Module      : Language.JVM.Utils
Copyright   : (c) Christian Gram Kalhauge, 2017
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : kalhuage@cs.ucla.edu

This module contains utilities missing not in other libraries.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Language.JVM.Utils
  ( -- * Sized Data Structures
    -- $SizedDataStructures
    SizedList (..)
  , listSize

  , SizedByteString (..)
  , byteStringSize

    -- ** Specific sizes
  , SizedList16
  , SizedByteString32
  , SizedByteString16

    -- * Bit Set
    -- $BitSet
  , BitSet (..)
  , Enumish(..)

    -- ** Specific sizes
  , BitSet16

  -- * General Utilities
  -- $utils
  , trd
  ) where

import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Binary.Get
import           Data.Binary.Put
import           Data.Bits
import           Data.List       as List
import           Data.Set        as Set

import           Control.Monad

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

-- $SizedDataStructures
-- These data structures enables binary reading and writing of lists and
-- byte strings that are prepended with the number of elements to read or write.

-- | SizedList is a binary type, that reads a list of elements. It first reads a
-- length N of type 'w' and then N items of type 'a'.
newtype SizedList w a = SizedList
  { unSizedList :: [ a ]
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

-- | Get the size of the sized list.
listSize :: Num w => SizedList w a -> w
listSize =
  fromIntegral . length . unSizedList

instance Foldable (SizedList w) where
  foldMap am =
    foldMap am . unSizedList

instance Traversable (SizedList w) where
  traverse afb ta =
    SizedList <$> traverse afb (unSizedList ta)

instance (Binary w, Integral w, Binary a) => Binary (SizedList w a) where
  get = do
    len <- get :: Get w
    SizedList <$> replicateM (fromIntegral len) get

  put sl@(SizedList l) = do
    put (listSize sl)
    forM_ l put

-- | A byte string with a size w.
newtype SizedByteString w = SizedByteString
  { unSizedByteString :: BS.ByteString
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Get the size of a SizedByteString
byteStringSize :: (Num w) => SizedByteString w -> w
byteStringSize =
  fromIntegral . BS.length . unSizedByteString

instance (Binary w, Integral w) => Binary (SizedByteString w) where
  get = do
    x <- get :: Get w
    SizedByteString <$> getByteString (fromIntegral x)
  put sbs@(SizedByteString bs) = do
    put (byteStringSize sbs)
    putByteString bs

-- $BitSet
-- A bit set is a set where each element is represented a bit in a word. This
-- section also defines the 'Enumish' type class. It is different than a 'Enum'
-- in that the integers they represent does not have to be subsequent.

-- | An Enumish value, all maps to a number, but not all integers maps to a
-- enumsish value. There is no guarantee that the integers will be subsequent.
class (Eq a, Ord a) => Enumish a where
  -- | The only needed implementation is a list of integer-enum pairs in
  -- ascending order, corresponding to their integer value.
  inOrder :: [(Int, a)]

  fromEnumish :: a -> Int
  fromEnumish a = let Just (i, _) = List.find ((== a) . snd) $ inOrder in i

  toEnumish :: Int -> Maybe a
  toEnumish i = snd <$> (List.find ((== i) . fst) $ inOrder)

-- | A bit set of size w
newtype BitSet w a = BitSet
  { toSet :: Set.Set a
  } deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)

instance (Bits w, Binary w, Enumish a) => Binary (BitSet w a) where
  get = do
    word <- get :: Get w
    return . BitSet $ Set.fromList [ x | (i, x) <- inOrder, testBit word i ]

  put (BitSet f) = do
    let word =
          List.foldl' setBit zeroBits
            (List.map fromEnumish $ Set.toList f) :: w
    put word

-- | A sized list using a 16 bit word as length
type SizedList16 = SizedList Word16

-- | A sized bytestring using a 32 bit word as length
type SizedByteString32 = SizedByteString Word32

-- | A sized bytestring using a 16 bit word as length
type SizedByteString16 = SizedByteString Word16

-- | A BitSet using a 16 bit word
type BitSet16 = BitSet Word16

{- $utils


-- | Takes the third element of a triple.
trd :: (a, b, c) -> c
trd (_, _, c) = c