{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, DeriveDataTypeable,
    ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,ParallelListComp, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeOperators  #-}
-- | KansasLava is designed for generating hardware circuits. This module
-- provides a 'Rep' class that allows us to model, in the shallow embedding of
-- KL, two important features of hardware signals. First, all signals must have
-- some static width, as they will be synthsized to a collection of hardware
-- wires. Second, a value represented by a signal may be unknown, in part or in
-- whole.
module Language.KansasLava.Rep.Class where

import Language.KansasLava.Types
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Sized.Ix
import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- | A 'Rep a' is an 'a' value that we 'Rep'resent, aka we can push it over a
-- wire. The general idea is that instances of Rep should have a width (for the
-- corresponding bitvector representation) and that Rep instances should be able
-- to represent the "unknown" -- X -- value. For example, Bools can be
-- represented with one bit, and the inclusion of the unknown X value
-- corresponds to three-valued logic.
class {- (Size (W w)) => -} Rep w where
    -- | the width of the represented value, as a type-level number.
    type W w

    -- | X are lifted inputs to this wire.
    data X w

    -- | check for bad things.
    unX :: X w -> Maybe w

    -- | and, put the good or bad things back.
    optX :: Maybe w -> X w

    -- | convert to binary (rep) format
    toRep   :: X w -> RepValue

    -- | convert from binary (rep) format
    fromRep :: RepValue -> X w

    -- | Each wire has a known type.
    repType :: Witness w -> Type

    -- show the value (in its Haskell form, default is the bits)
    showRep :: X w -> String
    showRep x = showRepValue (repType (Witness :: Witness w)) (toRep x)

-- | 'Bitrep' is list of values, and their bitwise representation.
-- It is used to derive (via Template Haskell) the Rep for user Haskell datatypes.
class (Size (W a), Eq a, Rep a) => BitRep a where
   bitRep :: [(a, BitPat (W a))]

-- | Given a witness of a representable type, generate all (2^n) possible values of that type.
allReps :: (Rep w) => Witness w -> [RepValue]
allReps w = [ RepValue (fmap Just count) | count <- counts n ]
    n = repWidth w
    counts :: Int -> [[Bool]]
    counts 0 = [[]]
    counts num = [ x : xs |  xs <- counts (num-1), x <- [False,True] ]

-- | Figure out the width in bits of a type.
repWidth :: (Rep w) => Witness w -> Int
repWidth w = typeWidth (repType w)

-- | unknownRepValue returns a RepValue that is completely filled with 'X'.
unknownRepValue :: (Rep w) => Witness w -> RepValue
unknownRepValue w = RepValue [ Nothing | _ <- [1..repWidth w]]

-- | pureX lifts a value to a (known) representable value.
pureX :: (Rep w) => w -> X w
pureX = optX . Just

-- | unknownX is an unknown value of every representable type.
unknownX :: forall w . (Rep w) => X w
unknownX = optX (Nothing :: Maybe w)

-- | liftX converts a function over values to a function over possibly unknown values.
liftX :: (Rep a, Rep b) => (a -> b) -> X a -> X b
liftX f = optX . liftM f . unX

-- | showRepDefault will print a Representable value, with "?" for unknown.
-- This is not wired into the class because of the extra 'Show' requirement.
showRepDefault :: forall w. (Show w, Rep w) => X w -> String
showRepDefault v = case unX v :: Maybe w of
            Nothing -> "?"
            Just v' -> show v'

-- | Convert an integral value to a RepValue -- its bitvector representation.
toRepFromIntegral :: forall v . (Rep v, Integral v) => X v -> RepValue
toRepFromIntegral v = case unX v :: Maybe v of
                 Nothing -> unknownRepValue (Witness :: Witness v)
                 Just v' -> RepValue
                    $ take (repWidth (Witness :: Witness v))
                    $ map (Just . odd)
                    $ iterate (`div` (2::Integer))
                    $ fromIntegral v'
-- | Convert a RepValue representing an integral value to a representable value
-- of that integral type.
fromRepToIntegral :: forall v . (Rep v, Integral v) => RepValue -> X v
fromRepToIntegral r =
    optX (fmap (\ xs ->
        sum [ n
                | (n,b) <- zip (iterate (* 2) 1)
                , b
          (getValidRepValue r) :: Maybe v)

-- | fromRepToInteger always a positve number, unknowns defin
fromRepToInteger :: RepValue -> Integer
fromRepToInteger (RepValue xs) =
        sum [ n
                | (n,b) <- zip (iterate (* 2) 1)
                , case b of
            Nothing -> False
            Just True -> True
            Just False -> False

-- | Compare a golden value with a generated value.
cmpRep :: (Rep a) => X a -> X a -> Bool
cmpRep g v = toRep g `cmpRepValue` toRep v


-- | Helper for generating the bit pattern mappings.
bitRepEnum  :: (Rep a, Enum a, Bounded a, Size (W a)) => [(a,BitPat (W a))]
bitRepEnum = map (\ a -> (a,fromIntegral (fromEnum a))) [minBound .. maxBound]

{-# INLINE bitRepToRep #-}
bitRepToRep :: forall w . (BitRep w, Ord w) => X w -> RepValue
bitRepToRep = bitRepToRep' (Map.fromList $ map (\(a,b) -> (b,a)) $ Map.toList bitRepMap)

bitRepToRep' :: forall w . (BitRep w, Ord w) => Map.Map w RepValue -> X w -> RepValue
bitRepToRep' mp w =
	case unX w of
	  Nothing -> unknownRepValue (Witness :: Witness w)
	  Just val -> 
	    case Map.lookup val mp of
	      Nothing -> unknownRepValue (Witness :: Witness w)
	      Just pat -> pat -- chooseRepValue $ bitPatToRepValue pat

{-# INLINE bitRepFromRep #-}
bitRepFromRep :: forall w . (Ord w, BitRep w) => RepValue -> X w
bitRepFromRep = bitRepFromRep' bitRepMap

bitRepFromRep' :: forall w . (Ord w, BitRep w) => Map.Map RepValue w -> RepValue -> X w
bitRepFromRep' mp rep = optX $ Map.lookup rep mp

bitRepMap :: forall w . (BitRep w, Ord w) => Map.Map RepValue w
bitRepMap = Map.fromList
        [ (rep,a)
        | (a,BitPat repX) <- bitRep
        , rep <- expandBitRep repX

expandBitRep :: RepValue -> [RepValue]
expandBitRep (RepValue bs) = map RepValue $ expand bs
          expand []      = [[]] 
          expand (x:xs)  = [ (Just y:ys) 
                           | ys <- expand xs
                           , y <- case x of
                                    Nothing -> [False,True]
                                    Just v  -> [v]