{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module LambdaCube.Compiler.DeBruijn where

import Data.Bits
import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))

import LambdaCube.Compiler.Utils
import LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rearrange De Bruijn indices

class Rearrange a where
    rearrange :: Int{-level-} -> RearrangeFun -> a -> a

data RearrangeFun
    = RFSubst Int Int
    | RFMove Int
    | RFUp Int
    deriving Show

rearrangeFun = \case
    RFSubst i j -> \k -> if k == i then j else if k > i then k - 1 else k
    RFMove i -> \k -> if k == i then 0 else k + 1
    RFUp n -> \k -> if k >= 0 then k + n else k

rSubst :: Rearrange a => Int -> Int -> a -> a
rSubst i j = rearrange 0 $ RFSubst i j

-- move index to 0
rMove :: Rearrange a => Int -> Int -> a -> a
rMove i l = rearrange l $ RFMove i

rUp :: Rearrange a => Int -> Int -> a -> a
rUp n l = rearrange l $ RFUp n

up1_ :: Rearrange a => Int -> a -> a
up1_ = rUp 1

up n = rUp n 0
up1 = up1_ 0

instance Rearrange a => Rearrange [a] where
    rearrange l f = map $ rearrange l f

instance (Rearrange a, Rearrange b) => Rearrange (Either a b) where
    rearrange l f = rearrange l f +++ rearrange l f

instance (Rearrange a, Rearrange b) => Rearrange (a, b) where
    rearrange l f = rearrange l f *** rearrange l f

instance Rearrange Void where
    rearrange _ _ = elimVoid

------------------------------------------------------- set of free variables (implemented with bit vectors)

newtype FreeVars = FreeVars Integer
    deriving Eq

instance PShow FreeVars where
    pShow (FreeVars s) = "FreeVars" `DApp` pShow s

instance Monoid FreeVars where
    mempty = FreeVars 0
    FreeVars a `mappend` FreeVars b = FreeVars $ a .|. b

freeVar :: Int -> FreeVars
freeVar i = FreeVars $ 1 `shiftL` i

delVar :: Int -> FreeVars -> FreeVars
delVar 0 (FreeVars i) = FreeVars $ i `shiftR` 1
delVar 1 (FreeVars i) = FreeVars $ if testBit i 0 then (i `shiftR` 1) `setBit` 0 else (i `shiftR` 1) `clearBit` 0 
delVar l (FreeVars i) = FreeVars $ case i `shiftR` (l+1) of
    0 -> i `clearBit` l
    x -> (x `shiftL` l) .|. (i .&. ((1 `shiftL` l)-1))

shiftFreeVars :: Int -> FreeVars -> FreeVars
shiftFreeVars i (FreeVars x) = FreeVars $ x `shift` i

usedVar :: HasFreeVars a => Int -> a -> Bool
usedVar i (getFreeVars -> FreeVars a) = testBit a i

freeVars :: FreeVars -> [Int]
freeVars (FreeVars x) = take (popCount x) [i | i <- [0..], testBit x i]

isClosed :: FreeVars -> Bool
isClosed (FreeVars x) = x == 0

lowerFreeVars = shiftFreeVars (-1)

rearrangeFreeVars g l (FreeVars i) = FreeVars $ case g of
    RFUp n -> ((i `shiftR` l) `shiftL` (n+l)) .|. (i .&. ((1 `shiftL` l)-1))
    RFMove n -> (f $ (i `shiftR` l) `shiftL` (l+1)) .|. (i .&. ((1 `shiftL` l)-1))
        f x = if testBit x (n+l+1) then x `clearBit` (n+l+1) `setBit` l else x
    _ -> error $ "rearrangeFreeVars: " ++ show g

-- TODO: rename
dbGE i x = dbGE_ i $ getFreeVars x

dbGE_ i (FreeVars x) = (1 `shiftL` i) > x

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type class for getting free variables

class HasFreeVars a where
    getFreeVars :: a -> FreeVars

instance HasFreeVars FreeVars where
    getFreeVars = id

instance HasFreeVars Void where
    getFreeVars = elimVoid

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- substitute names with De Bruijn indices

class DeBruijnify n a where
    deBruijnify_ :: Int -> [n] -> a -> a

deBruijnify = deBruijnify_ 0

instance (DeBruijnify n a, DeBruijnify n b) => DeBruijnify n (a, b) where
    deBruijnify_ k ns = deBruijnify_ k ns *** deBruijnify_ k ns

instance (DeBruijnify n a, DeBruijnify n b) => DeBruijnify n (Either a b) where
    deBruijnify_ k ns = deBruijnify_ k ns +++ deBruijnify_ k ns

instance (DeBruijnify n a) => DeBruijnify n [a] where
    deBruijnify_ k ns = fmap (deBruijnify_ k ns)