-- -- | Default cows -- module Plugin.Dummy.Moo (cows) where cows :: [String] cows = map unlines [[" (__)", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", "* ||----||", " ~~ ~~", " Cow"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", "* ||W---||", " ~~ ~~", " Cow laden", " with milk"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", "* ||V---||", " ~~ ~~", "Betty Ford-type", "cow with milk"], [" (___)", " (o o)", " /-------\\ /", " / | ||O", "* ||,---||", " ~~ ~~", " Bull"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /-------\\/-*", " / | || \\", "* ||----|| *", "\\/|(/)(/\\/(,,/", " Cow munching", " on grass"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " )*)(\\/* / *", "\\ |||/)|/()(", "\\)|(/\\/|)(/\\", "Grass munching", " on cow"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", "", " Cow in water"], [" (__)", " (oo)", "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", "", "", "", " Cow in trouble"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /--------\\/", " * o| ||", " ||----||", " ooo^^ ^^", " Cow taking", " a shit"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /-oooooo-\\/", " * ooooooooo", " ooooooooooooo", "ooooooooooooooooo", " Cow in deep", " shit"], [" * (__) * (__)", " \\ (oo) | (oo)", " \\-------\\/ \\-------\\/", "o o| || / ||", " ||----||>==/-----||", " ^^ ^^ ^^", " Cow getting the shit", " kicked out of her"], [" U", " /---V", " * |--|", "", "", "Cow at 100 meters."], [" .", "", "", "", "Cow at 10,000 meters."], [" )__(", " (oo)", " *-------\\/", " / | ||", "/ ||----||", " vv vv", "", " Polish Cow"], [" vv vv", " ||----|| *", " || | /", " /\\-------/", " (oo)", " (~~)", "", "Australian Cow"], [" (__)", " ____ (oo)", " /- --\\/", " / | ||", " * ||___-||", " ^^ ^^", "", " Freshman Cow", "After the \"Freshman 15\""], [" (__)", " (OO)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", "* ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "", "Cow who drank Jolt"], [" (__)", " (@@)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "", " Cow who ate", "psychadelic mushrooms"], [" (__)", " (xx)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "", " Cow who used Jolt to wash", "down psychadelic mushrooms"], [" (__)", " SooS", " /------S\\/S", " / | ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", " This cow belonged", " to George Washington"], [" /\\", " / \\", " (__) \\ /", " (oo) \\/", " /-------\\/ /S", " / | || / S", "* ||----||___/ S", " ^^ ^^", " Ben Franklin owned", " this cow"], [" __", " ||", " (_||_)", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", "* ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "Abe Lincoln's", " cow"], [" (__) (__)", " (oo) (oo)", " \\/--------\\/", " | |", " ||------||", " ^^ ^^", "This cow lived with", " Dr. Doolittle"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /------\\/", " /| |/ |", " / | [) ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", " This cow was given to", "Hugh Hefner for his Birthday"], [" * (__)", " \\ (oo)", " \\-------\\/", " | ==$ ||", " ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "Old \"One Arm\" belonged", " to Ceasar's Palace"], [" (___)", " ( O )", " /-------\\ /", " / | ||V", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", " The cyclops that Jason and", "the Argonauts met had this cow"], [" (__)", " [##]", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", " This cow belonged", " to Flash Gordon"], [" (__)", " (@o)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "This cow lived with", "the Little Rascals"], [" /------- (__)", " / | || (oo)", " * ||----|---\\/", " ^^ ^", "This cow belonged to", "the Headless Horseman"], [" \\_|_/", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "Cow visiting the Statue of Liberty"], [" (____)", " (o o)", " /-----\\ /----", " / | | \\/ |", " \\ | | | | |", " *| | |-----| | |", " /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\", " This was Salvatore", " Dali's favorite cow"], [" (____)", " ( O O)", " /-----------\\ /", " / || | \\/", " / || ||||", " * ||||-----||||", " ^^^^ ^^^^", " No one was sure whether", " M.C. Escher's cow had four", " legs or eight"], [" (____)", " (oo )", " /-----------\\ /", " / || | \\/", " / || ||||", " * ||||-----||||", " /\\/\\ /\\/\\", "This cow belonged", " to Pablo Picasso"], [" O__O", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", " Cow at Disneyland"], [" (__)", " ^^ (oo)", " ^^^^ /-------\\/", " ^^^^^ / | ||", " ^^^^^ * ||----||", " ^^^^^^^^ ====^^====^^====", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^/", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", " Cow Hanging Ten at Malibu"], [" (__)", " (--)", " /-\\/-\\", " /| |\\", " ^ | | ^", " | |", " /----\\", " / \\ \\", " ^ * ^", "Cow sunning at Fort Lauderdale", " (What a bod, huh guys?)"], [" / / / / / / / / / / /", " / / / / / / / / / / / /", " / / / / / _______ / /", " / / / / | \\ / /", " / / / (__)| / /", " / / / (oo)| / /", " /-------\\/ |", " / | ||^_|", " * ||----|", " ^^ ^", "", "Cow sheltering from English Weather"], [" (__)", " (DD)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||_\\_/", " * ||----|", " ^^ ^", "Cow chugging brews and staring at", " sunbathers at Fort Lauderdale"], [" )\\ (__)", " / \\ (oo)", " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", " Cow swimming at Amityville", "(Where Jaws was filmed, for those less educated)"], [" *", " \\", " \\", " |\\", " \\ | \\ (__)", " \\\\|| \\(oo)", " \\||\\ \\\\/", " ^^ \\||", " \\\\ ||", " \\\\||", " \\||", " ^^", " \\\\_", " \\_", " Cow skiing a Black Diamond at Aspen"], [" ( @@@ )", " ( @@ ) (------------)", " @@ (__) ( *>COUGH<* )", " @@ (oo) . . . ( *>COUGH<* )", " /--UU--\\/ (____________)", " / | ||", " * ||---||", "", " (New) Jersey Cow"], [" O O O O", " \\ \\ / /", " \\ \\ (__) /", " (__) \\ \\ (xx)/", " (DD) \\ +--------+\\//", " /-------\\/ \\| | /", " / | || +--------+", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "Cow fantasizing about \"Riding the Mechanical Bull\"", " at Gillies in Texas"], [" x", " xxxx|xxxx", " xxxxxxx|xxxxxxx", " |", " //", " (__) //", " (oo)//", " /-------\\//", " / | |//", " * ||----|", " ^^ ^^", " Julie Andrews Cow"], [" (__) (__)", " (oo)===(oo)", " /-------\\/ \\/-------\\", " / | || || | \\", "* ||----|| ||----|| *", " ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^", " Siamese cows"], [" o o", " \\ /", " \\ /", " \\__/", " _______(oo)", " /| ___ \\/", " / | { }||", "* ||{___}||", " ||-----||", " ^^ ^^", "", " Television", " Cow", " (Cow-thode", " Ray Tube)"], [" (__) ^", " (oo) /", " _____\\/___/", " / /\\ / /", " ^ / * /", " / ___/", " *----/\\", " / \\", " / /", " ^ ^", "", " This cow does Disco", " (That's what comes of", " snorting cow-caine)"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /---------\\/", " / | x=a(b)||", " * ||------||", " ^^ ^^", "", " Mathematical", " Cow", " (developer of", " cow-culus)"], [" o", " | [---]", " | |", " | | |------========|", " /----|---|\\ | **** |=======|", " /___/___\\___\\ o | **** |=======|", " | | ___| |==============|", " | | ___ {(__)} |==============|", " \\-----------/ []( )={(oo)} |==============|", " \\ \\ / / /---===--{ \\/ } |", " ----------------- / | NASA |==== |", " | | * ||------||-----^", " ----------------- || | |", " / / \\ \\ ^^ ^ |", " / ---- \\", " ^^ ^^ This cow jumped over the Moon"], [" (__)", " ([][]) \"I have this recurring dream", " __\\/_--U about golden arches.\".. (__)", " /\\ \\__ ^ :..(\"\")", " /\\\\\\ / / //\\ ____\\_____\\/ //", " /----^/__/\\ /\\ // \\\\/ \\___ / //", " \\\\\\____/--\\-- // /-/__________/ //", " /====== \\/ =======/==============//", " *_/ / \\ /^ // / \\\\", " / \\ ^ // \\\\", "", " Psycowlogist and patient"], [" \\^^^^^^^^\\ (__)", " \\^^^^^^^^\\\\ (oo)", " *-----\\_______\\/\\/", " ^_______/ --- \\______^", " ^--------\\ \\S/ /\\_____^", " \\______/", "", " It's a bird...", " It's a plane..."], [" (___)", " (o o)", " \\ /", " \\--O--/", " // -----\\", " \\\\/_^{} /==V===[]", " \\_____\\\\//", " \\__/", " //\\\\ The Boss", " // \\\\ (Bruce Holstien)", " // //", " ^^ ^^"], [" ==================", " _____________________________ H H", " | |-------------| H (__) H", " | | ________ | H (oo) H __", " | COWNTY | | (|__|) | | H / \\/ \\ H / \\", " | JAIL | | |oo| | | H | | | | H | STOP |", " | | |__|\\/|__| | H D===b=----- H \\ __ /", " | | o | H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ||", " | | ^ | H H ||", " | | ] | H H ||", " | | | H H ||", " |_____________|_____________| H H ||", " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^", " Some cows get in trouble... Cattle Guard"], [" ( ( )", " ( ( ) )", " ( ( )", " ( / )", " ( ( \\\\ )", " ( | // )", " | | (__)", " | | (oo)", " | | ----\\/", " | | ||", " **| | ---||", " ``'---------^^", " Cow Hide"], [" (__)", " ______(oo)_____", "( _)_______(__) )", " \\ __________/", "", " Cow Pie"], [" \\ | / ___________", " ____________ \\ \\_# / | ___ | _________", " | | \\ #/ | | | | | = = = = |", " | | | | | \\\\# | |`v'| | | |", " | | \\# // | --- ___ | | | || | |", " | | | | | #_// | | | | | |", " | | \\\\ #_/_______ | | | | | | || | |", " | | | | | \\\\# /_____/ \\ | --- | | |", " | | \\# |+ ++| | | |^^^^^^| | | | || | |", " | | \\# |+ ++| | | |^^^^^^| | | | || | |", "^^^| (^^^^^) |^^^^^#^| H |_ |^| | |||| | |^^^^^^| |", " | ( ||| ) | # ^^^^^^ | | |||| | | | ||||||| |", " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^________/ /_____ | | |||| | | | ||||||| |", " `v'- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | ||||||| |", " || |`. (__) (__) ( )", " (oo) (oo) /---V", " /-------\\/ \\/ --------\\ * | |", " / | || ||_______| \\", " * ||W---|| || || *", " ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^", " \"Cow Town\""], [" \\ (__)", " \\\\(oo)", " /-----\\\\\\/", " / | (##)", " * ||----||\"", " ^^ ^^", " This cow plays bagpipes."], [" (__)", " (\\/)", " /-------\\/", " / | 666 ||", "* ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "", "Satanic cow"], [" (__)", " ($$)", " /-------\\/", " / |=====||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "", "This cow is a Yuppie"], [" (__)", " (**)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", "* ||----||", " ^^ ^^", "", " Cow in love"], [" (---)", " ( )", " /-----\\", " | |", " | | |", " | | |", " | * |", " ^^ ^^", " Coward"], [" (__)", " (xx)", " __------\\/", "* ||____||", " / | |\\", "", " Hamburger"], [" . /\\ . .", " . / \\ . .", " / \\ . . *", " / \\ *", " | (__) | . . **", " . /| (oo) |\\ **", " / | /\\/\\ | \\ . . *", " . / |=|==|=| \\ . *", " . / | | | | \\ .", " / USA | ^||^ |NASA \\ .", " |______| ^^ |______| .", " . (__||__) . .", " . /_\\ /_\\ . . .", " !!! !!!", "", " The cow that jumped over the moon."], [" ...---...", " ../ / | \\ \\..", " ./ / / | \\ \\ \\.", " / / / | \\ \\ \\", " / / / | \\ \\ \\", " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", " \\ | /", " \\ | /", " \\ | /", " \\ | /", " \\ | /", " \\ | /", " \\ | /", " \\ | /", " \\ | /", " \\ | /(__)", " \\|/ (oo)", " /---++--\\/", " / | || ||", " * ||-++-||", " ^^ ^^", " Cow surviving attack by Red Baron"], [" ..---.. (__)", " / \\ (oo)", " | RIP | /-------\\/", " | | / | ||", " | | * ||----||", " | | ^^ ^^", "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////////////////", "", " Elvis's Cow... ...Or is it alive and living in tax exile???"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /---+ +--\\/", " / | | | ||", " * ||-+ +-||", " ^^ ^^ *", "", " David Copperfield's Cow David Copperfield's other Cow"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /-------\\/", " / | ||", " * ||----||", " ^^ ^^", " (__) (__)", " (oo) (oo)", " /-------\\/ \\/-------\\", " / | || -^^- || | \\", " * ||---- -^^- || *", " ^^ ^^", " (__) (__)", " (oo) (oo)", " /-------\\/ \\/-------\\", " / | || || | \\", " * ||----|| ||----|| *", " ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^", " Barnum's Troupe of performing cows"], [" (__) _--------_", " (oo) |__________| BIG", " /-------\\/ XXXXXXXXXX MAC", " / | 007 || __________", " * ||----|| |_ _|", " ^^ ^^ --------", " Cow licenced to kill Enemy Cow after having met previous cow"], [" (__)", " (oo) o /| /|/|_", " / \\/ / / _ /", " / _\\===^ ___\\_____/___", " ___|__/ |/\\ (___________(_)", " * ^ ^", "", " Mrs. O'Leary's Cow"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " /'^^^-m", " / '' ` )", " | /|", " | | | |", " |_____|_|", " //|| ||", " * ww ww", "", "Cow'nt Dracula"], [" ____ ____ |+++++|", "|++++| ___ |++++| ____ |+++++|", "|++++| |++ ______________________ |++++| |+++++|", "|++++| |++/ /( )\\ \\ |++++| |+++++| __", "| | |+| |-oo- | \\______ |++++| |+++++| |++|", "-----(__)--| \\__\\/ _(__)_ \\ --------------------------------", " o ( oo /_______________________| (oo) \\ | __", " | _/\\_| | M O O - B U S T E R S|__\\/\\ /| | /oo| - Bleaurgh!", " |-| \\\\____ ------ )_ /| /\\", " -|_ \\_|-_|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0 _| * \\/ *", " \\ | __________________________________/", " | W| \\ \\_/ /----------------- \\ \\_/ /", " / /\\ \\ \\___/ \\___/", " / / \\ \\", " ^^^ ^^^ Who you gonna call...?"], [" (__)", " (-o)", " /------\\/", " /| ||", " * ||----||", "", "Flirtatious cow (winking)"], [" (__)", " (00)", " /------\\/", " /| ||", "* ||----||", "", "Cow w/ Glasses"], [" (__) (----------)", " (--) . . . ( *>YAWN<* )", " /------\\/ (----------)", " /| ||", " * ||----||", "", "Cow after pulling an all-nighter"], [" \\ _ /", " - ( ) -", " / \" \\", " (__)", " ________(oo)", " /| \\/", " / |_______||", " * || ||", " ~~ ~~", " Thomas Edison's cow"], [" ______________________ _______________________", " | | | |", " | (__) | | (__) |", " | (oo) | | (oo) |", " | /-------\\/ | |---\\/ /----|", " | / | || | | || / | |", " | * ||----|| | |--|| * ||--|", " | ~~ ~~ | | ~~ ~~ |", " |--------------------| |---------------------|", " Normal Cow 0 Cow modulo one 1"], [" ______________(__)_________________", " /_______________(oo)_______________ /", " | \\/ ||", " _|_ _||", " /__/_______________________________/__/|", " ( ) ( )|", " | |________________________________| | |", " \\_____________________________________/]", " [] [] []", "", " COW-CH"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " \\/", " ||", " ||", " ||", " ||", " /------- /", " / | ||", "* ||----||", " ~~ ~~", " Cowraffe"], [" * *", " \\ /", " \\ /", " /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\ \\/", " / (__) \\ +----------+", " | (oo) ~~~~~~~~~~~\\ | | |", " |~~~| \\/. \\\\ // \\_* |~~~| | |", " | |-----`//`====='\\\\-----| | | |", " | |-----//---------||----| | | |", " | |_ _ _\"_ _ _ _ _ \"_ _ _| | +----------+", " ~||~ ~||~ || ||", "", " \"COWCH POTATO\""], [" (__)", " (oo) -------------------------", " /-------\\/ - | Don't have a Bart, man! |", " / | || -------------------------", "* ||----||", " ~~ ~~", " The Simpsons' cow"], [" _______________________", "|\\ ~ ~ /|", "| \\ ~ ~ ~ / |", "|(_\\ ~ COW-PIE ~ /_)|", "|(oo\\ ~ /oo)|", "| \\/ \\ ~ ~ / \\/ |", "|(__) \\ / (__)|", "\\(oo)(_\\ ~ ~ /_)(oo)|", " \\\\/ (oo\\ /oo) \\//", " \\ \\/ \\ ~ / \\/ /", " \\ (__)\\ / (__) /", " \\ (oo) \\~/ (oo)/", " \\ \\/ :(__)\\//", " \\ (__):(oo) /", " \\(oo): \\/ /", " \\\\/(__) /", " \\ (oo)/", " \\ \\//", " \\:/"], [" \\ /", " \\_____________/", " /\\___________/\\", " Cow in / /\\_________/\\ \\", " trouble / / /\\_______/\\ \\ \\", " / / / / (__) /\\ \\ \\ \\", " ___/_/_/_/_ (oo) \\_\\_\\_\\_\\___", " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\/ / / / / /", " \\ \\ \\ \\/_____\\/ / / /", " \\ \\ \\/_______\\/ / /", " \\ \\/_________\\/ /", " \\/___________\\/", " / \\", " / \\"], [" (___)", " ( OO", " ______ ______ _____\\_ | ______ (__) ______", " | | | | | |\\O cowstle | | (oo)| |", " | |____| |____| | | |__\\/_| |", " | | | |", " | | (__) | |", " | __________ | (oo) | __________ |", " | | | | \\/-------\\ | | | |", " | | | | ___ | ___ |_\\_ | | | |", " | | (__) | |_| |_|_| |__|| |__| | (__) | |", " | | (oo) | | (oo) | |", " | \\___\\/___/ \\___\\/___/ |", " | |", " | |", " ( ______ )", " ( / \\ )", " ( / \\ )", " ( | | )", " | | | |", " | | | |", " |_________________________|________|______________|"], [" \\ \\", " \\ \\", " \\ \\", " \\ \\ (__)", " \\ \\ (oo)", " /---\\----\\/", " / | \\ ||", " * ||---\\-\\\\", " ~~ ~~", " ~~ ~~", " \\\\_____//", " || |", " /\\------\\", " (oo) \\", " (--) *", "", "Cow Circus: The flying Cowlendas"], [" /", " /", " * (__) /", " \\ ( OO /", " \\---\\___/\\_|\\=/>", " | \\===/>", " | /______/ /", "_________\\\\_\\\\_____/__________________", " ~ ~ /", " /", " /", "", " Cow Circus: Tightrope walking"], [" *", " \\", " w \\ w", " \\\\ /\\ //", " \\\\/ \\//", " | |", " |(__)|", " \\(OO)/", " //\\/\\\\", " || ||", " ||__||", " /~~ ~~\\", " / ======== \\", " / \\", " |==============|", " \\ /", " \\ ======== /", " \\ _____ /", "Cow balancing on ball"], [" (__)", " (oo)", " .-\\/-.", " <| |>", " \\ \\/ /", " |\\/\\/|", " /----\\", " / \\", " /* * * \\", "/__*_*_*_\\", " || ||", " ~~ ~~", "", " Cowslip"]]