{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-} {-| Module : Knit.Effect.RandomFu Description : Polysemy random-fu effect Copyright : (c) Adam Conner-Sax 2019 License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : adam_conner_sax@yahoo.com Stability : experimental Polysemy "random-fu" effect. Allows a polysemy "stack" to satisfy a MonadRandom (from "random-fu") constraint. This can be run in a few ways: 1. Directly in 'IO' 2. Using any 'Data.Random.RandomSource' from "random-fu" 3. In 'IO', using a given 'Data.Random.Source.PureMT' source. ('IO' is used to put the source in an 'IORef') -} module Knit.Effect.RandomFu ( -- * Effect Random -- * Actions , sampleRVar , sampleDist -- * Interpretations , runRandomIOSimple , runRandomIOPureMT , runRandomFromSource ) where import qualified Polysemy as P import Polysemy.Internal ( send ) import Data.IORef ( newIORef ) import qualified Data.Random as R import qualified Data.Random.Source as R import qualified Data.Random.Internal.Source as R import qualified Data.Random.Source.PureMT as R import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) ) -- | Random Effect data Random m r where SampleRVar :: R.RVar t -> Random m t GetRandomPrim :: R.Prim t -> Random m t -- | Convert a random-fu RVar to the Random Effect sampleRVar :: (P.Member Random effs) => R.RVar t -> P.Semantic effs t sampleRVar = send . SampleRVar -- | Convert a random-fu Distribution to the Random Effect sampleDist :: (P.Member Random effs, R.Distribution d t) => d t -> P.Semantic effs t sampleDist = sampleRVar . R.rvar getRandomPrim :: P.Member Random effs => R.Prim t -> P.Semantic effs t getRandomPrim = send . GetRandomPrim -- | Run in IO using default random-fu IO source runRandomIOSimple :: forall effs a . MonadIO (P.Semantic effs) => P.Semantic (Random ': effs) a -> P.Semantic effs a runRandomIOSimple = P.interpret f where f :: forall m x . (Random m x -> P.Semantic effs x) f r = case r of SampleRVar rv -> liftIO $ R.sample rv GetRandomPrim pt -> liftIO $ R.getRandomPrim pt -- | Run using the given source runRandomFromSource :: forall s effs a . R.RandomSource (P.Semantic effs) s => s -> P.Semantic (Random ': effs) a -> P.Semantic effs a runRandomFromSource source = P.interpret f where f :: forall m x . (Random m x -> P.Semantic effs x) f r = case r of SampleRVar rv -> R.runRVar (R.sample rv) source GetRandomPrim pt -> R.runRVar (R.getRandomPrim pt) source -- | Run in 'IO', using the given 'PureMT' source stored in an 'IORef' runRandomIOPureMT :: MonadIO (P.Semantic effs) => R.PureMT -> P.Semantic (Random ': effs) a -> P.Semantic effs a runRandomIOPureMT source re = liftIO (newIORef source) >>= flip runRandomFromSource re -- | supply instance of MonadRandom for functions which require it $(R.monadRandom [d| instance P.Member Random effs => R.MonadRandom (P.Semantic effs) where getRandomPrim = getRandomPrim |])