module Configuration (
) where
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Default
import Data.Unjson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BSL (toString)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
readConfig :: forall a m . (Unjson a, Default a, MonadBase IO m, MonadCatch m) => (String -> m ()) -> FilePath -> m a
readConfig logger path = do
logger $ "Reading configuration " ++ path ++ "..."
bsl' <- either logExceptionAndPrintFullDocs return
=<< try (liftBase (BSL.readFile path))
let bsl = BSL.dropWhile (`elem` [10,13,32]) bsl'
res <- do
js <- either logYamlParseExceptionAndBlameJsonParser return $
Yaml.decodeEither' (BS.concat (BSL.toChunks bsl))
case parse ud js of
Result value [] -> return value
Result _ problems -> logProblems problems
logger $ "Configuration file " ++ path ++ " read and parsed."
return res
ud :: UnjsonDef a
ud = unjsonDef
logStringAndFail :: String -> m g
logStringAndFail ex = do
logger $ ex
fail ex
logYamlParseExceptionAndBlameJsonParser :: Yaml.ParseException -> m g
logYamlParseExceptionAndBlameJsonParser ex = do
logStringAndBlameJsonParser $ showNiceYamlParseException path ex
logStringAndBlameJsonParser :: String -> m g
logStringAndBlameJsonParser ex = do
logger $ ex
logStringAndFail $ "Configuration file '" ++ path ++ "' has syntax errors and is not a valid json"
logExceptionAndPrintFullDocs :: SomeException -> m g
logExceptionAndPrintFullDocs ex = logStringAndPrintFullDocs (show ex)
logStringAndPrintFullDocs :: String -> m g
logStringAndPrintFullDocs ex = do
logger $ ex ++ "\n" ++ render ud ++ "\n" ++ configAsJsonString def
fail (show ex)
logProblem (Anchored xpath msg) = do
case renderForPath xpath ud of
Just moreInfo -> do
logger $ show xpath ++ ": " ++ Text.unpack msg ++ "\n" ++ moreInfo
Nothing -> do
logger $ show xpath ++ ": " ++ Text.unpack msg
logProblems problems = do
logger $ "There were issues with the content of configuration " ++ path
mapM_ logProblem problems
fail $ "There were issues with the content of configuration " ++ path
configAsJsonString :: a -> String
configAsJsonString a = BSL.toString $ unjsonToByteStringLazy' (Options { pretty = True, indent = 4, nulls = False }) ud a
showNiceYamlParseException :: FilePath -> Yaml.ParseException -> String
showNiceYamlParseException filepath parseException =
case parseException of
Yaml.NonScalarKey -> filepath ++ ": non scalar key"
Yaml.UnknownAlias anchorName -> filepath ++ ": unknown alias " ++ anchorName
Yaml.UnexpectedEvent received expected -> filepath ++ ": unknown event received " ++ show received ++ " when expected " ++ show expected
Yaml.InvalidYaml Nothing -> filepath ++ ": invalid yaml (no further info available)"
Yaml.InvalidYaml (Just (Yaml.YamlException ex)) -> filepath ++ ": invalid yaml: " ++ ex
Yaml.InvalidYaml (Just (Yaml.YamlParseException problem context (Yaml.YamlMark _index line column))) ->
filepath ++ ":" ++ show (line+1) ++ ":" ++ show (column+1) ++ ": " ++ problem ++ " " ++ context
Yaml.AesonException ex -> filepath ++ ": " ++ ex
Yaml.OtherParseException ex -> filepath ++ ": " ++ show ex
Yaml.NonStringKeyAlias anchorName value -> filepath ++ ": unknown non-string key alias " ++ show anchorName ++ ", " ++ show value
Yaml.CyclicIncludes -> filepath ++ ": cyclic includes"