(* 11.2 Digraph - Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator In this section we provide the implementation module corresponding to the interface given above in 11.1. The following scheme is used in organizing this section: * 11.2.1 Internal Representation * 11.2.2 Exception Handling * 11.2.3 Local Routines * 11.2.4 Graph Constructors * 11.2.5 Vertex Constructors * 11.2.6 Edge Constructors * 11.2.7 Graph Selectors * 11.2.8 Vertex Selectors * 11.2.9 Edge Selectors * 11.2.10 Passive Iterators * 11.2.11 Active Iterators * 11.2.12 Module Initialization *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE DigrSBMI; (*============================================================== Version : V2.01 08 December 1989. Compiler : JPI TopSpeed Modula-2 Code size: 6300 bytes Component: Digraph - Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator THE ABSTRACTION This module provides interface definitions for the directed, bounded, unmanaged, iterator graph abstract data type. REVISION HISTORY v1.00 26 May 1988 C. Lins: Initial TML Modula-2 implementation v1.01 11-14 Jan 1989 C. Lins: Revised interface in conformance with new graph spec (Ch 9). Changed implementation to represent vertex abstractly. v1.02 10 Apr 1989 C. Lins: Corrected initialization of handlers array. v1.03 18 Apr 1989 C. Lins: Added component id constant. v2.00 24 Oct 1989 C. Lins Created generic pc version v2.01 08 Dec 1989 I.S.C. Houston. Adapted to JPI Compiler: Used type transfer functions instead of VAL. Used shortened library module names for DOS and OS/2. (C) Copyright 1989 Charles A. Lins ==============================================================*) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT (*--type*) ADDRESS, (*--proc*) ADR; FROM JPIStorage IMPORT (*--proc*) Allocate, Deallocate; FROM Items IMPORT (*--cons*) NullItem, (*--type*) Item, AssignProc, DisposeProc; FROM GraphTypes IMPORT (*--type*) Operations, Exceptions, ComponentID; FROM ErrorHandling IMPORT (*--cons*) NullHandler, (*--type*) HandlerProc, (*--proc*) Raise; FROM TypeManager IMPORT (*--cons*) NullType, (*--type*) TypeID, (*--proc*) AssignOf, DisposeOf; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.1 Internal Representation The internal representation for a bounded digraph is similar to that used in the previous chapter for its unbounded counterpart. The main difference is in the adjacency list representation. We still have a singly linked list of vertices, the difference being that the list is stored in an array of vertex nodes. Thus, a Vertex could be represented using an array index. This was not done for several reasons: 1. because the TML Modula-2 compiler prohibits redefinition of an opaque type as equal to an already defined type (TYPE Vertex = CARDINAL is flagged as an error); 2. making the definition of Vertex transparent in the Definition Module exposes to clients an aspect of the implementation (violating information hiding principles); and 3. transformation of the unbounded form into the bounded form, as was done here, is facilitated by taking another approach. The approach used in this module takes advantage of the fact than an element of an array can be accessed through its ADDRESS. So internally the module can use indices into the adjacency list where necessary while still maintaining an abstract presentation to client modules. This organization is shown below in Figure 11.1. Figure 11.1 Edge: completes the opaque definition as a reference to a dynamically allocated edge node. Vertex: completes the opaque definition as the address of a vertex node in the adjacency list array. VertexNode: defines the information requirements for a single vertex of a graph. data: contains the label data item associated with a vertex. next: index of the next vertex in the set of vertices for a graph. The last vertex of the list has a 'next' of 0 indicating the end of the list. edges: link to the first directed edge leaving this vertex. If the vertex has no edges leaving it, this field is set to the NullEdge. indegree: is used in maintaining a count of the number of edges having this vertex as its destination excluding self-loops (which are edges whose source and destination vertices are the same). This count is maintained by the constructors Link, Unlink and Assign. It is used by the constructor Remove in detecting attempts to delete vertices referenced as the destination of an edge. Since the alternative technique for detecting this precondition is a complete traversal of all the edges of a graph, we have chosen to record this information incrementally as edges are inserted and removed from the graph. inGraph: contains the reference to the enclosing graph object for the vertex. This avoids having the graph as a parameter to the vertex selectors. In addition, simplifying the membership test between a vertex and a graph, as well as the membership test for edges (through the initial or final vertex references of the edge). EdgeNode: defines the information requirements for a single edge of a graph. initial: contains a reference to the initial (or source) vertex of the edge. final: contains a reference to the final (or destination) vertex of the edge. weight: contains the attribute of the edge. next: contains the link to the next edge leaving the initial vertex. The last edge of this list contains the NullEdge as its value indicating the end of the list. UnboundedGraph: describes (and holds) attributes of the graph itself. labelType, attrType: contain the data type ID for the vertex label and edge attribute, respectively. These two fields are used to retrieve the procedures accomplishing assignment and disposal of data items. numVertices, numEdges: contain counts of the total number of vertices and edges in the graph, respectively. Thus, the selectors OrderOf and SizeOf are O(1) algorithms instead of O(|V|) or O(|E|). firstVertex: index of the first vertex in the adjacency list for a graph. available: index of the first available vertex in the adjacency list of a graph. vertices: the adjacency list of vertices. When a graph is initially created the array is sized based on the maximum number of vertices desired. So while the upper bound on the VertexIndex is MaxVertex elements, the actual size of the array will be something less than this. *) TYPE Vertex = POINTER TO VertexNode; TYPE Edge = POINTER TO EdgeNode; TYPE VertexNode = RECORD inGraph : Graph; (*-- graph in which this vertex is a member *) data : Label; (*-- data item (label) for this vertex *) indegree: CARDINAL; (*-- # of edges ending at this vertex *) next : CARDINAL; (*-- next vertex in adjacency list *) edges : Edge; (*-- link to first edge leaving this vertex *) END (*-- VertexNode *); TYPE EdgeNode = RECORD initial : Vertex; (*-- source vertex for this edge *) final : Vertex; (*-- destination vertex for this edge *) weight : Attribute;(*-- weight/attribute for this edge *) next : Edge; (*-- next edge leaving this vertex *) END (*-- EdgeNode *); CONST MaxVertex = 2000; TYPE VertexIndex = [1 .. MaxVertex]; TYPE AdjList = ARRAY VertexIndex OF VertexNode; TYPE BoundedGraph = RECORD labelType : TypeID; (*-- vertex label data type ID *) attrType : TypeID; (*-- edge attribute data type ID *) maxVertices: CARDINAL; (*-- maximum number of vertices *) numVertices: CARDINAL; (*-- current number of vertices *) numEdges : CARDINAL; (*-- current number of edges *) firstVertex: CARDINAL; (*-- 1st vertex in adjacency list *) available : CARDINAL; (*-- 1st free vertex in adjacency list *) vertices : AdjList; (*-- adjacency list of vertices *) END (*-- BoundedGraph *); TYPE Graph = POINTER TO BoundedGraph; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.2 Exception Handling graphError holds the exception result from the most recently invoked operation of this module. The Exceptions enumeration constant noerr indicates successful completion of the operation and all operations that may raise an exception assign this value to graphError before any other processing. The handlers array holds the current exception handler for the possible exceptions that may be raised from within this module. Both are initialized by the module initialization (see 10.3.12). GraphError simply returns the current exception result stored in graphError and is used to determine whether a graph operation completed successfully. SetHandler makes theHandler the current exception handler for theError by storing theHandler in the handler array. GetHandler returns the current exception handler for theError from the handler array. *) VAR graphError : Exceptions; VAR handlers : ARRAY Exceptions OF HandlerProc; PROCEDURE GraphError () : Exceptions (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN graphError; END GraphError; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE SetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*--in *); theHandler : HandlerProc (*--in *)); BEGIN handlers[theError] := theHandler; END SetHandler; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE GetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*--in *)) : HandlerProc (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN handlers[theError]; END GetHandler; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE RaiseErrIn ( theRoutine : Operations (*--in *); theError : Exceptions (*--in *)); BEGIN graphError := theError; Raise(ComponentID + ModuleID, theRoutine, theError, handlers[theError]); END RaiseErrIn; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.3 Local Routines FreeAttribute is responsible for retrieval of the edge attribute item disposal routine and freeing the attribute when no longer needed. This occurs when 1. a graph is cleared or destroyed (Clear); 2. an edge is removed from a graph (Unlink); 3. a vertex is removed from a graph and any edges leaving it are implicitly removed (ClearEdges); or 4. a new attribute is assigned to an edge (SetAttribute). Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE FreeAttribute ( theEdge : Edge (*--inout*)); VAR free : DisposeProc; (*-- attribute disposal routine, if any *) BEGIN WITH theEdge^ DO free := DisposeOf(initial^.inGraph^.attrType); free(weight); END (*--with*); END FreeAttribute; (*-------------------------*) (* FreeLabel corresponds to FreeAttribute, above, for the clean-up of vertex labels when they are no longer needed. The conditions are similar to those above: 1. a graph is cleared or destroyed (Clear); 2. an vertex is removed from a graph (Remove); or 3. a new label is assigned to a vertex (SetLabel). Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE FreeLabel ( theVertex : Vertex (*--inout*)); VAR free : DisposeProc; (*-- label disposal routine, if any *) BEGIN WITH theVertex^ DO free := DisposeOf(inGraph^.labelType); free(data); END (*--with*); END FreeLabel; (*-------------------------*) (* InitVertex initializes a single vertex for the free list. O(1) InitFreeList initializes the free list of available vertices. The free list of vertices is initialized when a graph is created or when a graph is cleared of its contents. O(s), where s is the size of the bounded array of vertices. *) PROCEDURE InitFreeList (VAR theGraph : Graph (*--inout*)); PROCEDURE InitVertex (VAR theNode : VertexNode (*--inout*); theNext : CARDINAL (*--in *)); BEGIN WITH theNode DO inGraph := theGraph; data := NullItem; indegree := 0; next := theNext; edges := NullEdge; END (*--with*); END InitVertex; VAR v : VertexIndex; (*-- running index over vertices of the graph *) BEGIN WITH theGraph^ DO FOR v := MIN(VertexIndex) TO maxVertices-1 DO InitVertex(vertices[v], v+1); END (*--for*); InitVertex(vertices[maxVertices], 0); numVertices := 0; firstVertex := 0; available := MIN(VertexIndex); END (*--with*); END InitFreeList; (*-------------------------*) (* ClearEdges removes all edges leaving a given vertex. This is necessary when 1. a graph is cleared or destroyed (Clear); or 2. a vertex is removed from a graph (Remove). Essentially, the algorithm loops over each edge in the edge list for the vertex removing the edge from the list, updating the number of edges in the graph, deallocation of the edge attribute and, finally, deallocation of the edge itself. Since we guarantee the last edge in the list has a 'next' of NullEdge, 'edges' (the vertex's link to the first edge) is properly set to the NullEdge upon completion of the routine. O(outdegree(v)). *) PROCEDURE ClearEdges ( theVertex: Vertex (*--inout*)); VAR theEdge : Edge; (*-- edge to be removed *) BEGIN WITH theVertex^ DO WHILE (edges # NullEdge) DO theEdge := edges; edges := edges^.next; DEC(inGraph^.numEdges); FreeAttribute(theEdge); Deallocate(theEdge, SIZE(theEdge^)); END (*--while*); END (*--with*); END ClearEdges; (*-------------------------*) (* NewEdge simple creates a new edge with the specified vertex endpoints and weight. The edge is not added to any edge list, leaving this to the caller. The overflow exception is automatically raised, if necessary, when a new edge node cannot be allocated. The structural sharing of the edge attribute is controlled, as described above for NewVertex, using a similar mechanism. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE NewEdge ( fromVertex : Vertex (*--in *); toVertex : Vertex (*--in *); theWeight : Attribute (*--in *); theRoutine : Operations (*--in *)) : Edge (*--out *); VAR theEdge : Edge; (*-- newly created edge *) BEGIN Allocate(theEdge, SIZE(EdgeNode)); IF (theEdge = NullEdge) THEN RaiseErrIn(theRoutine, overflow); ELSE WITH theEdge^ DO initial := fromVertex; final := toVertex; weight := theWeight; next := NullEdge; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); RETURN theEdge; END NewEdge; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.4 Graph Constructors Create attempts to form a new, empty graph object with the given maximum number of vertices (theSize) and vertex label and edge label data types. First, the graph descriptor is allocated, the free list of vertices is initialized, and the vertex and edge data type IDs are stored in the graph descriptor. The number of vertices and edges are initialized to zero. If the descriptor allocation fails the overflow exception is raised and the NullGraph is returned, otherwise we return the newly allocated graph. Complexity O(theSize) due to the initialization of the free list of vertices. *) CONST baseSize = SIZE(BoundedGraph) - SIZE(AdjList); CONST nodeSize = SIZE(VertexNode); PROCEDURE Create ( labels : TypeID (*--in *); attributes : TypeID (*--in *); theSize : CARDINAL (*--in *)) : Graph (*--out *); VAR newGraph : Graph; (*-- temporary for new graph object *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; Allocate(newGraph, baseSize + (VAL(INTEGER, theSize) * nodeSize)); IF (newGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(create, overflow); ELSE WITH newGraph^ DO labelType := labels; attrType := attributes; maxVertices := theSize; numEdges := 0; END (*--with*); InitFreeList(newGraph); END (*--if*); RETURN newGraph; END Create; (*-------------------------*) (* Destroy clears theGraph and then deallocates it making theGraph undefined. SCLStorage.Deallocate automatically releases the proper amount of space originally allocated and alters the pointer to NIL (which is also the value of the NullGraph). Complexity O(v+e). *) PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR theGraph : Graph (*--inout*)); BEGIN Clear(theGraph); IF (graphError = noerr) THEN Deallocate(theGraph, baseSize + (theGraph^.maxVertices * nodeSize)); END (*--if*); END Destroy; (*-------------------------*) (* Clear removes all vertices and edges from theGraph making theGraph empty. We do this by iterating over each of the vertices and clearing all edges leaving the vertex (ClearEdges). As a final step we ensure that the graph is left in the empty state by resetting the head of the adjacency list to NIL and the number of vertices and edges in the graph to zero. The free list of available vertices is also reinitialized. Complexity O(v+e). *) PROCEDURE Clear (VAR theGraph : Graph (*--inout*)); VAR theVertex : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over vertices *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(clear, undefined); ELSE WITH theGraph^ DO theVertex := firstVertex; WHILE (theVertex # 0) DO ClearEdges(ADR(vertices[theVertex])); FreeLabel(ADR(vertices[theVertex])); theVertex := vertices[theVertex].next; END (*--for*); END (*--with*); InitFreeList(theGraph); END (*--if*); END Clear; (*-------------------------*) (* Assign copies the source graph, theGraph, to the target graph, toGraph. The main body of Assign does this by first copying all the vertices followed by copying all the edges from the source to the destination graph. The algorithmic complexity is O(v^2+e) due to the mapping between the vertices of the source and target graphs while copying the edges (see the discussion of the vertexMap following RecreateTarget). *) PROCEDURE Assign ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *); VAR toGraph : Graph (*--inout*)); (* RecreateTarget reconstructs the target graph descriptor so that the fields defining the vertex label and edge attribute data types, and (optionally) maximum number of vertices between the source and destination graphs are the same. If the source and destination graphs are the same the routine returns FALSE indicating that the postconditions for the assignment operation are already met. The routine returns TRUE if the recreation of the target was successful. Complexity O(v+e) where v and e are the number of vertices and edges, respectively, in the original toGraph. When Clearing the target graph is unnecessary (the toGraph is initially the NullGraph) the complexity falls to O(1).. *) PROCEDURE RecreateTarget (): BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(assign, undefined); ELSIF (toGraph = NullGraph) THEN WITH theGraph^ DO toGraph := Create(labelType, attrType, maxVertices); END (*--with*); ELSIF (theGraph = toGraph) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (theGraph^.numVertices > toGraph^.maxVertices) THEN RaiseErrIn(assign, overflow); ELSE Clear(toGraph); WITH theGraph^ DO toGraph^.labelType := labelType; toGraph^.attrType := attrType; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); RETURN (graphError = noerr); END RecreateTarget; (* One thorny issue in graph assignment is how to set-up the copied edges with the proper initial and final vertices? The edges of the source graph contain references to the source graph's vertices, not those of the target graph. The vertex labels cannot be used since more than one vertex can have the same label. In this case, an edge from the second (or greater) such vertex in the target graph would be linked incorrectly to the first vertex having that label. The solution is in having some form of temporary mapping from the source graph's vertices to their counterpart in the target graph. The necessary operations are add a mapping between a vertex from the source graph and its corresponding vertex in the target graph, and given a source graph vertex return the target graph vertex mapped to that source vertex. The data structure implementing our vertex mapping is an unordered array of mapping entries, one per vertex, between the vertices of the source graph and the target graph. This array is dynamically created on the heap based on the number of vertices in the source graph. (The ARRAY [0..0] OF ≡ construct is a special feature of the TML Modula-2 compiler allowing dynamic arrays.) The variable mapExtent controls where MapVertex entries are inserted into the array. A post-increment scheme is used so mapVertex is always one greater than the number of entries stored in the array. *) TYPE MapVertex = RECORD old : Vertex; (*-- vertex from source graph *) new : Vertex; (*-- corresponging vertex in target graph *) END (*--MapVertex*); TYPE MapVertices = ARRAY [0..0] OF MapVertex; VAR vertexMap : POINTER TO MapVertices; VAR mapExtent : CARDINAL; (* CreateVertexMap allocates a dynamic array of vertex mapping entries on the heap based on the number of vertices in the source graph. vertexMap is set to NIL by Allocate if there isn't enough memory available to meet the request. *) PROCEDURE CreateVertexMap; BEGIN Allocate(vertexMap, VAL(CARDINAL, SIZE(MapVertex)) * theGraph^.numVertices); mapExtent := 0; END CreateVertexMap; (* AddVertexToMap adds a mapping between the vertices of the source and target graphs. *) PROCEDURE AddToVertexMap ( oldVertex : Vertex (*--in *); newVertex : Vertex (*--in *)); BEGIN WITH vertexMap^[mapExtent] DO old := oldVertex; new := newVertex; END (*--with*); INC(mapExtent); END AddToVertexMap; (* VertexInMap returns the mapping between the vertices of the source and target graphs. Since every vertex is represented failure to find a mapping is indicative of either a programming error in CopyVertices or a hardware/system software error at runtime. *) PROCEDURE VertexInMap ( oldVertex : Vertex (*--in *)) : Vertex (*--out *); VAR index : CARDINAL; BEGIN FOR index := 0 TO mapExtent-1 DO WITH vertexMap^[index] DO IF (oldVertex = old) THEN RETURN new; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--for*); RETURN NullVertex; END VertexInMap; (* DestroyVertexMap frees up the memory used by the vertexMap when the Assign operation is complete. Remember that Deallocate automatically releases the proper amount of space. *) PROCEDURE DestroyVertexMap; BEGIN Deallocate(vertexMap, SIZE(vertexMap^)); END DestroyVertexMap; (* CopyVertices duplicates the vertices from the source graph to the destination graph returning TRUE if every vertex was successfully copied and FALSE otherwise. This BOOLEAN result is used by the main body of Assign to control whether to continue with the Assign operation by copying the edges. The following local variables are used: 1. v: indicates the current vertex being copied from the source graph. This is also used as a 'loop index' over the vertices from the source graph. 2. newVertex: temporary for a new vertex for the destination graph. 3. lastVertex: last vertex inserted into the destination graph. This is used by TailInsert to add a new vertex to the end of the destination graph's adjacency list. 4. assignItem: vertex label assignment routine. Assignment of the vertex label presents an interesting situation. When a vertex is added to a graph, the client module expects the given label to be copied using the Modula-2 assignment statement (even for dynamically allocated data items) since we simply need to store the value in the vertex object. This is known as 'structural sharing'. But when a graph is duplicated using Assign, new copies of the vertex labels are necessary - avoiding the problems presented by structural sharing of dynamically allocated items as described in Volume 1. CopyVertices resolves this through the assignment procedure associated with the graph's label data type duplicating the label as a NewVertex is created. Complexity O(v) where v is the number of vertices in the source graph. *) PROCEDURE CopyVertices () : BOOLEAN; VAR v : CARDINAL; (*--loop index over vertices being copied *) VAR theVertex : CARDINAL; (*-- index to new vertex *) VAR lastVertex: CARDINAL; (*--last vertex added to list of vertices *) VAR assignItem: AssignProc; (* TailInsert adds newVertex to the end of the target graph's adjacency list given pointers to the first and last elements of the list. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE TailInsert (VAR first : CARDINAL (*--inout *); VAR last : CARDINAL (*--inout *)); BEGIN IF (first = 0) THEN first := theVertex; ELSE toGraph^.vertices[last].next := theVertex; END (*--if*); last := theVertex; END TailInsert; BEGIN CreateVertexMap; IF (vertexMap = NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); assignItem := AssignOf(theGraph^.labelType); v := theGraph^.firstVertex; lastVertex := 0; WHILE (v # 0) DO WITH toGraph^ DO theVertex := available; available := vertices[available].next; WITH vertices[theVertex] DO inGraph := toGraph; data := assignItem(theGraph^.vertices[v].data); indegree := theGraph^.vertices[v].indegree; next := 0; edges := NullEdge; END (*--with*); TailInsert(firstVertex, lastVertex); INC(numVertices); AddToVertexMap(ADR(theGraph^.vertices[v]), ADR(vertices[theVertex])); END (*--with*); v := theGraph^.vertices[v].next; END (*--while*); RETURN TRUE; END CopyVertices; (* CopyEdges iterates over the edges of the source graph through the adjacency list of vertices and the edge lists for each vertex. As each edge in the source graph is encountered, a new edge is constructed in the target graph. This edge is then added to the target graph's vertex equivalent to the edges' initial vertex. The initial and final vertices of the new edge are retrieved from the vertex map created by CopyVertices. Note that NewEdge will raise the overflow exception if necessary. The following local variables are used: v: indicates the current vertex from the source graph whose edges are being copied. This is also used as a 'loop index' over the vertices of the source graph. e: indicates the current edge of the source graph being copied. Also used as a 'loop index' over the edges leaving each vertex, v. fromVertex: the vertex of the target graph corresponding to 'v' in the source graph. Since all edges leaving any given vertex, v, have have 'v' as their initial vertex, fromVertex can be derived from the current vertex of the source graph rather than repeatedly retrieving it from the initial vertex of the edge. newEdge: temporary for a new edge in the target graph. lastEdge: last edge inserted into the edge list of the current vertex (fromVertex) destination graph. This is used by TailInsert to add a new edge to the end of fromVertex's edge list. assignItem: edge attribute assignment routine. So while the basic loop over the edges is linear with respect to the number of edges, the linear search of the vertex map nested within the loop over the source graph's vertices gives this algorithm time complexity O(v^2). A better mapping algorithm (i.e, one of constant time O(1)) would yield a linear time algorithm overall for the graph assignment. *) PROCEDURE CopyEdges; VAR v : CARDINAL; (*--loop index over vertices *) VAR e : Edge; (*--loop index over edges being copied *) VAR fromVertex: Vertex; (*--vertex in target graph *) VAR newEdge : Edge; (*--new edge for target graph *) VAR lastEdge : Edge; (*--last edge inserted into new list of edges *) VAR assignItem: AssignProc; (*--attribute assignment procedure *) (* TailInsert adds newEdge to the end of the edge list given pointers to the first and last elements of the list. Complexity O(1) *) PROCEDURE TailInsert (VAR first : Edge (*--inout*); VAR last : Edge (*--inout*)); BEGIN IF (first = NullEdge) THEN first := newEdge; ELSE last^.next := newEdge; END (*--if*); last := newEdge; END TailInsert; BEGIN assignItem := AssignOf(theGraph^.attrType); v := theGraph^.firstVertex; WHILE (v # 0) DO lastEdge := NullEdge; WITH theGraph^ DO e := vertices[v].edges; fromVertex := VertexInMap(ADR(vertices[v])); END (*--with*); WHILE (e # NullEdge) DO newEdge := NewEdge(fromVertex, VertexInMap(e^.final), assignItem(e^.weight), assign); IF (newEdge = NullEdge) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); TailInsert(fromVertex^.edges, lastEdge); INC(toGraph^.numEdges); e := e^.next; END (*--while*); v := theGraph^.vertices[v].next; END (*--while*); END CopyEdges; BEGIN (*-- Assign --*) graphError := noerr; IF RecreateTarget() & CopyVertices() THEN CopyEdges; DestroyVertexMap; END (*--if*); END Assign; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.5 Vertex Constructors Insert adds a vertex to the given graph labeling the vertex with the given item. If there are no available vertices in the free list the overflow exception is raised and the Insert operation aborted. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE Insert (VAR theGraph : Graph (*--inout*); theItem : Label (*--in *); VAR theVertex : Vertex (*--out *)); VAR theIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- vertex index into the adjacency list *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; theVertex := NullVertex; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(insert, undefined); ELSIF (theGraph^.available = 0) THEN RaiseErrIn(insert, overflow); ELSE WITH theGraph^ DO theIndex := available; available := vertices[available].next; WITH vertices[theIndex] DO inGraph := theGraph; data := theItem; indegree := 0; next := firstVertex; edges := NullEdge; END (*--with*); firstVertex := theIndex; INC(numVertices); theVertex := ADR(vertices[theIndex]); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Insert; (*-------------------------*) (* Remove deletes the given vertex from the specified graph. If no such vertex can be found in the graph the novertex exception is raised and the routine aborted. Deleting a vertex that is the head of an edge would leave dangling edges (pointing to a non-existent vertex), and so, if the vertex is referenced by an edge (other than a self-loop) the exception references is raised and Remove is aborted. After we have checked that no exceptions can occur we remove all edges leaving the vertex, remove the vertex from the adjacency list, release any dynamically allocated memory used by the vertex label, release the vertex itself, and update the count of vertices in the graph. Complexity O(v). *) PROCEDURE Remove (VAR theGraph : Graph (*--inout*); VAR theVertex : Vertex (*--inout*)); VAR theIndex : CARDINAL; (*-- of theItem to be removed *) VAR priorVertex: CARDINAL; (*-- immediate predecessor of theVertex *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(remove, undefined); ELSIF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(remove, nullvertex); ELSIF (theVertex^.inGraph # theGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(remove, novertex); ELSIF (theVertex^.indegree > 0) THEN RaiseErrIn(remove, referenced); ELSE ClearEdges(theVertex); FreeLabel(theVertex); WITH theGraph^ DO (* The following loop searches for the given vertex in the adjacency list array keeping track of the array index of theVertex's predecessor. This is used immediately after the loop to update the singly-linked list of vertices for the graph. *) theIndex := firstVertex; priorVertex := 0; WHILE (ADR(vertices[theIndex]) # theVertex) DO priorVertex := theIndex; theIndex := vertices[theIndex].next; END (*--while*); (* Remove the vertex from the adjacency list. *) IF (priorVertex = 0) THEN firstVertex := vertices[theIndex].next; ELSE vertices[priorVertex].next := vertices[theIndex].next; END (*--if*); (* Update the graph component by adding the deleted vertex to the available list and the count of the number of vertices in the graph. Ensure that the vertex is no longer a valid member of the graph by clearing the vertexes reference to its enclosing graph. *) vertices[theIndex].next := available; vertices[theIndex].inGraph := NullGraph; available := theIndex; DEC(numVertices); END (*--with*); theVertex := NullVertex; END (*--if*); END Remove; (*-------------------------*) (* SetLabel assigns a new label to the given vertex of the graph. Prior to assigning a new vertex label we must release any dynamically allocated memory used by the old vertex label. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE SetLabel ( theVertex : Vertex (*--inout*); theItem : Label (*--in *)); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(setlabel, nullvertex); ELSE FreeLabel(theVertex); theVertex^.data := theItem; END (*--if*); END SetLabel; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.6 Edge Constructors Link adds a directed edge between the from and to vertices labeling the edge with the given weight attribute. The new edge is linked to the front of the fromVertex's edge list. Thus, edges appear in reverse order to their order of insertion. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE Link (VAR theGraph : Graph (*--inout*); fromVertex : Vertex (*--in *); toVertex : Vertex (*--in *); theWeight : Attribute (*--in *); VAR theEdge : Edge (*--out *)); BEGIN graphError := noerr; theEdge := NullEdge; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(link, undefined); ELSIF (fromVertex = NullVertex) OR (toVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(link, nullvertex); ELSIF (fromVertex^.inGraph # theGraph) OR (toVertex^.inGraph # theGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(link, novertex); ELSE theEdge := NewEdge(fromVertex, toVertex, theWeight, link); IF (theEdge # NullEdge) THEN theEdge^.next := fromVertex^.edges; fromVertex^.edges := theEdge; IF (fromVertex # toVertex) THEN INC(toVertex^.indegree); END (*--if*); INC(theGraph^.numEdges); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Link; (*-------------------------*) (* Unlink removes a directed edge between the two vertices, fromVertex and toVertex. Complexity O(d) where d is the out-degree of the fromVertex. *) PROCEDURE Unlink (VAR theGraph : Graph (*--inout*); VAR theEdge : Edge (*--inout*)); VAR e : Edge; (*-- pointer to edge (v,w), if any *) VAR f : Edge; (*-- pointer to edge preceeding (v,w) in adjacency list *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(unlink, undefined); ELSIF (theEdge = NullEdge) THEN RaiseErrIn(unlink, nulledge); ELSIF (theEdge^.initial^.inGraph # theGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(unlink, noedge); ELSE (* The following loop searches for the edge being removed in the list of edges associated with the edges' initial vertex. In addition, we need the prior edge in the list for the actual deletion of the edge from the list. This is a standard singly-linked list technique for the deletion of list nodes. This loop is guaranteed to succeed as Link ensures that the edge is placed in the initial vertex's list of edges. Complexity O(outdegree(v)). *) e := theEdge^.initial^.edges; f := NullEdge; WHILE (e # theEdge) DO f := e; e := e^.next; END (*--while*); WITH theEdge^ DO (* Update the edge list of the initial vertex by removing the edge. *) IF (f = NullEdge) THEN initial^.edges := next; ELSE f^.next := next; END (*--if*); (* Self-loops are not included in the final vertex's indegree count since such edges may be freely unlinked and do not effect the removal of the vertex. In any case, we must maintain the proper count of edges in the graph. As a final step, the edge attribute and the edge itself may be deallocated. To prevent clients from successfully accessing copies of an edge, the 'initial' and 'next' fields are set to empty (and illegal) values. This prevents any copies from being considered legal edges of the graph even though they have been deleted. *) IF (initial # final) THEN DEC(final^.indegree); END (*--if*); DEC(initial^.inGraph^.numEdges); FreeAttribute(theEdge); initial := NullVertex; next := NullEdge; Deallocate(theEdge, SIZE(theEdge^)); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Unlink; (*-------------------------*) (* SetAttribute assigns a new edge labelling to the given edge. Prior to assigning a new edge attribute we must release any dynamically allocated memory used by the old edge attribute. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE SetAttribute ( theEdge : Edge (*--inout*); theWeight : Attribute (*--in *)); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theEdge = NullEdge) THEN RaiseErrIn(setattr, nulledge); ELSE FreeAttribute(theEdge); theEdge^.weight := theWeight; END (*--if*); END SetAttribute; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.7 Graph Selectors IsDefined verifies to the best of its ability whether theGraph has been created and is still an active object. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE IsDefined ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN (theGraph # NullGraph); END IsDefined; (*-------------------------*) (* IsEmpty returns True if theGraph is in the empty state, as indicated by the number of vertices being zero, and False otherwise. As per the specification (û9.3) undefined graphs are considered empty. Complexity: O(1). *) PROCEDURE IsEmpty ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(isempty, undefined); RETURN TRUE; END (*--if*); RETURN theGraph^.numVertices = 0; END IsEmpty; (*-------------------------*) (* TypeOf simply returns the vertex label and edge attribute data type IDs for the given graph. Undefined graphs, as always, raise the undefined exception and return a reasonable value, in this case the NullType. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE TypeOf ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *); VAR labelType : TypeID (*--out *); VAR attrType : TypeID (*--out *)); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); labelType := NullType; attrType := NullType; ELSE labelType := theGraph^.labelType; attrType := theGraph^.attrType; END (*--if*); END TypeOf; (*-------------------------*) (* OrderOf returns the number of vertices in the graph, or zero for an undefined graph. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE OrderOf ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(orderof, undefined); RETURN 0; END (*--if*); RETURN theGraph^.numVertices; END OrderOf; (*-------------------------*) (* OrderOf returns the number of edges in the graph, or zero for an undefined graph. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE SizeOf ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(sizeof, undefined); RETURN 0; END (*--if*); RETURN theGraph^.numEdges; END SizeOf; (*-------------------------*) (* MaxOrderOf retuens the maximum number of vertices for the given graph, or zero for an undefined graph. Essentially, this is the maximum size of the list of vertices (both used and available). Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE MaxOrderOf ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(maxorderof, undefined); RETURN 0; END (*--if*); RETURN theGraph^.maxVertices; END MaxOrderOf; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.8 Vertex Selectors InDegree returns the number of edges entering the given vertex. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE InDegree ( theVertex : Vertex (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(indegree, nullvertex); ELSE RETURN theVertex^.indegree; END (*--if*); RETURN 0; END InDegree; (*-------------------------*) (* OutDegree returns the number of edges leaving the given vertex. We do this by simply iterating over the edges of the vertex counting them along the way. Complexity O(outdegree(v)). *) PROCEDURE OutDegree ( theVertex : Vertex (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); VAR theEdge : Edge; (*-- loop index over edges of the vertex *) VAR edgeCount : CARDINAL; (*-- running count of edges leaving this vertex *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; edgeCount := 0; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(outdegree, nullvertex); ELSE theEdge := theVertex^.edges; WHILE (theEdge # NullEdge) DO INC(edgeCount); theEdge := theEdge^.next; END (*--while*); END (*--if*); RETURN edgeCount; END OutDegree; (*-------------------------*) (* LabelOf returns the vertex label associated with the given vertex. If the vertex is undefined the NullItem is returned. Complexity O(1). Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE LabelOf ( theVertex : Vertex (*--in *)) : Label (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(labelof, nullvertex); ELSE RETURN theVertex^.data; END (*--if*); RETURN NullItem; END LabelOf; (*-------------------------*) (* Since we have stored a copy of the graph object associated with each vertex as a field of the vertex itself, IsVertex simply needs to compare the given graph with its own local state. This saves us from having to search the graph. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE IsVertex ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *); theVertex : Vertex (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(isvertex, undefined); ELSIF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(isvertex, nullvertex); ELSE RETURN theVertex^.inGraph = theGraph; END (*--if*); RETURN FALSE; END IsVertex; (*-------------------------*) (* GraphOf simply returns its copy of the enclosing graph or the NullGraph if the vertex is undefined. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE GraphOf ( theVertex : Vertex (*--in *)) : Graph (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(graphof, nullvertex); ELSE RETURN theVertex^.inGraph; END (*--if*); RETURN NullGraph; END GraphOf; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.9 Edge Selectors AttributeOf returns the edge attribute associated with the given edge. If the edge is undefined the NullItem is returned. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE AttributeOf ( theEdge : Edge (*--in *)) : Attribute (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theEdge = NullEdge) THEN RaiseErrIn(attrof, nulledge); ELSE RETURN theEdge^.weight; END (*--if*); RETURN NullItem; END AttributeOf; (*-------------------------*) (* Given an edge, InitialOf returns the vertex that is the origin of the directed edge or the NullVertex if the edge is undefined. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE InitialOf ( theEdge : Edge (*--in *)) : Vertex (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theEdge = NullEdge) THEN RaiseErrIn(initialof, nulledge); ELSE RETURN theEdge^.initial; END (*--if*); RETURN NullVertex; END InitialOf; (*-------------------------*) (* Given an edge, FinalOf returns the vertex that is the destination of the directed edge or the NullVertex if the edge is undefined. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE FinalOf ( theEdge : Edge (*--in *)) : Vertex (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theEdge = NullEdge) THEN RaiseErrIn(finalof, nulledge); ELSE RETURN theEdge^.final; END (*--if*); RETURN NullVertex; END FinalOf; (*-------------------------*) (* IsEdge returns true if there the given directed edge is an edge of the given graph and false otherwise. An advantage of having each vertex identify its enclosing graph object is use of this field in testing whether the edge is part of a specified graph. This saves use from having to search every edge in the graph. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE IsEdge ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *); theEdge : Edge (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(isedge, undefined); ELSIF (theEdge = NullEdge) THEN RaiseErrIn(isedge, nulledge); ELSIF (theEdge^.initial = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(isedge, nullvertex); ELSE RETURN theEdge^.initial^.inGraph = theGraph; END (*--if*); RETURN FALSE; END IsEdge; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.10 Passive Iterators LoopVertices simply iterates over the vertices of the given graph until every vertex has been examined or the process procedure parameter returns FALSE, whichever occurs first. Complexity O(v). *) PROCEDURE LoopVertices ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *); process : VertexLoopProc (*--in *)); VAR theIndex : CARDINAL; (*--loop index over vertices *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(loopvertices, undefined); ELSE WITH theGraph^ DO theIndex := firstVertex; WHILE (theIndex # 0) & process(ADR(vertices[theIndex])) DO theIndex := vertices[theIndex].next; END (*--while*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END LoopVertices; (*-------------------------*) (* LoopEdges loops over the vertices of the given graph to access the edges associated with each vertex. Once the process procedure parameter returns FALSE, we exit both WHILE statements through the use of a RETURN which exits the procedure. Complexity O(v+e), though the v component will dominate the equation if v >> e. *) PROCEDURE LoopEdges ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *); process : EdgeLoopProc (*--in *)); VAR theIndex : CARDINAL; (*--loop index over vertices *) VAR theEdge : Edge; (*--loop index over edges of a vertex *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(loopedges, undefined); ELSE WITH theGraph^ DO theIndex := firstVertex; WHILE (theIndex # 0) DO theEdge := vertices[theIndex].edges; WHILE (theEdge # NullEdge) DO IF ~process(theEdge) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); theEdge := theEdge^.next; END (*--while*); theIndex := vertices[theIndex].next; END (*--with*); END (*--while*); END (*--if*); END LoopEdges; (*-------------------------*) (* LoopIterate simply loops over the edges leaving a specified vertex. Complexity O(outdegree(v)). *) PROCEDURE LoopIterate ( theVertex : Vertex (*--in *); process : EdgeLoopProc (*--in *)); VAR theEdge : Edge; (*--loop index over edges of the vertex *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(loopiterate, nullvertex); ELSE theEdge := theVertex^.edges; WHILE (theEdge # NullEdge) & process(theEdge) DO theEdge := theEdge^.next; END (*--while*); END (*--if*); END LoopIterate; (*-------------------------*) (* TravVertices simply iterates over every vertex in the graph. Complexity O(v). *) PROCEDURE TravVertices ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *); process : VertexProc (*--in *)); VAR v : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over vertices *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(travvertices, undefined); ELSE WITH theGraph^ DO v := firstVertex; WHILE (v # 0) DO process(ADR(vertices[v])); v := vertices[v].next; END (*--while*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END TravVertices; (*-------------------------*) (* TravEdges simply iterates over every edge in the graph. Since the only way to get at all the edges is through the vertices, we iterate over all the vertices and over each edge leaving each vertex. Complexity O(v+e). *) PROCEDURE TravEdges ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *); process : EdgeProc (*--in *)); VAR v : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over vertices *) VAR e : Edge; (*-- loop index over edges of a vertex *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(travedges, undefined); ELSE WITH theGraph^ DO v := firstVertex; WHILE (v # 0) DO e := vertices[v].edges; WHILE (e # NullEdge) DO process(e); e := e^.next; END (*--while*); v := vertices[v].next; END (*--while*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END TravEdges; (*-------------------------*) (* Iterate simply loops over the edges leaving a specified vertex of a graph. Complexity O(outdegree(v)). *) PROCEDURE Iterate ( theVertex : Vertex (*--in *); process : EdgeProc (*--in *)); VAR theEdge : Edge; (*-- loop index over edges of the vertex *) BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(iterate, nullvertex); ELSE theEdge := theVertex^.edges; WHILE (theEdge # NullEdge) DO process(theEdge); theEdge := theEdge^.next; END (*--while*); END (*--if*); END Iterate; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.11 Active Iterators Each of the active iterators are essentially selectors for the underlying representation of the adjacency list. FirstVertex returns the abstract vertex corresponding to the first vertex in the graph's adjacency list. NextVertex returns the abstract vertex that is the successor to the given vertex in the graph's adjacency list. FirstEdge returns the edge at the head of the vertexes list of edges emanating from the given vertex. NextEdge returns the edge immediately following the given edge in a previosuly given vertexes edge list. The algorithmic complexity of all four routines is O(1). *) PROCEDURE FirstVertex ( theGraph : Graph (*--in *)) : Vertex (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theGraph = NullGraph) THEN RaiseErrIn(firstvertex, undefined); ELSE RETURN ADR(theGraph^.vertices[theGraph^.firstVertex]); END (*--if*); RETURN NullVertex; END FirstVertex; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE NextVertex ( theVertex : Vertex (*--in *)) : Vertex (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(nextvertex, nullvertex); ELSE WITH theVertex^ DO IF (next # 0) THEN RETURN ADR(inGraph^.vertices[next]); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); RETURN NullVertex; END NextVertex; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE FirstEdge ( theVertex : Vertex (*--in *)) : Edge (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theVertex = NullVertex) THEN RaiseErrIn(firstedge, nullvertex); ELSE RETURN theVertex^.edges; END (*--if*); RETURN NullEdge; END FirstEdge; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE NextEdge ( theEdge : Edge (*--in *)) : Edge (*--out *); BEGIN graphError := noerr; IF (theEdge = NullEdge) THEN RaiseErrIn(nextedge, nulledge); ELSE RETURN theEdge^.next; END (*--if*); RETURN NullEdge; END NextEdge; (*-------------------------*) (* 11.2.12 Module Initialization The module's local variables are initialized to known states. graphError is used to fill the handlers array with a routine that does nothing when an exception is raised (saving the declaration of a special loop control variable for this purpose). Applying MIN and MAX to cover all exceptions ensures that this initialization will be unaffected by any future changes to the number of Exceptions or their order of declaration within the enumeration. Since a FOR loop control variable is undefined following the loop, graphError must be set to indicate that an error has not yet occurred. *) BEGIN FOR graphError := MIN(Exceptions) TO MAX(Exceptions) DO SetHandler(graphError, NullHandler); END (*--for*); SetHandler(noerr, NullHandler); graphError := noerr; NullGraph := NIL; NullVertex := NIL; NullEdge := NIL; END DigrSBMI.