name: khph version: 0.1.0 synopsis: Command-line file tagging and organization tool homepage: license: AGPL-3 license-file: LICENSE author: Bryan Gardiner maintainer: Bryan Gardiner copyright: Bryan Gardiner category: System build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 description: Khph is a tool for managing collections of files from the command line. It allows you to tag files via symlinks, and query your collection with a simple query language. bug-reports: source-repository head type: git location: executable khph default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -W -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fwarn-unused-do-bind hs-source-dirs: src main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Khph.Args , Khph.Config , Khph.Project.Base , Khph.Project.Impl , Khph.Project.Monad , Khph.Query.Base , Khph.Query.Eval , Khph.Query.Parse , Khph.Util default-extensions: TypeFamilies other-extensions: CPP , OverloadedStrings build-depends: aeson >=0.8 && <0.12 , base >=4.7 && <4.9 , bytestring >=0.10 && <0.11 , cmdargs >=0.10 && <0.11 , containers >=0.5 && <0.6 , directory >=1.2 && <1.3 , filepath >=1.3 && <1.5 , mtl >=2.1 && <2.3 , parsec >=3.1 && <3.2 , text >=1.1 && <1.3 , transformers >=0.3 && <0.5 , unix >=2.7 && <2.8 , unordered-containers >=0.2 && <0.3 , yaml >=0.8 && <0.9