-- Copyright (c) 2004-6 Donald Bruce Stewart - http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons
-- GPL version 2 or later (see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)

-- | A Haskell evaluator for the pure part, using mueval
module Lambdabot.Plugin.Eval (evalPlugin, runGHC, exts) where

import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Lambdabot.Util

import Control.Exception (try, SomeException)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as Hs
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.Process

evalPlugin :: Module ()
evalPlugin = newModule
    { moduleCmds = return
        [ (command "run")
            { help = say "run <expr>. You have Haskell, 3 seconds and no IO. Go nuts!"
            , process = lim80 . runGHC
        , (command "let")
            { aliases = ["define"] -- because @define always gets "corrected" to @undefine
            , help = say "let <x> = <e>. Add a binding"
            , process = lim80 . define
        , (command "undefine")
            { help = say "undefine. Reset evaluator local bindings"
            , process = \s ->
                if null s
                    then do
                        say "Undefined."
                    else say "There's currently no way to undefine just one thing.  Say @undefine (with no extra words) to undefine everything."

    , contextual = \txt -> do
        b <- isEval txt
        when b (lim80 (runGHC (dropPrefix txt)))

-- extensions to enable for the interpreted expression
-- (and probably also L.hs if it doesn't already have these set)
exts :: [String]
exts = ["ImplicitPrelude"] -- workaround for bug in hint package

args :: String -> String -> [String] -> [String]
args load src trusted = concat
    [ ["-S"]
    , map ("-s" ++) trusted
    , map ("-X" ++) exts
    , ["--no-imports", "-l", load]
    , ["--expression=" ++ src]
    , ["+RTS", "-N", "-RTS"]

isEval :: MonadLB m => String -> m Bool
isEval str = do
    prefixes <- getConfig evalPrefixes
    return (prefixes `arePrefixesWithSpaceOf` str)

dropPrefix :: String -> String
dropPrefix = dropWhile (' ' ==) . drop 2

runGHC :: MonadLB m => String -> m String
runGHC src = do
    load    <- lb (findOrCreateLBFile "L.hs")
    binary  <- getConfig muevalBinary
    trusted <- getConfig trustedPackages
    (_,out,err) <- io (readProcessWithExitCode binary (args load src trusted) "")
    case (out,err) of
        ([],[]) -> return "Terminated\n"
        _       -> do
            let o = munge out
                e = munge err
            return $ case () of {_
                | null o && null e -> "Terminated\n"
                | null o           -> " " ++ e
                | otherwise        -> " " ++ o

-- define a new binding

define :: MonadLB m => String -> m String
define [] = return "Define what?"
define src = case Hs.parseModule src of
    Hs.ParseOk srcModule -> do
        l <- lb (findOrCreateLBFile "L.hs")
        res <- io (Hs.parseFile l)
        case res of
            Hs.ParseFailed loc err -> return (Hs.prettyPrint loc ++ ':' : err)
            Hs.ParseOk lModule -> do
                let merged = mergeModules lModule srcModule
                case moduleProblems merged of
                    Just msg -> return msg
                    Nothing  -> comp merged
    Hs.ParseFailed _loc err -> return ("Parse failed: " ++ err)

-- merge the second module _into_ the first - meaning where merging doesn't
-- make sense, the field from the first will be used
mergeModules :: Hs.Module -> Hs.Module -> Hs.Module
mergeModules (Hs.Module loc1 name1 pragmas1 warnings1  exports1 imports1 decls1)
             (Hs.Module    _     _        _         _ _exports2 imports2 decls2)
    = Hs.Module loc1 name1 pragmas1 warnings1 exports1
        (mergeImports imports1 imports2)
        (mergeDecls   decls1   decls2)
        mergeImports x y = nub (sortBy (comparing Hs.importModule) (x ++ y))
        mergeDecls x y = sortBy (comparing funcNamesBound) (x ++ y)

        -- this is a very conservative measure... we really only even care about function names,
        -- because we just want to sort those together so clauses can be added in the right places
        -- TODO: find out whether the [Hs.Match] can contain clauses for more than one function (e,g. might it be a whole binding group?)
        funcNamesBound (Hs.FunBind ms) = nub $ sort [ n | Hs.Match _ n _ _ _ _ <- ms]
        funcNamesBound _ = []

moduleProblems :: Hs.Module -> Maybe [Char]
moduleProblems (Hs.Module _ _ pragmas _ _ _imports _decls)
    | safe `notElem` langs  = Just "Module has no \"Safe\" language pragma"
    | trusted `elem` langs  = Just "\"Trustworthy\" language pragma is set"
    | otherwise             = Nothing
        safe    = Hs.name "Safe"
        trusted = Hs.name "Trustworthy"
        langs = concat [ ls | Hs.LanguagePragma _ ls <- pragmas ]

-- It parses. then add it to a temporary L.hs and typecheck
comp :: MonadLB m => Hs.Module -> m String
comp src = do
    -- Note we copy to .L.hs, not L.hs. This hides the temporary files as dot-files
    io (writeFile ".L.hs" (Hs.prettyPrint src))

    -- and compile .L.hs
    -- careful with timeouts here. need a wrapper.
    trusted <- getConfig trustedPackages
    let ghcArgs = concat
            [ ["-O", "-v0", "-c", "-Werror", "-fpackage-trust"]
            , concat [["-trust", pkg] | pkg <- trusted]
            , [".L.hs"]
    ghc <- getConfig ghcBinary
    (c, o',e') <- io (readProcessWithExitCode ghc ghcArgs "")
    -- cleanup, 'try' because in case of error the files are not generated
    _ <- io (try (removeFile ".L.hi") :: IO (Either SomeException ()))
    _ <- io (try (removeFile ".L.o")  :: IO (Either SomeException ()))

    case (munge o', munge e') of
        ([],[]) | c /= ExitSuccess -> do
                    io (removeFile ".L.hs")
                    return "Error."
                | otherwise -> do
                    l <- lb (findOrCreateLBFile "L.hs")
                    io (renameFile ".L.hs" l)
                    return "Defined."
        (ee,[]) -> return ee
        (_ ,ee) -> return ee

munge :: String -> String
munge = expandTab 8 . dropWhile (=='\n') . dropNL

-- reset all bindings

reset :: MonadLB m => m ()
reset = do
    l <- lb (findOrCreateLBFile "L.hs")
    p <- lb (findOrCreateLBFile "Pristine.hs")
    io (copyFile p l)