-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.14.0. -- -- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack name: kawaii version: synopsis: Utilities for serving static sites and blogs with Wai/Warp category: Web homepage: https://phabricator.chromabits.com/diffusion/KWAI/ maintainer: Eduardo Trujillo license: Apache license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 library hs-source-dirs: src default-extensions: LambdaCase ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 , safe == 0.3.* , text , lens , bytestring , hakyll , optparse-applicative , warp == 3.* , warp-tls == 3.* , wai == 3.* , wai-extra >= 3.0.14 , wai-app-static == 3.* , streaming-commons == 0.1.* , containers , data-default , lifted-base , mtl , monad-logger , monad-control exposed-modules: Hakyll.Serve.Main Network.Wai.Serve Network.Wai.Serve.Applications Network.Wai.Serve.Listeners Network.Wai.Serve.Main Network.Wai.Serve.Middleware Network.Wai.Serve.Types default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite wai-static-extra-spec type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Spec.hs hs-source-dirs: test default-extensions: LambdaCase ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 , safe == 0.3.* , text , lens , bytestring , hakyll , optparse-applicative , warp == 3.* , warp-tls == 3.* , wai == 3.* , wai-extra >= 3.0.14 , wai-app-static == 3.* , streaming-commons == 0.1.* , containers , data-default , lifted-base , mtl , monad-logger , monad-control , hakyll-serve , hspec , QuickCheck default-language: Haskell2010