-- Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Fraser Tweedale -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module JWT ( spec ) where import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Control.Lens import Control.Lens.Extras (is) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT) import Data.Aeson hiding ((.=)) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Time import Network.URI (parseURI) import Test.Hspec import Crypto.JWT intDate :: String -> Maybe NumericDate intDate = fmap NumericDate . parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%F %T" utcTime :: String -> WrappedUTCTime utcTime = WrappedUTCTime . fromJust . parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%F %T" -- -- example extended JWT payload type -- data Super = Super { jwtClaims :: ClaimsSet, isRoot :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) instance HasClaimsSet Super where claimsSet f s = fmap (\a' -> s { jwtClaims = a' }) (f (jwtClaims s)) instance FromJSON Super where parseJSON = withObject "Super" $ \o -> Super <$> parseJSON (Object o) <*> o .: "http://example.com/is_root" instance ToJSON Super where toJSON s = ins "http://example.com/is_root" (isRoot s) (toJSON (jwtClaims s)) where ins k v (Object o) = Object $ M.insert k (toJSON v) o ins _ _ a = a super :: Super super = Super { jwtClaims = exampleClaimsSet , isRoot = True } claimsJSON :: L.ByteString claimsJSON = "{\"iss\":\"joe\",\r\n" <> "\"exp\":1300819380,\r\n" <> "\"http://example.com/is_root\":true}" exampleClaimsSet :: ClaimsSet exampleClaimsSet = emptyClaimsSet & claimIss .~ preview stringOrUri ("joe" :: String) & claimExp .~ intDate "2011-03-22 18:43:00" & addClaim "http://example.com/is_root" (Bool True) spec :: Spec spec = do let conf = set algorithms (S.singleton None) (defaultJWTValidationSettings (const False)) headMay [] = Nothing headMay (h:_) = Just h describe "JWT Claims Set" $ do it "parses from JSON correctly" $ do decode claimsJSON `shouldBe` Just exampleClaimsSet decode claimsJSON `shouldBe` Just super it "JWT round-trip (sign, serialise, decode, verify)" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet valConf = defaultJWTValidationSettings (const True) k <- genJWK $ RSAGenParam 256 res <- runJOSE $ do token <- signClaims k (newJWSHeader ((), RS512)) claims token' <- decodeCompact . encodeCompact $ token liftIO $ token' `shouldBe` token claims' <- verifyClaims valConf k token' liftIO $ claims' `shouldBe` claims either (error . show) return (res :: Either JWTError ()) :: IO () it "JWT round-trip (sign, serialise, decode, verify) [extended payload type]" $ do let valConf = defaultJWTValidationSettings (const True) now = utcTime "2010-01-01 00:00:00" k <- genJWK $ RSAGenParam 256 res <- runJOSE $ do token <- signJWT k (newJWSHeader ((), RS512)) super token' <- decodeCompact . encodeCompact $ token liftIO $ token' `shouldBe` token claims <- runReaderT (verifyJWT valConf k token') now liftIO $ claims `shouldBe` super either (error . show) return (res :: Either JWTError ()) :: IO () it "formats to a parsable and equal value" $ do decode (encode exampleClaimsSet) `shouldBe` Just exampleClaimsSet decode (encode super) `shouldBe` Just super describe "with an Expiration Time claim" $ do describe "when the current time is prior to the Expiration Time" $ do let now = utcTime "2010-01-01 00:00:00" it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf exampleClaimsSet) now `shouldBe` (Right exampleClaimsSet :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when the current time is exactly the Expiration Time" $ do let now = utcTime "2011-03-22 18:43:00" it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf exampleClaimsSet) now `shouldBe` Left JWTExpired describe "when the current time is after the Expiration Time" $ do let now = utcTime "2011-03-22 18:43:01" -- 1s after expiry it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf exampleClaimsSet) now `shouldBe` Left JWTExpired it "cannot be validated if nonzero skew tolerance < delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 1 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' exampleClaimsSet) now `shouldBe` Left JWTExpired it "can be validated if nonzero skew tolerance = delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 2 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' exampleClaimsSet) now `shouldBe` (Right exampleClaimsSet :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) it "can be validated if nonzero skew tolerance > delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 3 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' exampleClaimsSet) now `shouldBe` (Right exampleClaimsSet :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) it "can be validated if negative skew tolerance = -delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew (-2) conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' exampleClaimsSet) now `shouldBe` (Right exampleClaimsSet :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "with an Issued At claim" $ do let claimsSetWithIat = set claimIat (intDate "2011-02-22 18:43:00") emptyClaimsSet describe "when the current time is after to the Issued At" $ do let now = utcTime "2011-03-01 00:00:00" it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claimsSetWithIat) now `shouldBe` (Right claimsSetWithIat :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when the current time is exactly the Issued At" $ do let now = utcTime "2011-02-22 18:43:00" it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claimsSetWithIat) now `shouldBe` (Right claimsSetWithIat :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when the current time is prior to the Issued At" $ do let now = utcTime "2011-02-22 18:42:59" -- 1s before issued at it "cannot be validated if nonzero skew tolerance < delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 0 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claimsSetWithIat) now `shouldBe` Left JWTIssuedAtFuture it "can be validated if nonzero skew tolerance < delta but validation is off" $ let conf' = set checkIssuedAt False conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claimsSetWithIat) now `shouldBe` (Right claimsSetWithIat :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) it "can be validated if nonzero skew tolerance = delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 1 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claimsSetWithIat) now `shouldBe` (Right claimsSetWithIat :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) it "can be validated if nonzero skew tolerance > delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 2 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claimsSetWithIat) now `shouldBe` (Right claimsSetWithIat :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) it "can be validated if negative skew tolerance = -delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew (-1) conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claimsSetWithIat) now `shouldBe` (Right claimsSetWithIat :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "with a Not Before claim" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & claimNbf .~ intDate "2016-07-05 17:37:22" describe "when the current time is prior to the Not Before claim" $ do let now = utcTime "2016-07-05 17:37:20" -- 2s before nbf it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) now `shouldBe` Left JWTNotYetValid it "cannot be validated if nonzero skew tolerance < delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 1 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claims) now `shouldBe` Left JWTNotYetValid it "can be validated if nonzero skew tolerance = delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 2 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claims) now `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) it "can be validated if nonzero skew tolerance > delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew 3 conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claims) now `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) it "can be validated if negative skew tolerance = -delta" $ let conf' = set allowedSkew (-2) conf in runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claims) now `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when the current time is exactly equal to the Not Before claim" $ it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) (utcTime "2016-07-05 17:37:22") `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when the current time is after the Not Before claim" $ it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) (utcTime "2017-01-01 00:00:00") `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "with Expiration Time and Not Before claims" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & claimExp .~ intDate "2011-03-22 18:43:00" & claimNbf .~ intDate "2011-03-20 17:37:22" describe "when the current time is prior to the Not Before claim" $ it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) (utcTime "2011-03-18 00:00:00") `shouldBe` Left JWTNotYetValid describe "when the current time is exactly equal to the Not Before claim" $ it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) (utcTime "2011-03-20 17:37:22") `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when the current time is between the Not Before and Expiration Time claims" $ it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) (utcTime "2011-03-21 18:00:00") `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when the current time is exactly the Expiration Time" $ it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) (utcTime "2011-03-22 18:43:00") `shouldBe` Left JWTExpired describe "when the current time is after the Expiration Time claim" $ it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) (utcTime "2011-03-24 00:00:00") `shouldBe` Left JWTExpired describe "with an Audience claim" $ do let now = utcTime "2001-01-01 00:00:00" let conf' = set audiencePredicate (== "baz") conf let conf'' = set audiencePredicate (const True) conf describe "when claim is nonempty, and default predicate is used" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & set claimAud (Just (Audience ["foo"])) it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) now `shouldBe` Left JWTNotInAudience describe "when claim is nonempty but predicate does not match any value" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & set claimAud (Just (Audience ["foo", "bar"])) it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claims) now `shouldBe` Left JWTNotInAudience describe "when claim is nonempty and predicate matches a value" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & set claimAud (Just (Audience ["foo", "bar", "baz"])) it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claims) now `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when claim is empty, and predicate is unconditionally true" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & set claimAud (Just (Audience [])) it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf'' claims) now `shouldBe` Left JWTNotInAudience describe "when claim has one value" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & set claimAud (Just (Audience ["foo"])) it "serialises to string" $ encode claims `shouldBe` "{\"aud\":\"foo\"}" it "round trips" $ decode (encode claims) `shouldBe` Just claims describe "with an Issuer claim" $ do let now = utcTime "2001-01-01 00:00:00" let conf' = set issuerPredicate (== "baz") conf describe "when issuer is nonempty, and predicate is matched" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & set claimIss (Just "baz") it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claims) now `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when issuer is nonempty but predicate is not matched" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & set claimIss (Just "bar") it "cannot be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf' claims) now `shouldBe` Left JWTNotInIssuer describe "when claim is empty, and default predicate is unconditionally true" $ do let claims = emptyClaimsSet & set claimIss (Just "") it "can be validated" $ runReaderT (validateClaimsSet conf claims) now `shouldBe` (Right claims :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "StringOrURI" $ it "parses from JSON correctly" $ do (decode "[\"foo\"]" >>= headMay >>= preview string) `shouldBe` Just "foo" (decode "[\"http://example.com\"]" >>= headMay >>= preview uri) `shouldBe` parseURI "http://example.com" decode "[\":\"]" `shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe [StringOrURI]) decode "[12345]" `shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe [StringOrURI]) describe "NumericDate" $ it "parses from JSON correctly" $ do decode "[0]" `shouldBe` fmap (:[]) (intDate "1970-01-01 00:00:00") decode "[1382245921]" `shouldBe` fmap (:[]) (intDate "2013-10-20 05:12:01") decode "[\"notnum\"]" `shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe [NumericDate]) describe "RFC 7519 §3.1. Example JWT" $ it "verifies JWT" $ do let exampleJWT = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9" <> "." <> "eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFt" <> "cGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ" <> "." <> "dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk" k = fromOctets [3,35,53,75,43,15,165,188,131,126,6,101,119,123,166,143,90,179,40, 230,240,84,201,40,169,15,132,178,210,80,46,191,211,251,90,146, 210,6,71,239,150,138,180,195,119,98,61,34,61,46,33,114,5,46,79,8, 192,205,154,245,103,208,128,163] now = utcTime "2010-01-01 00:00:00" settings = defaultJWTValidationSettings (const True) runReaderT (decodeCompact exampleJWT >>= verifyClaims settings k) now `shouldBe` (Right exampleClaimsSet :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) runReaderT (decodeCompact exampleJWT >>= verifyJWT settings k) now `shouldBe` (Right super :: Either JWTError Super) describe "RFC 7519 §6.1. Example Unsecured JWT" $ do let exampleJWT = "eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0" <> "." <> "eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFt" <> "cGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ" <> "." jwt = decodeCompact exampleJWT k = fromJust $ decode "{\"kty\":\"oct\",\"k\":\"\"}" :: JWK describe "when the current time is prior to the Expiration Time" $ it "can be decoded and validated" $ runReaderT (jwt >>= verifyClaims conf k) (utcTime "2010-01-01 00:00:00") `shouldBe` (Right exampleClaimsSet :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) describe "when the current time is after the Expiration Time" $ it "can be decoded, but not validated" $ runReaderT (jwt >>= verifyClaims conf k) (utcTime "2012-01-01 00:00:00") `shouldBe` Left JWTExpired describe "when signature is invalid and token is expired" $ it "fails on sig validation (claim validation not reached)" $ do let jwt' = decodeCompact (exampleJWT <> "badsig") (runReaderT (jwt' >>= verifyClaims conf k) (utcTime "2012-01-01 00:00:00") :: Either JWTError ClaimsSet) `shouldSatisfy` is (_Left . _JWSInvalidSignature)