/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* This is the Jsonnet standard library, at least the parts of it that are written in Jsonnet. * * There are some native methods as well, which are defined in the interpreter and added to this * file. It is never necessary to import std.jsonnet, it is embedded into the interpreter at * compile-time and automatically imported into all other Jsonnet programs. */ { local std = self, local id = function(x) x, isString(v):: std.type(v) == 'string', isNumber(v):: std.type(v) == 'number', isBoolean(v):: std.type(v) == 'boolean', isObject(v):: std.type(v) == 'object', isArray(v):: std.type(v) == 'array', isFunction(v):: std.type(v) == 'function', toString(a):: if std.type(a) == 'string' then a else '' + a, substr(str, from, len):: assert std.isString(str) : 'substr first parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(str); assert std.isNumber(from) : 'substr second parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(from); assert std.isNumber(len) : 'substr third parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(len); assert len >= 0 : 'substr third parameter should be greater than zero, got ' + len; std.join('', std.makeArray(std.max(0, std.min(len, std.length(str) - from)), function(i) str[i + from])), startsWith(a, b):: if std.length(a) < std.length(b) then false else std.substr(a, 0, std.length(b)) == b, endsWith(a, b):: if std.length(a) < std.length(b) then false else std.substr(a, std.length(a) - std.length(b), std.length(b)) == b, lstripChars(str, chars):: if std.length(str) > 0 && std.member(chars, str[0]) then std.lstripChars(str[1:], chars) else str, rstripChars(str, chars):: local len = std.length(str); if len > 0 && std.member(chars, str[len - 1]) then std.rstripChars(str[:len - 1], chars) else str, stripChars(str, chars):: std.lstripChars(std.rstripChars(str, chars), chars), stringChars(str):: std.makeArray(std.length(str), function(i) str[i]), local parse_nat(str, base) = assert base > 0 && base <= 16 : 'integer base %d invalid' % base; // These codepoints are in ascending order: local zero_code = std.codepoint('0'); local upper_a_code = std.codepoint('A'); local lower_a_code = std.codepoint('a'); local addDigit(aggregate, char) = local code = std.codepoint(char); local digit = if code >= lower_a_code then code - lower_a_code + 10 else if code >= upper_a_code then code - upper_a_code + 10 else code - zero_code; assert digit >= 0 && digit < base : '%s is not a base %d integer' % [str, base]; base * aggregate + digit; std.foldl(addDigit, std.stringChars(str), 0), parseInt(str):: assert std.isString(str) : 'Expected string, got ' + std.type(str); assert std.length(str) > 0 && str != '-' : 'Not an integer: "%s"' % [str]; if str[0] == '-' then -parse_nat(str[1:], 10) else parse_nat(str, 10), parseOctal(str):: assert std.isString(str) : 'Expected string, got ' + std.type(str); assert std.length(str) > 0 : 'Not an octal number: ""'; parse_nat(str, 8), parseHex(str):: assert std.isString(str) : 'Expected string, got ' + std.type(str); assert std.length(str) > 0 : 'Not hexadecimal: ""'; parse_nat(str, 16), split(str, c):: assert std.isString(str) : 'std.split first parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(str); assert std.isString(c) : 'std.split second parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(c); assert std.length(c) == 1 : 'std.split second parameter should have length 1, got ' + std.length(c); std.splitLimit(str, c, -1), splitLimit(str, c, maxsplits):: assert std.isString(str) : 'std.splitLimit first parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(str); assert std.isString(c) : 'std.splitLimit second parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(c); assert std.length(c) == 1 : 'std.splitLimit second parameter should have length 1, got ' + std.length(c); assert std.isNumber(maxsplits) : 'std.splitLimit third parameter should be a number, got ' + std.type(maxsplits); local aux(str, delim, i, arr, v) = local c = str[i]; local i2 = i + 1; if i >= std.length(str) then arr + [v] else if c == delim && (maxsplits == -1 || std.length(arr) < maxsplits) then aux(str, delim, i2, arr + [v], '') tailstrict else aux(str, delim, i2, arr, v + c) tailstrict; aux(str, c, 0, [], ''), strReplace(str, from, to):: assert std.isString(str); assert std.isString(from); assert std.isString(to); assert from != '' : "'from' string must not be zero length."; // Cache for performance. local str_len = std.length(str); local from_len = std.length(from); // True if from is at str[i]. local found_at(i) = str[i:i + from_len] == from; // Return the remainder of 'str' starting with 'start_index' where // all occurrences of 'from' after 'curr_index' are replaced with 'to'. local replace_after(start_index, curr_index, acc) = if curr_index > str_len then acc + str[start_index:curr_index] else if found_at(curr_index) then local new_index = curr_index + std.length(from); replace_after(new_index, new_index, acc + str[start_index:curr_index] + to) tailstrict else replace_after(start_index, curr_index + 1, acc) tailstrict; // if from_len==1, then we replace by splitting and rejoining the // string which is much faster than recursing on replace_after if from_len == 1 then std.join(to, std.split(str, from)) else replace_after(0, 0, ''), asciiUpper(str):: local cp = std.codepoint; local up_letter(c) = if cp(c) >= 97 && cp(c) < 123 then std.char(cp(c) - 32) else c; std.join('', std.map(up_letter, std.stringChars(str))), asciiLower(str):: local cp = std.codepoint; local down_letter(c) = if cp(c) >= 65 && cp(c) < 91 then std.char(cp(c) + 32) else c; std.join('', std.map(down_letter, std.stringChars(str))), range(from, to):: std.makeArray(to - from + 1, function(i) i + from), repeat(what, count):: local joiner = if std.isString(what) then '' else if std.isArray(what) then [] else error 'std.repeat first argument must be an array or a string'; std.join(joiner, std.makeArray(count, function(i) what)), slice(indexable, index, end, step):: local invar = // loop invariant with defaults applied { indexable: indexable, index: if index == null then 0 else index, end: if end == null then std.length(indexable) else end, step: if step == null then 1 else step, length: std.length(indexable), type: std.type(indexable), }; assert invar.index >= 0 && invar.end >= 0 && invar.step >= 0 : 'got [%s:%s:%s] but negative index, end, and steps are not supported' % [invar.index, invar.end, invar.step]; assert step != 0 : 'got %s but step must be greater than 0' % step; assert std.isString(indexable) || std.isArray(indexable) : 'std.slice accepts a string or an array, but got: %s' % std.type(indexable); local build(slice, cur) = if cur >= invar.end || cur >= invar.length then slice else build( if invar.type == 'string' then slice + invar.indexable[cur] else slice + [invar.indexable[cur]], cur + invar.step ) tailstrict; build(if invar.type == 'string' then '' else [], invar.index), member(arr, x):: if std.isArray(arr) then std.count(arr, x) > 0 else if std.isString(arr) then std.length(std.findSubstr(x, arr)) > 0 else error 'std.member first argument must be an array or a string', count(arr, x):: std.length(std.filter(function(v) v == x, arr)), mod(a, b):: if std.isNumber(a) && std.isNumber(b) then std.modulo(a, b) else if std.isString(a) then std.format(a, b) else error 'Operator % cannot be used on types ' + std.type(a) + ' and ' + std.type(b) + '.', map(func, arr):: if !std.isFunction(func) then error ('std.map first param must be function, got ' + std.type(func)) else if !std.isArray(arr) && !std.isString(arr) then error ('std.map second param must be array / string, got ' + std.type(arr)) else std.makeArray(std.length(arr), function(i) func(arr[i])), mapWithIndex(func, arr):: if !std.isFunction(func) then error ('std.mapWithIndex first param must be function, got ' + std.type(func)) else if !std.isArray(arr) && !std.isString(arr) then error ('std.mapWithIndex second param must be array, got ' + std.type(arr)) else std.makeArray(std.length(arr), function(i) func(i, arr[i])), mapWithKey(func, obj):: if !std.isFunction(func) then error ('std.mapWithKey first param must be function, got ' + std.type(func)) else if !std.isObject(obj) then error ('std.mapWithKey second param must be object, got ' + std.type(obj)) else { [k]: func(k, obj[k]) for k in std.objectFields(obj) }, flatMap(func, arr):: if !std.isFunction(func) then error ('std.flatMap first param must be function, got ' + std.type(func)) else if std.isArray(arr) then std.flattenArrays(std.makeArray(std.length(arr), function(i) func(arr[i]))) else if std.isString(arr) then std.join('', std.makeArray(std.length(arr), function(i) func(arr[i]))) else error ('std.flatMap second param must be array / string, got ' + std.type(arr)), join(sep, arr):: local aux(arr, i, first, running) = if i >= std.length(arr) then running else if arr[i] == null then aux(arr, i + 1, first, running) tailstrict else if std.type(arr[i]) != std.type(sep) then error 'expected %s but arr[%d] was %s ' % [std.type(sep), i, std.type(arr[i])] else if first then aux(arr, i + 1, false, running + arr[i]) tailstrict else aux(arr, i + 1, false, running + sep + arr[i]) tailstrict; if !std.isArray(arr) then error 'join second parameter should be array, got ' + std.type(arr) else if std.isString(sep) then aux(arr, 0, true, '') else if std.isArray(sep) then aux(arr, 0, true, []) else error 'join first parameter should be string or array, got ' + std.type(sep), lines(arr):: std.join('\n', arr + ['']), deepJoin(arr):: if std.isString(arr) then arr else if std.isArray(arr) then std.join('', [std.deepJoin(x) for x in arr]) else error 'Expected string or array, got %s' % std.type(arr), format(str, vals):: ///////////////////////////// // Parse the mini-language // ///////////////////////////// local try_parse_mapping_key(str, i) = assert i < std.length(str) : 'Truncated format code.'; local c = str[i]; if c == '(' then local consume(str, j, v) = if j >= std.length(str) then error 'Truncated format code.' else local c = str[j]; if c != ')' then consume(str, j + 1, v + c) else { i: j + 1, v: v }; consume(str, i + 1, '') else { i: i, v: null }; local try_parse_cflags(str, i) = local consume(str, j, v) = assert j < std.length(str) : 'Truncated format code.'; local c = str[j]; if c == '#' then consume(str, j + 1, v { alt: true }) else if c == '0' then consume(str, j + 1, v { zero: true }) else if c == '-' then consume(str, j + 1, v { left: true }) else if c == ' ' then consume(str, j + 1, v { blank: true }) else if c == '+' then consume(str, j + 1, v { plus: true }) else { i: j, v: v }; consume(str, i, { alt: false, zero: false, left: false, blank: false, plus: false }); local try_parse_field_width(str, i) = if i < std.length(str) && str[i] == '*' then { i: i + 1, v: '*' } else local consume(str, j, v) = assert j < std.length(str) : 'Truncated format code.'; local c = str[j]; if c == '0' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 0) else if c == '1' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 1) else if c == '2' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 2) else if c == '3' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 3) else if c == '4' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 4) else if c == '5' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 5) else if c == '6' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 6) else if c == '7' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 7) else if c == '8' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 8) else if c == '9' then consume(str, j + 1, v * 10 + 9) else { i: j, v: v }; consume(str, i, 0); local try_parse_precision(str, i) = assert i < std.length(str) : 'Truncated format code.'; local c = str[i]; if c == '.' then try_parse_field_width(str, i + 1) else { i: i, v: null }; // Ignored, if it exists. local try_parse_length_modifier(str, i) = assert i < std.length(str) : 'Truncated format code.'; local c = str[i]; if c == 'h' || c == 'l' || c == 'L' then i + 1 else i; local parse_conv_type(str, i) = assert i < std.length(str) : 'Truncated format code.'; local c = str[i]; if c == 'd' || c == 'i' || c == 'u' then { i: i + 1, v: 'd', caps: false } else if c == 'o' then { i: i + 1, v: 'o', caps: false } else if c == 'x' then { i: i + 1, v: 'x', caps: false } else if c == 'X' then { i: i + 1, v: 'x', caps: true } else if c == 'e' then { i: i + 1, v: 'e', caps: false } else if c == 'E' then { i: i + 1, v: 'e', caps: true } else if c == 'f' then { i: i + 1, v: 'f', caps: false } else if c == 'F' then { i: i + 1, v: 'f', caps: true } else if c == 'g' then { i: i + 1, v: 'g', caps: false } else if c == 'G' then { i: i + 1, v: 'g', caps: true } else if c == 'c' then { i: i + 1, v: 'c', caps: false } else if c == 's' then { i: i + 1, v: 's', caps: false } else if c == '%' then { i: i + 1, v: '%', caps: false } else error 'Unrecognised conversion type: ' + c; // Parsed initial %, now the rest. local parse_code(str, i) = assert i < std.length(str) : 'Truncated format code.'; local mkey = try_parse_mapping_key(str, i); local cflags = try_parse_cflags(str, mkey.i); local fw = try_parse_field_width(str, cflags.i); local prec = try_parse_precision(str, fw.i); local len_mod = try_parse_length_modifier(str, prec.i); local ctype = parse_conv_type(str, len_mod); { i: ctype.i, code: { mkey: mkey.v, cflags: cflags.v, fw: fw.v, prec: prec.v, ctype: ctype.v, caps: ctype.caps, }, }; // Parse a format string (containing none or more % format tags). local parse_codes(str, i, out, cur) = if i >= std.length(str) then out + [cur] else local c = str[i]; if c == '%' then local r = parse_code(str, i + 1); parse_codes(str, r.i, out + [cur, r.code], '') tailstrict else parse_codes(str, i + 1, out, cur + c) tailstrict; local codes = parse_codes(str, 0, [], ''); /////////////////////// // Format the values // /////////////////////// // Useful utilities local padding(w, s) = local aux(w, v) = if w <= 0 then v else aux(w - 1, v + s); aux(w, ''); // Add s to the left of str so that its length is at least w. local pad_left(str, w, s) = padding(w - std.length(str), s) + str; // Add s to the right of str so that its length is at least w. local pad_right(str, w, s) = str + padding(w - std.length(str), s); // Render a sign & magnitude integer (radix ranges from decimal to binary). // neg should be a boolean, and when true indicates that we should render a negative number. // mag must always be a whole number >= 0, it's the magnitude of the integer to render // min_chars must be a whole number >= 0 // It is the field width, i.e. std.length() of the result should be >= min_chars // min_digits must be a whole number >= 0. It's the number of zeroes to pad with. // blank must be a boolean, if true adds an additional ' ' in front of a positive number, so // that it is aligned with negative numbers with the same number of digits. // plus must be a boolean, if true adds a '+' in front of a postive number, so that it is // aligned with negative numbers with the same number of digits. This takes precedence over // blank, if both are true. // radix must be a whole number >1 and <= 10. It is the base of the system of numerals. // zero_prefix is a string prefixed before the sign to all numbers that are not 0. local render_int(neg, mag, min_chars, min_digits, blank, plus, radix, zero_prefix) = // dec is the minimal string needed to represent the number as text. local dec = if mag == 0 then '0' else local aux(n) = if n == 0 then zero_prefix else aux(std.floor(n / radix)) + (n % radix); aux(mag); local zp = min_chars - (if neg || blank || plus then 1 else 0); local zp2 = std.max(zp, min_digits); local dec2 = pad_left(dec, zp2, '0'); (if neg then '-' else if plus then '+' else if blank then ' ' else '') + dec2; // Render an integer in hexadecimal. local render_hex(n__, min_chars, min_digits, blank, plus, add_zerox, capitals) = local numerals = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] + if capitals then ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'] else ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']; local n_ = std.abs(n__); local aux(n) = if n == 0 then '' else aux(std.floor(n / 16)) + numerals[n % 16]; local hex = if std.floor(n_) == 0 then '0' else aux(std.floor(n_)); local neg = n__ < 0; local zp = min_chars - (if neg || blank || plus then 1 else 0) - (if add_zerox then 2 else 0); local zp2 = std.max(zp, min_digits); local hex2 = (if add_zerox then (if capitals then '0X' else '0x') else '') + pad_left(hex, zp2, '0'); (if neg then '-' else if plus then '+' else if blank then ' ' else '') + hex2; local strip_trailing_zero(str) = local aux(str, i) = if i < 0 then '' else if str[i] == '0' then aux(str, i - 1) else std.substr(str, 0, i + 1); aux(str, std.length(str) - 1); // Render floating point in decimal form local render_float_dec(n__, zero_pad, blank, plus, ensure_pt, trailing, prec) = local n_ = std.abs(n__); local whole = std.floor(n_); // Represent the rounded number as an integer * 1/10**prec. // Note that it can also be equal to 10**prec and we'll need to carry // over to the wholes. We operate on the absolute numbers, so that we // don't have trouble with the rounding direction. local denominator = std.pow(10, prec); local numerator = std.abs(n_) * denominator + 0.5; local whole = std.sign(n_) * std.floor(numerator / denominator); local frac = std.floor(numerator) % denominator; local dot_size = if prec == 0 && !ensure_pt then 0 else 1; local zp = zero_pad - prec - dot_size; local str = render_int(n__ < 0, whole, zp, 0, blank, plus, 10, ''); if prec == 0 then str + if ensure_pt then '.' else '' else if trailing || frac > 0 then local frac_str = render_int(false, frac, prec, 0, false, false, 10, ''); str + '.' + if !trailing then strip_trailing_zero(frac_str) else frac_str else str; // Render floating point in scientific form local render_float_sci(n__, zero_pad, blank, plus, ensure_pt, trailing, caps, prec) = local exponent = if n__ == 0 then 0 else std.floor(std.log(std.abs(n__)) / std.log(10)); local suff = (if caps then 'E' else 'e') + render_int(exponent < 0, std.abs(exponent), 3, 0, false, true, 10, ''); local mantissa = if exponent == -324 then // Avoid a rounding error where std.pow(10, -324) is 0 // -324 is the smallest exponent possible. n__ * 10 / std.pow(10, exponent + 1) else n__ / std.pow(10, exponent); local zp2 = zero_pad - std.length(suff); render_float_dec(mantissa, zp2, blank, plus, ensure_pt, trailing, prec) + suff; // Render a value with an arbitrary format code. local format_code(val, code, fw, prec_or_null, i) = local cflags = code.cflags; local fpprec = if prec_or_null != null then prec_or_null else 6; local iprec = if prec_or_null != null then prec_or_null else 0; local zp = if cflags.zero && !cflags.left then fw else 0; if code.ctype == 's' then std.toString(val) else if code.ctype == 'd' then if std.type(val) != 'number' then error 'Format required number at ' + i + ', got ' + std.type(val) else render_int(val <= -1, std.floor(std.abs(val)), zp, iprec, cflags.blank, cflags.plus, 10, '') else if code.ctype == 'o' then if std.type(val) != 'number' then error 'Format required number at ' + i + ', got ' + std.type(val) else local zero_prefix = if cflags.alt then '0' else ''; render_int(val <= -1, std.floor(std.abs(val)), zp, iprec, cflags.blank, cflags.plus, 8, zero_prefix) else if code.ctype == 'x' then if std.type(val) != 'number' then error 'Format required number at ' + i + ', got ' + std.type(val) else render_hex(std.floor(val), zp, iprec, cflags.blank, cflags.plus, cflags.alt, code.caps) else if code.ctype == 'f' then if std.type(val) != 'number' then error 'Format required number at ' + i + ', got ' + std.type(val) else render_float_dec(val, zp, cflags.blank, cflags.plus, cflags.alt, true, fpprec) else if code.ctype == 'e' then if std.type(val) != 'number' then error 'Format required number at ' + i + ', got ' + std.type(val) else render_float_sci(val, zp, cflags.blank, cflags.plus, cflags.alt, true, code.caps, fpprec) else if code.ctype == 'g' then if std.type(val) != 'number' then error 'Format required number at ' + i + ', got ' + std.type(val) else local exponent = std.floor(std.log(std.abs(val)) / std.log(10)); if exponent < -4 || exponent >= fpprec then render_float_sci(val, zp, cflags.blank, cflags.plus, cflags.alt, cflags.alt, code.caps, fpprec - 1) else local digits_before_pt = std.max(1, exponent + 1); render_float_dec(val, zp, cflags.blank, cflags.plus, cflags.alt, cflags.alt, fpprec - digits_before_pt) else if code.ctype == 'c' then if std.type(val) == 'number' then std.char(val) else if std.type(val) == 'string' then if std.length(val) == 1 then val else error '%c expected 1-sized string got: ' + std.length(val) else error '%c expected number / string, got: ' + std.type(val) else error 'Unknown code: ' + code.ctype; // Render a parsed format string with an array of values. local format_codes_arr(codes, arr, i, j, v) = if i >= std.length(codes) then if j < std.length(arr) then error ('Too many values to format: ' + std.length(arr) + ', expected ' + j) else v else local code = codes[i]; if std.type(code) == 'string' then format_codes_arr(codes, arr, i + 1, j, v + code) tailstrict else local tmp = if code.fw == '*' then { j: j + 1, fw: if j >= std.length(arr) then error ('Not enough values to format: ' + std.length(arr) + ', expected at least ' + j) else arr[j], } else { j: j, fw: code.fw, }; local tmp2 = if code.prec == '*' then { j: tmp.j + 1, prec: if tmp.j >= std.length(arr) then error ('Not enough values to format: ' + std.length(arr) + ', expected at least ' + tmp.j) else arr[tmp.j], } else { j: tmp.j, prec: code.prec, }; local j2 = tmp2.j; local val = if j2 < std.length(arr) then arr[j2] else error ('Not enough values to format: ' + std.length(arr) + ', expected more than ' + j2); local s = if code.ctype == '%' then '%' else format_code(val, code, tmp.fw, tmp2.prec, j2); local s_padded = if code.cflags.left then pad_right(s, tmp.fw, ' ') else pad_left(s, tmp.fw, ' '); local j3 = if code.ctype == '%' then j2 else j2 + 1; format_codes_arr(codes, arr, i + 1, j3, v + s_padded) tailstrict; // Render a parsed format string with an object of values. local format_codes_obj(codes, obj, i, v) = if i >= std.length(codes) then v else local code = codes[i]; if std.type(code) == 'string' then format_codes_obj(codes, obj, i + 1, v + code) tailstrict else local f = if code.mkey == null then error 'Mapping keys required.' else code.mkey; local fw = if code.fw == '*' then error 'Cannot use * field width with object.' else code.fw; local prec = if code.prec == '*' then error 'Cannot use * precision with object.' else code.prec; local val = if std.objectHasAll(obj, f) then obj[f] else error 'No such field: ' + f; local s = if code.ctype == '%' then '%' else format_code(val, code, fw, prec, f); local s_padded = if code.cflags.left then pad_right(s, fw, ' ') else pad_left(s, fw, ' '); format_codes_obj(codes, obj, i + 1, v + s_padded) tailstrict; if std.isArray(vals) then format_codes_arr(codes, vals, 0, 0, '') else if std.isObject(vals) then format_codes_obj(codes, vals, 0, '') else format_codes_arr(codes, [vals], 0, 0, ''), foldr(func, arr, init):: local aux(func, arr, running, idx) = if idx < 0 then running else aux(func, arr, func(arr[idx], running), idx - 1) tailstrict; aux(func, arr, init, std.length(arr) - 1), foldl(func, arr, init):: local aux(func, arr, running, idx) = if idx >= std.length(arr) then running else aux(func, arr, func(running, arr[idx]), idx + 1) tailstrict; aux(func, arr, init, 0), filterMap(filter_func, map_func, arr):: if !std.isFunction(filter_func) then error ('std.filterMap first param must be function, got ' + std.type(filter_func)) else if !std.isFunction(map_func) then error ('std.filterMap second param must be function, got ' + std.type(map_func)) else if !std.isArray(arr) then error ('std.filterMap third param must be array, got ' + std.type(arr)) else std.map(map_func, std.filter(filter_func, arr)), assertEqual(a, b):: if a == b then true else error 'Assertion failed. ' + a + ' != ' + b, abs(n):: if !std.isNumber(n) then error 'std.abs expected number, got ' + std.type(n) else if n > 0 then n else -n, sign(n):: if !std.isNumber(n) then error 'std.sign expected number, got ' + std.type(n) else if n > 0 then 1 else if n < 0 then -1 else 0, max(a, b):: if !std.isNumber(a) then error 'std.max first param expected number, got ' + std.type(a) else if !std.isNumber(b) then error 'std.max second param expected number, got ' + std.type(b) else if a > b then a else b, min(a, b):: if !std.isNumber(a) then error 'std.min first param expected number, got ' + std.type(a) else if !std.isNumber(b) then error 'std.min second param expected number, got ' + std.type(b) else if a < b then a else b, clamp(x, minVal, maxVal):: if x < minVal then minVal else if x > maxVal then maxVal else x, flattenArrays(arrs):: std.foldl(function(a, b) a + b, arrs, []), manifestIni(ini):: local body_lines(body) = std.join([], [ local value_or_values = body[k]; if std.isArray(value_or_values) then ['%s = %s' % [k, value] for value in value_or_values] else ['%s = %s' % [k, value_or_values]] for k in std.objectFields(body) ]); local section_lines(sname, sbody) = ['[%s]' % [sname]] + body_lines(sbody), main_body = if std.objectHas(ini, 'main') then body_lines(ini.main) else [], all_sections = [ section_lines(k, ini.sections[k]) for k in std.objectFields(ini.sections) ]; std.join('\n', main_body + std.flattenArrays(all_sections) + ['']), manifestToml(value):: std.manifestTomlEx(value, ' '), manifestTomlEx(value, indent):: local escapeStringToml = std.escapeStringJson, escapeKeyToml(key) = local bare_allowed = std.set(std.stringChars("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-")); if std.setUnion(std.set(std.stringChars(key)), bare_allowed) == bare_allowed then key else escapeStringToml(key), isTableArray(v) = std.isArray(v) && std.length(v) > 0 && std.foldl(function(a, b) a && std.isObject(b), v, true), isSection(v) = std.isObject(v) || isTableArray(v), renderValue(v, indexedPath, inline, cindent) = if v == true then 'true' else if v == false then 'false' else if v == null then error 'Tried to manifest "null" at ' + indexedPath else if std.isNumber(v) then '' + v else if std.isString(v) then escapeStringToml(v) else if std.isFunction(v) then error 'Tried to manifest function at ' + indexedPath else if std.isArray(v) then if std.length(v) == 0 then '[]' else local range = std.range(0, std.length(v) - 1); local new_indent = if inline then '' else cindent + indent; local separator = if inline then ' ' else '\n'; local lines = ['[' + separator] + std.join([',' + separator], [ [new_indent + renderValue(v[i], indexedPath + [i], true, '')] for i in range ]) + [separator + (if inline then '' else cindent) + ']']; std.join('', lines) else if std.isObject(v) then local lines = ['{ '] + std.join([', '], [ [escapeKeyToml(k) + ' = ' + renderValue(v[k], indexedPath + [k], true, '')] for k in std.objectFields(v) ]) + [' }']; std.join('', lines), renderTableInternal(v, path, indexedPath, cindent) = local kvp = std.flattenArrays([ [cindent + escapeKeyToml(k) + ' = ' + renderValue(v[k], indexedPath + [k], false, cindent)] for k in std.objectFields(v) if !isSection(v[k]) ]); local sections = [std.join('\n', kvp)] + [ (if std.isObject(v[k]) then renderTable(v[k], path + [k], indexedPath + [k], cindent) else renderTableArray(v[k], path + [k], indexedPath + [k], cindent) ) for k in std.objectFields(v) if isSection(v[k]) ]; std.join('\n\n', sections), renderTable(v, path, indexedPath, cindent) = cindent + '[' + std.join('.', std.map(escapeKeyToml, path)) + ']' + (if v == {} then '' else '\n') + renderTableInternal(v, path, indexedPath, cindent + indent), renderTableArray(v, path, indexedPath, cindent) = local range = std.range(0, std.length(v) - 1); local sections = [ (cindent + '[[' + std.join('.', std.map(escapeKeyToml, path)) + ']]' + (if v[i] == {} then '' else '\n') + renderTableInternal(v[i], path, indexedPath + [i], cindent + indent)) for i in range ]; std.join('\n\n', sections); if std.isObject(value) then renderTableInternal(value, [], [], '') else error 'TOML body must be an object. Got ' + std.type(value), escapeStringJson(str_):: local str = std.toString(str_); local trans(ch) = if ch == '"' then '\\"' else if ch == '\\' then '\\\\' else if ch == '\b' then '\\b' else if ch == '\f' then '\\f' else if ch == '\n' then '\\n' else if ch == '\r' then '\\r' else if ch == '\t' then '\\t' else local cp = std.codepoint(ch); if cp < 32 || (cp >= 127 && cp <= 159) then '\\u%04x' % [cp] else ch; '"%s"' % std.join('', [trans(ch) for ch in std.stringChars(str)]), escapeStringPython(str):: std.escapeStringJson(str), escapeStringBash(str_):: local str = std.toString(str_); local trans(ch) = if ch == "'" then "'\"'\"'" else ch; "'%s'" % std.join('', [trans(ch) for ch in std.stringChars(str)]), escapeStringDollars(str_):: local str = std.toString(str_); local trans(ch) = if ch == '$' then '$$' else ch; std.foldl(function(a, b) a + trans(b), std.stringChars(str), ''), manifestJson(value):: std.manifestJsonEx(value, ' '), manifestJsonMinified(value):: std.manifestJsonEx(value, '', '', ':'), manifestJsonEx(value, indent, newline='\n', key_val_sep=': '):: local aux(v, path, cindent) = if v == true then 'true' else if v == false then 'false' else if v == null then 'null' else if std.isNumber(v) then '' + v else if std.isString(v) then std.escapeStringJson(v) else if std.isFunction(v) then error 'Tried to manifest function at ' + path else if std.isArray(v) then local range = std.range(0, std.length(v) - 1); local new_indent = cindent + indent; local lines = ['[' + newline] + std.join([',' + newline], [ [new_indent + aux(v[i], path + [i], new_indent)] for i in range ]) + [newline + cindent + ']']; std.join('', lines) else if std.isObject(v) then local lines = ['{' + newline] + std.join([',' + newline], [ [cindent + indent + std.escapeStringJson(k) + key_val_sep + aux(v[k], path + [k], cindent + indent)] for k in std.objectFields(v) ]) + [newline + cindent + '}']; std.join('', lines); aux(value, [], ''), manifestYamlDoc(value, indent_array_in_object=false):: local aux(v, path, cindent) = if v == true then 'true' else if v == false then 'false' else if v == null then 'null' else if std.isNumber(v) then '' + v else if std.isString(v) then local len = std.length(v); if len == 0 then '""' else if v[len - 1] == '\n' then local split = std.split(v, '\n'); std.join('\n' + cindent + ' ', ['|'] + split[0:std.length(split) - 1]) else std.escapeStringJson(v) else if std.isFunction(v) then error 'Tried to manifest function at ' + path else if std.isArray(v) then if std.length(v) == 0 then '[]' else local params(value) = if std.isArray(value) && std.length(value) > 0 then { // While we could avoid the new line, it yields YAML that is // hard to read, e.g.: // - - - 1 // - 2 // - - 3 // - 4 new_indent: cindent + ' ', space: '\n' + self.new_indent, } else if std.isObject(value) && std.length(value) > 0 then { new_indent: cindent + ' ', // In this case we can start on the same line as the - because the indentation // matches up then. The converse is not true, because fields are not always // 1 character long. space: ' ', } else { // In this case, new_indent is only used in the case of multi-line strings. new_indent: cindent, space: ' ', }; local range = std.range(0, std.length(v) - 1); local parts = [ '-' + param.space + aux(v[i], path + [i], param.new_indent) for i in range for param in [params(v[i])] ]; std.join('\n' + cindent, parts) else if std.isObject(v) then if std.length(v) == 0 then '{}' else local params(value) = if std.isArray(value) && std.length(value) > 0 then { // Not indenting allows e.g. // ports: // - 80 // instead of // ports: // - 80 new_indent: if indent_array_in_object then cindent + ' ' else cindent, space: '\n' + self.new_indent, } else if std.isObject(value) && std.length(value) > 0 then { new_indent: cindent + ' ', space: '\n' + self.new_indent, } else { // In this case, new_indent is only used in the case of multi-line strings. new_indent: cindent, space: ' ', }; local lines = [ std.escapeStringJson(k) + ':' + param.space + aux(v[k], path + [k], param.new_indent) for k in std.objectFields(v) for param in [params(v[k])] ]; std.join('\n' + cindent, lines); aux(value, [], ''), manifestYamlStream(value, indent_array_in_object=false, c_document_end=true):: if !std.isArray(value) then error 'manifestYamlStream only takes arrays, got ' + std.type(value) else '---\n' + std.join( '\n---\n', [std.manifestYamlDoc(e, indent_array_in_object) for e in value] ) + if c_document_end then '\n...\n' else '\n', manifestPython(v):: if std.isObject(v) then local fields = [ '%s: %s' % [std.escapeStringPython(k), std.manifestPython(v[k])] for k in std.objectFields(v) ]; '{%s}' % [std.join(', ', fields)] else if std.isArray(v) then '[%s]' % [std.join(', ', [std.manifestPython(v2) for v2 in v])] else if std.isString(v) then '%s' % [std.escapeStringPython(v)] else if std.isFunction(v) then error 'cannot manifest function' else if std.isNumber(v) then std.toString(v) else if v == true then 'True' else if v == false then 'False' else if v == null then 'None', manifestPythonVars(conf):: local vars = ['%s = %s' % [k, std.manifestPython(conf[k])] for k in std.objectFields(conf)]; std.join('\n', vars + ['']), manifestXmlJsonml(value):: if !std.isArray(value) then error 'Expected a JSONML value (an array), got %s' % std.type(value) else local aux(v) = if std.isString(v) then v else local tag = v[0]; local has_attrs = std.length(v) > 1 && std.isObject(v[1]); local attrs = if has_attrs then v[1] else {}; local children = if has_attrs then v[2:] else v[1:]; local attrs_str = std.join('', [' %s="%s"' % [k, attrs[k]] for k in std.objectFields(attrs)]); std.deepJoin(['<', tag, attrs_str, '>', [aux(x) for x in children], '']); aux(value), local base64_table = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', local base64_inv = { [base64_table[i]]: i for i in std.range(0, 63) }, base64(input):: local bytes = if std.isString(input) then std.map(function(c) std.codepoint(c), input) else input; local aux(arr, i, r) = if i >= std.length(arr) then r else if i + 1 >= std.length(arr) then local str = // 6 MSB of i base64_table[(arr[i] & 252) >> 2] + // 2 LSB of i base64_table[(arr[i] & 3) << 4] + '=='; aux(arr, i + 3, r + str) tailstrict else if i + 2 >= std.length(arr) then local str = // 6 MSB of i base64_table[(arr[i] & 252) >> 2] + // 2 LSB of i, 4 MSB of i+1 base64_table[(arr[i] & 3) << 4 | (arr[i + 1] & 240) >> 4] + // 4 LSB of i+1 base64_table[(arr[i + 1] & 15) << 2] + '='; aux(arr, i + 3, r + str) tailstrict else local str = // 6 MSB of i base64_table[(arr[i] & 252) >> 2] + // 2 LSB of i, 4 MSB of i+1 base64_table[(arr[i] & 3) << 4 | (arr[i + 1] & 240) >> 4] + // 4 LSB of i+1, 2 MSB of i+2 base64_table[(arr[i + 1] & 15) << 2 | (arr[i + 2] & 192) >> 6] + // 6 LSB of i+2 base64_table[(arr[i + 2] & 63)]; aux(arr, i + 3, r + str) tailstrict; local sanity = std.foldl(function(r, a) r && (a < 256), bytes, true); if !sanity then error 'Can only base64 encode strings / arrays of single bytes.' else aux(bytes, 0, ''), base64DecodeBytes(str):: if std.length(str) % 4 != 0 then error 'Not a base64 encoded string "%s"' % str else local aux(str, i, r) = if i >= std.length(str) then r else // all 6 bits of i, 2 MSB of i+1 local n1 = [base64_inv[str[i]] << 2 | (base64_inv[str[i + 1]] >> 4)]; // 4 LSB of i+1, 4MSB of i+2 local n2 = if str[i + 2] == '=' then [] else [(base64_inv[str[i + 1]] & 15) << 4 | (base64_inv[str[i + 2]] >> 2)]; // 2 LSB of i+2, all 6 bits of i+3 local n3 = if str[i + 3] == '=' then [] else [(base64_inv[str[i + 2]] & 3) << 6 | base64_inv[str[i + 3]]]; aux(str, i + 4, r + n1 + n2 + n3) tailstrict; aux(str, 0, []), base64Decode(str):: local bytes = std.base64DecodeBytes(str); std.join('', std.map(function(b) std.char(b), bytes)), reverse(arr):: local l = std.length(arr); std.makeArray(l, function(i) arr[l - i - 1]), // Merge-sort for long arrays and naive quicksort for shorter ones sort(arr, keyF=id):: local quickSort(arr, keyF=id) = local l = std.length(arr); if std.length(arr) <= 1 then arr else local pos = 0; local pivot = keyF(arr[pos]); local rest = std.makeArray(l - 1, function(i) if i < pos then arr[i] else arr[i + 1]); local left = std.filter(function(x) keyF(x) < pivot, rest); local right = std.filter(function(x) keyF(x) >= pivot, rest); quickSort(left, keyF) + [arr[pos]] + quickSort(right, keyF); local merge(a, b) = local la = std.length(a), lb = std.length(b); local aux(i, j, prefix) = if i == la then prefix + b[j:] else if j == lb then prefix + a[i:] else if keyF(a[i]) <= keyF(b[j]) then aux(i + 1, j, prefix + [a[i]]) tailstrict else aux(i, j + 1, prefix + [b[j]]) tailstrict; aux(0, 0, []); local l = std.length(arr); if std.length(arr) <= 30 then quickSort(arr, keyF=keyF) else local mid = std.floor(l / 2); local left = arr[:mid], right = arr[mid:]; merge(std.sort(left, keyF=keyF), std.sort(right, keyF=keyF)), uniq(arr, keyF=id):: local f(a, b) = if std.length(a) == 0 then [b] else if keyF(a[std.length(a) - 1]) == keyF(b) then a else a + [b]; std.foldl(f, arr, []), set(arr, keyF=id):: std.uniq(std.sort(arr, keyF), keyF), setMember(x, arr, keyF=id):: // TODO(dcunnin): Binary chop for O(log n) complexity std.length(std.setInter([x], arr, keyF)) > 0, setUnion(a, b, keyF=id):: // NOTE: order matters, values in `a` win local aux(a, b, i, j, acc) = if i >= std.length(a) then acc + b[j:] else if j >= std.length(b) then acc + a[i:] else local ak = keyF(a[i]); local bk = keyF(b[j]); if ak == bk then aux(a, b, i + 1, j + 1, acc + [a[i]]) tailstrict else if ak < bk then aux(a, b, i + 1, j, acc + [a[i]]) tailstrict else aux(a, b, i, j + 1, acc + [b[j]]) tailstrict; aux(a, b, 0, 0, []), setInter(a, b, keyF=id):: local aux(a, b, i, j, acc) = if i >= std.length(a) || j >= std.length(b) then acc else if keyF(a[i]) == keyF(b[j]) then aux(a, b, i + 1, j + 1, acc + [a[i]]) tailstrict else if keyF(a[i]) < keyF(b[j]) then aux(a, b, i + 1, j, acc) tailstrict else aux(a, b, i, j + 1, acc) tailstrict; aux(a, b, 0, 0, []) tailstrict, setDiff(a, b, keyF=id):: local aux(a, b, i, j, acc) = if i >= std.length(a) then acc else if j >= std.length(b) then acc + a[i:] else if keyF(a[i]) == keyF(b[j]) then aux(a, b, i + 1, j + 1, acc) tailstrict else if keyF(a[i]) < keyF(b[j]) then aux(a, b, i + 1, j, acc + [a[i]]) tailstrict else aux(a, b, i, j + 1, acc) tailstrict; aux(a, b, 0, 0, []) tailstrict, mergePatch(target, patch):: if std.isObject(patch) then local target_object = if std.isObject(target) then target else {}; local target_fields = if std.isObject(target_object) then std.objectFields(target_object) else []; local null_fields = [k for k in std.objectFields(patch) if patch[k] == null]; local both_fields = std.setUnion(target_fields, std.objectFields(patch)); { [k]: if !std.objectHas(patch, k) then target_object[k] else if !std.objectHas(target_object, k) then std.mergePatch(null, patch[k]) tailstrict else std.mergePatch(target_object[k], patch[k]) tailstrict for k in std.setDiff(both_fields, null_fields) } else patch, objectFields(o):: std.objectFieldsEx(o, false), objectFieldsAll(o):: std.objectFieldsEx(o, true), objectHas(o, f):: std.objectHasEx(o, f, false), objectHasAll(o, f):: std.objectHasEx(o, f, true), objectValues(o):: [o[k] for k in std.objectFields(o)], objectValuesAll(o):: [o[k] for k in std.objectFieldsAll(o)], equals(a, b):: local ta = std.type(a); local tb = std.type(b); if !std.primitiveEquals(ta, tb) then false else if std.primitiveEquals(ta, 'array') then local la = std.length(a); if !std.primitiveEquals(la, std.length(b)) then false else local aux(a, b, i) = if i >= la then true else if a[i] != b[i] then false else aux(a, b, i + 1) tailstrict; aux(a, b, 0) else if std.primitiveEquals(ta, 'object') then local fields = std.objectFields(a); local lfields = std.length(fields); if fields != std.objectFields(b) then false else local aux(a, b, i) = if i >= lfields then true else if local f = fields[i]; a[f] != b[f] then false else aux(a, b, i + 1) tailstrict; aux(a, b, 0) else std.primitiveEquals(a, b), resolvePath(f, r):: local arr = std.split(f, '/'); std.join('/', std.makeArray(std.length(arr) - 1, function(i) arr[i]) + [r]), prune(a):: local isContent(b) = if b == null then false else if std.isArray(b) then std.length(b) > 0 else if std.isObject(b) then std.length(b) > 0 else true; if std.isArray(a) then [std.prune(x) for x in a if isContent($.prune(x))] else if std.isObject(a) then { [x]: $.prune(a[x]) for x in std.objectFields(a) if isContent(std.prune(a[x])) } else a, findSubstr(pat, str):: if !std.isString(pat) then error 'findSubstr first parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(pat) else if !std.isString(str) then error 'findSubstr second parameter should be a string, got ' + std.type(str) else local pat_len = std.length(pat); local str_len = std.length(str); if pat_len == 0 || str_len == 0 || pat_len > str_len then [] else std.filter(function(i) str[i:i + pat_len] == pat, std.range(0, str_len - pat_len)), find(value, arr):: if !std.isArray(arr) then error 'find second parameter should be an array, got ' + std.type(arr) else std.filter(function(i) arr[i] == value, std.range(0, std.length(arr) - 1)), // Three way comparison. // TODO(sbarzowski): consider exposing and documenting it properly __compare(v1, v2):: local t1 = std.type(v1), t2 = std.type(v2); if t1 != t2 then error "Comparison requires matching types. Got " + t1 + " and " + t2 else if t1 == "array" then std.__compare_array(v1, v2) else if t1 == "function" || t1 == "object" || t1 == "bool" then error "Values of type " + t1 + " are not comparable." else if v1 < v2 then -1 else if v1 > v2 then 1 else 0, __compare_array(arr1, arr2):: local len1 = std.length(arr1), len2 = std.length(arr2); local minLen = std.min(len1, len2); local aux(i) = if i < minLen then local cmpRes = std.__compare(arr1[i], arr2[i]); if cmpRes != 0 then cmpRes else aux(i + 1) tailstrict else std.__compare(len1, len2); aux(0), __array_less(arr1, arr2):: std.__compare_array(arr1, arr2) == -1, __array_greater(arr1, arr2):: std.__compare_array(arr1, arr2) == 1, __array_less_or_equal(arr1, arr2):: std.__compare_array(arr1, arr2) <= 0, __array_greater_or_equal(arr1, arr2):: std.__compare_array(arr1, arr2) >= 0, }