{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, TypeFamilies,
    ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances,
    FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, GADTs #-}

-- | The Fabric module is used for generating a top-level VHDL entity for a Lava
-- circuit, with inputs and outputs.
module Language.KansasLava.Fabric
        ( Fabric(..)
        , Pad(..)
        , runFabric
        , inStdLogic
        , inStdLogicVector
        , inGeneric
        , outStdLogic
        , outStdLogicVector
        , padStdLogicType
        , theClk
        , theRst
        , theClkEn
        , reifyFabric
        , runFabricWithResult
        , runFabricWithDriver
        ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad hiding (join)
import Data.Sized.Ix
import Data.List as L
import Data.Reify
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
import Data.Ord(comparing)
import Prelude -- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Migration/7.10#GHCsaysTheimportof...isredundant

import Language.KansasLava.Rep
import Language.KansasLava.Signal
import Language.KansasLava.Types
import Language.KansasLava.Utils

-- The '_' will disappear soon from these names.
-- | A Pad represents the type of a top-level input/output port.
data Pad = StdLogic (Seq Bool)
         | forall a . (Size (W a), Show a, Rep a)
                => StdLogicVector (Seq a)
--         | TypedPad (...)
         | GenericPad Integer
	 | TheClk
	 | TheRst
	 | TheClkEn

-- | Get the type of a pad.
padStdLogicType :: Pad -> StdLogicType
padStdLogicType (StdLogic _)       = SL
padStdLogicType (StdLogicVector s) = SLV $ size (untype s)
    where untype :: (Size (W a)) => Seq a -> W a
          untype = error "untype"
padStdLogicType (GenericPad _)        = G
padStdLogicType (TheClk) 	      = SL
padStdLogicType (TheRst) 	      = SL
padStdLogicType (TheClkEn) 	      = SL

instance Show Pad where
        show (StdLogic sq)       = "StdLogic " ++ show sq
        show (StdLogicVector sq) = "StdLogicVector " ++ show sq
        show (GenericPad i)      = "Generic " ++ show i
        show (TheClk)            = "Clk"
        show (TheRst)            = "Rst"
        show (TheClkEn)          = "ClkEn"

         -- TODO: the 2D Array

{- | The 'Fabric' structure, which is also a monad.

> fabric_example :: Fabric ()
> fabric_example = do
>        i0 <- inStdLogic "i0"
>        i1 <- inStdLogic "i1"
>        let (c,s) = halfAdder i0 i1
>        outStdLogic "carry" c
>        outStdLogic "sum" s
>  where
>          halfAdder :: Seq Bool -> Seq Bool -> (Seq Bool,Seq Bool)
>          halfAdder a b = (carry,sum_)
>                where carry = and2 a b
>                      sum_  = xor2 a b

-- | A Fabric consists of a list of input ports, and yields a list of output
-- ports and generics.
data Fabric a = Fabric { unFabric :: [(String,Pad)] -> (a,[(String,Pad)],[(String,Pad)]) }

instance Functor Fabric where
        fmap f fab = fab >>= \ a -> return (f a)

instance Applicative Fabric where
        pure x = Fabric $ \ _ -> (x, [], [])
        (Fabric ff) <*> (Fabric fx) = Fabric $ \ ins ->
          let (f, in_names, outs) = ff ins
              (x, in_names', outs') = fx ins
          in (f x, in_names ++ in_names', outs ++ outs')

instance Monad Fabric where
        return = pure
        (Fabric f) >>= k = Fabric $ \ ins -> let
                          (a,in_names,outs) = f ins
                          (r,in_names',outs') = unFabric (k a) ins
                       in (r,in_names ++ in_names',outs ++ outs')

instance MonadFix Fabric where
        mfix f = Fabric $ \ env -> let (a,in_names,outs) = unFabric (f a) env
                                   in (a,in_names,outs)

-- | Generate a named input port.
input :: String -> Pad -> Fabric Pad
input nm deepPad = Fabric $ \ ins ->
        let p = case lookup nm ins of
                   Just v -> v
                   _ -> error $ "input internal error finding : " ++ show nm
        in (p,[(nm,deepPad)],[])

-- | Generate a named output port.
output :: String -> Pad -> Fabric ()
output nm pad = Fabric $ \ _ins -> ((),[],[(nm,pad)])

-- | Generate a named std_logic input port.
inStdLogic :: (Rep a, Show a, W a ~ X1) => String -> Fabric (Seq a)
inStdLogic nm = do
        pad <- input nm (StdLogic $ mkDeepS $ D $ Pad nm)
        return $ case pad of
          StdLogic sq -> bitwise sq
          _           -> error "internal type error in inStdLogic"

-- | Generate a named generic.
inGeneric :: String -> Fabric Integer
inGeneric nm = do
        pad <- input nm (GenericPad $ error "Fix Generic")
        return $ case pad of
          GenericPad g -> g
          _            -> error "internal type error in inGeneric"

-- | Generate a named std_logic_vector port input.
inStdLogicVector :: forall a . (Rep a, Show a, Size (W a)) => String -> Fabric (Seq a)
inStdLogicVector nm = do
	let seq' = mkDeepS $ D $ Pad nm :: Seq (ExternalStdLogicVector (W a))
        pad <- input nm (StdLogicVector seq')
        return $ case pad of
                     -- This unsigned is hack, but the sizes should always match.
          StdLogicVector sq -> case toStdLogicType ty of
					     SLV _ -> unsafeId sq
					     G     -> error "inStdLogicVector type mismatch: requiring StdLogicVector, found Generic"
					     SL    -> unsafeId sq
					     SLVA _ _ -> unsafeId sq
          _                  -> error "internal type error in inStdLogic"
	ty = repType (Witness :: Witness a)

-- | theClk gives the external name for the clock.
theClk   :: String -> Fabric ()
theClk nm  = input nm TheClk >> return ()

-- | theRst gives the external name for the reset signal [default = low].
theRst   :: String -> Fabric ()
theRst nm = input nm TheRst >> return ()

-- | theClkEn gives the external name for the clock enable signal [default = high].
theClkEn :: String -> Fabric ()
theClkEn nm = input nm TheClkEn >> return ()


-- | Generate a named std_logic output port, given a Lava circuit.
outStdLogic ::
	(Rep a, Show a, W a ~ X1) => String -> Seq a -> Fabric ()
outStdLogic nm seq_bool = output nm (StdLogic (bitwise seq_bool))

-- | Generate a named std_logic_vector output port, given a Lava circuit.
  :: forall a .
     (Rep a, Show a, Size (W a)) => String -> Seq a -> Fabric ()
outStdLogicVector nm sq =
		  case toStdLogicType (typeOfS sq) of
		    G -> error "outStdLogicVector type mismatch: requiring StdLogicVector, found Generic"
		    _    -> output nm $ StdLogicVector
		    	     	       $ (bitwise sq :: Seq (ExternalStdLogicVector (W a)))


-- | Reify a fabric, returning the output ports and the result of the Fabric monad.
runFabric :: Fabric a -> [(String,Pad)] -> (a,[(String,Pad)])
runFabric (Fabric f) args = (a,result)
        where (a,_arg_types,result) = f args

-- | 'runFabric'  runs a Fabric a with arguments, and gives a value result.
-- must have no (monadic) outputs.
runFabricWithResult :: Fabric a -> [(String,Pad)] -> a
runFabricWithResult (Fabric f) args = a
        where (a,_arg_types,[]) = f args

-- | 'runFabricWithDriver' runs a Fabric () using a driver Fabric.
runFabricWithDriver :: Fabric () -> Fabric a -> a
runFabricWithDriver (Fabric f) (Fabric g) = a
        where ((),_,f_result) = f g_result
              (a,_,g_result)  = g f_result


-- | 'reifyFabric' does reification of a 'Fabric ()' into a 'KLEG'.
reifyFabric :: Fabric () -> IO KLEG
reifyFabric (Fabric circuit) = do
        -- This is knot-tied with the output from the circuit execution
        let (_,ins0,outs0) = circuit ins0

        let mkU :: forall a . (Rep a) => Seq a -> Type
            mkU _ = case toStdLogicType ty of
		      G      -> error $ "reifyFabric, outputing a non stdlogic[vector]: " ++ show ty
	    	      SLV {} -> ty
		      _      -> V $ typeWidth ty
	       	     ty = repType (Witness :: Witness a)

        let top_outs = [ (nm, B,    unD $ deepS s) | (nm,StdLogic s) <- outs0 ] ++
                       [ (nm, mkU s, unD $ deepS s) | (nm,StdLogicVector s) <- outs0 ]

        let o = Port "top"
                $ E
                $ Entity (Prim "top") []

        -- Get the graph, and associate the output drivers for the graph with
        -- output pad names.
        (gr, outpads) <- case o of
                Port _ o' -> do
                   (Graph gr out) <- reifyGraph o'
                   let gr' = [ (nid,nd) | (nid,nd) <- gr
                                        , nid /= out
                   case lookup out gr of
                     Just (Entity (Prim "top")  _ ins) ->
                       return (gr',[(nm,ity, driver)
                                       | (nm,ity,driver) <- ins
                     _ -> error $ "reifyFabric: " ++ show o
                v -> fail $ "reifyGraph failed in reifyFabric" ++ show v

	let ins0' = clk' ++ ins0

    	    -- only clock has a default always connecteda; this may check for clk somewhere else.
	    clk'    = if null [ () | (_,TheClk) <- ins0 ] then [("clk",TheClk)] else []

	    clk_name    = head $ [ Pad nm | (nm,TheClk) <- ins0' ]   ++ error "bad clk_name"
	    rst_name    = head $ [ Pad nm | (nm,TheRst) <- ins0' ]   ++ [Lit (RepValue [Just False])]
	    clk_en_name = head $ [ Pad nm | (nm,TheClkEn) <- ins0' ] ++ [Lit (RepValue [Just True])]

	    gr1 = map replaceEnv gr

	    replaceEnv (u,Entity name outs ins) = (u,Entity name outs
						    [ (s,t,case d of
							Pad "clk" -> clk_name
							Pad "rst" -> rst_name
							Pad "clk_en" -> clk_en_name
							other -> other)
						    | (s,t,d) <- ins

        let rCit = KLEG { theCircuit = gr1
                        , theSrcs = [ (nm,fromStdLogicType $ padStdLogicType pad) | (nm,pad) <- ins0' ]
                        , theSinks = outpads

        -- find the clock domains

        let start :: [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))]
            start = [( EntityClock $ clk_en_name
                     , Set.fromList [ p | (_,_,p) <- theSinks rCit ]
                     ) ]

        let theCircuitFM = Map.fromList (theCircuit rCit)

        let follow :: EntityClock -> String -> Unique -> [(EntityClock, Driver Unique)]
            follow clk nm u = case Map.lookup u theCircuitFM of
                        Nothing -> []
                        Just (Entity (External "upflux") _outs [("i0",_,i0), ("go",_,p)]) ->
                                        [ (EntityClock $ Port "o_clk_en" u,i0)
                                        , (clk,p)
			Just (Entity (External "downflux") _ _)
				| nm == "o0" -> -- do not follow into downflux
                                        [ ]

			Just (Entity _nm _outs ins) -> [ (clk,dr) | (_,_,dr) <- ins ]

        let normalize :: [(EntityClock, Driver Unique)] -> [(EntityClock, Set (Driver Unique))]
            normalize = map (\ xss -> (fst (head xss),Set.fromList [ p | (_,p) <- xss ]))
                      . L.groupBy (\ a b -> fst a == fst b)
                      . L.sortBy (comparing fst)

        -- given a working set, find the next working set.
        let step :: [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))] -> [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))]
            step val = normalize
                        [ (c,d)
                        | (clk,xs) <- val
                        , Port n s <- Set.toList xs
                        , (c,d) <- follow clk n s

        -- given a previous result, and a new result, figure out the new Uniques (the front)
        let front :: [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))] -> [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))] -> [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))]
            front old new = concat
                [ case (lookup clk old, lookup clk new) of
                    (Just o',Just n) -> [(clk,n `Set.difference` o')]
                    (Nothing,Just n) -> [(clk,n)]
                    (Just _,Nothing) -> []
                    _                -> error "internal error"
                | (clk,_) <- new

        let join :: [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))] -> [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))] -> [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))]
            join old new =
                [ case (lookup clk old, lookup clk new) of
                    (Just o',Just n)  -> (clk,n `Set.union` o')
                    (Nothing,Just n)  -> (clk,n)
                    (Just o',Nothing) -> (clk,o')
                    _                 -> error "internal error"
                | clk <- Set.toList (Set.fromList (map fst old) `Set.union` Set.fromList (map fst new))

        let interp :: [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))]  -- working set
                   -> [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))]  -- new set
                   -> IO [(EntityClock,Set (Driver Unique))]  -- result
            interp working [] = return working
            interp working new = do
--                print ("working",working)
--                print ("new",new)
                let new' = step new
--                print ("new'",new')
                let working' = join working new'
--                print ("working'",working')
                let new'' = front working new'
--                print ("new''",new'')
                interp working' new''

        clocks <- interp start start

--	let clocks = undefined

        let uqToClk :: Map (Driver Unique) [EntityClock]
            uqToClk = Map.fromListWith (++)
                               [ (port,[clk])
                               | (clk,uqs) <- clocks
                               , port <- Set.toList uqs

--	print uqToClk

        return $ rCit { theCircuit =
                       [  (u,case e of
                              Entity nm outs ins ->
			 	case clkEnPort nm of
				   Nothing -> e
			           Just port_nm ->
					  let (_,p) = entityFind port_nm e
					  in Entity nm outs $
					      ins ++
					      [ case Map.lookup p uqToClk of
                                                       Nothing -> error $ "can not find port: " ++ show p
                                                       Just [EntityClock dr] -> ("clk_en",B,dr)
						       Just xs -> error $ "node " ++ show u ++
								   " has multiple clocks domains " ++
								   show xs

                                | (u,e) <- theCircuit rCit ]

-- Each one needs a i0 to look at

-- | Return the name of the clock-enable port, given an Id.
clkEnPort :: Id -> Maybe String
clkEnPort (Prim "register")     = return "i0"
clkEnPort (Prim "delay")        = return "i0"
clkEnPort (Prim "write")	= return "wData"
clkEnPort (External "upflux")   = return "go"
clkEnPort (External "downflux") = return "i0"
clkEnPort _ = Nothing

-- | A clock is represented using its 'clock enable'.
data EntityClock = EntityClock (Driver Unique)
        deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)


newtype ExternalStdLogicVector x = ExternalStdLogicVector RepValue
        deriving Show

instance (Size ix) => Rep (ExternalStdLogicVector ix) where
    type W (ExternalStdLogicVector ix) = ix
    data X (ExternalStdLogicVector ix) = XExternalStdLogicVector (ExternalStdLogicVector ix)

    optX (Just b)       = XExternalStdLogicVector $ b
    optX Nothing        = XExternalStdLogicVector
                        $ ExternalStdLogicVector
                        $ RepValue
                        $ replicate (size (error "Rep/ExternalStdLogicVector" :: ix)) Nothing
    unX (XExternalStdLogicVector a) = return a

    repType _          = V (size (error "Rep/ExternalStdLogicVector" :: ix))
    toRep (XExternalStdLogicVector (ExternalStdLogicVector a)) = a
    fromRep a = XExternalStdLogicVector (ExternalStdLogicVector a)
    showRep = showRepDefault