-- Copyright (c) 2006 Don Stewart - http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons
-- GPL version 2 or later (see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)

-- | String and other utilities
module Lambdabot.Util (
        split, split2,
        lowerCaseString, upperCaseString,
        upperize, lowerize,
        quote, timeStamp,
        listToStr, showWidth,
        listToMaybeWith, listToMaybeAll,
        getRandItem, stdGetRandItem, randomElem,
        closest, closests,
        withMWriter, parIO, timeout,
        arePrefixesWithSpaceOf, arePrefixesOf,

        (</>), (<.>), (<+>), (<>), (<$>),
        basename, dirname, dropSuffix, joinPath,

        addList, mapMaybeMap, insertUpd,


        isLeft, isRight, unEither,


        random, insult, confirmation
    ) where

import Data.List                (intersperse, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Char                (isSpace, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State      (MonadIO(..))

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.IORef               (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)

import Control.Concurrent       (MVar, newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, tryPutMVar, putMVar,
                                 forkIO, killThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception        (bracket)

-- getStdRandom has a bug, see safeGetStdRandom below.
import System.Random hiding (split,random,getStdRandom)

import System.IO
import qualified System.Time as T


-- | 'concatWith' joins lists with the given glue elements. Example:
-- > concatWith ", " ["one","two","three"] ===> "one, two, three"
concatWith  :: [a]   -- ^ Glue to join with
            -> [[a]] -- ^ Elements to glue together
            -> [a]   -- ^ Result: glued-together list

concatWith glue xs = (concat . intersperse glue) xs

-- | Split a list into pieces that were held together by glue.  Example:
-- > split ", " "one, two, three" ===> ["one","two","three"]
split :: Eq a => [a] -- ^ Glue that holds pieces together
      -> [a]         -- ^ List to break into pieces
      -> [[a]]       -- ^ Result: list of pieces
split glue xs = split' xs
    split' [] = []
    split' xs' = piece : split' (dropGlue rest)
        where (piece, rest) = breakOnGlue glue xs'
    dropGlue = drop (length glue)

-- a variant?
split2 :: Char -> Int -> String -> [String]
split2 c i s =
        let fn 0 t = t:[]
            fn j t = let (xs,ys) = break (== c) t
                     in case ys of
                        [] -> xs:[]
                        _  -> xs: fn (j-1) (tail ys)
        in fn (i-1) s

-- | Break off the first piece of a list held together by glue,
--   leaving the glue attached to the remainder of the list.  Example:
--   Like break, but works with a [a] match.
-- > breakOnGlue ", " "one, two, three" ===> ("one", ", two, three")
breakOnGlue :: (Eq a) => [a] -- ^ Glue that holds pieces together
            -> [a]           -- ^ List from which to break off a piece
            -> ([a],[a])     -- ^ Result: (first piece, glue ++ rest of list)
breakOnGlue _ [] = ([],[])
breakOnGlue glue rest@(x:xs)
    | glue `isPrefixOf` rest = ([], rest)
    | otherwise = (x:piece, rest')
        where (piece, rest') = breakOnGlue glue xs
{-# INLINE breakOnGlue #-}

-- | Reverse cons. Add an element to the back of a list. Example:
-- > snoc 3 [2, 1] ===> [2, 1, 3]
snoc :: a -- ^ Element to be added
     -> [a] -- ^ List to add to
     -> [a] -- ^ Result: List ++ [Element]
snoc x xs = xs ++ [x]

-- | 'after' takes 2 strings, called the prefix and data. A necessary
--   precondition is that
--   > Data.List.isPrefixOf prefix data ===> True
--   'after' returns a string based on data, where the prefix has been
--   removed as well as any excess space characters. Example:
--   > after "This is" "This is a string" ===> "a string"
after :: String -- ^ Prefix string
      -> String -- ^ Data string
      -> String -- ^ Result: Data string with Prefix string and excess whitespace
                --     removed
after [] ys     = dropWhile isSpace ys
after (_:_) [] = error "after: (:) [] case"
after (x:xs) (y:ys)
  | x == y    = after xs ys
  | otherwise = error "after: /= case"

-- | Break a String into it's first word, and the rest of the string. Example:
-- > split_first_word "A fine day" ===> ("A", "fine day)
splitFirstWord :: String -- ^ String to be broken
                 -> (String, String)
splitFirstWord xs = (w, dropWhile isSpace xs')
  where (w, xs') = break isSpace xs

-- | Get the first word of a string. Example:
-- > first_word "This is a fine day" ===> "This"
firstWord :: String -> String
firstWord = takeWhile (not . isSpace)

-- refactor, might be good for logging to file later
-- | 'debugStr' checks if we have the verbose flag turned on. If we have
--   it outputs the String given. Else, it is a no-op.

debugStr :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
debugStr = liftIO . putStr

-- | 'debugStrLn' is a version of 'debugStr' that adds a newline to the end
--   of the string outputted.
debugStrLn :: (MonadIO m) => [Char] -> m ()
debugStrLn x = debugStr (x ++ "\n")

-- | 'lowerCaseString' transforms the string given to lower case.
-- > Example: lowerCaseString "MiXeDCaSe" ===> "mixedcase"
lowerCaseString :: String -> String
lowerCaseString = map toLower

-- | 'upperCaseString' transforms the string given to upper case.
-- > Example: upperCaseString "MiXeDcaSe" ===> "MIXEDCASE"
upperCaseString :: String -> String
upperCaseString = map toUpper

-- | 'lowerize' forces the first char of a string to be lowercase.
--   if the string is empty, the empty string is returned.
lowerize :: String -> String
lowerize [] = []
lowerize (c:cs) = toLower c:cs

-- | 'upperize' forces the first char of a string to be uppercase.
--   if the string is empty, the empty string is returned.
upperize :: String -> String
upperize [] = []
upperize (c:cs) = toUpper c:cs

-- | 'quote' puts a string into quotes but does not escape quotes in
--   the string itself.
quote  :: String -> String
quote x = "\"" ++ x ++ "\""

-- | Form a list of terms using a single conjunction. Example:
-- > listToStr "and" ["a", "b", "c"] ===> "a, b and c"
listToStr :: String -> [String] -> String
listToStr _    []           = []
listToStr conj (item:items) =
  let listToStr' [] = []
      listToStr' [y] = concat [" ", conj, " ", y]
      listToStr' (y:ys) = concat [", ", y, listToStr' ys]
  in  item ++ listToStr' items

-- | Like 'listToMaybe', but take a function to use in case of a non-null list.
--   I.e. @listToMaybe = listToMaybeWith head@
listToMaybeWith :: ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
listToMaybeWith _ [] = Nothing
listToMaybeWith f xs = Just (f xs)

-- | @listToMaybeAll = listToMaybeWith id@
listToMaybeAll :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
listToMaybeAll = listToMaybeWith id


-- | getStdRandom has a bug when 'f' returns bottom, we strictly evaluate the
-- new generator before calling setStdGen.
safeGetStdRandom :: (StdGen -> (a,StdGen)) -> IO a
safeGetStdRandom f = do
    g <- getStdGen
    let (x, g') = f g
    setStdGen $! g'
    return x

-- | 'getRandItem' takes as input a list and a random number generator. It
--   then returns a random element from the list, paired with the altered
--   state of the RNG
getRandItem :: (RandomGen g) =>
               [a] -- ^ The list to pick a random item from
            -> g   -- ^ The RNG to use
            -> (a, g) -- ^ A pair of the item, and the new RNG seed
getRandItem [] g       = (error "getRandItem: empty list", g)
getRandItem mylist rng = (mylist !! index,newRng)
                         llen = length mylist
                         (index, newRng) = randomR (0,llen - 1) rng

-- | 'stdGetRandItem' is the specialization of 'getRandItem' to the standard
--   RNG embedded within the IO monad. The advantage of using this is that
--   you use the Operating Systems provided RNG instead of rolling your own
--   and the state of the RNG is hidden, so one don't need to pass it
--   explicitly.
stdGetRandItem :: [a] -> IO a
stdGetRandItem = safeGetStdRandom . getRandItem

randomElem :: [a] -> IO a
randomElem = stdGetRandItem

random :: MonadIO m => [a] -> m a
random = liftIO . randomElem


-- | 'dropSpace' takes as input a String and strips spaces from the
--   prefix as well as the suffix of the String. Example:
-- > dropSpace "   abc  " ===> "abc"
dropSpace :: [Char] -> [Char]
dropSpace = let f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace in f . f

-- | Drop space from the end of the string
dropSpaceEnd :: [Char] -> [Char]
dropSpaceEnd = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse

-- | 'clean' takes a Char x and returns [x] unless the Char is '\CR' in
--   case [] is returned.
clean :: Char -> [Char]
clean x | x == '\CR' = []
        | otherwise  = [x]


-- | show a list without heavyweight formatting
showClean :: (Show a) => [a] -> String
showClean = concatWith " " . map (init . tail . show)

dropNL :: [Char] -> [Char]
dropNL = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse

-- | untab an string
expandTab :: String -> String
expandTab []        = []
expandTab ('\t':xs) = ' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':expandTab xs
expandTab (x:xs)    = x : expandTab xs


-- | Find string in list with smallest levenshtein distance from first
-- argument, return the string and the distance from pat it is.  Will
-- return the alphabetically first match if there are multiple matches
-- (this may not be desirable, e.g. "mroe" -> "moo", not "more"
closest :: String -> [String] -> (Int,String)
closest pat ss = minimum ls
        ls = map (\s -> (levenshtein pat s,s)) ss

closests :: String -> [String] -> (Int,[String])
closests pat ss =
    let (m,_) = minimum ls
    in (m, map snd (filter ((m ==) . fst) ls))
        ls = map (\s -> (levenshtein pat s,s)) ss

-- | Levenshtein edit-distance algorithm
-- Translated from an Erlang version by Fredrik Svensson and Adam Lindberg
levenshtein :: String -> String -> Int
levenshtein [] [] = 0
levenshtein s  [] = length s
levenshtein [] s  = length s
levenshtein s  t  = lvn s t [0..length t] 1

lvn :: String -> String -> [Int] -> Int -> Int
lvn [] _ dl _ = last dl
lvn (s:ss) t dl n = lvn ss t (lvn' t dl s [n] n) (n + 1)

lvn' :: String -> [Int] -> Char -> [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
lvn' [] _ _ ndl _ = ndl
lvn' (t:ts) (dlh:dlt) c ndl ld | length dlt > 0 = lvn' ts dlt c (ndl ++ [m]) m
        m = foldl1 min [ld + 1, head dlt + 1, dlh + (dif t c)]
lvn' _ _ _ _  _  = error "levenshtein, ran out of numbers"

dif :: Char -> Char -> Int
dif = (fromEnum .) . (/=)

-- naive implementation, O(2^n)
-- Too slow after around d = 8
-- V. I. Levenshtein. Binary codes capable of correcting deletions,
-- insertions and reversals. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 163(4) p845-848,
-- 1965
-- A Guided Tour to Approximate String Matching, G. Navarro
levenshtein :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int
levenshtein [] [] = 0
levenshtein s  [] = length s
levenshtein [] s  = length s
levenshtein (s:ss) (t:ts)   =
    min3 (eq + (levenshtein  ss ts))
         (1  + (levenshtein (ss++[s]) ts))
         (1  + (levenshtein  ss (ts++[t])))
          eq         = fromEnum (s /= t)
          min3 a b c = min c (min a b)


-- | Thread-safe modification of an MVar.
withMWriter :: MVar a -> (a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO b) -> IO b
withMWriter mvar f = bracket
  (do x <- takeMVar mvar; ref <- newIORef x; return (x,ref))
  (\(_,ref) -> tryPutMVar mvar =<< readIORef ref)
  (\(x,ref) -> f x $ writeIORef ref)

-- stolen from
-- http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2005-January/008314.html
parIO :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a
parIO a1 a2 = do
  m <- newEmptyMVar
  c1 <- forkIO $ putMVar m =<< a1
  c2 <- forkIO $ putMVar m =<< a2
  r <- takeMVar m
  -- killThread blocks until the thread has been killed.  Therefore, we call
  -- killThread asynchronously in case one thread is blocked in a foreign
  -- call.
  forkIO $ killThread c1 >> killThread c2
  return r

-- | run an action with a timeout
timeout :: Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
timeout n a = parIO (Just `fmap` a) (threadDelay n >> return Nothing)


-- some filename manipulation stuff

-- | </>, <.> : join two path components
infixr 6 </>
infixr 6 <.>
infixr 6 <+>
infixr 6 <>
infixr 6 <$>

(</>), (<.>), (<+>), (<>), (<$>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
[] </> b = b
a  </> b = a ++ "/" ++ b

[] <.> b = b
a  <.> b = a ++ "." ++ b

[] <+> b = b
a  <+> b = a ++ " " ++ b

[] <> b = b
a  <> b = a ++ b

[] <$> b = b
a  <$> b = a ++ "\n" ++ b

basename :: FilePath -> FilePath
basename = reverse . takeWhile ('/' /=) . reverse

dirname :: FilePath -> FilePath
dirname p  =
    case reverse $ dropWhile (/= '/') $ reverse p of
        [] -> "."
        p' -> p'

dropSuffix :: FilePath -> FilePath
dropSuffix = reverse . tail . dropWhile ('.' /=) . reverse

joinPath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
joinPath p q =
    case reverse p of
      '/':_ -> p ++ q
      []    -> q
      _     -> p ++ "/" ++ q

{-# INLINE choice #-}
choice :: (r -> Bool) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> a)
choice p f g x = if p x then f x else g x

-- Generalizations:
-- choice :: ArrowChoice (~>) => r ~> Bool -> r ~> a -> r ~> a -> r ~> a
-- choice :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a


addList :: (Ord k) => [(k,a)] -> M.Map k a -> M.Map k a
addList l m = M.union (M.fromList l) m
{-# INLINE addList #-}

-- | Data.Maybe.mapMaybe for Maps
mapMaybeMap :: Ord k => (a -> Maybe b) -> M.Map k a -> M.Map k b
mapMaybeMap f = fmap fromJust . M.filter isJust . fmap f

-- | This makes way more sense than @insertWith@ because we don't need to
--   remember the order of arguments of @f@.
insertUpd :: Ord k => (a -> a) -> k -> a -> M.Map k a -> M.Map k a
insertUpd f = M.insertWith (\_ -> f)

--  | Print map keys
pprKeys :: (Show k) => M.Map k a -> String
pprKeys = showClean . M.keys

-- | Two functions that really should be in Data.Either
isLeft, isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
isLeft (Left _) = True
isLeft _        = False
isRight         = not . isLeft

-- | Another useful Either function to easily get out of an Either
unEither :: Either a a -> a
unEither = either id id

-- convenience:
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO
{-# INLINE io #-}

arePrefixesWithSpaceOf :: [String] -> String -> Bool
arePrefixesWithSpaceOf els str = any (flip isPrefixOf str) $ map (++" ") els

arePrefixesOf :: [String] -> String -> Bool
arePrefixesOf = flip (any . flip isPrefixOf)

-- | Show a number, padded to the left with zeroes up to the specified width
showWidth :: Int    -- ^ Width to fill to
          -> Int    -- ^ Number to show
          -> String -- ^ Padded string
showWidth width n = zeroes ++ num
    where num    = show n
          zeroes = replicate (width - length num) '0'

timeStamp :: T.ClockTime -> String
timeStamp ct = let cal = T.toUTCTime ct
               in (showWidth 2 $ T.ctHour cal) ++ ":" ++
                  (showWidth 2 $ T.ctMin cal)  ++ ":" ++
                  (showWidth 2 $ T.ctSec cal)

-- Amusing insults from OpenBSD sudo
insult :: [String]
insult =
   ["Just what do you think you're doing Dave?",
    "It can only be attributed to human error.",
    "That's something I cannot allow to happen.",
    "My mind is going. I can feel it.",
    "Sorry about this, I know it's a bit silly.",
    "Take a stress pill and think things over.",
    "This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.",
    "I feel much better now.",

    "Wrong!  You cheating scum!",
    "And you call yourself a Rocket Scientist!",
    "Where did you learn to type?",
    "Are you on drugs?",
    "My pet ferret can type better than you!",
    "You type like i drive.",
    "Do you think like you type?",
    "Your mind just hasn't been the same since the electro-shock, has it?",

    "Maybe if you used more than just two fingers...",
    "BOB says:  You seem to have forgotten your passwd, enter another!",
    "stty: unknown mode: doofus",
    "I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler.",
    "The more you drive -- the dumber you get.",
    "Listen, broccoli brains, I don't have time to listen to this trash.",
    "I've seen penguins that can type better than that.",
    "Have you considered trying to match wits with a rutabaga?",
    "You speak an infinite deal of nothing",

    -- More haskellish insults
    "You untyped fool!",
    "My brain just exploded",

    -- some more friendly replies
    "I am sorry.","Sorry.",
    "Maybe you made a typo?",
    "Just try something else.",
    "There are some things that I just don't know.",
    -- sometimes don't insult at all

-- Some more interesting confirmations for @remember and @where
confirmation :: [String]
confirmation =
    "I will remember.",
    "Good to know.",
    "It is stored.",
    "I will never forget.",
    "It is forever etched in my memory.",