DEFINITION MODULE ASCII; (*==================================================================== Version : 1.0 Sat, Mar 4, 1989 C. Lins Compiler: JPI TopSpeed Modula-2 INTRODUCTION This module provides standard mnemonics for the ISO/ASCII control characters and non-alphanumeric characters common to most keyboards. REVISION HISTORY v1.0 Sat, Mar 4, 1989 C. Lins Initial JPI implementation. INTERFACE DESIGN ISSUES * The mnemonic names are given in all lowercase letters for compatibility with other Modula-2 systems. * Should the names for non-alphanumeric characters be capitalized? The decision was to not capitalize, and use all lowercase letters. + Easier to key without using Shift-Key. + Consistant with mnemonics for control characters. ====================================================================*) (*-- Mnemonics for the non-printing ASCII control codes --*) CONST nul = 000C; (*-- null *) soh = 001C; (*-- start of header *) stx = 002C; (*-- start of text *) etx = 003C; (*-- end of text *) eot = 004C; (*-- end of transmission *) enq = 005C; (*-- enquiry *) ack = 006C; (*-- acknowledge *) bel = 007C; (*-- bell *) bs = 010C; (*-- backspace *) ht = 011C; (*-- horizontal tab *) lf = 012C; (*-- line feed *) vt = 013C; (*-- vertical tab *) ff = 014C; (*-- form feed *) cr = 015C; (*-- carriage return *) so = 016C; (*-- shift out *) si = 017C; (*-- shift in *) dle = 020C; (*-- data link escape *) dc1 = 021C; (*-- device-control 1 *) dc2 = 022C; (*-- device-control 2 *) dc3 = 023C; (*-- device-control 3 *) dc4 = 024C; (*-- device-control 4 *) nak = 025C; (*-- negative acknowledge *) syn = 026C; (*-- *) etb = 027C; (*-- end transmission block *) can = 030C; (*-- cancel *) em = 031C; (*-- end of message *) sub = 032C; (*-- *) esc = 033C; (*-- escape *) fs = 034C; (*-- file seperator *) gs = 035C; (*-- group seperator *) rs = 036C; (*-- record seperator *) us = 037C; (*-- unit seperator *) del = 177C; (*-- delete *) (*-- Mnemonics for the non-alphanumeric ASCII codes --*) CONST space = ' '; ampersand = '&' ; asterisk = '*' ; atsign = '@' ; backslash = '\' ; bar = '|' ; circumflex = '^' ; colon = ':' ; comma = ',' ; dollar = '$' ; equalsign = '=' ; exclam = '!' ; grave = '`' ; gtrsign = '>' ; lesssign = '<' ; lbrace = '{' ; lbracket = '[' ; lparen = '(' ; minussign = '-' ; percent = '%' ; period = '.' ; plussign = '+' ; query = '?' ; quote = "'" ; quotequote = '"' ; rbrace = '}' ; rbracket = ']' ; rparen = ')' ; semicolon = ';' ; sharp = '#' ; slash = '/' ; tilde = '~' ; underscore = '_' ; END ASCII.