{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module LambdaCube.Compiler.Lexer
    ( module LambdaCube.Compiler.Lexer
    , module ParseUtils
    ) where

import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList)
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow

import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State, ParseError)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import Text.Megaparsec as ParseUtils hiding (try, Message, State, ParseError)
import Text.Megaparsec.Lexer hiding (lexeme, symbol, negate)

import LambdaCube.Compiler.Pretty hiding (parens)
import LambdaCube.Compiler.DesugaredSource

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- utils

-- try with error handling
-- see http://blog.ezyang.com/2014/05/parsec-try-a-or-b-considered-harmful/comment-page-1/#comment-6602
try_ s m = try m <?> s

toSPos :: SourcePos -> SPos
toSPos p = SPos (fromIntegral $ unPos $ sourceLine p) (fromIntegral $ unPos $ sourceColumn p)

getSPos = toSPos <$> getPosition

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- literals

parseLit :: forall r w . Parse r w Lit
parseLit = lexeme (LChar <$> charLiteral <|> LString <$> stringLiteral <|> natFloat) <?> "literal"
    charLiteral :: Parse r w Char
    charLiteral = between (char '\'')
                          (char '\'' <?> "end of character")
                          (char '\\' *> escapeCode <|> satisfy ((&&) <$> (> '\026') <*> (/= '\'')) <?> "character")

    stringLiteral :: Parse r w String
    stringLiteral = between (char '"')
                            (char '"' <?> "end of string")
                            (concat <$> many stringChar)
        stringChar = char '\\' *> stringEscape <|> (:[]) <$> satisfy ((&&) <$> (> '\026') <*> (/= '"')) <?> "string character"

        stringEscape = [] <$ some simpleSpace <* (char '\\' <?> "end of string gap")
                   <|> [] <$ char '&'
                   <|> (:[]) <$> escapeCode

    escapeCode :: Parse r w Char
    escapeCode = choice (charEsc ++ charNum: (char '^' *> charControl): charAscii) <?> "escape code"
        charControl = toEnum . (+ (-64)) . fromEnum <$> satisfy ((&&) <$> (>= 'A') <*> (<= '_')) <?> "control char"

        charNum     = toEnum . fromInteger <$> (decimal <|> char 'o' *> octal <|> char 'x' *> hexadecimal)

        charEsc   = zipWith (<$) "\a\b\t\n\v\f\r\\\"\'" $ map char "abtnvfr\\\"\'"

        charAscii = zipWith (<$) y $ try . string <$> words x
            --   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25 26  27  28 29 30 31 32 127
            --       ^A  ^B  ^C  ^D  ^E  ^F  ^G  ^H ^I ^J ^K ^L ^M ^N ^O ^P  ^Q  ^R  ^S  ^T  ^U  ^V  ^W  ^X  ^Y ^Z  ^[  ^\ ^] ^^ ^_
            --                               \a  \b \t \n \v \f \r                                                                  ' '
            y = toEnum <$> ([0..32] ++ [127])

    natFloat :: Parse r w Lit
    natFloat = char '0' *> zeroNumFloat <|> decimalFloat
        zeroNumFloat = LInt <$> (oneOf "xX" *> hexadecimal <|> oneOf "oO" *> octal)
                   <|> decimalFloat
                   <|> fractFloat 0
                   <|> return (LInt 0)

        decimalFloat = decimal >>= \n -> option (LInt n) (fractFloat n)

        fractFloat n = LFloat <$> try (fractExponent $ fromInteger n)

        fractExponent n = (*) <$> ((n +) <$> fraction) <*> option 1 exponent'
                      <|> (n *) <$> exponent'

        fraction = foldr op 0 <$ char '.' <*> some digitChar <?> "fraction"
            op d f = (f + fromIntegral (digitToInt d))/10

        exponent' = (10^^) <$ oneOf "eE" <*> ((negate <$ char '-' <|> id <$ char '+' <|> return id) <*> decimal) <?> "exponent"

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parser type

data ParseEnv r = ParseEnv
    { fileInfo         :: FileInfo
    , desugarInfo      :: r
    , namespace        :: Namespace
    , indentationLevel :: SPos

type ParseState r = (ParseEnv r, P.State String)

parseState :: FileInfo -> r -> ParseState r
parseState fi di = (ParseEnv fi di ExpNS (SPos 0 0), either (error "impossible") id $ runParser (getParserState :: Parsec Dec String (P.State String)) (filePath fi) (fileContent fi))

--type Parse r w = ReaderT (ParseEnv r) (WriterT [w] (StateT SPos (Parsec String)))
type Parse r w = RWST (ParseEnv r) [w] SPos (Parsec Dec String)

newtype ParseError = ParseErr (P.ParseError (Token String) Dec)

instance Show ParseError where
    show (ParseErr e) = parseErrorPretty e

runParse :: Parse r w a -> ParseState r -> Either ParseError (a, [w])
runParse p (env, st) = left ParseErr . snd . flip runParser' st $ evalRWST p env (error "spos")

getParseState :: Parse r w (ParseState r)
getParseState = (,) <$> ask <*> getParserState

----------------------------------------------------------- indentation, white space, symbols

getCheckedSPos = do
    p <- getSPos
    p' <- asks indentationLevel
    when (p /= p' && column p <= column p') $ fail "wrong indentation"
    return p

identation allowempty p = (if allowempty then option [] else id) $ do
    pos' <- getCheckedSPos
    (if allowempty then many else some) $ do
        pos <- getSPos
        guard (column pos == column pos')
        local (\e -> e {indentationLevel = pos}) p

lexemeWithoutSpace p = do
    p1 <- getCheckedSPos
    x <- p
    p2 <- getSPos
    put p2
    fi <- asks fileInfo
    return (RangeSI $ Range fi p1 p2, x)

-- TODO?: eliminate; when eliminated, the SPos in parser state can be eliminated too
appRange :: Parse r w (SI -> a) -> Parse r w a
appRange p = (\fi p1 a p2 -> a $ RangeSI $ Range fi p1 p2) <$> asks fileInfo <*> getSPos <*> p <*> getLexemeEnd

getLexemeEnd = get

noSpaceBefore p = try $ do
    pos <- getLexemeEnd
    x <- p
    guard $ case sourceInfo x of
        RangeSI (Range _ pos' _) -> pos == pos'
    return x

lexeme_ p = lexemeWithoutSpace p <* whiteSpace

lexeme :: Parse r w a -> Parse r w a
lexeme p = snd <$> lexeme_ p

lexemeName p = uncurry SIName <$> lexeme_ p

symbolWithoutSpace = lexemeWithoutSpace . string

symbol name = symbolWithoutSpace name <* whiteSpace

simpleSpace = skipSome (satisfy isSpace)

whiteSpace = skipMany (simpleSpace <|> oneLineComment <|> multiLineComment <?> "")
        =  try (string "--" >> many (char '-') >> notFollowedBy opLetter)
        >> skipMany (satisfy (/= '\n'))

    multiLineComment = try (string "{-") *> inCommentMulti
            =   () <$ try (string "-}")
            <|> multiLineComment         *> inCommentMulti
            <|> skipSome (noneOf "{}-")  *> inCommentMulti
            <|> oneOf "{}-"              *> inCommentMulti
            <?> "end of comment"

parens   = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")
braces   = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
brackets = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]")

commaSep p  = sepBy p  $ symbol ","
commaSep1 p = sepBy1 p $ symbol ","

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace handling

data Namespace = TypeNS | ExpNS
  deriving (Eq)

tick c = f <$> asks namespace
    f = \case TypeNS -> switchTick c; _ -> c

switchNamespace = \case ExpNS -> TypeNS; TypeNS -> ExpNS
modifyLevel f = local $ \e -> e {namespace = f $ namespace e}

typeNS, expNS :: Parse r w a -> Parse r w a
typeNS   = modifyLevel $ const TypeNS
expNS    = modifyLevel $ const ExpNS

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- identifiers

lowerLetter       = satisfy $ (||) <$> isLower <*> (== '_')
upperLetter       = satisfy isUpper
identStart        = satisfy $ (||) <$> isLetter <*> (== '_')
identLetter       = satisfy $ (||) <$> isAlphaNum <*> (`elem` ("_\'#" :: [Char]))
lowercaseOpLetter = oneOf "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
opLetter          = lowercaseOpLetter <|> char ':'

maybeStartWith p i = i <|> (:) <$> satisfy p <*> i

upperCase, upperCase_, lowerCase :: Parse r w SIName
upperCase       = identifier (tick =<< (:) <$> upperLetter <*> many identLetter) <?> "uppercase ident"
upperCase_      = identifier (tick =<< maybeStartWith (=='\'') ((:) <$> upperLetter <*> many identLetter)) <?> "uppercase ident"
lowerCase       = identifier ((:) <$> lowerLetter <*> many identLetter) <?> "lowercase ident"
backquotedIdent = identifier ((:) <$ char '`' <*> identStart <*> many identLetter <* char '`') <?> "backquoted ident"
symbols         = operator (some opLetter) <?> "symbols"
lcSymbols       = operator ((:) <$> lowercaseOpLetter <*> many opLetter) <?> "symbols"
colonSymbols    = operator ((:) <$> satisfy (== ':') <*> many opLetter) <?> "op symbols"
moduleName      = identifier (intercalate "." <$> sepBy1 ((:) <$> upperLetter <*> many identLetter) (char '.')) <?> "module name"

patVar          = f <$> lowerCase where
    f (SIName si "_") = SIName si ""
    f x = x
lhsOperator     = lcSymbols <|> backquotedIdent
rhsOperator     = symbols <|> backquotedIdent
varId           = lowerCase <|> parens (symbols <|> backquotedIdent)
upperLower      = lowerCase <|> upperCase_ <|> parens symbols

----------------------------------------------------------- operators and identifiers

reservedOp name = fst <$> lexeme_ (try $ string name *> notFollowedBy opLetter)

reserved name = fst <$> lexeme_ (try $ string name *> notFollowedBy identLetter)

expect :: String -> (String -> Bool) -> Parse r w String -> Parse r w String
expect msg p i = i >>= \n -> if p n then unexpected (Tokens $ fromList n) else return n

identifier :: Parse r w String -> Parse r w SIName
identifier name = lexemeName $ try $ expect "reserved word" (`Set.member` theReservedNames) name

operator :: Parse r w String -> Parse r w SIName
operator name = lexemeName $ try $ expect "reserved operator" (`Set.member` theReservedOpNames) name

theReservedOpNames = Set.fromList ["::","..","=","\\","|","<-","->","@","~","=>"]

theReservedNames = Set.fromList $
    -- "as","qualified","hiding"
    ] ++

parseFixity :: Parse r w Fixity
parseFixity = do
    dir <- Infix  <$ reserved "infix"
       <|> InfixL <$ reserved "infixl"
       <|> InfixR <$ reserved "infixr"
    LInt n <- parseLit
    return $ dir $ fromIntegral n

    :: (MonadError (f, f){-operator mismatch-} m)
    => (f -> e -> e -> e)
    -> (f -> Fixity)
    -> e
    -> [(f, e)]
    -> m e
calcPrec app getFixity = compileOps []
    compileOps [] e [] = return e
    compileOps acc@ ~((op', e'): acc') e es@ ~((op, e''): es')
        | c == LT || c == EQ && isInfixL f && isInfixL f' = compileOps acc' (app op' e' e) es
        | c == GT || c == EQ && isInfixR f && isInfixR f' = compileOps ((op, e): acc) e'' es'
        | otherwise = throwError (op', op)  -- operator mismatch
        isInfixR = \case InfixR{} -> True; _ -> False
        isInfixL = \case InfixL{} -> True; _ -> False
        f' = getFixity op'
        f  = getFixity op
        c | null es   = LT
          | null acc  = GT
          | otherwise = compare (precedence f) (precedence f')