-- Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Fraser Tweedale -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-| A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data structure that represents a cryptographic key. This module also defines a JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) JSON data structure for representing a set of JWKs. @ -- Generate RSA JWK and set "kid" param to -- base64url-encoded SHA-256 thumbprint of key. -- doGen :: IO JWK doGen = do jwk <- 'genJWK' ('RSAGenParam' (4096 \`div` 8)) let h = view 'thumbprint' jwk :: Digest SHA256 kid = view (re ('Types.base64url' . 'digest') . utf8) h pure $ set 'jwkKid' (Just kid) jwk @ -} module Crypto.JOSE.JWK ( -- * JWK generation genJWK , KeyMaterialGenParam(..) , Crv(..) , OKPCrv(..) , JWK , AsPublicKey(..) -- * Parts of a JWK , jwkMaterial , jwkUse , KeyUse(..) , jwkKeyOps , KeyOp(..) , jwkAlg , JWKAlg(..) , jwkKid , jwkX5u , jwkX5c , setJWKX5c , jwkX5t , jwkX5tS256 -- * Converting from other key formats , fromKeyMaterial , fromRSA , fromOctets , fromX509Certificate -- * JWK Thumbprint , thumbprint , digest , Types.base64url , module Crypto.Hash -- * JWK Set , JWKSet(..) -- Miscellaneous , checkJWK , bestJWSAlg , module Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad ((>=>)) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Word (Word8) import Control.Lens hiding ((.=)) import Control.Lens.Cons.Extras (recons) import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, runExcept) import Control.Monad.Error.Lens (throwing, throwing_) import Crypto.Hash import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types (explicitParseFieldMaybe') import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder import Data.List.NonEmpty import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.X509 as X509 import Crypto.JOSE.Error import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWE.Alg as JWA.JWE import Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWS as JWA.JWS import qualified Crypto.JOSE.TH import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types as Types import Crypto.JOSE.Types.URI import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types.Internal as Types -- | RFC 7517 §4.4. "alg" (Algorithm) Parameter -- -- See also RFC 7518 §6.4. which states that for "oct" keys, an -- "alg" member SHOULD be present to identify the algorithm intended -- to be used with the key, unless the application uses another -- means or convention to determine the algorithm used. -- data JWKAlg = JWSAlg JWA.JWS.Alg | JWEAlg JWA.JWE.Alg deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON JWKAlg where parseJSON v = (JWSAlg <$> parseJSON v) <|> (JWEAlg <$> parseJSON v) instance ToJSON JWKAlg where toJSON (JWSAlg alg) = toJSON alg toJSON (JWEAlg alg) = toJSON alg -- | RFC 7517 §4.3. "key_ops" (Key Operations) Parameter -- $(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "KeyOp" [ "sign", "verify", "encrypt", "decrypt" , "wrapKey", "unwrapKey", "deriveKey", "deriveBits" ]) -- | RFC 7517 §4.2. "use" (Public Key Use) Parameter -- $(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "KeyUse" ["sig", "enc"]) -- | RFC 7517 §4. JSON Web Key (JWK) Format -- data JWK = JWK { _jwkMaterial :: Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK.KeyMaterial , _jwkUse :: Maybe KeyUse , _jwkKeyOps :: Maybe [KeyOp] , _jwkAlg :: Maybe JWKAlg , _jwkKid :: Maybe T.Text , _jwkX5u :: Maybe Types.URI , _jwkX5cRaw :: Maybe (NonEmpty X509.SignedCertificate) , _jwkX5t :: Maybe Types.Base64SHA1 , _jwkX5tS256 :: Maybe Types.Base64SHA256 } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''JWK -- | Get the certificate chain. Not a lens, because the key of the first -- certificate in the chain must correspond be the public key of the JWK. -- To set the certificate chain use 'setJWKX5c'. -- jwkX5c :: Getter JWK (Maybe (NonEmpty X509.SignedCertificate)) jwkX5c = jwkX5cRaw -- | Set the @"x5c"@ Certificate Chain parameter. If setting the list, -- checks that the key in the first certificate matches the JWK; returns -- @Nothing@ if it does not. -- setJWKX5c :: Maybe (NonEmpty X509.SignedCertificate) -> JWK -> Maybe JWK setJWKX5c Nothing k = pure (set jwkX5cRaw Nothing k) setJWKX5c certs@(Just (cert :| _)) key | certMatchesKey key cert = pure (set jwkX5cRaw certs key) | otherwise = Nothing certMatchesKey :: JWK -> X509.SignedCertificate -> Bool certMatchesKey key cert = maybe False (((==) `on` preview (jwkMaterial . asPublicKey)) key) (fromX509CertificateMaybe cert) instance FromJSON JWK where parseJSON = withObject "JWK" (\o -> JWK <$> parseJSON (Object o) <*> o .:? "use" <*> o .:? "key_ops" <*> o .:? "alg" <*> o .:? "kid" <*> explicitParseFieldMaybe' uriFromJSON o "x5u" <*> ((fmap . fmap) (\(Types.Base64X509 cert) -> cert) <$> o .:? "x5c") <*> o .:? "x5t" <*> o .:? "x5t#S256" ) >=> checkKey where checkKey k | maybe False (not . certMatchesKey k . Data.List.NonEmpty.head) (view jwkX5c k) = fail "X.509 cert in \"x5c\" param does not match key" | otherwise = pure k instance ToJSON JWK where toJSON JWK{..} = Types.insertManyToObject kvs (toJSON _jwkMaterial) where kvs = catMaybes [ fmap ("alg" .=) _jwkAlg , fmap ("use" .=) _jwkUse , fmap ("key_ops" .=) _jwkKeyOps , fmap ("kid" .=) _jwkKid , fmap ("x5u" .=) (uriToJSON <$> _jwkX5u) , fmap (("x5c" .=) . fmap Types.Base64X509) _jwkX5cRaw , fmap ("x5t" .=) _jwkX5t , fmap ("x5t#S256" .=) _jwkX5tS256 ] -- | Generate a JWK. Apart from key parameters, no other parameters are set. -- genJWK :: MonadRandom m => KeyMaterialGenParam -> m JWK genJWK p = fromKeyMaterial <$> genKeyMaterial p fromKeyMaterial :: KeyMaterial -> JWK fromKeyMaterial k = JWK k z z z z z z z z where z = Nothing -- | Convert RSA private key into a JWK -- fromRSA :: RSA.PrivateKey -> JWK fromRSA = fromKeyMaterial . RSAKeyMaterial . toRSAKeyParameters -- | Convert an RSA public key into a JWK -- fromRSAPublic :: RSA.PublicKey -> JWK fromRSAPublic = fromKeyMaterial . RSAKeyMaterial . toRSAPublicKeyParameters -- | Convert an EC public key into a JWK -- fromECPublic :: (AsError e, MonadError e m) => X509.PubKeyEC -> m JWK fromECPublic = fmap (fromKeyMaterial . ECKeyMaterial) . ecParametersFromX509 -- | Convert octet string into a JWK -- fromOctets :: Cons s s Word8 Word8 => s -> JWK fromOctets = fromKeyMaterial . OctKeyMaterial . OctKeyParameters . Types.Base64Octets . view recons {-# INLINE fromOctets #-} -- | Convert an X.509 certificate into a JWK. -- -- Supports RSA and ECDSA (when the curve is supported). Other key types -- will throw 'AlgorithmNotImplemented'. -- -- The @"x5c"@ field of the resulting JWK contains the certificate. -- fromX509Certificate :: (AsError e, MonadError e m) => X509.SignedCertificate -> m JWK fromX509Certificate cert = do k <- case (X509.certPubKey . X509.signedObject . X509.getSigned) cert of X509.PubKeyRSA k -> pure (fromRSAPublic k) X509.PubKeyEC k -> fromECPublic k _ -> throwing _KeyMismatch "X.509 key type not supported" pure $ k & set jwkX5cRaw (Just (pure cert)) fromX509CertificateMaybe :: X509.SignedCertificate -> Maybe JWK fromX509CertificateMaybe = f . runExcept . fromX509Certificate where f :: Either Error JWK -> Maybe JWK f (Left _) = Nothing f (Right jwk) = Just jwk instance AsPublicKey JWK where asPublicKey = to (jwkMaterial (view asPublicKey)) -- | RFC 7517 §5. JWK Set Format -- newtype JWKSet = JWKSet [JWK] deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON JWKSet where parseJSON = withObject "JWKSet" (\o -> JWKSet <$> o .: "keys") instance ToJSON JWKSet where toJSON (JWKSet ks) = object ["keys" .= toJSON ks] -- | Sanity-check a JWK. -- -- Return an appropriate error if the key is size is too small to be -- used with any JOSE algorithm, or for other problems that mean the -- key cannot be used. -- checkJWK :: (MonadError e m, AsError e) => JWK -> m () checkJWK jwk = case view jwkMaterial jwk of RSAKeyMaterial (view rsaN -> Types.Base64Integer n) | n >= 2 ^ (2040 :: Integer) -> pure () | otherwise -> throwing _KeySizeTooSmall () OctKeyMaterial (view octK -> Types.Base64Octets k) | B.length k >= 256 `div` 8 -> pure () | otherwise -> throwing _KeySizeTooSmall () _ -> pure () -- | Choose the cryptographically strongest JWS algorithm for a -- given key. The JWK "alg" algorithm parameter is ignored. -- bestJWSAlg :: (MonadError e m, AsError e) => JWK -> m JWA.JWS.Alg bestJWSAlg jwk = case view jwkMaterial jwk of ECKeyMaterial k -> pure $ case view ecCrv k of P_256 -> JWA.JWS.ES256 P_384 -> JWA.JWS.ES384 P_521 -> JWA.JWS.ES512 Secp256k1 -> JWA.JWS.ES256K RSAKeyMaterial k -> let Types.Base64Integer n = view rsaN k in if n >= 2 ^ (2040 :: Integer) then pure JWA.JWS.PS512 else throwing_ _KeySizeTooSmall OctKeyMaterial (OctKeyParameters (Types.Base64Octets k)) | B.length k >= 512 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS512 | B.length k >= 384 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS384 | B.length k >= 256 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS256 | otherwise -> throwing_ _KeySizeTooSmall OKPKeyMaterial k -> case k of (Ed25519Key _ _) -> pure JWA.JWS.EdDSA (Ed448Key _ _) -> pure JWA.JWS.EdDSA (X25519Key _ _) -> throwing _KeyMismatch "Cannot sign with X25519 key" (X448Key _ _) -> throwing _KeyMismatch "Cannot sign with X448 key" -- | Compute the JWK Thumbprint of a JWK -- thumbprint :: HashAlgorithm a => Getter JWK (Digest a) thumbprint = to (hash . L.toStrict . thumbprintRepr) -- | Prism from ByteString to @HashAlgorithm a => Digest a@. -- -- Use @'re' digest@ to view the bytes of a digest -- digest :: HashAlgorithm a => Prism' B.ByteString (Digest a) digest = prism' BA.convert digestFromByteString -- | JWK canonicalised for thumbprint computation -- thumbprintRepr :: JWK -> L.ByteString thumbprintRepr k = Builder.toLazyByteString . fromEncoding . pairs $ case view jwkMaterial k of ECKeyMaterial k' -> "crv" .= view ecCrv k' <> "kty" .= ("EC" :: T.Text) <> "x" .= view ecX k' <> "y" .= view ecY k' RSAKeyMaterial k' -> "e" .= view rsaE k' <> "kty" .= ("RSA" :: T.Text) <> "n" .= view rsaN k' OctKeyMaterial (OctKeyParameters k') -> "k" .= k' <> "kty" .= ("oct" :: T.Text) OKPKeyMaterial (Ed25519Key pk _) -> okpSeries "Ed25519" pk OKPKeyMaterial (Ed448Key pk _) -> okpSeries "Ed448" pk OKPKeyMaterial (X25519Key pk _) -> okpSeries "X25519" pk OKPKeyMaterial (X448Key pk _) -> okpSeries "X448" pk where b64 = Types.Base64Octets . BA.convert okpSeries crv pk = "crv" .= (crv :: T.Text) <> "kty" .= ("OKP" :: T.Text) <> "x" .= b64 pk