(* 5.1 Bounded Binary Search Tree Interface This module provides the interface to operations on the binary search tree abstract data type. The particular form provided herein is bounded, i.e., each tree is constrained to a given maximum number of nodes when a tree is created. Other attributes of this particular component form are: Sequential: can only be used in a non-tasking environment; Managed: space for items ≡ the data components of a tree ≡ is returned to the system when a node is destroyed; and Iterator: looping facilities are provided over tree objects. Each node of a tree is assumed to consist of two data elements ≡ a key field and a data field. Keys are used to structure the tree, while the data field simply represents information associated with a key but is not a part of it. While this separation may be less efficient in operation, it does lead to a cleaner interface. Keys are assumed to have the following operations available: * a routine that assigns key values; * a routine that compares key values returning the ordering relation between them (i.e., less, equal, or greater); and * optionally, a routine that disposes of key values that have been allocated on the heap. Data values are assumed to the the following operations: * a routine that assigns data values; and * optionally, a routine that disposes of data values stored on the heap. In both cases, keys and data values, along with the above operations, are identified by a TypeID that is unique for a given data type. This data type may be a standard Modula-2 type or one formed by the programmer using data type forming operations (e.g., RECORDs). The subsections are divided as follows: * 5.1.1 Type Declarations * 5.1.2 Exception Handling * 5.1.3 Tree Constructors * 5.1.4 Tree Selectors * 5.1.5 Passive Iterators * 5.1.6 Active Iterators *) DEFINITION MODULE TreSBMI; (*============================================================== Version : V2.01 08 December 1989. Compiler : JPI TopSpeed Modula-2 Component: Monolithic Structures - Tree (Opaque version) Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator REVISION HISTORY v1.01 18 Mar 1988 C. Lins Initial implementation for TML Modula-2. v1.02 01 Oct 1988 C. Lins Updated and improved comments. v1.03 29 Jan 1989 C. Lins Added aliases for generic Items as Keys and Data to enhance readability. v1.04 06 Feb 1989 C. Lins Added use of InsertProc instead of FoundProc in Insert. v1.05 09 Feb 1989 C. Lins Removed VAR from Clear, Insert, & Remove (the tree itself does not change). v1.06 18 Apr 1989 C. Lins Changed module id. v2.00 08 Oct 1989 C. Lins Created generic pc version v2.01 08 Dec 1989 I.S.C. Houston. Adapted to JPI Compiler: Used type transfer functions instead of VAL. Used shortened library module names for DOS and OS/2. (C) Copyright 1989 Charles A. Lins ==============================================================*) FROM Items IMPORT (*--Type*) Item; FROM TreeTypes IMPORT (*--Type*) Exceptions, Key, Data, AccessProc, InsertProc, FoundProc, NotFoundProc; FROM ErrorHandling IMPORT (*--Type*) HandlerProc; FROM TypeManager IMPORT (*--Type*) TypeID; (*-----------------------*) (* 5.1.1 Type Declarations Each instance of the Binary Tree abstract data type is represented by the type, Tree, using Modula-2's opaque type definition facility. The undefined tree is represented by a Tree constant of NIL. Since a bounded tree is limited in the maximum number of component nodes the type TreeSize is used to the range of legal values for this size constraint. Due to compiler constraints, our specific implementation technique, and reasons of portability to other Modula-2 compilers we are limited to a maximum of 2350 nodes in any given bounded tree. *) TYPE Tree; VAR NullTree : Tree; TYPE TreeSize = [1..2350]; (*-----------------------*) (* 5.1.2 Exceptions ModuleID uniquely identifies this module interface. This allows exception handlers to know the module raising an exception. TreeError returns the most recent exception condition or the constant noerr if an exception has not been raised. GetHandler retrieves the current exception handler for the given exception enumeration constant. SetHandler allows client modules to assign an exception handling routine for specific exceptions. In this way the client may override the default exception handling mechanism. *) CONST ModuleID = 4; PROCEDURE TreeError () : Exceptions (*--out *); PROCEDURE GetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*--in *)) : HandlerProc (*--out *); PROCEDURE SetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*--in *); theHandler : HandlerProc (*--in *)); (*-----------------------*) (* 5.1.3 Constructors Constructor operations update or change the state of a tree object. In this section we briefly describe each tree operation and its effect on a tree object. Exception conditions raised by these routines have been previously discussed in 3.3, Binary Search Tree Operations. Create attempts to form a new, empty binary tree object having the given key and data type identifiers and the specified maximum number of nodes. MakeTree does the same as Create, except that it also attempts to add the given key and data items as the root of the new tree. Destroy attempts to demolish an existing tree object, clearing the tree of all its contents and making the tree ≡undefined≡. Clear empties an existing tree of its contents returning the tree to an empty state. Assign attempts to duplicate (e.g., make a copy) of an existing tree. The target tree, where the copy is stored, is cleared of its contents, if any, before the assignment commences. Insert attempts to add a node having the given key and data values to the given tree. If a node already exists in the tree with the given key the found procedure parameter is invoked and the new element is not added to the tree. Remove searches the given tree for the node containing the specified key value and removing this node from the tree. If a node does not exist in the tree with the given key the notFound procedure parameter is invoked. *) PROCEDURE Create ( keyType : TypeID (*--in *); dataType : TypeID (*--in *); theSize : TreeSize (*--in *)) : Tree (*--out *); PROCEDURE MakeTree ( keyType : TypeID (*--in *); dataType : TypeID (*--in *); theSize : TreeSize (*--in *); theKey : Key (*--in *); theData : Data (*--in *)) : Tree (*--out *); PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR theTree : Tree (*--inout*)); PROCEDURE Clear ( theTree : Tree (*--inout*)); PROCEDURE Assign ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); VAR toTree : Tree (*--inout*)); PROCEDURE Insert ( theTree : Tree (*--inout*); theKey : Key (*--in *); theData : Data (*--in *); found : InsertProc (*--in *)); PROCEDURE Remove ( theTree : Tree (*--inout*); theKey : Key (*--in *); notFound : NotFoundProc (*--in *)); (*-----------------------*) (* 5.1.4 Selectors Selector operations allow a client module to examine the state of a tree without changing that state. IsDefined verifies whether theTree has been created and is still an active object. For our purposes, a tree object is considered defined if it is not equal to the NullTree. IsEmpty returns true if the given tree does not contain any nodes, and false otherwise. SizeOf returns the current maximum size of the given tree. IsEqual returns true if and only if the two trees have the same key and data item types, contain the same items, and have the same relationships between each item. KeyTypeOf simpy returns the data type ID of the keys associated with this tree. DataTypeOf returns the data item type ID of the given tree. ExtentOf returns a count indicating the total number of nodes in the tree. IsPresent searches the given tree for the item with the given key value. If the item is found the found procedure parameter is called, otherwise the notFound procedure parameter is called. *) PROCEDURE IsDefined ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); PROCEDURE IsEmpty ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); PROCEDURE IsEqual ( left : Tree (*--in *); right : Tree (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); PROCEDURE SizeOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); PROCEDURE ExtentOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); PROCEDURE KeyTypeOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : TypeID (*--out *); PROCEDURE DataTypeOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : TypeID (*--out *); PROCEDURE IsPresent ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theKey : Key (*--in *); found : FoundProc (*--in *); notFound : NotFoundProc (*--in *)); (*-----------------------*) (* 5.1.5 Passive Iterators Three passive iterators are provided each implementing one of the standard tree traversal algorithms. Passive iterators allow the client module to traverse the tree as through it were a single, monolithic data structure. *) PROCEDURE Preorder ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theProcess: AccessProc (*--in *)); PROCEDURE Inorder ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theProcess: AccessProc (*--in *)); PROCEDURE Postorder ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theProcess: AccessProc (*--in *)); (*-----------------------*) (* 5.1.6 Active Iterators While passive iterators are most useful for tree objects, there may be situations when the client module requires more control over the iteration process (e.g., when printing the internal binary tree representation). In this case, it is necessary to use an active iteration mechanism, where the internal structure of a tree is made visible to the client in a controlled manner that ensures the safety of the abstraction. In the form presented here, the internal structure is made visible through the transparent type NodePtr, representing a subtree node of a tree. An empty subtree is modelled by the constant NullNode. The reader should note that none of the active iterator operations raise exceptions. NodePtr is a type used to represent and individual node of the tree. NullNode is a constant representing an empty subtree. RootOf returns a reference to the root node of the given tree. If the tree is empty then the NullNode is returned. LeftOf returns the node that is the left subtree from the given node. If the given node has no left subtree then the NullNode is returned. RightOf returns the node that is the right subtree from the given node. If the given node has no right subtree then the NullNode is returned. IsNull returns true is the given node is equal to the NullNode and false otherwise. KeyOf returns the key value associated with the given node. If the node is empty (i.e., equal to the NullNode) the NullItem is returned instead. DataOf returns the data value associated with the given node. If the node is empty (i.e., equal to the NullNode) the NullItem is returned instead. *) TYPE NodePtr = CARDINAL; CONST NullNode = 0; PROCEDURE RootOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : NodePtr (*--out *); PROCEDURE LeftOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : NodePtr (*--out *); PROCEDURE RightOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : NodePtr (*--out *); PROCEDURE IsNull ( theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); PROCEDURE KeyOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : Key (*--out *); PROCEDURE DataOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : Data (*--out *); END TreSBMI. (* Algorithmic Code Operation Name Complexity Size (bytes) TreeError O(1) 18 Exception Handling Routines GetHandler O(1) 34 SetHandler O(1) 30 Create O(1) 112 Constructors Destroy O(1) 36 MakeTree O(1) 96 Clear O(n) 246 Assign O(m+n) 632 Insert O(log2 n) 322 Remove O(log2 n) 686 IsDefined O(1) 28 Selectors IsEmpty O(1) 66 IsEqual O(Min(m,n)) 420 ExtentOf O(n) 154 SizeOf O(1) 58 KeyTypeOf O(1) 56 DataTypeOf O(1) 58 IsPresent O(log2 n) 228 Inorder O(n) 152 Passive Iterators Preorder O(n) 152 Postorder O(n) 152 RootOf O(1) 42 Active Iterators LeftOf O(1) 64 RightOf O(1) 64 IsNull O(1) 28 KeyOf O(1) 66 DataOf O(1) 66 RaiseErrIn O(1) 50 Local Routines InitFreeList O(s) 98 GetNode O(1) 72 FreeNode O(1) 42 NewNode O(1) 86 Initialization O(1) 84 Grand Total 4498 Table 5.1 Bounded Binary Search Tree Operations Summary 1 With debugging labels turned on (the -gx option of the TML compiler) the code sizes are slightly greater than the figures given above. *)