-- Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016  Fraser Tweedale
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

module Crypto.JOSE.JWS.Internal where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(throwError))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Byteable
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T

import Crypto.JOSE.Compact
import Crypto.JOSE.Error
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWS as JWA.JWS
import Crypto.JOSE.JWK
import Crypto.JOSE.Header
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types as Types
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types.Internal as Types

jwsCritInvalidNames :: [T.Text]
jwsCritInvalidNames = [
  , "jku"
  , "jwk"
  , "x5u"
  , "x5t"
  , "x5t#S256"
  , "x5c"
  , "kid"
  , "typ"
  , "cty"
  , "crit"

-- | JWS Header data type.
data JWSHeader = JWSHeader
  { _jwsHeaderAlg :: HeaderParam JWA.JWS.Alg
  , _jwsHeaderJku :: Maybe (HeaderParam Types.URI)  -- ^ JWK Set URL
  , _jwsHeaderJwk :: Maybe (HeaderParam JWK)
  , _jwsHeaderKid :: Maybe (HeaderParam String)  -- ^ interpretation unspecified
  , _jwsHeaderX5u :: Maybe (HeaderParam Types.URI)
  , _jwsHeaderX5c :: Maybe (HeaderParam (NonEmpty Types.Base64X509))
  , _jwsHeaderX5t :: Maybe (HeaderParam Types.Base64SHA1)
  , _jwsHeaderX5tS256 :: Maybe (HeaderParam Types.Base64SHA256)
  , _jwsHeaderTyp :: Maybe (HeaderParam String)  -- ^ Content Type (of object)
  , _jwsHeaderCty :: Maybe (HeaderParam String)  -- ^ Content Type (of payload)
  , _jwsHeaderCrit :: Maybe (NonEmpty T.Text)
  deriving (Eq, Show)
makeClassy ''JWSHeader

-- | Construct a minimal header with the given algorithm
newJWSHeader :: (Protection, JWA.JWS.Alg) -> JWSHeader
newJWSHeader alg = JWSHeader (uncurry HeaderParam alg) z z z z z z z z z z
  where z = Nothing

data Signature a = Signature
  { _protectedRaw :: (Maybe T.Text)      -- ^ Encoded protected header, if available
  , _header :: a                      -- ^ Header
  , _signature :: Types.Base64Octets  -- ^ Signature
  deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Signature

instance (Eq a, HasParams a) => Eq (Signature a) where
  Signature r h s == Signature r' h' s' =
    h == h' && s == s' && f r r'
    f Nothing Nothing = True
    f (Just t) (Just t') = t == t'
    f Nothing (Just t') = BSL.toStrict (protectedParamsEncoded h) == T.encodeUtf8 t'
    f (Just t) Nothing = T.encodeUtf8 t == BSL.toStrict (protectedParamsEncoded h')

instance HasParams a => FromJSON (Signature a) where
  parseJSON = withObject "signature" (\o -> Signature
    <$> (Just <$> (o .: "protected" <|> pure ""))  -- raw protected header
    <*> do
      hpB64 <- o .:? "protected"
      hp <- maybe
        (pure Nothing)
        (withText "base64url-encoded header params"
          (Types.parseB64Url (maybe
            (fail "protected header contains invalid JSON")
            pure . decode . BSL.fromStrict)))
      hu <- o .:? "header"
      parseParams hp hu
    <*> o .: "signature"

instance HasParams a => ToJSON (Signature a) where
  toJSON (Signature _ h sig) =
      pro = case protectedParamsEncoded h of
        "" -> id
        bs -> ("protected" .= String (T.decodeUtf8 (BSL.toStrict bs)) :)
      unp = case unprotectedParams h of
        Nothing -> id
        Just o -> ("header" .= o :)
      object $ (pro . unp) [("signature" .= sig)]

instance HasParams JWSHeader where
  parseParamsFor proxy hp hu = JWSHeader
    <$> headerRequired "alg" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "jku" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "jwk" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "kid" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "x5u" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "x5t" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "x5t#S256" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "x5c" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "typ" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "cty" hp hu
    <*> (headerOptionalProtected "crit" hp hu
      >>= parseCrit jwsCritInvalidNames (extensions proxy)
        (fromMaybe mempty hp <> fromMaybe mempty hu))
  params (JWSHeader alg jku jwk kid x5u x5c x5t x5tS256 typ cty crit) =
      [ Just (protection alg,      "alg" .= param alg)
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "jku" .= param p)) jku
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "jwk" .= param p)) jwk
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "kid" .= param p)) kid
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "x5u" .= param p)) x5u
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "x5c" .= param p)) x5c
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "x5t" .= param p)) x5t
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "x5t#S256" .= param p)) x5tS256
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "typ" .= param p)) typ
      , fmap (\p -> (protection p, "cty" .= param p)) cty
      , fmap (\p -> (Protected,    "crit" .= p)) crit

-- | JSON Web Signature data type.  Consists of a payload and a
-- (possibly empty) list of signatures.
-- Parameterised by the header type.
data JWS a = JWS Types.Base64Octets [Signature a]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance HasParams a => FromJSON (JWS a) where
  parseJSON v =
    withObject "JWS JSON serialization" (\o -> JWS
      <$> o .: "payload"
      <*> o .: "signatures") v
    <|> withObject "Flattened JWS JSON serialization" (\o ->
      if M.member "signatures" o
      then fail "\"signatures\" member MUST NOT be present"
      else (\p s -> JWS p [s]) <$> o .: "payload" <*> parseJSON v) v

instance HasParams a => ToJSON (JWS a) where
  toJSON (JWS p ss) = object ["payload" .= p, "signatures" .= ss]

-- | Construct a new (unsigned) JWS
newJWS :: BS.ByteString -> JWS a
newJWS msg = JWS (Types.Base64Octets msg) []

-- | Payload of a JWS, as a lazy bytestring.
jwsPayload :: JWS a -> BSL.ByteString
jwsPayload (JWS (Types.Base64Octets s) _) = BSL.fromStrict s

  :: HasParams a
  => Either T.Text a
  -> Types.Base64Octets
  -> BS.ByteString
signingInput h p = BS.intercalate "."
  [ either T.encodeUtf8 (BSL.toStrict . protectedParamsEncoded) h
  , toBytes p

-- Convert JWS to compact serialization.
-- The operation is defined only when there is exactly one
-- signature and returns Nothing otherwise
instance HasParams a => ToCompact (JWS a) where
  toCompact (JWS p [Signature raw h sig]) =
    case unprotectedParams h of
      Nothing -> pure
        [ BSL.fromStrict $ signingInput (maybe (Right h) Left raw) p
        , BSL.fromStrict $ toBytes sig
      Just _ -> throwError $ review _CompactEncodeError $
        "cannot encode a compact JWS with unprotected headers"
  toCompact (JWS _ sigs) = throwError $ review _CompactEncodeError $
    "cannot compact serialize JWS with " ++ show (length sigs) ++ " sigs"

instance HasParams a => FromCompact (JWS a) where
  fromCompact xs = case xs of
    [h, p, s] -> do
      (h', p', s') <- (,,) <$> t h <*> t p <*> t s
      let o = object [ ("payload", p'), ("protected", h'), ("signature", s') ]
      case fromJSON o of
        Error e -> throwError (compactErr e)
        Success a -> pure a
    xs' -> throwError $ compactErr $ "expected 3 parts, got " ++ show (length xs')
      compactErr = review _CompactDecodeError
      t = either (throwError . compactErr . show) (pure . String)
        . T.decodeUtf8' . BSL.toStrict

-- ยง5.1. Message Signing or MACing

-- | Create a new signature on a JWS.
  :: (HasJWSHeader a, HasParams a, MonadRandom m, AsError e, MonadError e m)
  => JWS a    -- ^ JWS to sign
  -> a        -- ^ Header for signature
  -> JWK      -- ^ Key with which to sign
  -> m (JWS a) -- ^ JWS with new signature appended
signJWS (JWS p sigs) h k =
  (\sig -> JWS p (Signature Nothing h (Types.Base64Octets sig):sigs))
  <$> sign (param (view jwsHeaderAlg h)) (k ^. jwkMaterial) (signingInput (Right h) p)

-- | Validation policy.
data ValidationPolicy
  = AnyValidated
  -- ^ One successfully validated signature is sufficient
  | AllValidated
  -- ^ All signatures in all configured algorithms must be validated.
  -- No signatures in configured algorithms is also an error.
  deriving (Eq)

data ValidationSettings = ValidationSettings
  { _validationSettingsAlgorithms :: S.Set JWA.JWS.Alg
  , _validationSettingsValidationPolicy :: ValidationPolicy
makeClassy ''ValidationSettings

class HasAlgorithms s where
  algorithms :: Lens' s (S.Set JWA.JWS.Alg)
class HasValidationPolicy s where
  validationPolicy :: Lens' s ValidationPolicy

instance HasValidationSettings a => HasAlgorithms a where
  algorithms = validationSettingsAlgorithms
instance HasValidationSettings a => HasValidationPolicy a where
  validationPolicy = validationSettingsValidationPolicy

defaultValidationSettings :: ValidationSettings
defaultValidationSettings = ValidationSettings
  ( S.fromList
    [ JWA.JWS.HS256, JWA.JWS.HS384, JWA.JWS.HS512
    , JWA.JWS.RS256, JWA.JWS.RS384, JWA.JWS.RS512
    , JWA.JWS.ES256, JWA.JWS.ES384, JWA.JWS.ES512
    , JWA.JWS.PS256, JWA.JWS.PS384, JWA.JWS.PS512
    ] )

-- | Verify a JWS.
-- Signatures made with an unsupported algorithms are ignored.
-- If the validation policy is 'AnyValidated', a single successfully
-- validated signature is sufficient.  If the validation policy is
-- 'AllValidated' then all remaining signatures (there must be at least one)
-- must be valid.
  ::  ( HasAlgorithms a, HasValidationPolicy a, AsError e, MonadError e m
      , HasJWSHeader h, HasParams h)
  => a
  -> JWK
  -> JWS h
  -> m ()
verifyJWS conf k (JWS p sigs) =
    algs :: S.Set JWA.JWS.Alg
    algs = conf ^. algorithms
    policy :: ValidationPolicy
    policy = conf ^. validationPolicy
    shouldValidateSig = (`elem` algs) . param . view (header . jwsHeaderAlg)
    applyPolicy AnyValidated xs =
      if or xs then pure () else throwError (review _JWSNoValidSignatures ())
    applyPolicy AllValidated [] = throwError (review _JWSNoSignatures ())
    applyPolicy AllValidated xs =
      if and xs then pure () else throwError (review _JWSInvalidSignature ())
    validate = (== Right True) . verifySig k p
    applyPolicy policy $ map validate $ filter shouldValidateSig $ toList sigs

  :: (HasJWSHeader a, HasParams a)
  => JWK
  -> Types.Base64Octets
  -> Signature a
  -> Either Error Bool
verifySig k m (Signature raw h (Types.Base64Octets s)) =
  verify (param (view jwsHeaderAlg h)) (view jwkMaterial k) tbs s
  tbs = signingInput (maybe (Right h) Left raw) m