(* Doubly-linked List Utilities - Implementation *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE ListDBMTools; (*========================================================== Version : 1.00 18 May 1989 C. Lins Compiler : TopSpeed Modula-2 Component: Tools - Structure Utility - Doubly-Linked List Revision History v1.00 18 May 1989 C. Lins Initial implementation. (C) Copyright 1989 Charles A. Lins =============================================================*) FROM Items IMPORT (*--Type*) Item; FROM ListDBM IMPORT (*--Type*) List, Pool, NullList, (*--Proc*) IsEmpty, GetNext, GetItem, SetNext, SetList, Clear, Assign, Insert, GetPrev, SetPrev; (*--------------------*) (* Constructors Construct first clears theList, if necessary, and then loops over theItems in reverse order adding each item to the front of theList. *) PROCEDURE Construct ( theItems : ARRAY OF Item (*-- in *); VAR theList : List (*-- inout *); thePool : Pool (*-- in *)); VAR index : INTEGER; (*-- loop index over items array *) BEGIN IF ~IsEmpty(thePool, theList) THEN Clear(thePool, theList); END (*--if*); FOR index := HIGH(theItems) TO 0 BY -1 DO Insert(thePool, theItems[index], theList); END (*--for*); END Construct; (*-------------------------*) (* Build is quite similar to Construct, above, in traversing theItems in reverse order appending items to the front of theList. The difference is that only the first numItems are used to form the list. If numItems is greater than the actual number of items in theItems array, only those items truly present are inserted. Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of items inserted. *) PROCEDURE Build ( theItems : ARRAY OF Item (*-- in *); numItems : CARDINAL (*-- in *); VAR theList : List (*-- inout *); thePool : Pool (*-- in *)); VAR index : INTEGER; (*-- loop index over items array *) BEGIN IF ~IsEmpty(thePool, theList) THEN Clear(thePool, theList); END (*--if*); IF (numItems > VAL(CARDINAL, HIGH(theItems) + 1)) THEN numItems := HIGH(theItems) + 1; END (*--if*); FOR index := VAL(INTEGER, numItems) - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO Insert(thePool, theItems[index], theList); END (*--for*); END Build; (*-------------------------*) (* AddToTail inserts theItem at the end of theList. The routine first takes care of the trivial case where theList is empty. Then it proceeds to scan theList for the last item. Once this has been found, a new list (of length one) is created for the item, and the last node is linked to the new list. Note: once the last node has been found, next is no longer needed and is therefore used as a temporary to create the new list for theItem. Complexity: O(n). *) PROCEDURE AddToTail ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); VAR theList : List (*-- inout *); thePool : Pool (*-- in *)); VAR last : List; (*-- last list node examined *) next : List; (*-- link from last node to next node *) BEGIN IF IsEmpty(thePool, theList) THEN theList := SetList(thePool, theItem); ELSE last := theList; LOOP next := GetNext(thePool, last); IF IsEmpty(thePool, next) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); last := next; END (*--loop*); next := SetList(thePool, theItem); SetNext(thePool, last, next); SetPrev(thePool, next, last); END (*--if*); END AddToTail; (*-------------------------*) (* Split searches theList maintaining a link to the previous node examined. When theItem is found at the front of theList, the toList becomes theList and theList becomes the empty list. Otherwise, theList is truncated at the previous node examined, and the toList becomes a list beginning with theItem. *) PROCEDURE Split (VAR theList : List (*-- inout *); theItem : Item (*-- in *); VAR toList : List (*-- inout *); thePool : Pool (*-- in *)); VAR last : List; (*-- last list node examined *) prev : List; BEGIN last := theList; LOOP IF IsEmpty(thePool, last) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); ELSIF (theItem = GetItem(thePool, last)) THEN Clear(thePool, toList); IF (GetPrev(thePool, last) = NullList) THEN theList := NullList; ELSE prev := GetPrev(thePool, last); SetNext(thePool, prev, NullList); END (*--if*); toList := last; SetPrev(thePool, toList, NullList); EXIT (*--loop*); ELSE last := GetNext(thePool, last); END (*--if*); END (*--loop*); END Split; (*-------------------------*) (* Selectors LastOf simply scans theList looking for the last list node and returns the node containing the last item. If theList is empty, the NullList if returned. *) PROCEDURE LastOf ( thePool : Pool (*-- in *); theList : List (*-- in *)) : List (*-- out *); VAR last : List; (*-- last list node examined *) next : List; (*-- link from last node to next node *) BEGIN IF IsEmpty(thePool, theList) THEN RETURN NullList; END (*--if*); last := theList; LOOP next := GetNext(thePool, last); IF IsEmpty(thePool, next) THEN EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); last := next; END (*--loop*); RETURN last; END LastOf; (*-------------------------*) (* PositionOf does a linear search of theList looking for theItem keeping a running count of the index position. If theItem is not found in theList then the NullList is returned otherwise the index position at which theItem is found is returned. *) PROCEDURE PositionOf ( theItem : Item (*-- in *); theList : List (*-- in *); thePool : Pool (*-- in *)) : Position (*-- out *); VAR index : Position; (*-- running index into theList *) BEGIN index := 1; WHILE ~IsEmpty(thePool, theList) DO IF (theItem = GetItem(thePool, theList)) THEN RETURN index; END (*--if*); INC(index); theList := GetNext(thePool, theList); END (*--while*); RETURN NullPosition; END PositionOf; (*-------------------------*) (* LocationOf is the inverse of PositionOf given above. The routine first takes care of the trivial case in which it is given an empty list by returning an empty list. theList parameter is used as a local variable to access each of the list nodes and if theIndex position exists within theList the link to that list is returned. If theList ever becomes empty during the loop the routine can be certain that theIndex position does not exist. *) PROCEDURE LocationOf ( theIndex: Position (*-- in *); theList : List (*-- in *); thePool : Pool (*-- in *)) : List (*-- out *); VAR index : Position; (*-- running index into theList *) BEGIN IF IsEmpty(thePool, theList) THEN RETURN NullList; ELSE FOR index := 2 TO theIndex DO theList := GetNext(thePool, theList); IF IsEmpty(thePool, theList) THEN RETURN NullList; END (*--if*); END (*--for*); RETURN theList; END (*--if*); END LocationOf; (*-------------------------*) END ListDBMTools.