{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-}  -- TODO: remove
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}  -- TODO: remove
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
module LambdaCube.Compiler.Infer
    ( Binder (..), SName, Lit(..), Visibility(..)
    , Exp (..), Neutral (..), ExpType, GlobalEnv
    , pattern Var, pattern CaseFun, pattern TyCaseFun, pattern App_, app_
    , pattern Con, pattern TyCon, pattern Pi, pattern Lam, pattern Fun, pattern ELit, pattern Func, pattern LabelEnd, pattern FL, pattern UFL, unFunc_
    , outputType, boolType, trueExp
    , down, Subst (..), free, subst
    , initEnv, Env(..), pattern EBind2
    , SI(..), Range(..) -- todo: remove
    , Info(..), Infos, listAllInfos, listTypeInfos, listTraceInfos
    , inference, IM
    , nType, conType, neutType, neutType', appTy, mkConPars, makeCaseFunPars, makeCaseFunPars'
    , MaxDB, unfixlabel
    , ErrorMsg, showError, errorRange
    , FName (..)
    ) where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))
import Control.DeepSeq

import LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty hiding (Doc, braces, parens)
import LambdaCube.Compiler.Lexer
import LambdaCube.Compiler.Parser

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- core expression representation

data Exp
    = TType
    | ELit_ Lit
    | Con_   !MaxDB ConName !Int{-number of ereased arguments applied-} [Exp]
    | TyCon_ !MaxDB TyConName [Exp]
    | Pi_  !MaxDB Visibility Exp Exp
    | Lam_ !MaxDB Exp
    | Neut Neutral
  deriving (Show)

pattern ELit a <- (unfixlabel -> ELit_ a) where ELit = ELit_

data Neutral
    = Fun_ !MaxDB FunName [Exp]{-local vars-} !Int{-number of missing parameters-} [Exp]{-given parameters, reversed-} Neutral{-unfolded expression-}{-not neut?-}
    | CaseFun__   !MaxDB CaseFunName   [Exp] Neutral
    | TyCaseFun__ !MaxDB TyCaseFunName [Exp] Neutral
    | App__ !MaxDB Neutral Exp
    | Var_ !Int                 -- De Bruijn variable
    | LabelEnd_ Exp                 -- not neut?
    | Delta (SData ([Exp] -> Exp))  -- not neut?
  deriving (Show)

data ConName = ConName FName Int{-ordinal number, e.g. Zero:0, Succ:1-} Type

data TyConName = TyConName FName Int{-num of indices-} Type [(ConName, Type)]{-constructors-} CaseFunName

data FunName = FunName FName (Maybe Exp) Type

data CaseFunName = CaseFunName FName Type Int{-num of parameters-}

data TyCaseFunName = TyCaseFunName FName Type

type Type = Exp
type ExpType = (Exp, Type)
type SExp2 = SExp' ExpType

instance Show ConName where show (ConName n _ _) = show n
instance Eq ConName where ConName _ n _ == ConName _ n' _ = n == n'
instance Show TyConName where show (TyConName n _ _ _ _) = show n
instance Eq TyConName where TyConName n _ _ _ _ == TyConName n' _ _ _ _ = n == n'
instance Show FunName where show (FunName n _ _) = show n
instance Eq FunName where FunName n _ _ == FunName n' _ _ = n == n'
instance Show CaseFunName where show (CaseFunName n _ _) = CaseName $ show n
instance Eq CaseFunName where CaseFunName n _ _ == CaseFunName n' _ _ = n == n'
instance Show TyCaseFunName where show (TyCaseFunName n _) = MatchName $ show n
instance Eq TyCaseFunName where TyCaseFunName n _ == TyCaseFunName n' _ = n == n'

data FName
    = CFName !Int (SData String)
    | FVecScalar
    | FEqCT | FT2 | Fcoe | FparEval | Ft2C | FprimFix
    | FUnit
    | FInt
    | FWord
    | FNat
    | FBool
    | FFloat
    | FString
    | FChar
    | FOrdering
    | FVecS
    | FEmpty
    | FHList
    | FEq
    | FOrd
    | FNum
    | FSigned
    | FComponent
    | FIntegral
    | FFloating
    | FOutput
    | FType
    | FHCons
    | FHNil
    | FZero
    | FSucc
    | FFalse
    | FTrue
    | FLT
    | FGT
    | FEQ
    | FTT
    | FNil
    | FCons
    | FSplit
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- todo: use module indentifier instead of hash
cFName mod i (RangeSI (Range l _), s) = fromMaybe (CFName n $ SData s) $ lookup s fntable
    n = hash (sourceName l) * 2^32 + sourceLine l * 2^16 + sourceColumn l * 2^3 -- + i
    hash = foldr (\c x -> ord c + x*2)  0

fntable =
    [ (,) "'VecScalar"  FVecScalar
    , (,) "'EqCT"  FEqCT
    , (,) "'T2"  FT2
    , (,) "coe"  Fcoe
    , (,) "parEval"  FparEval
    , (,) "t2C"  Ft2C
    , (,) "primFix"  FprimFix
    , (,) "'Unit"  FUnit
    , (,) "'Int"  FInt
    , (,) "'Word"  FWord
    , (,) "'Nat"  FNat
    , (,) "'Bool"  FBool
    , (,) "'Float"  FFloat
    , (,) "'String"  FString
    , (,) "'Char"  FChar
    , (,) "'Ordering"  FOrdering
    , (,) "'VecS"  FVecS
    , (,) "'Empty"  FEmpty
    , (,) "'HList"  FHList
    , (,) "'Eq"  FEq
    , (,) "'Ord"  FOrd
    , (,) "'Num"  FNum
    , (,) "'Signed"  FSigned
    , (,) "'Component"  FComponent
    , (,) "'Integral"  FIntegral
    , (,) "'Floating"  FFloating
    , (,) "'Output"  FOutput
    , (,) "'Type"  FType
    , (,) "HCons"  FHCons
    , (,) "HNil"  FHNil
    , (,) "Zero"  FZero
    , (,) "Succ"  FSucc
    , (,) "False"  FFalse
    , (,) "True"  FTrue
    , (,) "LT"  FLT
    , (,) "GT"  FGT
    , (,) "EQ"  FEQ
    , (,) "TT"  FTT
    , (,) "Nil"  FNil
    , (,) "Cons"  FCons
    , (,) "'Split"  FSplit

instance Show FName where
  show (CFName _ (SData s)) = s
  show s = fromMaybe (error "show") $ lookup s $ map (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) fntable

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auxiliary functions and patterns

infixl 2 `App`, `app_`
infixr 1 :~>

pattern NoLE <- (isNoLabelEnd -> True)

isNoLabelEnd (LabelEnd_ _) = False
isNoLabelEnd _ = True

pattern Fun' f vs i xs n <- Fun_ _ f vs i xs n where Fun' f vs i xs n = Fun_ (foldMap maxDB_ vs <> foldMap maxDB_ xs {- <> iterateN i lowerDB (maxDB_ n)-}) f vs i xs n
pattern Fun f i xs n = Fun' f [] i xs n
pattern UTFun a t b <- (unfixlabel -> Neut (Fun (FunName a _ t) _ (reverse -> b) NoLE))
pattern UFunN a b <- UTFun a _ b
pattern DFun_ fn xs <- Fun fn 0 (reverse -> xs) (Delta _) where
    DFun_ fn@(FunName n _ _) xs = Fun fn 0 (reverse xs) d where
        d = Delta $ SData $ getFunDef n $ \xs -> Neut $ Fun fn 0 (reverse xs) d
pattern TFun' a t b = DFun_ (FunName a Nothing t) b
pattern TFun a t b = Neut (TFun' a t b)

pattern CaseFun_ a b c <- CaseFun__ _ a b c where CaseFun_ a b c = CaseFun__ (maxDB_ c <> foldMap maxDB_ b) a b c
pattern TyCaseFun_ a b c <- TyCaseFun__ _ a b c where TyCaseFun_ a b c = TyCaseFun__ (foldMap maxDB_ b <> maxDB_ c) a b c
pattern App_ a b <- App__ _ a b where App_ a b = App__ (maxDB_ a <> maxDB_ b) a b
pattern CaseFun a b c = Neut (CaseFun_ a b c)
pattern TyCaseFun a b c = Neut (TyCaseFun_ a b c)
pattern App a b <- Neut (App_ (Neut -> a) b)
pattern Var a = Neut (Var_ a)

conParams (conTypeName -> TyConName _ _ _ _ (CaseFunName _ _ pars)) = pars
mkConPars n (snd . getParams . unfixlabel -> TyCon (TyConName _ _ _ _ (CaseFunName _ _ pars)) xs) = take (min n pars) xs
--mkConPars 0 TType = []  -- ?
mkConPars n x@Neut{} = error $ "mkConPars!: " ++ ppShow x
mkConPars n x = error $ "mkConPars: " ++ ppShow (n, x)

makeCaseFunPars te n = case neutType te n of
    (unfixlabel -> TyCon (TyConName _ _ _ _ (CaseFunName _ _ pars)) xs) -> take pars xs
    x -> error $ "makeCaseFunPars: " ++ ppShow x

makeCaseFunPars' te n = case neutType' te n of
    (unfixlabel -> TyCon (TyConName _ _ _ _ (CaseFunName _ _ pars)) xs) -> take pars xs

pattern Closed :: () => Up a => a -> a
pattern Closed a <- a where Closed a = closedExp a

pattern Con x n y <- Con_ _ x n y where Con x n y = Con_ (foldMap maxDB_ y) x n y
pattern ConN s a  <- Con (ConName s _ _) _ a
pattern ConN' s a  <- Con (ConName _ s _) _ a
tCon s i t a = Con (ConName s i t) 0 a
tCon_ k s i t a = Con (ConName s i t) k a
pattern TyCon x y <- TyCon_ _ x y where TyCon x y = TyCon_ (foldMap maxDB_ y) x y
pattern Lam y <- Lam_ _ y where Lam y = Lam_ (lowerDB (maxDB_ y)) y
pattern Pi v x y <- Pi_ _ v x y where Pi v x y = Pi_ (maxDB_ x <> lowerDB (maxDB_ y)) v x y
pattern TyConN s a <- TyCon (TyConName s _ _ _ _) a
pattern TTyCon s t a <- TyCon (TyConName s _ t _ _) a
tTyCon s t a cs = TyCon (TyConName s (error "todo: inum") t (map ((,) (error "tTyCon")) cs) $ CaseFunName (error "TTyCon-A") (error "TTyCon-B") $ length a) a
pattern TTyCon0 s  <- (unfixlabel -> TyCon (TyConName s _ TType _ _) [])
tTyCon0 s cs = Closed $ TyCon (TyConName s 0 TType (map ((,) (error "tTyCon0")) cs) $ CaseFunName (error "TTyCon0-A") (error "TTyCon0-B") 0) []
pattern a :~> b = Pi Visible a b

pattern Unit        <- TTyCon0 FUnit      where Unit = tTyCon0 FUnit [Unit]
pattern TInt        <- TTyCon0 FInt       where TInt = tTyCon0 FInt $ error "cs 1"
pattern TNat        <- TTyCon0 FNat       where TNat = tTyCon0 FNat $ error "cs 3"
pattern TBool       <- TTyCon0 FBool      where TBool = tTyCon0 FBool $ error "cs 4"
pattern TFloat      <- TTyCon0 FFloat     where TFloat = tTyCon0 FFloat $ error "cs 5"
pattern TString     <- TTyCon0 FString    where TString = tTyCon0 FString $ error "cs 6"
pattern TChar       <- TTyCon0 FChar      where TChar = tTyCon0 FChar $ error "cs 7"
pattern TOrdering   <- TTyCon0 FOrdering  where TOrdering = tTyCon0 FOrdering $ error "cs 8"
pattern TVec a b    <- TyConN FVecS {-(TType :~> TNat :~> TType)-} [b, a]

pattern Empty s   <- TyCon (TyConName FEmpty _ _ _ _) [EString s] where
        Empty s    = TyCon (TyConName FEmpty (error "todo: inum2_") (TString :~> TType) (error "todo: tcn cons 3_") $ error "Empty") [EString s]

pattern TT          <- ConN' _ _ where TT = Closed (tCon FTT 0 Unit [])
pattern Zero        <- ConN FZero _ where Zero = Closed (tCon FZero 0 TNat [])
pattern Succ n      <- ConN FSucc (n:_) where Succ n = tCon FSucc 1 (TNat :~> TNat) [n]

pattern CstrT t a b = Neut (CstrT' t a b)
pattern CstrT' t a b = TFun' FEqCT (TType :~> Var 0 :~> Var 1 :~> TType) [t, a, b]
pattern Coe a b w x = TFun Fcoe (TType :~> TType :~> CstrT TType (Var 1) (Var 0) :~> Var 2 :~> Var 2) [a,b,w,x]
pattern ParEval t a b = TFun FparEval (TType :~> Var 0 :~> Var 1 :~> Var 2) [t, a, b]
pattern T2 a b      = TFun FT2 (TType :~> TType :~> TType) [a, b]
pattern CSplit a b c <- UFunN FSplit [a, b, c]

pattern EInt a      = ELit (LInt a)
pattern EFloat a    = ELit (LFloat a)
pattern EChar a     = ELit (LChar a)
pattern EString a   = ELit (LString a)
pattern EBool a <- (getEBool -> Just a) where EBool = mkBool
pattern ENat n <- (fromNatE -> Just n) where ENat = toNatE
pattern ENat' n <- (fromNatE' -> Just n)

toNatE :: Int -> Exp
toNatE 0         = Zero
toNatE n | n > 0 = Closed (Succ (toNatE (n - 1)))

fromNatE :: Exp -> Maybe Int
fromNatE (unfixlabel -> ConN' 0 _) = Just 0
fromNatE (unfixlabel -> ConN' 1 [n]) = (1 +) <$> fromNatE n
fromNatE _ = Nothing

fromNatE' :: Exp -> Maybe Int
fromNatE' (unfixlabel -> Zero) = Just 0
fromNatE' (unfixlabel -> Succ n) = (1 +) <$> fromNatE' n
fromNatE' _ = Nothing

mkBool False = Closed $ tCon FFalse 0 TBool []
mkBool True  = Closed $ tCon FTrue  1 TBool []

getEBool (unfixlabel -> ConN' 0 _) = Just False
getEBool (unfixlabel -> ConN' 1 _) = Just True
getEBool _ = Nothing

mkOrdering x = Closed $ case x of
    LT -> tCon FLT 0 TOrdering []
    EQ -> tCon FEQ 1 TOrdering []
    GT -> tCon FGT 2 TOrdering []

conTypeName :: ConName -> TyConName
conTypeName (ConName _ _ t) = case snd $ getParams t of TyCon n _ -> n

outputType = tTyCon0 FOutput $ error "cs 9"
boolType = TBool
trueExp = EBool True

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- label handling

pattern LabelEnd x = Neut (LabelEnd_ x)

--pmLabel' :: FunName -> [Exp] -> Int -> [Exp] -> Exp -> Exp
pmLabel' _ (FunName _ _ _) _ 0 as (Neut (Delta (SData f))) = f $ reverse as
pmLabel' md f vs i xs (unfixlabel -> Neut y) = Neut $ Fun_ md f vs i xs y
pmLabel' _ f _ i xs y = error $ "pmLabel: " ++ show (f, i, length xs, y)

pmLabel :: FunName -> [Exp] -> Int -> [Exp] -> Exp -> Exp
pmLabel f vs i xs e = pmLabel' (foldMap maxDB_ vs <> foldMap maxDB_ xs) f vs (i + numLams e) xs (Neut $ dropLams e)

dropLams (unfixlabel -> Lam x) = dropLams x
dropLams (unfixlabel -> Neut x) = x

numLams (unfixlabel -> Lam x) = 1 + numLams x
numLams x = 0

pattern FL' y <- Fun' f _ 0 xs (LabelEnd_ y)
pattern FL y <- Neut (FL' y)

pattern Func n def ty xs <- (mkFunc -> Just (n, def, ty, xs))

mkFunc (Neut (Fun (FunName n (Just def) ty) 0 xs LabelEnd_{})) | Just def' <- removeLams (length xs) def = Just (n, def', ty, xs)
mkFunc _ = Nothing

removeLams 0 (LabelEnd x) = Just x
removeLams n (Lam x) | n > 0 = Lam <$> removeLams (n-1) x
removeLams _ _ = Nothing

pattern UFL y <- (unFunc -> Just y)

unFunc (Neut (Fun' (FunName _ (Just def) _) _ n xs y)) = Just $ iterateN n Lam $ Neut y
unFunc _ = Nothing

unFunc_ (Neut (Fun' _ _ n xs y)) = Just $ iterateN n Lam $ Neut y
unFunc_ _ = Nothing

unfixlabel (FL y) = unfixlabel y
unfixlabel a = a

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- low-level toolbox

class Subst b a where
    subst_ :: Int -> MaxDB -> b -> a -> a

subst i x a = subst_ i (maxDB_ x) x a

down :: (Subst Exp a, Up a{-used-}) => Int -> a -> Maybe a
down t x | used t x = Nothing
         | otherwise = Just $ subst_ t mempty (error "impossible: down" :: Exp) x

instance Eq Exp where
    FL a == a' = a == a'
    a == FL a' = a == a'
    Lam a == Lam a' = a == a'
    Pi a b c == Pi a' b' c' = (a, b, c) == (a', b', c')
    Con a n b == Con a' n' b' = (a, n, b) == (a', n', b')
    TyCon a b == TyCon a' b' = (a, b) == (a', b')
    TType == TType = True
    ELit l == ELit l' = l == l'
    Neut a == Neut a' = a == a'
    _ == _ = False

instance Eq Neutral where
    Fun' f vs i a _ == Fun' f' vs' i' a' _ = (f, vs, i, a) == (f', vs', i', a')
    FL' a == a' = a == Neut a'
    a == FL' a' = Neut a == a'
    LabelEnd_ a == LabelEnd_ a' = a == a'
    CaseFun_ a b c == CaseFun_ a' b' c' = (a, b, c) == (a', b', c')
    TyCaseFun_ a b c == TyCaseFun_ a' b' c' = (a, b, c) == (a', b', c')
    App_ a b == App_ a' b' = (a, b) == (a', b')
    Var_ a == Var_ a' = a == a'
    _ == _ = False

free x | cmpDB 0 x = mempty
free x = fold (\i k -> Set.fromList [k - i | k >= i]) 0 x

instance Up Exp where
    up_ 0 = \_ e -> e
    up_ n = f where
        f i e | cmpDB i e = e
        f i e = case e of
            Lam_ md b -> Lam_ (upDB n md) (f (i+1) b)
            Pi_ md h a b -> Pi_ (upDB n md) h (f i a) (f (i+1) b)
            Con_ md s pn as  -> Con_ (upDB n md) s pn $ map (f i) as
            TyCon_ md s as -> TyCon_ (upDB n md) s $ map (f i) as
            Neut x -> Neut $ up_ n i x

    used i e
        | cmpDB i e = False
        | otherwise = ((getAny .) . fold ((Any .) . (==))) i e

    fold f i = \case
        Lam b -> fold f (i+1) b
        Pi _ a b -> fold f i a <> fold f (i+1) b
        Con _ _ as -> foldMap (fold f i) as
        TyCon _ as -> foldMap (fold f i) as
        TType -> mempty
        ELit{} -> mempty
        Neut x -> fold f i x

    maxDB_ = \case
        Lam_ c _ -> c
        Pi_ c _ _ _ -> c
        Con_ c _ _ _ -> c
        TyCon_ c _ _ -> c

        TType -> mempty
        ELit{} -> mempty
        Neut x -> maxDB_ x

    closedExp = \case
        Lam_ _ c -> Lam_ mempty c
        Pi_ _ a b c -> Pi_ mempty a (closedExp b) c
        Con_ _ a b c -> Con_ mempty a b (closedExp <$> c)
        TyCon_ _ a b -> TyCon_ mempty a (closedExp <$> b)
        e@TType{} -> e
        e@ELit{} -> e
        Neut a -> Neut $ closedExp a

instance Subst Exp Exp where
    subst_ i0 dx x = f i0
        f i (Neut n) = substNeut n
            substNeut e | cmpDB i e = Neut e
            substNeut e = case e of
                Var_ k -> case compare k i of GT -> Var $ k - 1; LT -> Var k; EQ -> up (i - i0) x
                CaseFun_ s as n -> evalCaseFun s (f i <$> as) (substNeut n)
                TyCaseFun_ s as n -> evalTyCaseFun s (f i <$> as) (substNeut n)
                App_ a b  -> app_ (substNeut a) (f i b)
                Fun_ md fn vs c xs v -> pmLabel' (md <> upDB i dx) fn (f i <$> vs) c (f i <$> xs) $ f (i + c) $ Neut v
                LabelEnd_ a -> LabelEnd $ f i a
                d@Delta{} -> Neut d
        f i e | cmpDB i e = e
        f i e = case e of
            Lam_ md b -> Lam_ (md <> upDB i dx) (f (i+1) b)
            Con_ md s n as  -> Con_ (md <> upDB i dx) s n $ f i <$> as
            Pi_ md h a b  -> Pi_ (md <> upDB i dx) h (f i a) (f (i+1) b)
            TyCon_ md s as -> TyCon_ (md <> upDB i dx) s $ f i <$> as

instance Up Neutral where

    up_ 0 = \_ e -> e
    up_ n = f where
        f i e | cmpDB i e = e
        f i e = case e of
            Var_ k -> Var_ $ if k >= i then k+n else k
            CaseFun__ md s as ne -> CaseFun__ (upDB n md) s (up_ n i <$> as) (up_ n i ne)
            TyCaseFun__ md s as ne -> TyCaseFun__ (upDB n md) s (up_ n i <$> as) (up_ n i ne)
            App__ md a b -> App__ (upDB n md) (up_ n i a) (up_ n i b)
            Fun_ md fn vs c x y -> Fun_ (upDB n md) fn (up_ n i <$> vs) c (up_ n i <$> x) $ up_ n (i + c) y
            LabelEnd_ x -> LabelEnd_ $ up_ n i x
            d@Delta{} -> d

    used i e
        | cmpDB i e = False
        | otherwise = ((getAny .) . fold ((Any .) . (==))) i e

    fold f i = \case
        Var_ k -> f i k
        CaseFun_ _ as n -> foldMap (fold f i) as <> fold f i n
        TyCaseFun_ _ as n -> foldMap (fold f i) as <> fold f i n
        App_ a b -> fold f i a <> fold f i b
        Fun' _ vs j x d -> foldMap (fold f i) vs <> foldMap (fold f i) x -- <> fold f (i+j) d
        LabelEnd_ x -> fold f i x
        Delta{} -> mempty

    maxDB_ = \case
        Var_ k -> varDB k
        CaseFun__ c _ _ _ -> c
        TyCaseFun__ c _ _ _ -> c
        App__ c a b -> c
        Fun_ c _ _ _ _ _ -> c
        LabelEnd_ x -> maxDB_ x
        Delta{} -> mempty

    closedExp = \case
        x@Var_{} -> error "impossible"
        CaseFun__ _ a as n -> CaseFun__ mempty a (closedExp <$> as) (closedExp n)
        TyCaseFun__ _ a as n -> TyCaseFun__ mempty a (closedExp <$> as) (closedExp n)
        App__ _ a b -> App__ mempty (closedExp a) (closedExp b)
        Fun_ _ f l i x y -> Fun_ mempty f l i (closedExp <$> x) y
        LabelEnd_ a -> LabelEnd_ (closedExp a)
        d@Delta{} -> d

instance (Subst x a, Subst x b) => Subst x (a, b) where
    subst_ i dx x (a, b) = (subst_ i dx x a, subst_ i dx x b)

varType' :: Int -> [Exp] -> Exp
varType' i vs = vs !! i

varType :: String -> Int -> Env -> (Binder, Exp)
varType err n_ env = f n_ env where
    f n (EAssign i (x, _) es) = second (subst i x) $ f (if n < i then n else n+1) es
    f n (EBind2 b t es)  = if n == 0 then (b, up 1 t) else second (up 1) $ f (n-1) es
    f n (ELet2 _ (x, t) es) = if n == 0 then (BLam Visible{-??-}, up 1 t) else second (up 1) $ f (n-1) es
    f n e = either (error $ "varType: " ++ err ++ "\n" ++ show n_ ++ "\n" ++ ppShow env) (f n) $ parent e

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reduction
evalCaseFun a ps (Con n@(ConName _ i _) _ vs)
    | i /= (-1) = foldl app_ (ps !!! (i + 1)) vs
    | otherwise = error "evcf"
    xs !!! i | i >= length xs = error $ "!!! " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n" ++ ppShow ps
    xs !!! i = xs !! i
evalCaseFun a b (FL c) = evalCaseFun a b c
evalCaseFun a b (Neut c) = CaseFun a b c
evalCaseFun a b x = error $ "evalCaseFun: " ++ show (a, x)

evalTyCaseFun a b (FL c) = evalTyCaseFun a b c
evalTyCaseFun a b (Neut c) = TyCaseFun a b c
evalTyCaseFun (TyCaseFunName FType ty) (_: t: f: _) TType = t
evalTyCaseFun (TyCaseFunName n ty) (_: t: f: _) (TyCon (TyConName n' _ _ _ _) vs) | n == n' = foldl app_ t vs
--evalTyCaseFun (TyCaseFunName n ty) [_, t, f] (DFun (FunName n' _) vs) | n == n' = foldl app_ t vs  -- hack
evalTyCaseFun (TyCaseFunName n ty) (_: t: f: _) _ = f

evalCoe a b (FL x) d = evalCoe a b x d
evalCoe a b TT d = d
evalCoe a b t d = Coe a b t d

{- todo: generate
    DFun n@(FunName "natElim" _) [a, z, s, Succ x] -> let      -- todo: replace let with better abstraction
                sx = s `app_` x
            in sx `app_` eval (DFun n [a, z, s, x])
    MT "natElim" [_, z, s, Zero] -> z
    DFun na@(FunName "finElim" _) [m, z, s, n, ConN "FSucc" [i, x]] -> let six = s `app_` i `app_` x-- todo: replace let with better abstraction
        in six `app_` eval (DFun na [m, z, s, i, x])
    MT "finElim" [m, z, s, n, ConN "FZero" [i]] -> z `app_` i

getFunDef s f = case s of
  FEqCT -> \case (t: a: b: _) -> cstr t a b
  FT2 -> \case (a: b: _) -> t2 a b
  Ft2C -> \case (a: b: _) -> t2C a b
  Fcoe -> \case (a: b: t: d: _) -> evalCoe a b t d
  FparEval -> \case (t: a: b: _) -> parEval t a b
        parEval _ (LabelEnd x) _ = LabelEnd x
        parEval _ _ (LabelEnd x) = LabelEnd x
        parEval t a b = ParEval t a b
  CFName _ (SData s) -> case s of
    "unsafeCoerce" -> \case xs@(_: _: x@NonNeut: _) -> x; xs -> f xs
    "reflCstr" -> \case (a: _) -> TT

    "hlistNilCase" -> \case (_: x: (unfixlabel -> Con n@(ConName _ 0 _) _ _): _) -> x; xs -> f xs
    "hlistConsCase" -> \case (_: _: _: x: (unfixlabel -> Con n@(ConName _ 1 _) _ (_: _: a: b: _)): _) -> x `app_` a `app_` b; xs -> f xs

    -- general compiler primitives
    "primAddInt" -> \case (EInt i: EInt j: _) -> EInt (i + j); xs -> f xs
    "primSubInt" -> \case (EInt i: EInt j: _) -> EInt (i - j); xs -> f xs
    "primModInt" -> \case (EInt i: EInt j: _) -> EInt (i `mod` j); xs -> f xs
    "primSqrtFloat" -> \case (EFloat i: _) -> EFloat $ sqrt i; xs -> f xs
    "primRound" -> \case (EFloat i: _) -> EInt $ round i; xs -> f xs
    "primIntToFloat" -> \case (EInt i: _) -> EFloat $ fromIntegral i; xs -> f xs
    "primIntToNat" -> \case (EInt i: _) -> ENat $ fromIntegral i; xs -> f xs
    "primCompareInt" -> \case (EInt x: EInt y: _) -> mkOrdering $ x `compare` y; xs -> f xs
    "primCompareFloat" -> \case (EFloat x: EFloat y: _) -> mkOrdering $ x `compare` y; xs -> f xs
    "primCompareChar" -> \case (EChar x: EChar y: _) -> mkOrdering $ x `compare` y; xs -> f xs
    "primCompareString" -> \case (EString x: EString y: _) -> mkOrdering $ x `compare` y; xs -> f xs

    -- LambdaCube 3D specific primitives
    "PrimGreaterThan" -> \case (t: _: _: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOpBool (>) t x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimGreaterThanEqual" -> \case (t: _: _: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOpBool (>=) t x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimLessThan" -> \case (t: _: _: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOpBool (<) t x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimLessThanEqual" -> \case (t: _: _: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOpBool (<=) t x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimEqualV" -> \case (t: _: _: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOpBool (==) t x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimNotEqualV" -> \case (t: _: _: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOpBool (/=) t x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimEqual" -> \case (t: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOpBool (==) t x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimNotEqual" -> \case (t: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOpBool (/=) t x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimSubS" -> \case (_: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp (-) x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimSub" -> \case (_: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp (-) x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimAddS" -> \case (_: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp (+) x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimAdd" -> \case (_: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp (+) x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimMulS" -> \case (_: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp (*) x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimMul" -> \case (_: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp (*) x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimDivS" -> \case (_: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp_ (/) div x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimDiv" -> \case (_: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp_ (/) div x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimModS" -> \case (_: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp_ modF mod x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimMod" -> \case (_: _: _: _: _: x: y: _) | Just r <- twoOp_ modF mod x y -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimNeg" -> \case (_: x: _) | Just r <- oneOp negate x -> r; xs -> f xs
    "PrimAnd" -> \case (EBool x: EBool y: _) -> EBool (x && y); xs -> f xs
    "PrimOr" -> \case (EBool x: EBool y: _) -> EBool (x || y); xs -> f xs
    "PrimXor" -> \case (EBool x: EBool y: _) -> EBool (x /= y); xs -> f xs
    "PrimNot" -> \case (TNat: _: _: EBool x: _) -> EBool $ not x; xs -> f xs

    _ -> f

  _ -> f

cstr = f []
    f z ty a a' = f_ z (unfixlabel ty) (unfixlabel a) (unfixlabel a')

    f_ _ _ a a' | a == a' = Unit
    f_ ns typ (LabelEnd a) (LabelEnd a') = f ns typ a a'
    f_ ns typ (Con a n xs) (Con a' n' xs') | a == a' && n == n' && length xs == length xs' = 
        ff ns (foldl appTy (conType typ a) $ mkConPars n typ) $ zip xs xs'
    f_ ns typ (TyCon a xs) (TyCon a' xs') | a == a' && length xs == length xs' = 
        ff ns (nType a) $ zip xs xs'
    f_ (_: ns) typ{-down?-} (down 0 -> Just a) (down 0 -> Just a') = f ns typ a a'
    f_ ns TType (Pi h a b) (Pi h' a' b') | h == h' = t2 (f ns TType a a') (f ((a, a'): ns) TType b b')

    f_ [] TType (UFunN FVecScalar [a, b]) (UFunN FVecScalar [a', b']) = t2 (f [] TNat a a') (f [] TType b b')
    f_ [] TType (UFunN FVecScalar [a, b]) (TVec a' b') = t2 (f [] TNat a a') (f [] TType b b')
    f_ [] TType (UFunN FVecScalar [a, b]) t@NonNeut = t2 (f [] TNat a (ENat 1)) (f [] TType b t)
    f_ [] TType (TVec a' b') (UFunN FVecScalar [a, b]) = t2 (f [] TNat a' a) (f [] TType b' b)
    f_ [] TType t@NonNeut (UFunN FVecScalar [a, b]) = t2 (f [] TNat a (ENat 1)) (f [] TType b t)

    f_ [] typ a@Neut{} a' = CstrT typ a a'
    f_ [] typ a a'@Neut{} = CstrT typ a a'
    f_ ns typ a a' = Empty $ unlines [ "can not unify", ppShow a, "with", ppShow a' ]

    ff _ _ [] = Unit
    ff ns tt@(Pi v t _) ((t1, t2'): ts) = t2 (f ns t t1 t2') $ ff ns (appTy tt t1) ts
    ff ns t zs = error $ "ff: " -- ++ show (a, n, length xs', length $ mkConPars n typ) ++ "\n" ++ ppShow (nType a) ++ "\n" ++ ppShow (foldl appTy (nType a) $ mkConPars n typ) ++ "\n" ++ ppShow (zip xs xs') ++ "\n" ++ ppShow zs ++ "\n" ++ ppShow t

pattern NonNeut <- (nonNeut -> True)

nonNeut FL{} = True
nonNeut Neut{} = False
nonNeut _ = True

t2C (unfixlabel -> TT) (unfixlabel -> TT) = TT
t2C a b = TFun Ft2C (Unit :~> Unit :~> Unit) [a, b]

t2 (unfixlabel -> Unit) a = a
t2 a (unfixlabel -> Unit) = a
t2 (unfixlabel -> Empty a) (unfixlabel -> Empty b) = Empty (a <> b)
t2 (unfixlabel -> Empty s) _ = Empty s
t2 _ (unfixlabel -> Empty s) = Empty s
t2 a b = T2 a b

oneOp :: (forall a . Num a => a -> a) -> Exp -> Maybe Exp
oneOp f = oneOp_ f f

oneOp_ f _ (EFloat x) = Just $ EFloat $ f x
oneOp_ _ f (EInt x) = Just $ EInt $ f x
oneOp_ _ _ _ = Nothing

twoOp :: (forall a . Num a => a -> a -> a) -> Exp -> Exp -> Maybe Exp
twoOp f = twoOp_ f f

twoOp_ f _ (EFloat x) (EFloat y) = Just $ EFloat $ f x y
twoOp_ _ f (EInt x) (EInt y) = Just $ EInt $ f x y
twoOp_ _ _ _ _ = Nothing

modF x y = x - fromIntegral (floor (x / y)) * y

twoOpBool :: (forall a . Ord a => a -> a -> Bool) -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Maybe Exp
twoOpBool f t (EFloat x)  (EFloat y)  = Just $ EBool $ f x y
twoOpBool f t (EInt x)    (EInt y)    = Just $ EBool $ f x y
twoOpBool f t (EString x) (EString y) = Just $ EBool $ f x y
twoOpBool f t (EChar x)   (EChar y)   = Just $ EBool $ f x y
twoOpBool f TNat (ENat x)    (ENat y)    = Just $ EBool $ f x y
twoOpBool _ _ _ _ = Nothing

app_ :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
app_ (Lam x) a = subst 0 a x
app_ (Con s n xs) a = if n < conParams s then Con s (n+1) xs else Con s n (xs ++ [a])
app_ (TyCon s xs) a = TyCon s (xs ++ [a])
app_ (Neut f) a = neutApp f a
    neutApp (FL' x) a = app_ x a    -- ???
    neutApp (Fun' f vs i xs e) a | i > 0 = pmLabel f vs (i-1) (a: xs) (subst (i-1) (up (i-1) a) $ Neut e)
    neutApp f a = Neut $ App_ f a

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constraints env

data CEnv a
    = MEnd a
    | Meta Exp (CEnv a)
    | Assign !Int ExpType (CEnv a)       -- De Bruijn index decreasing assign reservedOp, only for metavariables (non-recursive)
  deriving (Show, Functor)

instance (Subst Exp a, Up a) => Up (CEnv a) where
    up_ n i = iterateN n $ up1_ i
    up1_ i = \case
        MEnd a -> MEnd $ up1_ i a
        Meta a b -> Meta (up1_ i a) (up1_ (i+1) b)
        Assign j a b -> handleLet i j $ \i' j' -> assign j' (up1_ i' a) (up1_ i' b)
            handleLet i j f
                | i >  j = f (i-1) j
                | i <= j = f i (j+1)

    used i a = error "used @(CEnv _)"

    fold _ _ _ = error "fold @(CEnv _)"

    maxDB_ _ = error "maxDB_ @(CEnv _)"

instance (Subst Exp a, Up a) => Subst Exp (CEnv a) where
    subst_ i dx x = \case
        MEnd a -> MEnd $ subst_ i dx x a
        Meta a b  -> Meta (subst_ i dx x a) (subst_ (i+1) (upDB 1 dx) (up 1 x) b)
        Assign j a b
            | j > i, Just a' <- down i a       -> assign (j-1) a' (subst i (subst (j-1) (fst a') x) b)
            | j > i, Just x' <- down (j-1) x   -> assign (j-1) (subst i x' a) (subst i x' b)
            | j < i, Just a' <- down (i-1) a   -> assign j a' (subst (i-1) (subst j (fst a') x) b)
            | j < i, Just x' <- down j x       -> assign j (subst (i-1) x' a) (subst (i-1) x' b)
            | j == i    -> Meta (cstr (snd a) x $ fst a) $ up1_ 0 b

--assign :: (Int -> Exp -> CEnv Exp -> a) -> (Int -> Exp -> CEnv Exp -> a) -> Int -> Exp -> CEnv Exp -> a
swapAssign _ clet i (Var j, t) b | i > j = clet j (Var (i-1), t) $ subst j (Var (i-1)) $ up1_ i b
swapAssign clet _ i a b = clet i a b

assign = swapAssign Assign Assign

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- environments

-- SExp + Exp zipper
data Env
    = EBind1 SI Binder Env SExp2            -- zoom into first parameter of SBind
    | EBind2_ SI Binder Type Env             -- zoom into second parameter of SBind
    | EApp1 SI Visibility Env SExp2
    | EApp2 SI Visibility ExpType Env
    | ELet1 SIName Env SExp2
    | ELet2 SIName ExpType Env
    | EGlobal
    | ELabelEnd Env

    | EAssign Int ExpType Env
    | CheckType_ SI Type Env
    | CheckIType SExp2 Env
--    | CheckSame Exp Env
    | CheckAppType SI Visibility Type Env SExp2   --pattern CheckAppType _ h t te b = EApp1 _ h (CheckType t te) b
  deriving Show

pattern EBind2 b e env <- EBind2_ _ b e env where EBind2 b e env = EBind2_ (debugSI "6") b e env
pattern CheckType e env <- CheckType_ _ e env where CheckType e env = CheckType_ (debugSI "7") e env

parent = \case
    EAssign _ _ x        -> Right x
    EBind2 _ _ x         -> Right x
    EBind1 _ _ x _       -> Right x
    EApp1 _ _ x _        -> Right x
    EApp2 _ _ _ x        -> Right x
    ELet1 _ x _          -> Right x
    ELet2 _ _ x          -> Right x
    CheckType _ x        -> Right x
    CheckIType _ x       -> Right x
--    CheckSame _ x        -> Right x
    CheckAppType _ _ _ x _ -> Right x
    ELabelEnd x          -> Right x
    EGlobal              -> Left ()

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- simple typing

litType = \case
    LInt _    -> TInt
    LFloat _  -> TFloat
    LString _ -> TString
    LChar _   -> TChar

class NType a where nType :: a -> Type

instance NType FunName where nType (FunName _ _ t) = t
instance NType TyConName where nType (TyConName _ _ t _ _) = t
instance NType CaseFunName where nType (CaseFunName _ t _) = t
instance NType TyCaseFunName where nType (TyCaseFunName _ t) = t

conType (snd . getParams . unfixlabel -> TyCon (TyConName _ _ _ cs _) _) (ConName _ n t) = t --snd $ cs !! n

neutType te = \case
    App_ f x        -> appTy (neutType te f) x
    Var_ i          -> snd $ varType "C" i te
    CaseFun_ s ts n -> appTy (foldl appTy (nType s) $ makeCaseFunPars te n ++ ts) (Neut n)
    TyCaseFun_ s [m, t, f] n -> foldl appTy (nType s) [m, t, Neut n, f]
    Fun' s _ _ a _ -> foldlrev appTy (nType s) a

neutType' te = \case
    App_ f x        -> appTy (neutType' te f) x
    Var_ i          -> varType' i te
    CaseFun_ s ts n -> appTy (foldl appTy (nType s) $ makeCaseFunPars' te n ++ ts) (Neut n)
    TyCaseFun_ s [m, t, f] n -> foldl appTy (nType s) [m, t, Neut n, f]
    Fun' s _ _ a _     -> foldlrev appTy (nType s) a

mkExpTypes t [] = []
mkExpTypes t@(Pi _ a _) (x: xs) = (x, t): mkExpTypes (appTy t x) xs

appTy (Pi _ a b) x = subst 0 x b
appTy t x = error $ "appTy: " ++ show t

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- error messages

data ErrorMsg
    = ErrorMsg String
    | ECantFind SName SI
    | ETypeError String SI
    | ERedefined SName SI SI

instance NFData ErrorMsg where
    rnf = \case
        ErrorMsg m -> rnf m
        ECantFind a b -> rnf (a, b)
        ETypeError a b -> rnf (a, b)
        ERedefined a b c -> rnf (a, b, c)

errorRange_ = \case
    ErrorMsg s -> []
    ECantFind s si -> [si]
    ETypeError msg si -> [si]
    ERedefined s si si' -> [si, si']

showError :: Map.Map FilePath String -> ErrorMsg -> String
showError srcs = \case
    ErrorMsg s -> s
    ECantFind s si -> "can't find: " ++ s ++ " in " ++ showSI srcs si
    ETypeError msg si -> "type error: " ++ msg ++ "\nin " ++ showSI srcs si ++ "\n"
    ERedefined s si si' -> "already defined " ++ s ++ " at " ++ showSI srcs si ++ "\n and at " ++ showSI srcs si'

instance Show ErrorMsg where
    show = showError mempty

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inference

-- inference monad
type IM m = ExceptT ErrorMsg (ReaderT (Extensions, GlobalEnv) (WriterT Infos m))

expAndType s (e, t, si) = (e, t)

-- todo: do only if NoTypeNamespace extension is not on
lookupName s@('\'':s') m = expAndType s <$> (Map.lookup s m `mplus` Map.lookup s' m)
lookupName s m           = expAndType s <$> Map.lookup s m

getDef te si s = do
    nv <- asks snd
    maybe (throwError' $ ECantFind s si) return (lookupName s nv)

type ExpType' = CEnv ExpType

inferN :: forall m . Monad m => Env -> SExp2 -> IM m ExpType'
inferN e s = do
    b <- asks $ (TraceTypeCheck `elem`) . fst
    mapExceptT (mapReaderT $ mapWriterT $ fmap filt) $ inferN_ (if b then \s x m -> tell [ITrace s x] >> m else \_ _ m -> m) e s
    filt (e@Right{}, is) = (e, filter f is)
    filt x = x

    f ITrace{} = False
    f _ = True

substTo i x = subst i x . up1_ (i+1)

inferN_ :: forall m . Monad m => (forall a . String -> String -> IM m a -> IM m a) -> Env -> SExp2 -> IM m ExpType'
inferN_ tellTrace = infer  where

    infer :: Env -> SExp2 -> IM m ExpType'
    infer te exp = tellTrace "infer" (showEnvSExp te exp) $ (if debug then fmap (fmap{-todo-} $ recheck' "infer" te) else id) $ case exp of
        Parens x        -> infer te x
        SAnn x t        -> checkN (CheckIType x te) t TType
        SLabelEnd x     -> infer (ELabelEnd te) x
        SVar (si, _) i  -> focus_' te exp (Var i, snd $ varType "C2" i te)
        SLit si l       -> focus_' te exp (ELit l, litType l)
        STyped si et    -> focus_' te exp et
        SGlobal (si, s) -> focus_' te exp =<< getDef te si s
        SApp si h a b   -> infer (EApp1 (si `validate` [sourceInfo a, sourceInfo b]) h te b) a
        SLet le a b     -> infer (ELet1 le te b{-in-}) a{-let-} -- infer te SLamV b `SAppV` a)
        SBind si h _ a b -> infer ((if h /= BMeta then CheckType_ (sourceInfo exp) TType else id) $ EBind1 si h te $ (if isPi h then TyType else id) b) a

    checkN :: Env -> SExp2 -> Type -> IM m ExpType'
    checkN te x t = tellTrace "check" (showEnvSExpType te x t) $ checkN_ te x t

    checkN_ te (Parens e) t = checkN_ te e t
    checkN_ te e t
        | x@(SGlobal (si, MatchName n)) `SAppV` SLamV (Wildcard _) `SAppV` a `SAppV` SVar siv v `SAppV` b <- e
            = infer te $ x `SAppV` SLam Visible SType (STyped mempty (subst (v+1) (Var 0) $ up 1 t, TType)) `SAppV` a `SAppV` SVar siv v `SAppV` b
            -- temporal hack
        | x@(SGlobal (si, CaseName "'Nat")) `SAppV` SLamV (Wildcard _) `SAppV` a `SAppV` b `SAppV` SVar siv v <- e
            = infer te $ x `SAppV` SLamV (STyped mempty (substTo (v+1) (Var 0) $ up 1 t, TType)) `SAppV` a `SAppV` b `SAppV` SVar siv v
            -- temporal hack
        | x@(SGlobal (si, CaseName "'VecS")) `SAppV` SLamV (SLamV (Wildcard _)) `SAppV` a `SAppV` b `SAppV` c `SAppV` SVar siv v <- e
        , TyConN FVecS [_, Var n'] <- snd $ varType "xx" v te
            = infer te $ x `SAppV` SLamV (SLamV (STyped mempty (substTo (n'+2) (Var 1) $ up 2 t, TType))) `SAppV` a `SAppV` b `SAppV` c `SAppV` SVar siv v

            -- temporal hack
        | x@(SGlobal (si, "'HListCase")) `SAppV` SLamV (SLamV (Wildcard _)) `SAppV` a `SAppV` b `SAppV` SVar siv v <- e
        , TVec (Var n') _ <- snd $ varType "xx" v te
            = infer te $ x `SAppV` SLamV (SLamV (STyped mempty (subst (n'+2) (Var 1) $ up1_ (n'+3) $ up 2 t, TType))) `SAppV` a `SAppV` b `SAppV` SVar siv v
        | SLabelEnd x <- e = checkN (ELabelEnd te) x t
        | SApp si h a b <- e = infer (CheckAppType si h t te b) a
        | SLam h a b <- e, Pi h' x y <- t, h == h'  = do
            tellType e t
            let same = checkSame te a x
            if same then checkN (EBind2 (BLam h) x te) b y else error $ "checkSame:\n" ++ show a ++ "\nwith\n" ++ showEnvExp te (x, TType)
        | Pi Hidden a b <- t = do
            bb <- notHiddenLam e
            if bb then checkN (EBind2 (BLam Hidden) a te) (up1 e) b
                 else infer (CheckType_ (sourceInfo e) t te) e
        | otherwise = infer (CheckType_ (sourceInfo e) t te) e
        -- todo
        notHiddenLam = \case
            SLam Visible _ _ -> return True
            SGlobal (si,s) -> do
                nv <- asks snd
                case fromMaybe (error $ "infer: can't find: " ++ s) $ lookupName s nv of
                    (Lam _, Pi Hidden _ _) -> return False
                    _ -> return True
            _ -> return False
    -- todo
    checkSame te (Wildcard _) a = return (te, True)
    checkSame te x y = do
        (ex, _) <- checkN te x TType
        return $ ex == y
    checkSame te (Wildcard _) a = True
    checkSame te (SGlobal (_,"'Type")) TType = True
    checkSame te SType TType = True
    checkSame te (SBind _ BMeta _ SType (STyped _ (Var 0, _))) a = True
    checkSame te a b = error $ "checkSame: " ++ show (a, b)

    hArgs (Pi Hidden _ b) = 1 + hArgs b
    hArgs _ = 0

    focus_' env si eet = tellType si (snd eet) >> focus_ env eet

    focus_ :: Env -> ExpType -> IM m ExpType'
    focus_ env eet@(e, et) = tellTrace "focus" (showEnvExp env eet) $ (if debug then fmap (fmap{-todo-} $ recheck' "focus" env) else id) $ case env of
        ELabelEnd te -> focus_ te (LabelEnd e, et)
--        CheckSame x te -> focus_ (EBind2_ (debugSI "focus_ CheckSame") BMeta (cstr x e) te) $ up 1 eet
        CheckAppType si h t te b   -- App1 h (CheckType t te) b
            | Pi h' x (down 0 -> Just y) <- et, h == h' -> case t of
                Pi Hidden t1 t2 | h == Visible -> focus_ (EApp1 si h (CheckType_ (sourceInfo b) t te) b) eet  -- <<e>> b : {t1} -> {t2}
                _ -> focus_ (EBind2_ (sourceInfo b) BMeta (cstr TType t y) $ EApp1 si h te b) $ up 1 eet
            | otherwise -> focus_ (EApp1 si h (CheckType_ (sourceInfo b) t te) b) eet
        EApp1 si h te b
            | Pi h' x y <- et, h == h' -> checkN (EApp2 si h eet te) b x
            | Pi Hidden x y  <- et, h == Visible -> focus_ (EApp1 mempty Hidden env $ Wildcard $ Wildcard SType) eet  --  e b --> e _ b
--            | CheckType (Pi Hidden _ _) te' <- te -> error "ok"
--            | CheckAppType Hidden _ te' _ <- te -> error "ok"
            | otherwise -> infer (CheckType_ (sourceInfo b) (Var 2) $ cstr' h (up 2 et) (Pi Visible (Var 1) (Var 1)) (up 2 e) $ EBind2_ (sourceInfo b) BMeta TType $ EBind2_ (sourceInfo b) BMeta TType te) (up 3 b)
            cstr' h x y e = EApp2 mempty h (evalCoe (up 1 x) (up 1 y) (Var 0) (up 1 e), up 1 y) . EBind2_ (sourceInfo b) BMeta (cstr TType x y)
        ELet2 ln (x{-let-}, xt) te -> focus_ te $ subst 0 (mkELet ln x xt){-let-} eet{-in-}
        CheckIType x te -> checkN te x e
        CheckType_ si t te
            | hArgs et > hArgs t
                            -> focus_ (EApp1 mempty Hidden (CheckType_ si t te) $ Wildcard $ Wildcard SType) eet
            | hArgs et < hArgs t, Pi Hidden t1 t2 <- t
                            -> focus_ (CheckType_ si t2 $ EBind2 (BLam Hidden) t1 te) eet
            | otherwise    -> focus_ (EBind2_ si BMeta (cstr TType t et) te) $ up 1 eet
        EApp2 si h (a, at) te    -> focus_' te si (app_ a e, appTy at e)        --  h??
        EBind1 si h te b   -> infer (EBind2_ (sourceInfo b) h e te) b
        EBind2_ si (BLam h) a te -> focus_ te $ lamPi h a eet
        EBind2_ si (BPi h) a te -> focus_' te si (Pi h a e, TType)
        _ -> focus2 env $ MEnd eet

    focus2 :: Env -> CEnv ExpType -> IM m ExpType'
    focus2 env eet = case env of
--        ELabelEnd te ->
        ELet1 le te b{-in-} -> infer (ELet2 le (replaceMetas' eet{-let-}) te) b{-in-}
        EBind2_ si BMeta tt_ te
            | ELabelEnd te'   <- te -> refocus (ELabelEnd $ EBind2_ si BMeta tt_ te') eet
            | Unit <- tt    -> refocus te $ subst 0 TT eet
            | Empty msg <- tt -> throwError' $ ETypeError msg si
            | T2 x y <- tt, let te' = EBind2_ si BMeta (up 1 y) $ EBind2_ si BMeta x te
                            -> refocus te' $ subst 2 (t2C (Var 1) (Var 0)) $ up 2 eet
            | CstrT t a b <- tt, Just r <- cst (a, t) b -> r
            | CstrT t a b <- tt, Just r <- cst (b, t) a -> r
            | isCstr tt, EBind2 h x te' <- te{-, h /= BMeta todo: remove-}, Just x' <- down 0 tt, x == x'
                            -> refocus te $ subst 1 (Var 0) eet
            | EBind2 h x te' <- te, h /= BMeta, Just b' <- down 0 tt
                            -> refocus (EBind2_ si h (up 1 x) $ EBind2_ si BMeta b' te') $ subst 2 (Var 0) $ up 1 eet
            | ELet2 le (x, xt) te' <- te, Just b' <- down 0 tt
                            -> refocus (ELet2 le (up 1 x, up 1 xt) $ EBind2_ si BMeta b' te') $ subst 2 (Var 0) $ up 1 eet
            | EBind1 si h te' x <- te -> refocus (EBind1 si h (EBind2_ si BMeta tt_ te') $ up1_ 1 x) eet
            | ELet1 le te' x     <- te, floatLetMeta $ snd $ replaceMetas' $ Meta tt_ $ eet
                                    -> refocus (ELet1 le (EBind2_ si BMeta tt_ te') $ up1_ 1 x) eet
            | CheckAppType si h t te' x <- te -> refocus (CheckAppType si h (up 1 t) (EBind2_ si BMeta tt_ te') $ up1 x) eet
            | EApp1 si h te' x <- te -> refocus (EApp1 si h (EBind2_ si BMeta tt_ te') $ up1 x) eet
            | EApp2 si h x te' <- te -> refocus (EApp2 si h (up 1 x) $ EBind2_ si BMeta tt_ te') eet
            | CheckType_ si t te' <- te -> refocus (CheckType_ si (up 1 t) $ EBind2_ si BMeta tt_ te') eet
--            | CheckIType x te' <- te -> refocus (CheckType_ si (up 1 t) $ EBind2_ si BMeta tt te') eet
            | otherwise             -> focus2 te $ Meta tt_ eet
            tt = unfixlabel tt_
            refocus = refocus_ focus2
            cst :: ExpType -> Exp -> Maybe (IM m ExpType')
            cst x = \case
                Var i | fst (varType "X" i te) == BMeta
                      , Just y <- down i x
                      -> Just $ join swapAssign (\i x -> refocus $ EAssign i x te) i y $ subst 0 {-ReflCstr y-}TT $ subst (i+1) (fst $ up 1 y) eet
                _ -> Nothing

        EAssign i b te -> case te of
            ELabelEnd te'     -> refocus' (ELabelEnd $ EAssign i b te') eet
            EBind2_ si h x te' | i > 0, Just b' <- down 0 b
                              -> refocus' (EBind2_ si h (subst (i-1) (fst b') x) (EAssign (i-1) b' te')) eet
            ELet2 le (x, xt) te' | i > 0, Just b' <- down 0 b
                              -> refocus' (ELet2 le (subst (i-1) (fst b') x, subst (i-1) (fst b') xt) (EAssign (i-1) b' te')) eet
            ELet1 le te' x    -> refocus' (ELet1 le (EAssign i b te') $ substS (i+1) (up 1 b) x) eet
            EBind1 si h te' x -> refocus' (EBind1 si h (EAssign i b te') $ substS (i+1) (up 1 b) x) eet
            CheckAppType si h t te' x -> refocus' (CheckAppType si h (subst i (fst b) t) (EAssign i b te') $ substS i b x) eet
            EApp1 si h te' x  -> refocus' (EApp1 si h (EAssign i b te') $ substS i b x) eet
            EApp2 si h x te'  -> refocus' (EApp2 si h (subst i (fst b) x) $ EAssign i b te') eet
            CheckType_ si t te'   -> refocus' (CheckType_ si (subst i (fst b) t) $ EAssign i b te') eet
            EAssign j a te' | i < j
                              -> refocus' (EAssign (j-1) (subst i (fst b) a) $ EAssign i (up1_ (j-1) b) te') eet
            t  | Just te' <- pull1 i b te -> refocus' te' eet
               | otherwise -> swapAssign (\i x -> focus2 te . Assign i x) (\i x -> refocus' $ EAssign i x te) i b eet
            -- todo: CheckSame Exp Env
            refocus' = fix refocus_

            pull1 i b = \case
                EBind2_ si h x te | i > 0, Just b' <- down 0 b
                    -> EBind2_ si h (subst (i-1) (fst b') x) <$> pull1 (i-1) b' te
                EAssign j a te
                    | i < j  -> EAssign (j-1) (subst i (fst b) a) <$> pull1 i (up1_ (j-1) b) te
                    | j <= i -> EAssign j (subst i (fst b) a) <$> pull1 (i+1) (up1_ j b) te
                te  -> pull i te

            pull i = \case
                EBind2 BMeta _ te | i == 0 -> Just te
                EBind2_ si h x te | i > 0 -> EBind2_ si h <$> down (i-1) x <*> pull (i-1) te
                EAssign j a te  -> EAssign (if j <= i then j else j-1) <$> down i a <*> pull (if j <= i then i+1 else i) te
                _               -> Nothing

        EGlobal{} -> return eet
        _ -> case eet of
            MEnd x -> throwError' $ ErrorMsg $ "focus todo: " ++ ppShow x
            _ -> throwError' $ ErrorMsg $ "focus checkMetas: " ++ ppShow env ++ "\n" ++ ppShow (fst <$> eet)
        refocus_ :: (Env -> CEnv ExpType -> IM m ExpType') -> Env -> CEnv ExpType -> IM m ExpType'
        refocus_ _ e (MEnd at) = focus_ e at
        refocus_ f e (Meta x at) = f (EBind2 BMeta x e) at
        refocus_ _ e (Assign i x at) = focus2 (EAssign i x e) at

        replaceMetas' = replaceMetas $ lamPi Hidden

lamPi h = (***) <$> const Lam <*> Pi h

replaceMetas bind = \case
    Meta a t -> bind a $ replaceMetas bind t
    Assign i x t | x' <- up1_ i x -> bind (cstr (snd x') (Var i) $ fst x') . up 1 . up1_ i $ replaceMetas bind t
    MEnd t ->  t

isCstr CstrT{} = True
isCstr (UFunN s [_]) = s `elem` [FEq, FOrd, FNum, FSigned, FComponent, FIntegral, FFloating]       -- todo: use Constraint type to decide this
isCstr _ = {- trace_ (ppShow c ++ show c) $ -} False

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- re-checking

type Message = String

recheck :: Message -> Env -> ExpType -> ExpType
recheck msg e = recheck' msg e

-- todo: check type also
recheck' :: Message -> Env -> ExpType -> ExpType
recheck' msg' e (x, xt) = (recheck_ "main" (checkEnv e) (x, xt), xt)
    checkEnv = \case
        e@EGlobal{} -> e
        EBind1 si h e b -> EBind1 si h (checkEnv e) b
        EBind2_ si h t e -> EBind2_ si h (checkType e t) $ checkEnv e            --  E [\(x :: t) -> e]    -> check  E [t]
        ELet1 le e b -> ELet1 le (checkEnv e) b
        ELet2 le x e -> ELet2 le (recheck'' "env" e x) $ checkEnv e
        EApp1 si h e b -> EApp1 si h (checkEnv e) b
        EApp2 si h a e -> EApp2 si h (recheck'' "env" e a) $ checkEnv e    --  E [a x]  ->  check
        EAssign i x e -> EAssign i (recheck'' "env" e $ up1_ i x) $ checkEnv e                -- __ <i := x>
        CheckType_ si x e -> CheckType_ si (checkType e x) $ checkEnv e
--        CheckSame x e -> CheckSame (recheck'' "env" e x) $ checkEnv e
        CheckAppType si h x e y -> CheckAppType si h (checkType e x) (checkEnv e) y

    recheck'' msg te a@(x, xt) = (recheck_ msg te a, xt)
    checkType te e = recheck_ "check" te (e, TType)

    recheck_ msg te = \case
        (Var k, zt) -> Var k    -- todo: check var type
        (Lam_ md b, Pi h a bt) -> Lam_ md $ recheck_ "9" (EBind2 (BLam h) a te) (b, bt)
        (Pi_ md h a b, TType) -> Pi_ md h (checkType te a) $ checkType (EBind2 (BPi h) a te) b
        (ELit l, zt) -> ELit l  -- todo: check literal type
        (TType, TType) -> TType
        (Neut (App__ md a b), zt)
            | (Neut a', at) <- recheck'' "app1" te (Neut a, neutType te a)
            -> checkApps "a" [] zt (Neut . App__ md a' . head) te at [b]
        (Con_ md s n as, zt)      -> checkApps (show s) [] zt (Con_ md s n . drop (conParams s)) te (conType zt s) $ mkConPars n zt ++ as
        (TyCon_ md s as, zt)      -> checkApps (show s) [] zt (TyCon_ md s) te (nType s) as
        (CaseFun s@(CaseFunName _ t pars) as n, zt) -> checkApps (show s) [] zt (\xs -> evalCaseFun s (init $ drop pars xs) (last xs)) te (nType s) (makeCaseFunPars te n ++ as ++ [Neut n])
        (TyCaseFun s [m, t, f] n, zt)  -> checkApps (show s) [] zt (\[m, t, n, f] -> evalTyCaseFun s [m, t, f] n) te (nType s) [m, t, Neut n, f]
        (Neut (Fun_ md f vs@[] i a x), zt) -> checkApps "lab" [] zt (\xs -> Neut $ Fun_ md f vs i (reverse xs) x) te (nType f) $ reverse a   -- TODO: recheck x
        -- TODO
        (r@(Neut (Fun' f vs i a x)), zt) -> r
        (LabelEnd x, zt) -> LabelEnd $ recheck_ msg te (x, zt)
        (Neut d@Delta{}, zt) -> Neut d
        checkApps s acc zt f _ t []
            | t == zt = f $ reverse acc
            | otherwise = 
                     error_ $ "checkApps' " ++ s ++ " " ++ msg ++ "\n" ++ showEnvExp te{-todo-} (t, TType) ++ "\n\n" ++ showEnvExp te (zt, TType)
        checkApps s acc zt f te t@(unfixlabel -> Pi h x y) (b_: xs) = checkApps (s++"+") (b: acc) zt f te (appTy t b) xs where b = recheck_ "checkApps" te (b_, x)
        checkApps s acc zt f te t _ =
             error_ $ "checkApps " ++ s ++ " " ++ msg ++ "\n" ++ showEnvExp te{-todo-} (t, TType) ++ "\n\n" ++ showEnvExp e (x, xt)

-- Ambiguous: (Int ~ F a) => Int
-- Not ambiguous: (Show a, a ~ F b) => b
ambiguityCheck :: String -> Exp -> Maybe String
ambiguityCheck s ty = case ambigVars ty of
    [] -> Nothing
    err -> Just $ s ++ " has ambiguous type:\n" ++ ppShow ty ++ "\nproblematic vars:\n" ++ show err

ambigVars :: Exp -> [(Int, Exp)]
ambigVars ty = [(n, c) | (n, c) <- hid, not $ any (`Set.member` defined) $ Set.insert n $ free c]
    (defined, hid, i) = compDefined False ty

floatLetMeta :: Exp -> Bool
floatLetMeta ty = (i-1) `Set.member` defined
    (defined, hid, i) = compDefined True ty

compDefined b ty = (defined, hid, i)
    defined = dependentVars hid $ Set.map (if b then (+i) else id) $ free ty

    i = length hid_
    hid = zipWith (\k t -> (k, up (k+1) t)) (reverse [0..i-1]) hid_
    (hid_, ty') = hiddenVars ty

hiddenVars (Pi Hidden a b) = first (a:) $ hiddenVars b
hiddenVars t = ([], t)

-- compute dependent type vars in constraints
-- Example:  dependentVars [(a, b) ~ F b c, d ~ F e] [c] == [a,b,c]
dependentVars :: [(Int, Exp)] -> Set.Set Int -> Set.Set Int
dependentVars ie = cycle mempty
    freeVars = free

    cycle acc s
        | Set.null s = acc
        | otherwise = cycle (acc <> s) (grow s Set.\\ acc)

    grow = flip foldMap ie $ \case
      (n, t) -> (Set.singleton n <-> freeVars t) <> case t of
        CstrT _{-todo-} ty f -> freeVars ty <-> freeVars f
        CSplit a b c -> freeVars a <-> (freeVars b <> freeVars c)
        _ -> mempty
        a --> b = \s -> if Set.null $ a `Set.intersection` s then mempty else b
        a <-> b = (a --> b) <> (b --> a)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- global env

type GlobalEnv = Map.Map SName (Exp, Type, SI)

initEnv :: GlobalEnv
initEnv = Map.fromList
    [ (,) "'Type" (TType, TType, debugSI "source-of-Type")

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- infos

data Info
    = Info Range String
    | IType String String
    | ITrace String String
    | IError ErrorMsg

instance NFData Info
    rnf = \case
        Info r s -> rnf (r, s)
        IType a b -> rnf (a, b)
        ITrace i s -> rnf (i, s)
        IError x -> rnf x

instance Show Info where
    show = \case
        Info r s -> ppShow r ++ "  " ++ s
        IType a b -> a ++ " :: " ++ correctEscs b
        ITrace i s -> i ++ ":  " ++ correctEscs s
        IError e -> "!" ++ show e

errorRange is = [r | IError e <- is, RangeSI r <- errorRange_ e ]

type Infos = [Info]

throwError' e = tell [IError e] >> throwError e

mkInfoItem (RangeSI r) i = [Info r i]
mkInfoItem _ _ = mempty

listAllInfos m = h "trace"  (listTraceInfos m)
             ++  h "tooltips" [ ppShow r ++ "  " ++ intercalate " | " is | (r, is) <- listTypeInfos m ]
    h x [] = []
    h x xs = ("------------ " ++ x) : xs

listTraceInfos m = [show i | i <- m, case i of Info{} -> False; _ -> True]
listTypeInfos m = map (second Set.toList) $ Map.toList $ Map.unionsWith (<>) [Map.singleton r $ Set.singleton i | Info r i <- m]

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inference for statements

inference :: MonadFix m => [Stmt] -> IM m [GlobalEnv]
inference [] = return []
inference (x:xs) = do
    y <- handleStmt x
    (y:) <$> withEnv y (inference xs)

modn = 0

handleStmt :: MonadFix m => Stmt -> IM m GlobalEnv
handleStmt = \case
  Primitive n (trSExp' -> t_) -> do
        t <- inferType =<< ($ t_) <$> addF
        tellType (fst n) t
        addToEnv n $ flip (,) t $ lamify t $ Neut . DFun_ (FunName (cFName modn 0 n) Nothing t)
  Let n mt t_ -> do
        af <- addF
        let t__ = maybe id (flip SAnn . af) mt t_
        (x, t) <- inferTerm (snd n) $ trSExp' $ if usedS n t__ then SBuiltin "primFix" `SAppV` SLamV (substSG0 n t__) else t__
        tellType (fst n) t
        addToEnv n (mkELet n x t, t)
{-        -- hack
        when (snd (getParams t) == TType) $ do
            let ps' = fst $ getParams t
                t'' =   (TType :~> TType)
                  :~> addParams ps' (Var (length ps') `app_` DFun (FunName (snd n) t) (downTo 0 $ length ps'))
                  :~>  TType
                  :~> Var 2 `app_` Var 0
                  :~> Var 3 `app_` Var 1
            addToEnv (fst n, MatchName (snd n)) (lamify t'' $ \[m, tr, n', f] -> evalTyCaseFun (TyCaseFunName (snd n) t) [m, tr, f] n', t'')
  PrecDef{} -> return mempty
  Data s (map (second trSExp') -> ps) (trSExp' -> t_) addfa (map (second trSExp') -> cs) -> do
    af <- if addfa then asks $ \(exs, ge) -> addForalls exs . (snd s:) . defined' $ ge else return id
    vty <- inferType $ addParamsS ps t_
    tellType (fst s) vty
        sint = cFName modn 2 s
        pnum' = length $ filter ((== Visible) . fst) ps
        inum = arity vty - length ps

        mkConstr j (cn, af -> ct)
            | c == SGlobal s && take pnum' xs == downToS "a3" (length . fst . getParamsS $ ct) pnum'
            = do
                cty <- removeHiddenUnit <$> inferType (addParamsS [(Hidden, x) | (Visible, x) <- ps] ct)
                tellType (fst cn) cty
                let     pars = zipWith (\x -> second $ STyped (debugSI "mkConstr1") . flip (,) TType . up_ (1+j) x) [0..] $ drop (length ps) $ fst $ getParams cty
                        act = length . fst . getParams $ cty
                        acts = map fst . fst . getParams $ cty
                        conn = ConName (cFName modn 1 cn) j cty
                e <- addToEnv cn (Con conn 0 [], cty)
                return (e, ((conn, cty)
                       , addParamsS pars
                       $ foldl SAppV (SVar (debugSI "22", ".cs") $ j + length pars) $ drop pnum' xs ++ [apps' (SGlobal cn) (zip acts $ downToS ("a4 " ++ snd cn ++ " " ++ show (length ps)) (j+1+length pars) (length ps) ++ downToS "a5" 0 (act- length ps))]
            | otherwise = throwError' $ ErrorMsg "illegal data definition (parameters are not uniform)" -- ++ show (c, cn, take pnum' xs, act)
                (c, map snd -> xs) = getApps $ snd $ getParamsS ct

        motive = addParamsS (replicate inum (Visible, Wildcard SType)) $
           SPi Visible (apps' (SGlobal s) $ zip (map fst ps) (downToS "a6" inum $ length ps) ++ zip (map fst $ fst $ getParamsS t_) (downToS "a7" 0 inum)) SType

    (e1, es, tcn, cfn@(CaseFunName _ ct _), _, _) <- mfix $ \ ~(_, _, _, _, ct', cons') -> do
        let cfn = CaseFunName sint ct' $ length ps
        let tcn = TyConName sint inum vty (map fst cons') cfn
        e1 <- addToEnv s (TyCon tcn [], vty)
        (unzip -> (mconcat -> es, cons)) <- withEnv e1 $ zipWithM mkConstr [0..] cs
        ct <- withEnv (e1 <> es) $ inferType
            ( (\x -> traceD ("type of case-elim before elaboration: " ++ ppShow x) x) $ addParamsS
                ( [(Hidden, x) | (_, x) <- ps]
                ++ (Visible, motive)
                : map ((,) Visible . snd) cons
                ++ replicate inum (Hidden, Wildcard SType)
                ++ [(Visible, apps' (SGlobal s) $ zip (map fst ps) (downToS "a8" (inum + length cs + 1) $ length ps) ++ zip (map fst $ fst $ getParamsS t_) (downToS "a9" 0 inum))]
            $ foldl SAppV (SVar (debugSI "23", ".ct") $ length cs + inum + 1) $ downToS "a10" 1 inum ++ [SVar (debugSI "24", ".24") 0]
        return (e1, es, tcn, cfn, ct, cons)

    e2 <- addToEnv (fst s, caseName (snd s)) (lamify ct $ \xs -> evalCaseFun cfn (init $ drop (length ps) xs) (last xs), ct)
    let ps' = fst $ getParams vty
        t =   (TType :~> TType)
          :~> addParams ps' (Var (length ps') `app_` TyCon tcn (downTo 0 $ length ps'))
          :~>  TType
          :~> Var 2 `app_` Var 0
          :~> Var 3 `app_` Var 1
    e3 <- addToEnv (fst s, MatchName (snd s)) (lamify t $ \[m, tr, n, f] -> evalTyCaseFun (TyCaseFunName sint t) [m, tr, f] n, t)
    return (e1 <> e2 <> e3 <> es)

  stmt -> error $ "handleStmt: " ++ show stmt

withEnv e = local $ second (<> e)

mkELet n x xt = {-(if null vs then id else trace_ $ "mkELet " ++ show (length vs) ++ " " ++ show n)-} term
    vs = [Var i | i <- Set.toList $ free x <> free xt]
    fn = FunName (cFName modn 5 n) (Just x) xt

    term = pmLabel fn vs 0 [] $ getFix x 0

    getFix (Lam z) i = Lam $ getFix z (i+1)
    getFix (TFun FprimFix _ [t, Lam f]) i = (if null vs then id else trace_ "!local rec") $ subst 0 (foldl app_ term (downTo 0 i)) f
    getFix x _ = x

removeHiddenUnit (Pi Hidden Unit (down 0 -> Just t)) = removeHiddenUnit t
removeHiddenUnit (Pi h a b) = Pi h a $ removeHiddenUnit b
removeHiddenUnit t = t

addParams ps t = foldr (uncurry Pi) t ps

addLams ps t = foldr (const Lam) t ps

lamify t x = addLams (fst $ getParams t) $ x $ downTo 0 $ arity t

getApps' = second reverse . run where
  run (App a b) = second (b:) $ run a
  run x = (x, [])
arity :: Exp -> Int
arity = length . fst . getParams

getParams :: Exp -> ([(Visibility, Exp)], Exp)
getParams (Pi h a b) = first ((h, a):) $ getParams b
getParams x = ([], x)

getLams (Lam b) = getLams b
getLams x = x

inferTerm :: Monad m => String -> SExp2 -> IM m ExpType
inferTerm msg t =
    fmap ((closedExp *** closedExp) . recheck msg EGlobal . replaceMetas (lamPi Hidden)) $ inferN EGlobal t
inferType :: Monad m => SExp2 -> IM m Type
inferType t = fmap (closedExp . fst . recheck "inferType" EGlobal . flip (,) TType . replaceMetas (Pi Hidden) . fmap fst) $ inferN (CheckType_ (debugSI "inferType CheckType_") TType EGlobal) t

addToEnv :: Monad m => SIName -> ExpType -> IM m GlobalEnv
addToEnv (si, s) (x, t) = do
--    maybe (pure ()) throwError_ $ ambiguityCheck s t      -- TODO
--    b <- asks $ (TraceTypeCheck `elem`) . fst
    tell [IType s $ ppShow t]
    v <- asks $ Map.lookup s . snd
    case v of
      Nothing -> return $ Map.singleton s (closedExp x, closedExp t, si)
      Just (_, _, si') -> throwError' $ ERedefined s si si'
joinEnv :: Monad m => GlobalEnv -> GlobalEnv -> IM m GlobalEnv
joinEnv e1 e2 = do

downTo n m = map Var [n+m-1, n+m-2..n]

defined' = Map.keys

-- todo: proper handling of implicit foralls
addF = asks $ \(exs, ge) -> addForalls exs $ defined' ge

tellType si t = tell $ mkInfoItem (sourceInfo si) $ removeEscs $ showDoc $ mkDoc True (t, TType)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pretty print
-- todo: do this via conversion to SExp

instance PShow Exp where
    pShowPrec _ = showDoc_ . mkDoc False

instance PShow (CEnv Exp) where
    pShowPrec _ = showDoc_ . mkDoc False

instance PShow Env where
    pShowPrec _ e = showDoc_ $ envDoc e $ pure $ shAtom $ underlined "<<HERE>>"

showEnvExp :: Env -> ExpType -> String
showEnvExp e c = showDoc $ envDoc e $ epar <$> mkDoc False c

showEnvSExp :: Up a => Env -> SExp' a -> String
showEnvSExp e c = showDoc $ envDoc e $ epar <$> sExpDoc c

showEnvSExpType :: Up a => Env -> SExp' a -> Exp -> String
showEnvSExpType e c t = showDoc $ envDoc e $ epar <$> (shAnn "::" False <$> sExpDoc c <**> mkDoc False (t, TType))
    infixl 4 <**>
    (<**>) :: NameDB (a -> b) -> NameDB a -> NameDB b
    a <**> b = get >>= \s -> lift $ evalStateT a s <*> evalStateT b s

expToSExp :: Exp -> SExp
expToSExp = \case
    Fun x _     -> expToSExp x
--    Var k           -> shAtom <$> shVar k
    App a b         -> SApp Visible{-todo-} (expToSExp a) (expToSExp b)
    Lam h a b       -> join $ shLam (used 0 b) (BLam h) <$> f a <*> pure (f b)
    Bind h a b      -> join $ shLam (used 0 b) h <$> f a <*> pure (f b)
    Cstr a b        -> shCstr <$> f a <*> f b
    MT s xs       -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom s) <$> mapM f xs
    CaseFun s xs    -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom $ show s) <$> mapM f xs
    TyCaseFun s xs  -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom $ show s) <$> mapM f xs
    ConN s xs       -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom s) <$> mapM f xs
    TyConN s xs     -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom s) <$> mapM f xs
--    TType           -> pure $ shAtom "Type"
    ELit l          -> pure $ shAtom $ show l
    Assign i x e    -> shLet i (f x) (f e)
    LabelEnd x      -> shApp Visible (shAtom "labend") <$> f x
nameSExp :: SExp -> NameDB SExp
nameSExp = \case
    SGlobal s       -> pure $ SGlobal s
    SApp h a b      -> SApp h <$> nameSExp a <*> nameSExp b
    SBind h a b     -> newName >>= \n -> SBind h <$> nameSExp a <*> local (n:) (nameSExp b)
    SLet a b        -> newName >>= \n -> SLet <$> nameSExp a <*> local (n:) (nameSExp b)
    STyped_ x (e, _) -> nameSExp $ expToSExp e  -- todo: mark boundary
    SVar i          -> SGlobal <$> shVar i
envDoc :: Env -> Doc -> Doc
envDoc x m = case x of
    EGlobal{}           -> m
    EBind1 _ h ts b     -> envDoc ts $ join $ shLam (used 0 b) h <$> m <*> pure (sExpDoc b)
    EBind2 h a ts       -> envDoc ts $ join $ shLam True h <$> mkDoc ts' (a, TType) <*> pure m
    EApp1 _ h ts b      -> envDoc ts $ shApp h <$> m <*> sExpDoc b
    EApp2 _ h (Lam (Var 0), Pi Visible TType _) ts -> envDoc ts $ shApp h (shAtom "tyType") <$> m
    EApp2 _ h a ts      -> envDoc ts $ shApp h <$> mkDoc ts' a <*> m
    ELet1 _ ts b        -> envDoc ts $ shLet_ m (sExpDoc b)
    ELet2 _ x ts        -> envDoc ts $ shLet_ (mkDoc ts' x) m
    EAssign i x ts      -> envDoc ts $ shLet i (mkDoc ts' x) m
    CheckType t ts      -> envDoc ts $ shAnn ":" False <$> m <*> mkDoc ts' (t, TType)
    CheckIType t ts     -> envDoc ts $ shAnn ":" False <$> m <*> pure (shAtom "??") -- mkDoc ts' t
--    CheckSame t ts      -> envDoc ts $ shCstr <$> m <*> mkDoc ts' t
    CheckAppType si h t te b -> envDoc (EApp1 si h (CheckType_ (sourceInfo b) t te) b) m
    ELabelEnd ts        -> envDoc ts $ shApp Visible (shAtom "labEnd") <$> m
    x   -> error $ "envDoc: " ++ show x
    ts' = False

class MkDoc a where
    mkDoc :: Bool -> a -> Doc

instance MkDoc ExpType where
    mkDoc ts e = mkDoc ts $ fst e

instance MkDoc Exp where
    mkDoc ts e = fmap inGreen <$> f e
        f = \case
--            Lam h a b       -> join $ shLam (used 0 b) (BLam h) <$> f a <*> pure (f b)
            Lam b           -> join $ shLam True (BLam Visible) <$> f TType{-todo!-} <*> pure (f b)
            Pi h a b        -> join $ shLam (used 0 b) (BPi h) <$> f a <*> pure (f b)
            ENat' n         -> pure $ shAtom $ show n
            (getTTup -> Just xs) -> shTuple <$> mapM f xs
            (getTup -> Just xs) -> shTuple <$> mapM f xs
            Con s _ xs      -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom_ $ show s) <$> mapM f xs
            TyConN s xs     -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom_ $ show s) <$> mapM f xs
            TType           -> pure $ shAtom "Type"
            ELit l          -> pure $ shAtom $ show l
            Neut x          -> mkDoc ts x

        shAtom_ = shAtom . if ts then switchTick else id

instance MkDoc Neutral where
    mkDoc ts e = fmap inGreen <$> f e
        g = mkDoc ts
        f = \case
            CstrT' t a b     -> shCstr <$> g (a, t) <*> g (b, t)
            Fun' s vs i (mkExpTypes (nType s) . reverse -> xs) _ -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom_ $ show s) <$> mapM g xs
            Var_ k           -> shAtom <$> shVar k
            App_ a b         -> shApp Visible <$> g a <*> g b
            CaseFun_ s xs n  -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom_ $ show s) <$> mapM g ({-mkExpTypes (nType s) $ makeCaseFunPars te n ++ -} xs ++ [Neut n])
            TyCaseFun_ s [m, t, f] n  -> foldl (shApp Visible) (shAtom_ $ show s) <$> mapM g (mkExpTypes (nType s) [m, t, Neut n, f])
            TyCaseFun_ s _ n  -> error $ "mkDoc TyCaseFun"
            LabelEnd_ x      -> shApp Visible (shAtom $ "labend") <$> g x
            Delta{} -> return $ shAtom "^delta"

        shAtom_ = shAtom . if ts then switchTick else id

instance MkDoc (CEnv Exp) where
    mkDoc ts e = fmap inGreen <$> f e
        f :: CEnv Exp -> Doc
        f = \case
            MEnd a          -> mkDoc ts a
            Meta a b        -> join $ shLam True BMeta <$> mkDoc ts a <*> pure (f b)
            Assign i (x, _) e -> shLet i (mkDoc ts x) (f e)

getTup (unfixlabel -> ConN FHCons [_, _, x, xs]) = (x:) <$> getTup xs
getTup (unfixlabel -> ConN FHNil []) = Just []
getTup _ = Nothing

getTTup (unfixlabel -> TyConN FHList [xs]) = getList xs
getTTup _ = Nothing

getList (unfixlabel -> ConN FCons [x, xs]) = (x:) <$> getList xs
getList (unfixlabel -> ConN FNil []) = Just []
getList _ = Nothing

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tools

mfix' f = ExceptT (mfix (runExceptT . f . either bomb id))
  where bomb e = error $ "mfix (ExceptT): inner computation returned Left value:\n" ++ show e

foldlrev f = foldr (flip f)