{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Plugin.UnMtl
-- Copyright   : Don Stewart, Lennart Kolmodin 2007, Twan van Laarhoven 2008
-- License     : GPL-style (see LICENSE)
-- Unroll the MTL monads with your favorite bot!

module Lambdabot.Plugin.Haskell.UnMtl (unmtlPlugin) where

import Lambdabot.Plugin
import qualified Lambdabot.Plugin as Lmb (Module)
import Lambdabot.Util.Parser (prettyPrintInLine)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Simple as Hs hiding (tuple, var)

unmtlPlugin :: Lmb.Module ()
unmtlPlugin = newModule
    { moduleCmds = return
        [ (command "unmtl")
            { help = say "unroll mtl monads"
            , process = say . either ("err: " ++) prettyPrintInLine . mtlParser

-- 'PType' wrapper type

data PMonad a = PMonad
       { pResult :: a                      -- The result (trsnsformed type)
       , pError  :: Maybe String           -- An error message?
       , pFun    :: Maybe (PType -> PType) -- A type function

type PType = PMonad Type

instance Functor PMonad where
    fmap = liftM

instance Applicative PMonad where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

-- A monad instance so we get things like liftM and sequence for free
instance Monad PMonad where
    return t = PMonad t Nothing Nothing
    m >>= g  = let x = g (pResult m)
               in PMonad (pResult x) (pError m `mplus` pError x) Nothing

-- Lifiting function types

type P = PType

lift0 :: P                            -> Type -> P
lift1 :: (P -> P)                     -> Type -> P
lift2 :: (P -> P -> P)                -> Type -> P
lift3 :: (P -> P -> P -> P)           -> Type -> P
lift4 :: (P -> P -> P -> P -> P)      -> Type -> P
lift5 :: (P -> P -> P -> P -> P -> P) -> Type -> P

lift0 f _ = f
lift1 f n = mkPfun n (lift0 . f)
lift2 f n = mkPfun n (lift1 . f)
lift3 f n = mkPfun n (lift2 . f)
lift4 f n = mkPfun n (lift3 . f)
lift5 f n = mkPfun n (lift4 . f)

mkPfun :: Type -> (PType -> Type -> PType) -> PType
mkPfun n cont = PMonad n (Just msg) (Just fun)
  where fun p = cont p (TyApp n (pResult p))
        msg = "`" ++ prettyPrintInLine n ++ "' is not applied to enough arguments" ++ full fun ['A'..'Z'] "/\\"
        full p (x:xs) l = case p (con [x]) of
                   PMonad{pFun    = Just p'} -> full p' xs l'
                   PMonad{pError  = Just _}  -> "."
                   PMonad{pResult = t }      -> ", giving `" ++ init l' ++ ". " ++ prettyPrintInLine t ++ "'"
          where l' = l ++ [x] ++ " "
        full _ [] _ = error "UnMtl plugin error: ampty list"

-- Helpers for constructing types

infixr 5 -->
infixl 6 $$

-- Function type
(-->) :: PType -> PType -> PType
a --> b = liftM2 cu a b

cu :: Type -> Type -> Type
cu (TyTuple _ xs) y = foldr TyFun y xs
cu a b = TyFun a b

-- Type application:
--   If we have a type function, use that
--   Otherwise use TyApp, but check for stupid errors
($$) :: PType -> PType -> PType
($$) PMonad{ pFun=Just f } x = f x
($$) f x = PMonad
         { pResult = TyApp (pResult f) (pResult x)
         , pError  = pError f `mplus` -- ignore errors in x, the type constructor f might have a higher kind and ignore x
                      if isFunction (pResult f) then Nothing else
                            Just $ "`" ++ prettyPrintInLine (pResult f) ++ "' is not a type function."
         , pFun    = Nothing
    isFunction (TyFun _ _) = False
    isFunction (TyTuple _ _) = False
    isFunction _             = True

con, var :: String -> PType
con = return . TyCon . UnQual . Ident
var = return . TyVar . Ident

tuple :: [PType] -> PType
tuple = liftM (TyTuple Boxed . concatMap unpack) . sequence
    unpack (TyTuple _ xs) = xs
    unpack x = [x]

-- a bit of a hack
forall_ :: String -> (PType -> PType) -> PType
forall_ x f = var ("forall " ++ x ++ ".") $$ f (var x)

-- Definitions from the MTL library

-- MTL types (plus MaybeT)
types :: [(String, Type -> PType)]
types =
    [ ("Cont",     lift2 $ \r       a -> (a -->      r) -->      r)
    , ("ContT",    lift3 $ \r     m a -> (a --> m $$ r) --> m $$ r)
    , ("ErrorT",   lift3 $ \e     m a -> m $$ (con "Either" $$ e $$ a))
    , ("Identity", lift1 $ \        a -> a)
    , ("ListT",    lift2 $ \      m a -> m $$ (return list_tycon $$ a))
    , ("RWS",      lift4 $ \r w s   a -> r --> s -->      tuple [a, s, w])
    , ("RWST",     lift5 $ \r w s m a -> r --> s --> m $$ tuple [a, s, w])
    , ("Reader",   lift2 $ \r       a -> r -->            a)
    , ("ReaderT",  lift3 $ \r     m a -> r -->       m $$ a)
    , ("Writer",   lift2 $ \  w     a ->                  tuple [a,    w])
    , ("WriterT",  lift3 $ \  w   m a ->             m $$ tuple [a,    w])
    , ("State",    lift2 $ \    s   a ->       s -->      tuple [a, s   ])
    , ("StateT",   lift3 $ \    s m a ->       s --> m $$ tuple [a, s   ])
    -- very common:
    , ("MaybeT",   lift2 $ \      m a -> m $$ (con "Maybe" $$ a))
    -- from the Haskell wiki
    , ("Rand",     lift2 $ \g       a -> g -->      tuple [a, g])
    , ("RandT",    lift3 $ \g     m a -> g --> m $$ tuple [a, g])
    , ("NonDet",   lift1 $ \        a -> forall_ "b" $ \b -> (a --> b --> b) --> b --> b)
    , ("NonDetT",  lift2 $ \      m a -> forall_ "b" $ \b -> (a --> m $$ b --> m $$ b) --> m $$ b --> m $$ b)

-- Parsing of types

mtlParser :: String -> Either String Type
mtlParser input = do
    Hs.Module _ _ _ decls <- liftE $ parseModule ("type X = " ++ input ++ "\n")
    hsType <- case decls of
        (TypeDecl _ hsType:_) -> return hsType
        _ -> fail "No parse?"
    let result = mtlParser' hsType
    case pError result of
        Just e  -> fail e
        Nothing -> return (pResult result)
    liftE (ParseOk a) = return a
    liftE (ParseFailed _src str) = fail str

mtlParser' :: Type -> PType
mtlParser' t@(TyCon (UnQual (Ident v))) = case lookup v types of
     Just pt -> pt t
     Nothing -> return t
mtlParser' (TyApp a b) = mtlParser' a $$ mtlParser' b
mtlParser' (TyParen t) = mtlParser' t
mtlParser' t = return t

-- Examples
-- ContT ByteString (StateT s IO) a
-- StateT s (ContT ByteString IO) a
-- ErrorT ByteString (WriterT String (State s)) a