Kawa is a small command-line tool to manage some key-value store in a single file. It manages files containing key-value pairs like the following. These files are meant to be human-readable. ``` hostname = localhost port = 5432 username = myuser password = secret database = mydb ``` There are three commands supported by the executable: `get`, `set` and `replace` which, respectively, gets the value assigned to a key from a store, sets a new value to a key in a store and replaces all occurences of keys by their values in a file. This can be used to generate a file from a template and some secrets contained in such a store. For instance, a provisioning tool could create a file `config.template.yml` for some application containing its configuration with lines like `username: USERNAME` and the variables would be stored in `secrets.kawa`. Then, before launching the application, a systemd service could run `kawa replace secrets.kawa -i config.template.yml -o config.yml`. For more information, run `kawa --help`.