{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, PatternGuards #-} -- -- Copyright (c) 2005-6 Don Stewart - http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons -- GPL version 2 or later (see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) -- -- grab a random line of code from a directory full of .hs code -- module Plugin.Code where import Plugin import Text.Regex $(plugin "Code") instance Module CodeModule [FilePath] where moduleDefState _ = io $ getSourceFiles $ fptoolsPath config "libraries" "base" moduleHelp _ _ = "code. Print random line of code from $fptools" moduleCmds _ = ["code"] process_ _ "code" _ = do fs <- readMS (file,line) <- liftIO $ do f <- stdGetRandItem fs h <- openFile f ReadMode s <- hGetContents h l <- getRandSrcOf (lines s) 1000 -- number of times to try hClose h return (f, (dropSpace . expandTab $ l)) -- dump raw output return [basename file ++ ": " ++ line] -- -- work out our list of potential source files -- evil! -- -- Going to be expensive at startup, no? -- getSourceFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] getSourceFiles d = do (o,_,_) <- popen "/usr/bin/find" [d,"-name","*.hs","-o","-name","*.lhs"] Nothing return (lines o) -- give up: getRandSrcOf :: [String] -> Int -> IO String getRandSrcOf s 0 | s == [] = return [] | otherwise = return $ head s -- otherwise get a random src line getRandSrcOf ss n = do s <- stdGetRandItem ss case () of {_ | Just _ <- comment `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- ws `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- nl `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- pragma `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- imports `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- wheres `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- mods `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- nested `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- cpp `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | Just _ <- cpp' `matchRegex` s -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | length s < 30 -> getRandSrcOf ss (n-1) | otherwise -> return s -- got it } where comment = mkRegex "--" nested = mkRegex "{" pragma = mkRegex "OPTION" cpp = mkRegex "#if" cpp' = mkRegex "#include" ws = mkRegex "^ " -- line *must* start with an identifer nl = mkRegex "\n" imports = mkRegex "^import" wheres = mkRegex "^ *where" mods = mkRegex "module"