{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.Aeson.AutoType.Type(typeSize,
                                Dict(..), keys, get, withDict,
                                Type(..), emptyType,
                                isSimple, isArray, isObject, typeAsSet,
                                hasTObj) where

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Hash
import qualified Data.Set            as Set
import           Data.Data          (Data(..))
import           Data.Typeable      (Typeable)
import           Data.Text          (Text)
import           Data.Set           (Set )
import           Data.HashMap.Strict(HashMap)
import           Data.List          (sort)
import           Data.Ord           (comparing)
import           Data.Generics.Uniplate
import           Text.PrettyPrint
import           Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty
import qualified Data.Text           as Text

import           Data.Aeson.AutoType.Pretty

-- | Type alias for HashMap
type Map = HashMap

-- * Dictionary of types indexed by names.
newtype Dict = Dict { unDict :: Map Text Type }
  deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Out Dict where
  doc       = doc       . unDict
  docPrec p = docPrec p . unDict

instance Show Dict where
  show = show . sort . Hash.toList . unDict

instance Ord Dict where
  compare = comparing $ sort . Hash.toList . unDict

-- | Make operation on a map to an operation on a Dict.
withDict :: (Map Text Type -> Map Text Type) -> Dict -> Dict
f `withDict` (Dict m) = Dict $ f m

-- | Take all keys from dictionary.
keys :: Dict -> Set Text
keys = Set.fromList . Hash.keys . unDict

-- * Type
data Type = TNull | TBool | TNum | TString |
            TUnion (Set      Type)         |
            TLabel Text                    |
            TObj   Dict                    |
            TArray Type
  deriving (Show,Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Out Type

-- These are missing Uniplate instances...
instance Biplate (Set a) a where
  biplate s = (Set.toList s, Set.fromList)

instance Biplate (HashMap k v) v where
  biplate m = (Hash.elems m, Hash.fromList . zip (Hash.keys m))

instance Uniplate Type where
  uniplate (TUnion s) = (Set.toList s, TUnion .        Set.fromList                     )
  uniplate (TObj   d) = (Hash.elems m, TObj   . Dict . Hash.fromList . zip (Hash.keys m))
      m = unDict d
  uniplate (TArray t) = ([t],          TArray . head  )
  uniplate s          = ([],           const s        )

-- | Empty type
emptyType :: Type
emptyType = TUnion Set.empty 

-- | Lookup the Type within the dictionary.
get :: Text -> Dict -> Type
get key = Hash.lookupDefault emptyType key . unDict 

-- $derive makeUniplateDirect ''Type

-- | Size of the `Type` term.
typeSize :: Type -> Int
typeSize TNull      = 1
typeSize TBool      = 1
typeSize TNum       = 1
typeSize TString    = 1
typeSize (TObj   o) = (1+) . sum     . map typeSize . Hash.elems . unDict $ o
typeSize (TArray a) = 1 + typeSize a
typeSize (TUnion u) = (1+) . maximum . (0:) . map typeSize . Set.toList $ u
typeSize (TLabel _) = error "Don't know how to compute typeSize of TLabel."

typeAsSet :: Type -> Set Type
typeAsSet (TUnion s) = s
typeAsSet t          = Set.singleton t

hasTObj, hasNonTopTObj, isArray, isUnion, isSimple, isObject :: Type -> Bool
-- | Is the top-level constructor a TObj?
isObject (TObj _) = True
isObject _        = False

-- | Is it a simple (non-compound) Type?
isSimple x = not (isObject x) && not (isArray x) && not (isUnion x)

-- | Is the top-level constructor a TUnion?
isUnion (TUnion _) = True
isUnion _          = False

-- | Is the top-level constructor a TArray?
isArray (TArray _) = True
isArray _          = False

hasNonTopTObj (TObj o) = any hasTObj $ Hash.elems $ unDict o
hasNonTopTObj _        = False

hasTObj (TObj   _) = True
hasTObj (TArray a) = hasTObj a
hasTObj (TUnion u) = setAny u
    setAny = Set.foldr ((||) . hasTObj) False
hasTObj _          = False