(* 15.3 Unbounded Balking Deque Implementation *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE DQNBSUMI; (*=========================================================== Version : 1.00 16 May 1989 C. Lins Compiler : TopSpeed Modula-2 Component: Monolithic Structures - Deque (Opaque version) Non-Priority Balking Sequential Unbounded Managed Iterator REVISION HISTORY v1.00 16 May 1989 C. Lins: Initial TopSpeed implementation. (C) Copyright 1989 Charles A. Lins ===========================================================*) FROM JPIStorage IMPORT (*--Proc*) Allocate, Deallocate; FROM ErrorHandling IMPORT (*--Type*) HandlerProc, (*--Proc*) Raise, NullHandler, ExitOnError; FROM Items IMPORT (*--Cons*) NullItem, (*--Type*) Item, AssignProc, DisposeProc, CompareProc, AccessProc, LoopAccessProc; FROM Relations IMPORT (*--Type*) Relation; FROM QEnum IMPORT (*--Type*) Operations, Exceptions, DequeComponentID; FROM TypeManager IMPORT (*--Cons*) NullType, (*--Type*) TypeID, (*--Proc*) AssignOf, DisposeOf, CompareOf; (*--------------------*) (* 15.3.1 Internal Unbounded Deque Representation For the internal representation of the unbounded deque we shal use a linked list of nodes with a header. The header contains pointers to the front and back nodes of the deque and the current length of the deque. Each node contains the item value, and pointers forward and backward to the successor and predecessor nodes respectively. By employing a doubly-linked list efficient insertion and removal at either end of the deque is facilitated, as is traversal of the deque in either direction. By convention, an empty deque will be represented by both the front and back pointers being NIL. Figure 15.2 displays the internal structure graphically. FIGURE 15.2 Representation Invariants: * when the deque is empty both head and tail are NIL *) TYPE Link = POINTER TO Node; TYPE Node = RECORD prev : Link; (*-- link to prior deque element *) item : Item; (*-- deque element's data *) next : Link; (*-- link to next deque element *) END (*-- Node *); TYPE Deque = POINTER TO UnboundedDeque; TYPE UnboundedDeque = RECORD dataID : TypeID; (*-- defined data type *) length : CARDINAL; (*-- current # of items *) head : Link; (*-- link to front of deque *) tail : Link; (*-- link to rear of deque *) END (*-- UnboundedDeque *); (*--------------------*) (* 15.3.2 Exceptions dequeError holds the exception result from the most recently invoked operation of this module. The Exceptions enumeration constant noerr indicates successful completion of the operation and all operations that may raise an exception assign this value to dequeError before any other processing. The handlers array holds the current exception handler for the possible exceptions that may be raised from within this module. Both are initialized by the module initialization (see section 15.3.6). DequeError simply returns the current exception result stored in dequeError and is used to determine whether a deque operation completed successfully. SetHandler makes theHandler the current exception handler for theError, while GetHandler returns the current exception handler. *) VAR dequeError : Exceptions; VAR handler : ARRAY Exceptions OF HandlerProc; PROCEDURE DequeError () : Exceptions (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN dequeError; END DequeError; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE SetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*-- in *); theHandler : HandlerProc (*-- in *)); BEGIN handler[theError] := theHandler; END SetHandler; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE GetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*-- in *)) : HandlerProc (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN handler[theError]; END GetHandler; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE RaiseErrIn ( theRoutine : Operations (*-- in *); theError : Exceptions (*-- in *)); BEGIN dequeError := theError; Raise(DequeComponentID + ModuleID, theRoutine, theError, handler[theError]); END RaiseErrIn; (*-------------------------*) (* 15.3.3 Constructors Create attempts to form a new, empty bounded deque object associated with the given data type ID and maximum size. Only the specified number of entries given in theSize are actually allocated to the ItemsArray (items). MacSystem.Allocate returns NIL if it is unable to successfully complete the allocation request whereupon the overflow exception is raised and the NullDeque returned. If successful, the deque is initialized as follows before returning the new deque: * theType is saved for later use by IsEqual, Clear, and Assign * head, tail and length are set to the empty deque state. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE Create ( theType : TypeID (*-- in *)) : Deque (*-- out *); VAR newDeque : Deque; BEGIN Allocate(newDeque, SIZE(UnboundedDeque)); IF (newDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(create, overflow); ELSE WITH newDeque^ DO dataID := theType; length := 0; head := NIL; tail := NIL; END(*--with*); END(*--if*); RETURN newDeque; END Create; (*-------------------------*) (* Destroy lets Clear raise the undefined exception and simply releases dynamically allocated memory resources for theDeque rear to the system. MacSystem.Deallocate automatically releases the proper amount of space originally allocated and alters the pointer to NIL (which is also the value of the NullDeque). Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR theDeque : Deque (*-- inout *)); BEGIN Clear(theDeque); IF (dequeError = noerr) THEN Deallocate(theDeque, SIZE(theDeque^)); END (*--if*); END Destroy; (*-------------------------*) (* Clear retrieves the item disposal routine for theDeque's data type, if any, and proceeds to free each item in theDeque. If theDeque is empty the loop is not executed as head will be NIL. Lastly, tail and length are set to ensure theDeque is in the empty state. Complexity: O(n). *) PROCEDURE Clear (VAR theDeque : Deque (*-- inout *)); VAR oldHead : Link; (*-- node to be cleared *) free : DisposeProc; (*-- item disposal routine *) BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque # NIL) THEN WITH theDeque^ DO free := DisposeOf(dataID); WHILE (head # NIL) DO oldHead := head; head := head^.next; free(oldHead^.item); Deallocate(oldHead, SIZE(oldHead^)); END (*--while*); tail := NIL; length := 0; END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(clear, undefined); END (*--if*); END Clear; (*-------------------------*) (* Assign duplicates the items of theDeque to the target deque, toDeque. An undefined source deque raises an exception and leaves the target unchanged. If the target deque is undefined, it is created with the same data type attribute of the source; otherwise the target deque is cleared of its present contents and its data type is altered to reflect that of the source. If the source deque is not empty, Assign copies each source node to the target using the TailInsert routine from the doubly-linked unbounded list module. TailInsert automatically sets the new node's previous link to the last node inserted. In order for this to work correctly last must be initialized to NIL. Complexity: O(mn), where m is the number of items in the source deque and n is the number of items in the target deque. *) PROCEDURE TailInsert( theNode : Link (*-- inout *); VAR first : Link (*-- inout *); VAR last : Link (*-- inout *)); BEGIN IF (first = NIL) THEN first := theNode; ELSE last^.next := theNode; END (*--if*); theNode^.prev := last; last := theNode; END TailInsert; PROCEDURE Assign ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *); VAR toDeque : Deque (*-- inout *)); VAR index : Link; (*-- loop index over source items *) newNode : Link; (*-- new item node for target deque *) assignment : AssignProc; (*-- item assignment routine *) BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(assign, undefined); ELSIF (theDeque # toDeque) THEN IF (toDeque = NIL) THEN toDeque := Create(theDeque^.dataID); ELSE Clear(toDeque); toDeque^.dataID := theDeque^.dataID; END (*--if*); IF (dequeError = noerr) THEN WITH theDeque^ DO assignment := AssignOf(dataID); index := head; END (*--with*); WHILE (index # NIL) DO Allocate(newNode, SIZE(Node)); IF (newNode = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(assign, overflow); RETURN; END (*--if*); WITH newNode^ DO item := assignment(index^.item); next := NIL; END (*--with*); WITH toDeque^ DO TailInsert(newNode, head, tail); END (*--with*); index := index^.next; END (*--while*); toDeque^.length := theDeque^.length; END (*--if*); END (*--if*); END Assign; (*-------------------------*) (* Arrive adds theItem to theEnd of theDeque by advancing the rear index value and storing theItem at that location. If the routine is given an undefined deque the exception of the same name is raised. If, upon entry, the deque is already empty, a new node is attached to both the head and tail, regardless of the value of location. Other- wise, when theEnd is the front, a new node is added in the same manner as the Insert operation for a doubly-linked list; when location is the back, the new node is added to the end of the deque using the TailInsert routine for a doubly-linked list. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE Arrive (VAR theDeque : Deque (*-- inout *); theItem : Item (*-- in *); theEnd : Location (*-- in *)); VAR newNode : Link; BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(arrive, undefined); ELSE Allocate(newNode, SIZE(Node)); IF (newNode = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(arrive, overflow); ELSE WITH newNode^ DO item := theItem; next := NIL; prev := NIL; END (*--with*); WITH theDeque^ DO INC(length); IF (head = NIL) THEN head := newNode; tail := newNode; ELSIF (theEnd = front) THEN head^.prev := newNode; newNode^.next := head; head := newNode; ELSE tail^.next := newNode; newNode^.prev := tail; tail := newNode; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END (*--if*); END Arrive; (*-------------------------*) (* Depart removes theItem at the front or the rear of theDeque depending on the value of theEnd. If the item is departing from the rear of the deque it is sufficient to free the item's value and decrement the rear index. Otherwise, if departing from the front of the deque it is necessary to shift all other items down one position in the items array and deduct one from the rear index. Before overwriting the item being removed, it's value is freed via the disposal routine of theDeque's data type. If theDeque is empty on entry to Depart the underflow exception is raised and theDeque is not changed. When theDeque is not defined, the undefined exception is raised. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE Depart (VAR theDeque : Deque (*-- inout *); theEnd : Location (*-- in *)); VAR oldNode : Link; (*-- departing node *) free : DisposeProc; (*-- item disposal routine *) BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(depart, undefined); ELSE WITH theDeque^ DO IF (head = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(depart, underflow); ELSE free := DisposeOf(dataID); CASE theEnd OF front : oldNode := head; head := head^.next; IF (head # NIL) THEN head^.prev := NIL; END (*--if*); | back : oldNode := tail; tail := tail^.prev; IF (tail # NIL) THEN tail^.next := NIL; END (*--if*); END (*--case*); free(oldNode^.item); Deallocate(oldNode, SIZE(oldNode^)); DEC(length); IF (length = 0) THEN head := NIL; tail := NIL; END (*--if*); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Depart; (*-------------------------*) (* Leave removes theItem from theDeque regardless of its position within the deque. When theEnd is front, the first matching item is removed from the deque; conversely, when theEnd is back the last it is the last matching item that is removed. At the end of the search for theItem, index points to the node to be removed from the deque or is NIL if theItem is not present. Complexity: O(n). *) PROCEDURE Leave (VAR theDeque : Deque (*-- inout *); theItem : Item (*-- in *); theEnd : Location (*-- in *)); VAR index : Link; (*-- loop index over items *) free : DisposeProc; (*-- item disposal routine *) BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(leave, undefined); ELSE WITH theDeque^ DO IF (head = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(leave, underflow); ELSE free := DisposeOf(dataID); CASE theEnd OF front: index := head; WHILE (index # NIL) & (index^.item # theItem) DO index := index^.next; END (*-- while*); | back : index := tail; WHILE (index # NIL) & (index^.item # theItem) DO index := index^.prev; END (*-- while*); END (*--case*); IF (index # NIL) THEN WITH index^ DO free(item); IF (prev # NIL) THEN prev^.next := next; END (*--if*); IF (next # NIL) THEN next^.prev := prev; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); IF (index = head) THEN head := index^.next; END (*--if*); IF (index = tail) THEN tail := index^.prev; END (*--if*); Deallocate(index, SIZE(index^)); DEC(length); ELSE RaiseErrIn(leave, notfound); END (*--if*); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Leave; (*-------------------------*) (* 15.3.4 Selectors IsDefined verifies to the best of its ability whether theDeque has been created and is still an active object. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE IsDefined ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN RETURN theDeque # NIL; END IsDefined; (*-------------------------*) (* IsEmpty returns True if theDeque is in the empty state, as indicated by the rear being zero, and False otherwise. As per the specification (section 9.4) undefined deques are considered empty. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE IsEmpty ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque # NIL) THEN RETURN (theDeque^.head = NIL); END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(isempty, undefined); RETURN TRUE; END IsEmpty; (*-------------------------*) (* IsEqual compares the left and right deques for equality, which in this context means they contain the same items and the same data type ID. The defined size of the deques is not relevant for the equality test. Both deques must be defined and have the same data type ID; if they don not, then the exceptions undefined and typeerror are raised, respectively. Obviously, deques of different lengths (indicated by the value of rear) cannot be equal since there would be at least one item different between them. The algorithm simply loops over each of the items in both deques returning false immediately upon encountering an inequality, and returning true if and only if every item is the same between them. Complexity: O(Min(m,n)). *) PROCEDURE IsEqual ( left : Deque (*-- in *); right : Deque (*-- in *)) : BOOLEAN (*-- out *); VAR leftIndex : Link; (*-- loop index of left deque *) rightIndex : Link; (*-- loop index of right deque *) compare : CompareProc; (*-- item comparison routine *) BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (left = NIL) OR (right = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(isequal, undefined); ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) THEN RaiseErrIn(isequal, typeerror); ELSIF (left^.length = right^.length) THEN compare := CompareOf(left^.dataID); leftIndex := left^.head; rightIndex := right^.head; WHILE (leftIndex # NIL) DO IF (rightIndex = NIL) OR (compare(leftIndex^.item, rightIndex^.item) # equal) THEN RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); leftIndex := leftIndex^.next; rightIndex:= rightIndex^.next; END (*--while*); RETURN (rightIndex = NIL); END (*--if*); RETURN FALSE; END IsEqual; (*-------------------------*) (* LengthOf simply returns the length stored in the deque header. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE LengthOf ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque # NIL) THEN RETURN theDeque^.length; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(lengthof, undefined); RETURN 0; END LengthOf; (*-------------------------*) (* TypeOf simply returns the dataID for the given deque. Undefined deques, as always, raise the undefined exception and return a reasonable value, in this case the NullType. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE TypeOf ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *)) : TypeID (*-- out *); BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque # NIL) THEN RETURN theDeque^.dataID; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); RETURN NullType; END TypeOf; (*-------------------------*) (* FrontOf returns the value of the item that is at the front of theDeque or the NullItem if theDeque is undefined or is empty. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE FrontOf ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *)) : Item (*-- out *); BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(frontof, undefined); ELSIF (theDeque^.head = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(frontof, underflow); ELSE RETURN theDeque^.head^.item; END (*--if*); RETURN NullItem; END FrontOf; (*-------------------------*) (* RearOf returns the value of the item that is at the rear of theDeque or the NullItem if theDeque is undefined or is empty. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE RearOf ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *)) : Item (*-- out *); BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(rearof, undefined); ELSIF (theDeque^.tail = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(rearof, underflow); ELSE RETURN theDeque^.tail^.item; END (*--if*); RETURN NullItem; END RearOf; (*-------------------------*) (* EndOf returns the value of the item that is at the given end of theDeque (front or rear) or the NullItem if theDeque is undefined or is empty. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE EndOf ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *); theEnd : Location (*-- in *)) : Item (*-- out *); BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(endof, undefined); ELSIF (theDeque^.head = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(endof, underflow); ELSIF (theEnd = front) THEN RETURN theDeque^.head^.item; ELSE RETURN theDeque^.tail^.item; END (*--if*); RETURN NullItem; END EndOf; (*-------------------------*) (* PositionOf returns the number of positions from the given item to the front of the deque where the front is considered position one (1). If theItem is not present in theDeque then zero is returned. Complexity O(n). *) PROCEDURE PositionOf ( theDeque: Deque (*-- in *); theItem : Item (*-- in *)) : CARDINAL (*-- out *); VAR index : Link; (*-- loop index over items *) count : CARDINAL; (*-- running value of position *) BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(positionof, undefined); ELSE count := 1; index := theDeque^.head; WHILE (index # NIL) DO IF (theItem = index^.item) THEN RETURN count; END (*--if*); INC(count); index := index^.next; END (*--while*); END (*--if*); RETURN 0; END PositionOf; (*-------------------------*) (* 15.3.5 Iterators Both LoopOver and Traverse simply loop through each of the deque items passing the item value to theProcess procedure parameter. The direction of the iteration is controlled by theEnd parameter and is from the front to the rear when theEnd is front and the reverse when theEnd is rear. LoopOver may terminate before reaching the opposite end if theProcess returns False. Complexity: O(n). *) PROCEDURE LoopOver ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *); theProcess: LoopAccessProc (*-- in *); theEnd : Location (*-- in *)); VAR index : Link; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(loopover, undefined); ELSIF (theEnd = front) THEN index := theDeque^.head; WHILE (index # NIL) DO IF ~theProcess(index^.item) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); index := index^.next; END (*--while*); ELSIF (theEnd = back) THEN index := theDeque^.tail; WHILE (index # NIL) DO IF ~theProcess(index^.item) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); index := index^.prev; END (*--while*); END (*--if*); END LoopOver; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Traverse ( theDeque : Deque (*-- in *); theProcess: AccessProc (*-- in *); theEnd : Location (*-- in *)); VAR index : Link; (*-- loop index over items *) BEGIN dequeError := noerr; IF (theDeque = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(traverse, undefined); ELSIF (theEnd = front) THEN index := theDeque^.head; WHILE (index # NIL) DO theProcess(index^.item); index := index^.next; END (*--while*); ELSIF (theEnd = back) THEN index := theDeque^.tail; WHILE (index # NIL) DO theProcess(index^.item); index := index^.prev; END (*--while*); END (*--if*); END Traverse; (*-------------------------*) (* 15.3.6 Module Initialization The module's local variables are initialized to known states. dequeError is used to fill the handlers array with a routine that will exit the program when an exception is raised (saving the declaration of a special loop control variable for this purpose). The condition noerr is given the NullHandler which is presumed to do nothing. Applying MIN and MAX to cover all exceptions followed by resetting the handler for noerr ensures that this initialization will be unaffected by any future changes to the number of Exceptions or their order of declaration within the enumeration. Since a FOR loop control variable is undefined following the loop, dequeError must be set to indicate that an error has not yet occurred. *) BEGIN FOR dequeError := MIN(Exceptions) TO MAX(Exceptions) DO SetHandler(dequeError, ExitOnError); END (*--for*); SetHandler(noerr, NullHandler); dequeError := noerr; END DQNBSUMI. (* References [1] A. Aho, J. Hopcroft, and J. Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1983, pp. 56-60. [2] G. Booch, Software Components in Ada Structures, Tools, and Subsystems, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA 1987, pp. 92-93, 142-153. [3] K. John Gough, "Writing Generic Utilities in Modula-2", Journal of Pascal, Ada, and Modula-2, Vol. 5(3), (May/June 1986), pp 53-62. [4] T.A. Standish, Data Structure Techniques, Chapter 2: Stacks and Queues, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1980, pp. 20-23, 28-32. [5] R.S. Wiener and G.A. Ford, Modula-2 A Software Development Approach, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY 1985, pp. 247-253 [6] R.S. Wiener and R.F. Sincovec, Data Structures Using Modula-2, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY 1986, pp. 69-71 *)