module Jukebox.Provers.E where

import Jukebox.Form hiding (tag, Or)
import Jukebox.Name
import Jukebox.Options
import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import Control.Monad
import Jukebox.Utils
import Jukebox.TPTP.Parsec
import Jukebox.TPTP.ClauseParser hiding (newFunction, Term)
import Jukebox.TPTP.Print
import Jukebox.TPTP.Lexer hiding (Normal, keyword, Axiom, name, Var)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding (parens)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Jukebox.Seq as S
import qualified Jukebox.Map as Map
import Jukebox.Map(Map)
import Data.Hashable
import System.Exit

data EFlags = EFlags {
  eprover :: String,
  timeout :: Maybe Int,
  memory :: Maybe Int

eflags =
  inGroup "E prover options" $
  EFlags <$>
    flag "eprover"
      ["Path to the E theorem prover.",
       "Default: eprover"]
      argFile <*>
    flag "timeout"
      ["Timeout for E, in seconds.",
       "Default: (off)"]
      (fmap Just argNum) <*>
    flag "memory"
      ["Memory limit for E, in megabytes.",
       "Default: (off)"]
      (fmap Just argNum)

-- Work around bug in E answer coding.
mangleAnswer :: Symbolic a => a -> NameM a
mangleAnswer t =
  case typeOf t of
    Term -> term t
    _ -> recursivelyM mangleAnswer t
  where term (f :@: [t]) | stringBaseName f == "$answer" = do
          wrap <- newFunction "answer" [typ t] (head (funArgs f))
          return (f :@: [wrap :@: [t]])
        term t = recursivelyM mangleAnswer t

runE :: (Pretty a, Symbolic a) => EFlags -> Problem a -> IO (Either Answer [Term])
runE flags prob
  | not (isFof (open prob)) = error "runE: E doesn't support many-typed problems"
  | otherwise = do
    (code, str) <- popen (eprover flags) eflags
                   (BS.pack (render (prettyProblem "fof" Normal (close prob mangleAnswer))))
    --case code of
    --  ExitFailure code -> error $ "runE: E failed with exit code " ++ show code ++ ":\n" ++ BS.unpack str
    return (extractAnswer (open prob) (BS.unpack str))
  where eflags = [ "--soft-cpu-limit=" ++ show n | Just n <- [timeout flags] ] ++
                 ["--memory-limit=" ++ show n | Just n <- [memory flags] ] ++
                 ["--tstp-in", "--tstp-out", "-tAuto", "-xAuto"] ++
                 ["-l", "0"]

extractAnswer :: Symbolic a => a -> String -> Either Answer [Term]
extractAnswer prob str = fromMaybe (Left status) (fmap Right answer)
  where env = uniquify (S.unique (names prob))
        varMap = Map.fromList [(env (name x), x) | x <- vars prob]
        funMap = Map.fromList [(env (name x), x) | x <- functions prob]
        result = lines str
        status = head $
          [Satisfiable | "# SZS status Satisfiable" <- result] ++
          [Satisfiable | "# SZS status CounterSatisfiable" <- result] ++
          [Unsatisfiable | "# SZS status Unsatisfiable" <- result] ++
          [Unsatisfiable | "# SZS status Theorem" <- result] ++
          [NoAnswer Timeout | "# SZS status ResourceOut" <- result] ++
          [NoAnswer Timeout | "# SZS status Timeout" <- result] ++
          [NoAnswer Timeout | "# SZS status MemyOut" <- result] ++
          [NoAnswer GaveUp]
        answer = listToMaybe $
          [ parse xs
          | line <- result
          , let prefix = "# SZS answers Tuple ["
                suffix = "|_]"
                (prefix', mid) = splitAt (length prefix) line
                (xs, suffix') = splitAt (length mid - length suffix) mid
          , prefix == prefix'
          , suffix == suffix' ]
        parse xs =
          let toks = scan (BSL.pack xs)
          in case run_ parser (UserState initialState toks) of
            Ok _ ts -> ts
            _ -> error "runE: couldn't parse result from E"
        parser =
          parens (bracks term `sepBy1` punct Or)
          <|> fmap (:[]) (bracks term)
        term =
          fmap (Var . lookup varMap) variable <|>
          liftM2 (:@:) (fmap (lookup funMap) atom) terms
        terms =
          bracks (term `sepBy1` punct Comma)
          <|> return []
        lookup :: (Ord a, Hashable a) => Map BS.ByteString a -> BS.ByteString -> a
        lookup m x = Map.findWithDefault (error "runE: result from E mentions free names") x m