elem` ["==","/="] = do
                            et <- typecheck e
                            e1t <- typecheck e1
                            et =.= e1t
                            return JTBool
        | s `elem` ["||","&&"] = setFixed JTBool >> return JTBool
        | otherwise = throwError $ "Unhandled operator: " ++ s
        where setFixed t = do
                  typecheck e  <<:> return t
                  typecheck e1 <<:> return t

    typecheck (PPostExpr _ _ e) = case e of
                                 (SelExpr _ _) -> go
                                 (ValExpr (JVar _)) -> go
                                 (IdxExpr _ _) -> go
                                 _ -> tyErr1 "Value not compatible with postfix assignment" =<< typecheck e
        where go = (typecheck e <<:> return JTNum) >> return JTNum

    typecheck (IfExpr e e1 e2) = do
                            typecheck e <<:> return JTBool
                            join $ liftA2 (\x y -> someUpperBound [x,y]) (typecheck e1) (typecheck e2)

    typecheck (NewExpr e) = undefined --yipe

    --when we instantiate a scheme, all the elements of the head
    --that are not in the tail are henceforth unreachable and can be closed
    --but that's just an optimization
    typecheck (ApplExpr e appArgse) = do
                            et <- typecheck e
                            appArgst <- mapM typecheck appArgse
                            let go (JTForall vars t) = go =<< instantiateScheme vars t
                                go (JTFunc argst rett) = do
                                        zipWithM_ (<:) (appArgst ++ repeat JTStat) argst
                                        return rett
                                go (JTFree vr) = do
                                        ret <- newTyVar
                                        addConstraint vr (Sub (JTFunc appArgst ret))
                                        return ret
                                go x = tyErr1 "Cannot apply value as function" x
                            go et

    typecheck (UnsatExpr _) = undefined --saturate (avoiding creation of existing ids) then typecheck
    typecheck (AntiExpr s) = fail $ "Antiquoted expression not provided with explicit signature: " ++ show s

    --TODO: if we're typechecking a function, we can assign the types of the args to the given args
    typecheck (TypeExpr forceType e t)
              | forceType = integrateLocalType t
              | otherwise = do
                            t1 <- integrateLocalType t
                            typecheck e <<:> return t1
                            return t1

instance JTypeCheck JVal where
    typecheck (JVar i) =
        case i of
          StrI "true" -> return JTBool
          StrI "false" -> return JTBool
          StrI "null"  -> newTyVar
          StrI _ -> lookupEnv i

    typecheck (JInt _) = return JTNum
    typecheck (JDouble _) = return JTNum
    typecheck (JStr _) = return JTString
    typecheck (JList xs) = typecheck (JHash $ M.fromList $ zip (map show [0..]) xs)
                           -- fmap JTList . someUpperBound =<< mapM typecheck xs
    typecheck (JRegEx _) = undefined --regex object
    typecheck (JHash mp) = do
      mp' <- T.mapM typecheck mp
      t <- if M.null mp'
             then return JTImpossible
             else someUpperBound $ M.elems mp'
      return $ JTRecord t mp'
    typecheck (JFunc args body) = do
          ((argst',res'), frame) <- withLocalScope $ do
                                      argst <- mapM newVarDecl args
                                      res <- typecheck body
                                      return (argst,res)
          rt <- resolveType $ JTFunc argst' res'
          freeVarsInArgs <- S.unions <$> mapM freeVars argst'
          freeVarsInRes  <- freeVars res'
          setFrozen $ frame `S.difference` (freeVarsInArgs `S.intersection` freeVarsInRes)
          resolveType $ JTForall (frame2VarRefs frame) rt

    typecheck (UnsatVal _) = undefined --saturate (avoiding creation of existing ids) then typecheck

instance JTypeCheck JStat where
    typecheck (DeclStat ident Nothing) = newVarDecl ident >> return JTStat
    typecheck (DeclStat ident (Just t)) = integrateLocalType t >>= addEnv ident >> return JTStat
    typecheck (ReturnStat e) = typecheck e
    typecheck (IfStat e s s1) = do
                            typecheck e <<:> return JTBool
                            join $ liftA2 (\x y -> someUpperBound [x,y]) (typecheck s) (typecheck s1)
    typecheck (WhileStat e s) = do
                            typecheck e <<:> return JTBool
                            typecheck s
    typecheck (ForInStat _ _ _ _) = undefined -- yipe!
    typecheck (SwitchStat e xs d) = undefined -- check e, unify e with firsts, check seconds, take glb of seconds
                                    --oh, hey, add typecase to language!?
    typecheck (TryStat _ _ _ _) = undefined -- should be easy
    typecheck (BlockStat xs) = do
                            ts <- mapM typecheckWithBlock xs
                            someUpperBound $ stripStat ts
        where stripStat (JTStat:ts) = stripStat ts
              stripStat (t:ts) = t : stripStat ts
              stripStat t = t
    typecheck (ApplStat args body) = typecheck (ApplExpr args body) >> return JTStat
    typecheck (PPostStat b s e) = typecheck (PPostExpr b s e) >> return JTStat
    typecheck (AssignStat e e1) = do
      typecheck e1 <<:> typecheck e
      return JTStat
    typecheck (UnsatBlock _) = undefined --oyvey
    typecheck (AntiStat _) = undefined --oyvey
    typecheck BreakStat = return JTStat
    typecheck (ForeignStat i t) = integrateLocalType t >>= addEnv i >> return JTStat

typecheckWithBlock stat = typecheck stat `withContext` (return $ "In statement: " ++ renderStyle (style {mode = OneLineMode}) (renderJs stat))