# labels Declare and access tuple fields with labels This package is experimental, exploring the design space opened up by the implemented and to-be-implemented work on extensible records in GHC. *Note: You need GHC 8.0.1 for the `#foo` syntax, otherwise you have to use `$("foo")` which works on GHC 7.10.* ## Basic examples The [haddock docs are here.](https://chrisdone.github.io/labels/) Enable these extensions: * In GHCi: `:set -XOverloadedLabels -XTypeOperators -XDataKinds -XFlexibleContexts` * In a module: `{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels, TypeOperators, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts #-}` Let's use GHCi: ``` haskell > import Labels > :set -XOverloadedLabels -XTypeOperators -XDataKinds -XFlexibleContexts ```
Construct a record
> (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123)
(#foo := "hi",#bar := 123)
Get fields of a record
> get #bar (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123)
Set fields of a record
> set #bar 66 (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123)
(#foo := "hi",#bar := 66)
Modify fields of a record
> modify #mu (*0.1) (#bar := "hi", #mu := 123)
(#bar := "hi",#mu := 12.3)
Add fields to a record
> cons (#mu := [1,2,3]) (#foo := "hi", #bar := 123)
(#mu := [1,2,3],#foo := "hi",#bar := 123)
> let double field record = set field (get field record * 2) record
> double #mu (#bar := "hi", #mu := 123)
(#bar := "hi",#mu := 246)