IMPLEMENTATION MODULE EBNFScanner; (*==================================================================== Version : 1.0d2 06 Feb 1989 C. Lins Compiler : JPI's TopSpeed Modula-2 Compiler Component: EBNFScanner INTRODUCTION This module defines a scanner for EBNF. REVISION HISTORY v1.0d1 04 Feb 1989 C. Lins: Initial implementation derived from Wirth's Programming in Modula-2, 4th edition, pp 96-100. v1.0d2 06 Feb 1989 C. Lins: Improved (speeded up) construction of unbounded string by creating all at once rather than adding a character at a time. v1.1 02 Dec 1989 I. S. C. Houston Adapted to JPI TopSpeed compiler and library and changed to take the language definition input from a named file. ====================================================================*) FROM CharItems IMPORT (*--cons*) NullItem, (*--type*) Item; FROM StrCSUMI IMPORT (*--cons*) NullString, (*--type*) String, (*--proc*) Construct; FROM FIO IMPORT (*--var*) EOF, (*--proc*) RdChar; FROM IO IMPORT (*--proc*) WrChar, WrCharRep, WrStr, WrInt, WrLn; IMPORT ASCII; VAR ch : CHAR; currentChar : INTEGER; colHiWater: INTEGER; errColIndex: INTEGER; CONST LineWidth = 256; VAR line: ARRAY [0..LineWidth-1] OF CHAR; CONST kMaxIdentifier = 30; PROCEDURE GetLine; BEGIN IF (errColIndex > 0) THEN (*--terminate active error report line*) WrLn; errColIndex := 0; END (*--if*); (*--ignore linefeed*) REPEAT ch := RdChar(source) UNTIL (ch # ASCII.lf); IF EOF OR (ch = ASCII.sub) THEN line[0] := ASCII.del; colHiWater := 1 ELSE (*--not at end of file*) INC(lineNo); WrInt(lineNo, 5); WrChar(" "); colHiWater := 0; LOOP WrChar(ch); line[colHiWater] := ch; INC(colHiWater); ch := RdChar(source); IF EOF THEN ch := ASCII.nul END; IF (ch = OR (ch = ASCII.nul) THEN EXIT (*--loop*) END (*--if*); END (*--loop*); WrLn END (*--if*); END GetLine; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE GetChar; BEGIN WHILE (colHiWater = currentChar) DO currentChar := 0; GetLine; END (*--while*); ch := line[currentChar]; INC(currentChar); END GetChar; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE GetIdentifier; VAR theString : ARRAY [0..kMaxIdentifier] OF Item; index : INTEGER; BEGIN theSymbol := literal; index := 0; REPEAT theString[index] := ch; INC(index); IF (ch > "Z") THEN theSymbol := identifier; END (*--if*); GetChar; UNTIL (CAP(ch) < "A") OR (CAP(ch) > "Z"); theString[index] := NullItem; (*-- terminate the Modula string *) theIdent := NullString; (*-- make sure the previous identifier isn't -- automatically deallocated *) Construct(theIdent, theString); END GetIdentifier; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE GetLiteral ( termCh : CHAR); VAR theString : ARRAY [0..kMaxIdentifier] OF Item; index : INTEGER; BEGIN theSymbol := literal; GetChar; index := 0; WHILE (ch # termCh) DO theString[index] := ch; INC(index); GetChar; END (*--while*); theString[index] := NullItem; (*-- terminate the Modula string *) theIdent := NullString; (*-- make sure the previous identifier isn't -- automatically deallocated *) Construct(theIdent, theString); GetChar; END GetLiteral; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE WrSymbol; BEGIN CASE theSymbol OF identifier: WrStr("identifier"); | literal: WrStr("literal"); | lparen: WrStr("lparen"); | rparen: WrStr("rparen"); | lbrace: WrStr("lbrace"); | rbrace: WrStr("rbrace"); | lbraket: WrStr("lbraket"); | rbraket: WrStr("rbraket"); | bar: WrStr("bar"); | eql: WrStr("eql"); | period: WrStr("period"); ELSE WrStr("other"); END (*--case*); WrLn; END WrSymbol; PROCEDURE GetSymbol; BEGIN WHILE (ch = OR (ch = DO GetChar; END (*--while*); IF (ch = ASCII.slash) THEN SkipLine; WHILE (ch = OR (ch = DO GetChar; END (*--while*); END (*--if*); IF (CAP(ch) >= "A") & (CAP(ch) <= "Z") THEN GetIdentifier; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.quote) OR (ch = ASCII.quotequote) THEN GetLiteral(ch); ELSIF (ch = ASCII.equalsign) THEN theSymbol := eql; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.lparen) THEN theSymbol := lparen; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.rparen) THEN theSymbol := rparen; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.lbracket) THEN theSymbol := lbraket; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.rbracket) THEN theSymbol := rbraket; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.lbrace) THEN theSymbol := lbrace; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.rbrace) THEN theSymbol := rbrace; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = THEN theSymbol := bar; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.period) THEN theSymbol := period; GetChar; ELSIF (ch = ASCII.del) THEN theSymbol := other; ELSE theSymbol := other; GetChar; END (*--if*); END GetSymbol; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE MarkError ( errorNo : INTEGER); BEGIN errorsFound := TRUE; IF (errColIndex = 0) THEN (*--start error report line*) WrChar("*"); WrCharRep(" ",3); END (*--if*); WrCharRep(" ",currentChar); WrChar("^"); WrInt(errorNo, 1); INC(errColIndex, 2); END MarkError; (*--------------------*) PROCEDURE SkipLine; VAR thisLineNo: INTEGER; BEGIN thisLineNo := lineNo; WHILE (thisLineNo = lineNo) DO GetChar END (*--while*); GetChar; END SkipLine; (*--------------------*) BEGIN theIdent := NullString; theSymbol := other; errorsFound := FALSE; lineNo := 0; currentChar := 0; colHiWater := 0; errColIndex := 0; ch := " "; END EBNFScanner.