module KMonad.Keyboard.IO.Mac.Types ( MacError(..) , MacKeyEvent , mkMacKeyEvent , toMacKeyEvent , fromMacKeyEvent ) where import KMonad.Prelude import Foreign.Storable import KMonad.Keyboard import qualified RIO.HashMap as M ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $err -- | Everything that can go wrong with Mac Key-IO data MacError = NoMacKeycodeTo Keycode -- ^ Error translating to 'MacKeycode' | NoMacKeycodeFrom MacKeycode -- ^ Error translating from 'MacKeycode' instance Exception MacError instance Show MacError where show e = case e of NoMacKeycodeTo c -> "Cannot translate to mac keycode: " <> show c NoMacKeycodeFrom i -> "Cannot translate from mac keycode: " <> show i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $typ type MacSwitch = Word8 -- ^ Type alias for the switch value type MacKeycode = Word32 -- ^ Type alias for the Mac keycode -- | 'MacKeyEvent' is the C-representation of a a 'KeyEvent' for our Mac API. -- -- It contains a 'Word8' signifying whether the event was a Press (0) -- or Release (1), and a 'Word32' (uint32_t) signifying the Mac -- keycode (the upper 16 bits represent the IOKit usage page, and the -- lower 16 bits represent the IOKit usage). -- -- NOTE: Mac and Linux keycodes do not line up. Internally we use Linux -- Keycodes for everything, we translate at the KeyIO stage (here). newtype MacKeyEvent = MacKeyEvent (MacSwitch, MacKeycode) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | This lets us send 'MacKeyEvent's between Haskell and C. instance Storable MacKeyEvent where alignment _ = 4 -- lowest common denominator of: 1 4 sizeOf _ = 8 -- (1 + 3-padding) + 4 peek ptr = do s <- peekByteOff ptr 0 c <- peekByteOff ptr 4 return $ MacKeyEvent (s, c) poke ptr (MacKeyEvent (s, c)) = do pokeByteOff ptr 0 s pokeByteOff ptr 4 c mkMacKeyEvent :: MacSwitch -> MacKeycode -> MacKeyEvent mkMacKeyEvent s e = MacKeyEvent (s, e) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $conv -- | Convert between 'MacSwitch' and 'Switch' representations. -- -- NOTE: Although 'MacSwitch' could theoretically be something besides 0 or 1, -- practically it can't, because those are the only values the API generates, -- guaranteed. _MacSwitch :: Iso' MacSwitch Switch _MacSwitch = iso to' from' where to' w = if w == 0 then Press else Release from' s = if s == Press then 0 else 1 -- | Lookup the corresponding 'Keycode' for this 'MacKeycode' fromMacKeycode :: MacKeycode -> Maybe Keycode fromMacKeycode = flip M.lookup kcMap -- | Lookup the correspondig 'MacKeycode' for this 'Keycode' toMacKeycode :: Keycode -> Maybe MacKeycode toMacKeycode = flip M.lookup revMap where revMap = M.fromList $ (M.toList kcMap) ^.. folded . swapped -- | Convert a 'KeyEvent' to a 'MacKeyEvent' -- -- NOTE: Mac keycodes are different, and I am not confident I have full -- coverage, therefore this conversion is not total. We are going to leave this -- error-handling in until we are sure this is covered well. Once it lines up -- perfectly, this is essentially an Iso. toMacKeyEvent :: KeyEvent -> Either MacError MacKeyEvent toMacKeyEvent e = case toMacKeycode $ e^.keycode of Just c -> Right $ MacKeyEvent (e^.switch.from _MacSwitch, c) Nothing -> Left . NoMacKeycodeTo $ e^.keycode -- | Convert a 'MacKeyEvent' to a 'KeyEvent' -- -- NOTE: Same limitations as 'toMacKeyEvent' apply fromMacKeyEvent :: MacKeyEvent -> Either MacError KeyEvent fromMacKeyEvent (MacKeyEvent (s, c)) = case fromMacKeycode c of Just c' -> Right $ mkKeyEvent (s^._MacSwitch) c' Nothing -> Left . NoMacKeycodeFrom $ c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $kc -- | Mac does not use the same keycodes as Linux, so we need to translate. -- -- See -- See kcMap :: M.HashMap MacKeycode Keycode kcMap = M.fromList $ [ (0x00070000, KeyError) -- There's no documentation on this error code, but -- I've seen it sent when the rollover is exceeded on -- my macbook internal keyboard , (0x00070001, KeyError) -- kHIDUsage_KeyErrorRollOver , (0x00070002, KeyError) -- kHIDUsage_KeyPOSTFail , (0x00070003, KeyError) -- kHIDUsage_Undefined , (0x00070004, KeyA) , (0x00070005, KeyB) , (0x00070006, KeyC) , (0x00070007, KeyD) , (0x00070008, KeyE) , (0x00070009, KeyF) , (0x0007000A, KeyG) , (0x0007000B, KeyH) , (0x0007000C, KeyI) , (0x0007000D, KeyJ) , (0x0007000E, KeyK) , (0x0007000F, KeyL) , (0x00070010, KeyM) , (0x00070011, KeyN) , (0x00070012, KeyO) , (0x00070013, KeyP) , (0x00070014, KeyQ) , (0x00070015, KeyR) , (0x00070016, KeyS) , (0x00070017, KeyT) , (0x00070018, KeyU) , (0x00070019, KeyV) , (0x0007001A, KeyW) , (0x0007001B, KeyX) , (0x0007001C, KeyY) , (0x0007001D, KeyZ) , (0x0007001E, Key1) , (0x0007001F, Key2) , (0x00070020, Key3) , (0x00070021, Key4) , (0x00070022, Key5) , (0x00070023, Key6) , (0x00070024, Key7) , (0x00070025, Key8) , (0x00070026, Key9) , (0x00070027, Key0) , (0x00070028, KeyEnter) , (0x00070029, KeyEsc) , (0x0007002A, KeyBackspace) , (0x0007002B, KeyTab) , (0x0007002C, KeySpace) , (0x0007002D, KeyMinus) , (0x0007002E, KeyEqual) , (0x0007002F, KeyLeftBrace) , (0x00070030, KeyRightBrace) , (0x00070031, KeyBackslash) -- , (0x00070032, KeyNonUSPound) , (0x00070033, KeySemicolon) , (0x00070034, KeyApostrophe) , (0x00070035, KeyGrave) , (0x00070036, KeyComma) , (0x00070037, KeyDot) , (0x00070038, KeySlash) , (0x00070039, KeyCapsLock) , (0x0007003A, KeyF1) , (0x0007003B, KeyF2) , (0x0007003C, KeyF3) , (0x0007003D, KeyF4) , (0x0007003E, KeyF5) , (0x0007003F, KeyF6) , (0x00070040, KeyF7) , (0x00070041, KeyF8) , (0x00070042, KeyF9) , (0x00070043, KeyF10) , (0x00070044, KeyF11) , (0x00070045, KeyF12) , (0x00070046, KeyPrint) , (0x00070047, KeyScrollLock) , (0x00070048, KeyPause) , (0x00070049, KeyInsert) , (0x0007004A, KeyHome) , (0x0007004B, KeyPageUp) , (0x0007004C, KeyDelete) , (0x0007004D, KeyEnd) , (0x0007004E, KeyPageDown) , (0x0007004F, KeyRight) , (0x00070050, KeyLeft) , (0x00070051, KeyDown) , (0x00070052, KeyUp) , (0x00070053, KeyNumLock) , (0x00070054, KeyKpSlash) , (0x00070055, KeyKpAsterisk) , (0x00070056, KeyKpMinus) , (0x00070057, KeyKpPlus) , (0x00070058, KeyKpenter) , (0x00070059, KeyKp1) , (0x0007005A, KeyKp2) , (0x0007005B, KeyKp3) , (0x0007005C, KeyKp4) , (0x0007005D, KeyKp5) , (0x0007005E, KeyKp6) , (0x0007005F, KeyKp7) , (0x00070060, KeyKp8) , (0x00070061, KeyKp9) , (0x00070062, KeyKp0) , (0x00070063, KeyKpDot) -- , (0x00070064, KeyNonUSBackslash) -- , (0x00070065, KeyApplication) , (0x00070066, KeyPower) , (0x00070067, KeyKpEqual) , (0x00070068, KeyF13) , (0x00070069, KeyF14) , (0x0007006A, KeyF15) , (0x0007006B, KeyF16) , (0x0007006C, KeyF17) , (0x0007006D, KeyF18) , (0x0007006E, KeyF19) , (0x0007006F, KeyF20) , (0x00070070, KeyF21) , (0x00070071, KeyF22) , (0x00070072, KeyF23) , (0x00070073, KeyF24) -- , (0x00070074, KeyExecute) , (0x00070075, KeyHelp) , (0x00070076, KeyMenu) -- , (0x00070077, KeySelect) , (0x00070078, KeyStop) , (0x00070079, KeyAgain) , (0x0007007A, KeyUndo) , (0x0007007B, KeyCut) , (0x0007007C, KeyCopy) , (0x0007007D, KeyPaste) , (0x0007007E, KeyFind) , (0x0007007F, KeyMute) , (0x00070080, KeyVolumeUp) , (0x00070081, KeyVolumeDown) -- , (0x00070082, KeyLockingCapsLock) -- , (0x00070083, KeyLockingNumLock) -- , (0x00070084, KeyLockingScrollLock) , (0x00070085, KeyKpComma) -- , (0x00070086, KeyKpEqualSignAS400) -- , (0x00070087, KeyInternational1) -- , (0x00070088, KeyInternational2) -- , (0x00070089, KeyInternational3) -- , (0x0007008A, KeyInternational4) -- , (0x0007008B, KeyInternational5) -- , (0x0007008C, KeyInternational6) -- , (0x0007008D, KeyInternational7) -- , (0x0007008E, KeyInternational8) -- , (0x0007008F, KeyInternational9) -- , (0x00070090, KeyLANG1) -- , (0x00070091, KeyLANG2) -- , (0x00070092, KeyLANG3) -- , (0x00070093, KeyLANG4) -- , (0x00070094, KeyLANG5) -- , (0x00070095, KeyLANG6) -- , (0x00070096, KeyLANG7) -- , (0x00070097, KeyLANG8) -- , (0x00070098, KeyLANG9) -- , (0x00070099, KeyAlternateErase) -- , (0x0007009A, KeySysReqOrAttention) , (0x0007009B, KeyCancel) -- , (0x0007009C, KeyClear) -- , (0x0007009D, KeyPrior) -- , (0x0007009E, KeyReturn) -- , (0x0007009F, KeySeparator) -- , (0x000700A0, KeyOut) -- , (0x000700A1, KeyOper) -- , (0x000700A2, KeyClearOrAgain) -- , (0x000700A3, KeyCrSelOrProps) -- , (0x000700A4, KeyExSel) -- /* 0x000700A5-0x000700DF Reserved */ , (0x000700E0, KeyLeftCtrl) , (0x000700E1, KeyLeftShift) , (0x000700E2, KeyLeftAlt) , (0x000700E3, KeyLeftMeta) , (0x000700E4, KeyRightCtrl) , (0x000700E5, KeyRightShift) , (0x000700E6, KeyRightAlt) , (0x000700E7, KeyRightMeta) -- /* 0x000700E8-0x0007FFFF Reserved */ , (0x0007FFFF, KeyReserved) , (0x000C00B5, KeyNextSong) , (0x000C00B6, KeyPreviousSong) , (0x000C00CD, KeyPlayPause) , (0x00FF0003, KeyFn) , (0x00FF0004, KeyBrightnessUp) , (0x00FF0005, KeyBrightnessDown) , (0x00FF0008, KeyBacklightUp) , (0x00FF0009, KeyBacklightDown) , (0xFF010004, KeyLaunchpad) , (0xFF010010, KeyMissionCtrl) ]