IMPLEMENTATION MODULE BagSBMI; (*============================================================== Version : 1.00 30 Apr 1989 C. Lins Compiler : TopSpeed Modula-2 Component: Monolithic Structures - Bag Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator Code Size: R- bytes INTRODUCTION This module provides the Bag ADT for generic Items. Implements a Bag using an ordered array. REVISION HISTORY v1.00 30 Apr 1989 C. Lins Initial implementation for TopSpeed Modula-2. (C) Copyright 1989 Charles A. Lins ================================================================*) FROM JPIStorage IMPORT (*--Proc*) Allocate, Deallocate; FROM Items IMPORT (*--Type*) Item, AssignProc, CompareProc, DisposeProc; FROM ErrorHandling IMPORT (*--Type*) HandlerProc, (*--Proc*) Raise, NullHandler, ExitOnError; FROM Relations IMPORT (*--Type*) Relation; FROM BagEnum IMPORT (*--Type*) Exceptions, Operations, ComponentID; FROM TypeManager IMPORT (*--Cons*) NullType, (*--Type*) TypeID, (*--Proc*) AssignOf, CompareOf, DisposeOf; (*--------------------*) TYPE ItemNode = RECORD item : Item; (*-- the actual value *) count: CARDINAL; (*-- number of times the value occurs *) END (*-- ItemNode *); TYPE ItemsArray = ARRAY BagSize OF ItemNode; TYPE BoundedBag = RECORD dataID : TypeID; (*-- defined data type *) size : BagSize; (*-- defined Bag size *) length : CARDINAL; (*-- current Bag length, := 0 *) items : ItemsArray; (*-- ordered array [1..size] of ItemNode *) END (*-- BoundedBag *); TYPE Bag = POINTER TO BoundedBag; (*---------------------------------*) (*-- EXCEPTIONS --*) VAR bagError : Exceptions; VAR handlers : ARRAY Exceptions OF HandlerProc; (*-----------------------*) PROCEDURE BagError () : Exceptions (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN bagError; END BagError; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE GetHandler ( ofError : Exceptions (*-- in *)) : HandlerProc (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN handlers[ofError]; END GetHandler; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE SetHandler ( ofError : Exceptions (*-- in *); toHandler : HandlerProc (*-- in *)); BEGIN handlers[ofError] := toHandler; END SetHandler; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE RaiseErrIn ( theRoutine : Operations (*-- in *); theError : Exceptions (*-- in *)); BEGIN bagError := theError; Raise(ComponentID + ModuleID, theRoutine, theError, handlers[theError]); END RaiseErrIn; (*--------------------*) (*---------------------------------*) (*-- LOCAL ROUTINES --*) PROCEDURE CopySubset ( routine : Operations (*-- in *); fromBag : Bag (*-- in *); index : BagSize (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR assignItem : AssignProc; (*-- Item assignment routine, if any *) BEGIN assignItem := AssignOf(fromBag^.dataID); WITH toBag^ DO WHILE (index <=fromBag^.length) DO INC(length); WITH items[length] DO item := assignItem(fromBag^.items[index].item); count := fromBag^.items[index].count; END (*--with*); INC(index); END (*--while*); END (*--with*); END CopySubset; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE MinCount ( left : CARDINAL (*-- in *); right : CARDINAL (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); BEGIN IF (left < right) THEN RETURN left; END (*--if*); RETURN right; END MinCount; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Max ( left : CARDINAL (*--in *); right : CARDINAL (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); BEGIN IF (left > right) THEN RETURN left; END (*--if*); RETURN right; END Max; (*--------------------*) (*---------------------------------*) (*-- CONSTRUCTORS --*) PROCEDURE Create ( theSize : BagSize (*-- in *); theType : TypeID (*-- in *)) : Bag (*-- out *); CONST staticSize = SIZE(BoundedBag) - SIZE(ItemsArray); CONST itemSize = SIZE(ItemNode); VAR newBag : Bag; BEGIN bagError := noerr; Allocate(newBag, staticSize + itemSize * theSize); IF (newBag = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(create, overflow); ELSE WITH newBag^ DO dataID := theType; size := theSize; length := 0; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); RETURN newBag; END Create; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR theBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); CONST staticSize = SIZE(BoundedBag) - SIZE(ItemsArray); CONST itemSize = SIZE(ItemNode); BEGIN Clear(theBag); IF (bagError = noerr) THEN Deallocate(theBag, staticSize + itemSize * theBag^.size); END (*--if*); END Destroy; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Clear (VAR theBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR freeItem : DisposeProc; (*-- Item disposal routine, if any *) index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO freeItem := DisposeOf(dataID); FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO length DO freeItem(items[index].item); END (*--for*); length := 0; END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(clear, undefined); END (*--if*); END Clear; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Assign ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); PROCEDURE Recreate () : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN toBag := Create(theBag^.size, theBag^.dataID); ELSIF (theBag^.length <= toBag^.size) THEN Clear(toBag); toBag^.dataID := theBag^.dataID; ELSE RaiseErrIn(assign, overflow); END (*--if*); RETURN (bagError = noerr); END Recreate; (*--------------------*) VAR assignItem : AssignProc; (*-- Item assignment routine, if any *) index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN IF Recreate() THEN WITH theBag^ DO assignItem := AssignOf(dataID); FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO length DO WITH items[index] DO toBag^.items[index].item := assignItem(item); toBag^.items[index].count:= count; END (*--with*); END (*--for*); toBag^.length := length; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(assign, undefined); END (*--if*); END Assign; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Include ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); VAR inBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index in search for theItem *) jndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index in shifting items *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) itemOrder : Relation; (*-- Relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (inBag # NullBag) THEN WITH inBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); index := MIN(BagSize); LOOP IF (index > length) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); itemOrder := compareItem(items[index].item, theItem); IF (itemOrder = equal) THEN INC(items[index].count); RETURN; ELSIF (itemOrder = greater) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); INC(index); END (*--loop*); IF (length < size) THEN (*-- Make room for new item at the current index *) FOR jndex := length TO index BY -1 DO items[jndex + 1] := items[jndex]; END (*--for*); (*-- Insert the new item *) INC(length); WITH items[index] DO item := theItem; count:= 1; END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(include, overflow); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(include, undefined); END (*--if*); END Include; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Exclude ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); VAR fromBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over items *) jndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index for item deletion *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) itemOrder : Relation; (*-- Relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (fromBag # NullBag) THEN WITH fromBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO length DO itemOrder := compareItem(items[index].item, theItem); IF (itemOrder = equal) THEN IF (items[index].count > 1) THEN DEC(items[index].count); ELSE (*-- Remove the Item at index by shifting all items -- above index down one position. Then adjust the length -- to account for the removal of the item. *) WHILE (jndex < length) DO INC(jndex); items[jndex - 1] := items[jndex]; END (*--while*); DEC(length); END (*--if*); RETURN; ELSIF (itemOrder = greater) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(exclude, undefined); END (*--if*); END Exclude; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Union ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); (*-- Compute the Bag containing all members of left and right. -- x IN toBag iff (x IN left) OR (x IN right). -- The toBag length is used as the running index for adding -- the resulting items of the union. -- The algorithm used is a variation on the array merge from -- reference [1], pg. 414. *) VAR leftIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) assignItem : AssignProc; (*-- Item assignment routine *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(union, undefined); RETURN; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(union, typeerror); RETURN; END (*--if*); IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN WITH left^ DO IF (length + right^.length > MAX(BagSize)) THEN RaiseErrIn(union, overflow); RETURN; END (*--if*); toBag := Create(length + right^.length, dataID); IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); ELSIF (left^.length + right^.length > toBag^.size) THEN RaiseErrIn(union, overflow); RETURN; ELSE Clear(toBag); toBag^.dataID := left^.dataID; END (*--if*); WITH toBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); assignItem := AssignOf(dataID); END (*--with*); leftIndex := MIN(BagSize); rightIndex := MIN(BagSize); WHILE (leftIndex <= left^.length) & (rightIndex <= right^.length) DO order := compareItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item, right^.items[rightIndex].item); WITH toBag^ DO INC(length); WITH items[length] DO IF (order = less) THEN item := assignItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item); count:= left^.items[leftIndex].count; INC(leftIndex); ELSIF (order = equal) THEN item := assignItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item); count:= left^.items[leftIndex].count + right^.items[rightIndex].count; INC(leftIndex); INC(rightIndex); ELSE item := assignItem(right^.items[rightIndex].item); count:= right^.items[rightIndex].count; INC(rightIndex); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--with*); END (*--while*); (*-- Copy remaining items, if any, from either the left bag or -- the right bag to the destination bag. *) IF (leftIndex > left^.length) THEN CopySubset(union, right, rightIndex, toBag); ELSIF (rightIndex > right^.length) THEN CopySubset(union, left, leftIndex, toBag); END (*--if*); END Union; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Intersection ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); (*-- Compute the bag containing all members in both left and right. -- x IN toBag iff (x IN left) AND (x IN right). -- The toBag length is used as the running index for adding -- the resulting items of the intersection. The count field for -- any item added to the destination is the smaller of the two -- count fields from the source bags. *) VAR leftIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) assignItem : AssignProc; (*-- Item assignment routine *) largerLength: BagSize; (*-- Larger length of left & right bags *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(intersection, undefined); RETURN; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(intersection, typeerror); RETURN; END (*--if*); largerLength := Max(left^.length, right^.length); IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN toBag := Create(largerLength, left^.dataID); IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); ELSIF (largerLength > toBag^.size) THEN RaiseErrIn(intersection, overflow); RETURN; ELSE Clear(toBag); toBag^.dataID := left^.dataID; END (*--if*); WITH toBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); assignItem := AssignOf(dataID); END (*--with*); leftIndex := MIN(BagSize); rightIndex := MIN(BagSize); WHILE (leftIndex <= left^.length) & (rightIndex <= right^.length) DO order := compareItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item, right^.items[rightIndex].item); IF (order = equal) THEN WITH toBag^ DO INC(length); WITH items[length] DO item := assignItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item); count:= MinCount(left^.items[leftIndex].count, right^.items[rightIndex].count); END (*--with*); END (*--with*); INC(leftIndex); INC(rightIndex); ELSIF (order = less) THEN INC(leftIndex); ELSE INC(rightIndex); END (*--if*); END (*--while*); END Intersection; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE Difference ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); (*-- Compute the bag containing all members of left that are not -- members of right. x IN toBag iff (x IN left) & ┬(x IN right) -- If there is no match, then the item is added to the destination -- bag. If there is a match, a positive difference between the -- left and right bag counts for the item causes that value to -- be used as the count for the new item. *) VAR leftIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) assignItem : AssignProc; (*-- Item assignment routine *) largerLength: BagSize; (*-- Larger length of left & right bags *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(difference, undefined); RETURN; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(difference, typeerror); RETURN; END (*--if*); largerLength := Max(left^.length, right^.length); IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN toBag := Create(largerLength, left^.dataID); IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); ELSIF (largerLength > toBag^.size) THEN RaiseErrIn(intersection, overflow); RETURN; ELSE Clear(toBag); toBag^.dataID := left^.dataID; END (*--if*); WITH toBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); assignItem := AssignOf(dataID); END (*--with*); leftIndex := MIN(BagSize); rightIndex := MIN(BagSize); WHILE (leftIndex <= left^.length) & (rightIndex <= right^.length) DO order := compareItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item, right^.items[rightIndex].item); IF (order = equal) THEN IF (left^.items[leftIndex].count > right^.items[rightIndex].count) THEN WITH toBag^ DO INC(length); WITH items[length] DO item := assignItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item); count := left^.items[leftIndex].count - right^.items[rightIndex].count; END (*--with*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); INC(leftIndex); INC(rightIndex); ELSIF (order = less) THEN WITH toBag^ DO INC(length); WITH items[length] DO item := assignItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item); count := left^.items[leftIndex].count; END (*--with*); END (*--with*); INC(leftIndex); ELSE INC(rightIndex); END (*--if*); END (*--while*); (*-- Copy remaining items, if any, from the left bag to the -- destination bag. *) CopySubset(difference, left, leftIndex, toBag); END Difference; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE SymDifference ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *); VAR toBag : Bag (*-- inout *)); (*-- Compute the Bag containing all members of left or right that -- are not members of both. -- x IN toBag iff (x IN left) # (x IN right) *) VAR leftIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) assignItem : AssignProc; (*-- Item assignment routine *) largerLength: BagSize; (*-- Larger length of left & right bags *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left = NullBag) OR (right = NullBag) THEN RaiseErrIn(symdifference, undefined); RETURN; ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(symdifference, typeerror); RETURN; END (*--if*); largerLength := Max(left^.length, right^.length); IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN toBag := Create(largerLength, left^.dataID); IF (toBag = NullBag) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); ELSIF (largerLength > toBag^.size) THEN RaiseErrIn(symdifference, overflow); RETURN; ELSE Clear(toBag); toBag^.dataID := left^.dataID; END (*--if*); WITH toBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); assignItem := AssignOf(dataID); END (*--with*); leftIndex := MIN(BagSize); rightIndex := MIN(BagSize); WHILE (leftIndex <= left^.length) & (rightIndex <= right^.length) DO order := compareItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item, right^.items[rightIndex].item); IF (order = equal) THEN IF (left^.items[leftIndex].count > right^.items[rightIndex].count) THEN WITH toBag^ DO INC(length); WITH items[length] DO item := assignItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item); count := left^.items[leftIndex].count - right^.items[rightIndex].count; END (*--with*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); INC(leftIndex); INC(rightIndex); ELSE WITH toBag^ DO IF (length < size) THEN INC(length); ELSE RaiseErrIn(symdifference, overflow); RETURN; END (*--if*); IF (order = less) THEN WITH items[length] DO item := assignItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item); count := left^.items[leftIndex].count; END (*--with*); INC(leftIndex); ELSE WITH items[length] DO item := assignItem(right^.items[rightIndex].item); count := right^.items[rightIndex].count; END (*--with*); INC(rightIndex); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END (*--while*); (*-- Copy remaining items, if any, from either the left set or -- the right set to the destination set. *) IF (leftIndex > left^.length) THEN CopySubset(symdifference, right, rightIndex, toBag); ELSIF (rightIndex > right^.length) THEN CopySubset(symdifference, left, leftIndex, toBag); END (*--if*); END SymDifference; (*--------------------*) (*---------------------------------*) (*-- SELECTORS --*) PROCEDURE IsDefined ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN theBag # NullBag; END IsDefined; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE IsEmpty ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN RETURN (theBag^.length = 0); END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(isempty, undefined); RETURN TRUE; END IsEmpty; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE SizeOf ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN RETURN theBag^.size; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(sizeof, undefined); RETURN 0; END SizeOf; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE TypeOf ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : TypeID (*-- out *); BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN RETURN theBag^.dataID; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); RETURN NullType; END TypeOf; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE IsEqual ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over items *) compare : CompareProc; (*-- item comparison routine *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left # NullBag) & (right # NullBag) THEN IF (left^.dataID = right^.dataID) THEN IF (left^.length = right^.length) THEN (* Scan both Bags looking for the first mismatch (inequality) indicating that the Bags are unequal. If the FOR loop completes then the Bags must be equal. *) compare := CompareOf(left^.dataID); FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO left^.length DO IF compare(left^.items[index].item, right^.items[index].item) # equal THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (left^.items[index].count # right^.items[index].count) THEN RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); END (*--for*); RETURN TRUE; END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(isequal, typeerror); END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(isequal, undefined); END (*--if*); (*-- the Bags must be unequal, either by having different -- lengths, mismatched types, or an undefined Bag exception. *) RETURN FALSE; END IsEqual; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE NumMembers ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); VAR totalCount : CARDINAL; index : CARDINAL; BEGIN bagError := noerr; totalCount := 0; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO length DO INC(totalCount, items[index].count); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(nummembers, undefined); END (*--if*); RETURN totalCount; END NumMembers; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE UniqueMembers ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN RETURN theBag^.length; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(uniquemembers, undefined); RETURN 0; END UniqueMembers; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsAMember ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over items *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO length DO IF (theItem = items[index].item) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE order := compareItem(items[index].item, theItem); IF (order = greater) THEN RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); END (*--if*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(ismember, undefined); END (*--if*); RETURN FALSE; END IsAMember; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE NumberOf ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); theBag : Bag (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over items *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO compareItem := CompareOf(dataID); FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO length DO WITH items[index] DO IF (theItem = item) THEN RETURN count; ELSE order := compareItem(item, theItem); IF (order = greater) THEN RETURN 0; END (*--if*); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(numberof, undefined); END (*--if*); RETURN 0; END NumberOf; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsSubset ( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); VAR leftIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over left bag *) rightIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over right bag *) compareItem : CompareProc; (*-- Item comparison routine *) order : Relation; (*-- Ordering relation between items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (left # NullBag) & (right # NullBag) THEN IF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(issubset, typeerror); ELSE compareItem:= CompareOf(left^.dataID); leftIndex := MIN(BagSize); rightIndex := MIN(BagSize); WHILE (leftIndex <= left^.length) & (rightIndex <= right^.length) DO order := compareItem(left^.items[leftIndex].item, right^.items[rightIndex].item); IF (order = equal) THEN IF (left^.items[leftIndex].count > right^.items[rightIndex].count) THEN RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); INC(leftIndex); INC(rightIndex); ELSIF (order = less) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE INC(rightIndex); END (*--if*); END (*--while*); RETURN (leftIndex > left^.length); END (*--if*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(issubset, undefined); END (*--if*); RETURN FALSE; END IsSubset; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsProperSubset( left : Bag (*-- in *); right : Bag (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN IsSubset(left, right) & (left^.length < right^.length); END IsProperSubset; (*----------------------------*) (*---------------------------------*) (*-- ITERATORS --*) PROCEDURE LoopOver ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *); process : LoopAccessProc (*-- in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO length DO WITH items[index] DO IF ~process(item, count) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(loopover, undefined); END (*--if*); END LoopOver; (*----------------------------*) PROCEDURE Traverse ( theBag : Bag (*-- in *); process : AccessProc (*-- in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- Loop index over items *) BEGIN bagError := noerr; IF (theBag # NullBag) THEN WITH theBag^ DO FOR index := MIN(BagSize) TO length DO WITH items[index] DO process(item, count); END (*--with*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(traverse, undefined); END (*--if*); END Traverse; (*----------------------------*) (*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*) (*~~ MODULE INITIALIZATION ~~*) BEGIN FOR bagError := MIN(Exceptions) TO MAX(Exceptions) DO handlers[bagError] := ExitOnError; END (*--for*); handlers[noerr] := NullHandler; bagError := noerr; END BagSBMI.