IMPLEMENTATION MODULE StrSUUI; (*========================================================== Version : 2.00 29 Apr 1989 C. Lins Compiler : TopSpeed Modula-2 Code Size: R- bytes Component: Monolithic Structure String (Opaque version) Sequential Unbounded Unmanaged Iterator REVISION HISTORY v2.00 29 Apr 1989 C. Lins: Initial re-implementation from StringCSUMI module. (C) Copyright 1989 Charles A. Lins ==========================================================*) FROM JPIStorage IMPORT (*--Proc*) Allocate, Deallocate; FROM ErrorHandling IMPORT (*--Type*) HandlerProc, (*--Proc*) NullHandler, ExitOnError, Raise; FROM Items IMPORT (*--Cons*) NullItem, (*--Type*) Item, CompareProc, AccessProc, ChangeProc, LoopAccessProc, LoopChangeProc; FROM Relations IMPORT (*--Type*) Relation; FROM StrEnum IMPORT (*--Type*) Exceptions, Operations, ComponentID; FROM TypeManager IMPORT (*--Cons*) NullType, (*--Type*) TypeID, (*--Proc*) CompareOf; (*-----------------------*) TYPE Substring = POINTER TO ARRAY Position OF Item; TYPE UnboundedString = RECORD dataID : TypeID; (*-- data type of the string *) size : CARDINAL; (*-- allocated size *) length : CARDINAL; (*-- Current String Length *) items : Substring; (*-- ARRAY[1..length] of Items *) END (*-- UnboundedString *); TYPE String = POINTER TO UnboundedString; (*-----------------------*) VAR stringError : Exceptions; VAR handler : ARRAY Exceptions OF HandlerProc; (*-----------------------*) PROCEDURE StringError () : Exceptions (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN stringError; END StringError; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE GetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*-- in *)) : HandlerProc (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN handler[theError]; END GetHandler; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE SetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*-- in *); theHandler : HandlerProc (*-- in *)); BEGIN handler[theError] := theHandler; END SetHandler; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE RaiseErrIn ( theRoutine : Operations (*-- in *); theError : Exceptions (*-- in *)); BEGIN stringError := theError; Raise(ComponentID + ModuleID, theRoutine, theError, handler[theError]); END RaiseErrIn; (*----------------------------*) (*-----------------------*) PROCEDURE LengthSubstr (VAR theSubstring : ARRAY OF Item (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); BEGIN IF (HIGH(theSubstring) = 0) & (theSubstring[0] = NullItem) THEN RETURN 0; END (*--if*); RETURN HIGH(theSubstring) + 1; END LengthSubstr; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE FromToOK ( fromIndex : Position (*-- in *); toIndex : Position (*-- in *); stringLength : CARDINAL (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN (toIndex <= stringLength) & (fromIndex <= toIndex); END FromToOK; (*----------------------------*) TYPE SetOptions = (preservevalue, trashvalue); VAR setSizeOK : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SetSize (VAR theString : UnboundedString (*-- inout *); totheSize : CARDINAL (*-- in *); valueOption : SetOptions (*-- in *)); CONST itemSize = SIZE(Item); VAR newItems : Substring; index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN setSizeOK := TRUE; WITH theString DO IF (totheSize = 0) THEN Deallocate(items, itemSize * size); size := 0; ELSIF (items = NIL) THEN Allocate(items, itemSize * totheSize); IF (items = NIL) THEN setSizeOK := FALSE; RETURN; END (*--if*); size := totheSize; ELSIF (totheSize > length) THEN Allocate(newItems, itemSize * totheSize); IF (newItems = NIL) THEN setSizeOK := FALSE; RETURN; END (*--if*); IF (valueOption = preservevalue) THEN FOR index := MIN(Position) TO length DO newItems^[index] := items^[index]; END (*--for*); END (*--if*); Deallocate(items, itemSize * size); items := newItems; size := totheSize; END (*--if*); length := totheSize; END (*--with*); END SetSize; (*----------------------------*) (*-----------------------*) PROCEDURE Create ( theDataType: TypeID (*-- in *)) : String (*-- out *); VAR newString : String; BEGIN stringError := noerr; Allocate(newString, SIZE(UnboundedString)); IF (newString # NIL) THEN WITH newString^ DO dataID := theDataType; size := 0; length := 0; items := NIL; END (*--with*); RETURN newString; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(create, overflow); RETURN NullString; END Create; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR theString : String (*-- inout *)); BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN SetSize(theString^, 0, trashvalue); Deallocate(theString, SIZE(UnboundedString)); ELSE RaiseErrIn(destroy, undefined); END (*--if*); END Destroy; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Clear (VAR theString : String (*-- inout *)); BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN SetSize(theString^, 0, trashvalue); ELSE RaiseErrIn(clear, undefined); END (*--if*); END Clear; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Assign ( theString : String (*-- in *); VAR toString : String (*-- inout *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN IF (theString # toString) THEN IF (toString # NIL) THEN SetSize(toString^, theString^.length, trashvalue); IF ~setSizeOK THEN RaiseErrIn(assign, overflow); RETURN; END (*--if*); ELSE toString := Create(theString^.dataID); IF (stringError # noerr) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--if*); WITH theString^ DO FOR index := MIN(Position) TO length DO toString^.items^[index] := items^[index]; END (*--for*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(assign, undefined); END (*--if*); END Assign; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Prepend ( theString : String (*-- in *); VAR toString : String (*-- inout *)); BEGIN Insert(theString, toString, 1); END Prepend; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Append ( theString : String (*-- in *); VAR toString : String (*-- inout *)); BEGIN Insert(theString, toString, LengthOf(toString) + 1); END Append; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Insert ( theString : String (*-- in *); VAR toString : String (*-- inout *); theIndex : Position (*-- in *)); VAR oldLength : CARDINAL; newLength : CARDINAL; index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (toString # NIL) & (theString # NIL) THEN WITH toString^ DO oldLength := length; newLength := theString^.length + length; IF (theIndex > oldLength + 1) THEN RaiseErrIn(insert, positionerr); ELSE SetSize(toString^, newLength, preservevalue); IF setSizeOK THEN FOR index := oldLength TO theIndex BY -1 DO items^[index + theString^.length] := items^[index]; END (*--for*); FOR index := MIN(Position) TO theString^.length DO items^[theIndex + index - 1] := theString^.items^[index]; END (*--for*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(insert, overflow); END (*--if*); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(insert, undefined); END (*--if*); END Insert; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Delete (VAR theString : String (*-- inout *); fromIndex : Position (*-- in *); toIndex : Position (*-- in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) offset : CARDINAL; (*-- distance to move items *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO IF FromToOK(fromIndex, toIndex, length) THEN offset := toIndex - fromIndex + 1; FOR index := toIndex + 1 TO length DO items^[index - offset] := items^[index]; END (*--for*); SetSize(theString^, length - offset, preservevalue); ELSE RaiseErrIn(delete, positionerr); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(delete, undefined); END (*--if*); END Delete; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Replace (VAR theString : String (*-- inout *); theIndex : Position (*-- in *); withString : String (*-- in *)); VAR endIndex : CARDINAL; index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) & (withString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO IF (theIndex <= length) THEN endIndex := theIndex + withString^.length - 1; IF (endIndex > length) THEN SetSize(theString^, endIndex, preservevalue); IF ~setSizeOK THEN RaiseErrIn(replace, overflow); RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--if*); FOR index := MIN(Position) TO withString^.length DO items^[theIndex + index - 1] := withString^.items^[index]; END (*--for*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(replace, positionerr); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(replace, undefined); END (*--if*); END Replace; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE SetItem (VAR theString : String (*-- inout *); theIndex : Position (*-- in *); theItem : Item (*-- in *)); BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO IF (theIndex <= length) THEN items^[theIndex] := theItem; ELSE RaiseErrIn(setitem, positionerr); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(setitem, undefined); END (*--if*); END SetItem; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Construct (VAR theString : String (*-- inout *); theDataType : TypeID (*-- in *); theSubstring: ARRAY OF Item (*-- in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) lenSubstr : CARDINAL; (*-- # of items in substring *) newString : String; (*-- new string, if necessary *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; lenSubstr := LengthSubstr(theSubstring); IF (theString # NIL) THEN IF (lenSubstr = 0) THEN Clear(theString); RETURN; END (*--if*); ELSIF (lenSubstr = 0) THEN RaiseErrIn(construct, positionerr); ELSE newString := Create(theDataType); IF (stringError # noerr) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); theString := newString; END (*--if*); SetSize(theString^, lenSubstr, trashvalue); IF setSizeOK THEN WITH theString^ DO index := MIN(Position); WHILE (index <= lenSubstr) & (theSubstring[index - 1] # NullItem) DO items^[index] := theSubstring[index - 1]; INC(index); END (*--while*); END (*--with*); SetSize(theString^, index-1, preservevalue); ELSE RaiseErrIn(construct, overflow); END (*--if*); END Construct; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsDefined ( theString : String (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN (theString # NIL); END IsDefined; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsEmpty ( theString : String (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN RETURN theString^.length = 0; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(isempty, undefined); RETURN TRUE; END IsEmpty; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE LengthOf ( theString : String (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN RETURN theString^.length; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(lengthof, undefined); RETURN 0; END LengthOf; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE TypeOf ( theString : String (*-- in *)) : TypeID (*-- out *); BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN RETURN theString^.dataID; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); RETURN NullType; END TypeOf; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Compare ( left : String (*-- in *); right : String (*-- in *)) : Relation (*-- out *); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- Index into items arrays *) minLength : CARDINAL; (*-- Smaller of the two string lengths *) relOrder : Relation; (*-- Most recent comparison result *) comparison: CompareProc; BEGIN stringError := noerr; relOrder := incomparable; IF (left # NIL) & (right # NIL) THEN IF (left^.dataID = right^.dataID) THEN WITH left^ DO comparison := CompareOf(dataID); IF (length = right^.length) THEN relOrder := equal; minLength := length; ELSIF (length < right^.length) THEN relOrder := less; minLength := length; ELSE relOrder := greater; minLength := right^.length; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); index := MIN(Position); LOOP IF (index > minLength) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); IF (comparison(left^.items^[index], right^.items^[index]) = less) THEN relOrder := less; EXIT (*--loop*); ELSIF (comparison(left^.items^[index], right^.items^[index]) = greater) THEN relOrder := greater; EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); INC(index); END (*--loop*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(compare, typeerror); END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(compare, undefined); END (*--if*); RETURN relOrder; END Compare; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsEqual ( left : String (*-- in *); right : String (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN Compare(left, right) = equal; END IsEqual; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE ItemOf ( theString : String (*-- in *); theIndex : Position (*-- in *)) : Item (*-- out *); BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO IF (theIndex <= length) THEN RETURN items^[theIndex]; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); RaiseErrIn(itemof, positionerr); ELSE RaiseErrIn(itemof, undefined); END (*--if*); RETURN NullItem; END ItemOf; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE SliceOf ( theString : String (*-- in *); fromIndex : Position (*-- in *); toIndex : Position (*-- in *); VAR theSlice : ARRAY OF Item (*-- out *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) sliceSize : CARDINAL; (*-- # items between from & to indexes *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO IF FromToOK(fromIndex, toIndex, length) THEN sliceSize := toIndex - fromIndex; IF (sliceSize <= HIGH(theSlice)) THEN FOR index := fromIndex TO toIndex DO theSlice[index - fromIndex] := items^[index]; END (*--for*); IF (sliceSize < HIGH(theSlice)) THEN theSlice[sliceSize + 1] := NullItem; END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(sliceof, overflow); END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(sliceof, positionerr); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(sliceof, undefined); END (*--if*); END SliceOf; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE SubstringOf( theString : String (*-- in *); VAR toSubstring: ARRAY OF Item (*-- out *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) copyLength : CARDINAL; (*-- # items to copy into substring *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO IF (length > HIGH(toSubstring) + 1) THEN RaiseErrIn(substringof, overflow); copyLength := HIGH(toSubstring) + 1; ELSE copyLength := length; END (*--if*); FOR index := MIN(Position) TO copyLength DO toSubstring[index - 1] := items^[index]; END (*--for*); IF copyLength < HIGH(toSubstring) THEN toSubstring[copyLength + 1] := NullItem; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(substringof, undefined); END (*--if*); END SubstringOf; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE LoopOver ( theString : String (*-- in *); theProcess: LoopAccessProc (*-- in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO FOR index := MIN(Position) TO length DO IF ~theProcess(items^[index]) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(loopover, undefined); END (*--if*); END LoopOver; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE LoopChange ( theString : String (*-- in *); theProcess: LoopChangeProc (*-- in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO FOR index := MIN(Position) TO length DO IF ~theProcess(items^[index]) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(loopchange, undefined); END (*--if*); END LoopChange; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Traverse ( theString : String (*-- in *); theProcess: AccessProc (*-- in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO FOR index := MIN(Position) TO length DO theProcess(items^[index]); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(traverse, undefined); END (*--if*); END Traverse; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE TravChange ( theString : String (*-- in *); theProcess: ChangeProc (*-- in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN stringError := noerr; IF (theString # NIL) THEN WITH theString^ DO FOR index := MIN(Position) TO length DO theProcess(items^[index]); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(travchange, undefined); END (*--if*); END TravChange; (*----------------------------*) BEGIN FOR stringError := MIN(Exceptions) TO MAX(Exceptions) DO SetHandler(stringError, ExitOnError); END (*--for*); SetHandler(noerr, NullHandler); stringError := noerr; END StrSUUI.