(* 5.2 Bounded Binary Search Tree Implementation The internal structures used in representing an unbalanced, bounded binary search tree are described in this section along with the algorithms implementing the operations defined in the interface. All routines in this module are simply tranformations of their unbounded counterparts to use a bounded tree representation. This section is broken down as follows: * 5.2.1 Internal Representation * 5.2.2 Exception Handling * 5.2.3 Free List Management * 5.2.4 Local Operations * 5.2.5 Tree Constructors * 5.2.6 Tree Selectors * 5.2.7 Passive Iterators * 5.2.8 Active Iterators * 5.2.9 Module Initialization *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE TreSBMI; (*============================================================== Version : V2.01 08 December 1989. Compiler : JPI TopSpeed Modula-2 Code Size: OBJ file has 13187 bytes. Component: Monolithic Structures - Tree (Opaque version) Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator REVISION HISTORY v1.01 18 Mar 1988 C. Lins Initial implementation for TML Modula-2. v1.02 01 Oct 1988 C. Lins Updated and improved comments. v1.03 29 Jan 1989 C. Lins Added aliases for generic Items as Keys and Data to enhance readability. v1.04 06 Feb 1989 C. Lins Added use of InsertProc instead of FoundProc in Insert. v1.05 09 Feb 1989 C. Lins Removed VAR from Clear, Insert, & Remove (the tree itself does not change). v1.06 21 Feb 1989 C. Lins Corrected Inorder, Preorder, & Postorder routine names being passed to RaiseErrIn when an exception was raised. v1.07 17 Apr 1989 C. Lins: Corrected IsEqual to use comparison routine derived from the CompareOf routine associated with the stack's TypeID. v1.04 18 Apr 1989 C. Lins: Added component id constant. v2.00 08 Oct 1989 C. Lins Created generic pc version v2.01 08 Dec 1989 I.S.C. Houston. Adapted to JPI Compiler: Used type transfer functions instead of VAL. Used shortened library module names for DOS and OS/2. (C) Copyright 1989 Charles A. Lins ==============================================================*) FROM JPIStorage IMPORT (*--Proc*) Allocate, Deallocate; FROM Relations IMPORT (*--Type*) Relation; FROM Items IMPORT (*--Cons*) NullItem, (*--Type*) Item, AssignProc, CompareProc, DisposeProc; FROM TreeTypes IMPORT (*--Type*) Operations, Exceptions, AccessProc, FoundProc, InsertProc, NotFoundProc, Key, Data, ComponentID; FROM ErrorHandling IMPORT (*--Type*) HandlerProc, (*--Proc*) Raise, NullHandler, ExitOnError; FROM TypeManager IMPORT (*--Cons*) NullType, (*--Type*) TypeID, (*--Proc*) AssignOf, DisposeOf, CompareOf; (*-----------------------*) (* 5.2.1 Internal Bounded Binary Search Tree Representation To represent a bounded tree we use a pool of nodes for each bounded tree, shown graphically in Figure 5.1, below. _Figure 5.1_ Link defines an index into the node pool and is used to maintain the relationships between nodes of the tree. The constant nil is used to represent an empty subtree. Node defines an entry in the tree consisting of a key value, a data value, and links to the left and right subtrees, if any. NodePool defines a pool of nodes of the largest size supported by the module. BoundedTree defines a descriptor for a bounded tree. The nodes array is allocated dynamically in size when the bounded tree descriptor is created and is only as large as needed for the specified size of the node pool. Tree defines a reference to the tree descriptor and its node pool as required by Modula-2. *) TYPE Link = [0 .. MAX(TreeSize)]; CONST nil = MIN(Link); TYPE Node = RECORD key : Key ; (*--key value for this node *) data : Data; (*--data value for this node *) left : Link; (*--link to left subtree *) right : Link; (*--link to right subtree*) END (*--Node *); TYPE NodePool = ARRAY TreeSize OF Node; TYPE BoundedTree = RECORD keyID : TypeID; (*--data type for the tree's keys *) dataID : TypeID; (*--data type for this tree's items *) size : TreeSize; (*--maximum number of nodes *) root : Link; (*--link to root of this tree *) avail : Link; (*--link to available list of nodes *) nodes : NodePool; (*--dynamic array [1..size] of node *) END (*--BoundedTree *); TYPE Tree = POINTER TO BoundedTree; (* 5.2.2 Exception Handling treeError holds the exception result from the most recently invoked operation of this module. The Exceptions enumeration constant noerr indicates successful completion of the operation and all operations that may raise an exception assign this value to treeError before any other processing. The handler array holds the current exception handler for the possible exceptions that may be raised from within this module. Both are initialized by the module initialization (see section 5.2.9). TreeError simply returns the current exception result stored in treeError and is used to determine whether a tree operation completed successfully. SetHandler makes theHandler the current exception handler for theError by storing theHandler in the handler array. GetHandler returns the current exception handler for theError from the handler array. *) VAR treeError : Exceptions; VAR handler : ARRAY Exceptions OF HandlerProc; PROCEDURE TreeError () : Exceptions (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN treeError; END TreeError; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE GetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*--in *)) : HandlerProc (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN handler[theError]; END GetHandler; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE SetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*--in *); theHandler : HandlerProc (*--in *)); BEGIN handler[theError] := theHandler; END SetHandler; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE RaiseErrIn ( theRoutine : Operations (*--in *); theError : Exceptions (*--in *)); BEGIN treeError := theError; Raise(ComponentID + ModuleID, theRoutine, theError, handler[theError]); END RaiseErrIn; (*-------------------------*) (* 5.2.3 Free List Management The following routines manage a tree's free list of available nodes. The head of the free list is kept in the avail field of the tree's descriptor record. None of the routines check for invalid (i.e., NIL) trees as they are all local of the module; nor do they raise any exceptions. The algorithms used are all quite old (in computer science terms) and thus should not require much explanation. InitFreeList initializes a tree's free list by linking together all of the nodes of the pool. GetNode attempts to retrieve a node from the free list if one is available, otherwise nil is returned. FreeNode returns a node to a tree's free list. *) PROCEDURE InitFreeList (VAR theTree : Tree (*--inout*)); VAR index : TreeSize; (*--loop index over nodes in the free list *) BEGIN WITH theTree^ DO FOR index := MIN(TreeSize) TO size-1 DO nodes[index].left := index + 1; END (*--for*); nodes[size].left := nil; avail := MIN(TreeSize); END (*--with*); END InitFreeList; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE GetNode ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)): Link (*--out *); VAR oldAvail : Link; (*--link to node from free list *) BEGIN WITH theTree^ DO IF (avail = nil) THEN RETURN nil; ELSE oldAvail := avail; avail := nodes[oldAvail].left; RETURN oldAvail; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END GetNode; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE FreeNode ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : Link (*--in *)); BEGIN WITH theTree^ DO nodes[theNode].left := avail; avail := theNode; END (*--with*); END FreeNode; (*-------------------------*) (* 5.2.4 Local Operations NewNode allocates and initializes a new leaf node for a tree. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE NewNode ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theKey : Key (*--in *); theData : Data (*--in *)) : Link (*--out *); VAR theNode : Link; (*--link to new leaf node being created *) BEGIN theNode := GetNode(theTree); IF (theNode # nil) THEN WITH theTree^.nodes[theNode] DO key := theKey; data := theData; left := nil; right := nil; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); RETURN theNode; END NewNode; (*-------------------------*) (* 5.2.5 Constructors Create attempts to build a new empty tree of the given type. First, the tree header is allocated and the key and data type IDs are stored in the header. The pointer to the root node is initialized to the empty state (0). If the header allocation fails the overflow exception is raised and the NullTree is returned. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE Create ( keyType : TypeID (*--in *); dataType : TypeID (*--in *); theSize : TreeSize (*--in *)) : Tree (*--out *); CONST minSize = SIZE(BoundedTree) - SIZE(NodePool); CONST nodeSize = SIZE(Node); VAR newTree : Tree; BEGIN treeError := noerr; Allocate(newTree, minSize + nodeSize * VAL(INTEGER, theSize)); IF (newTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(create, overflow); ELSE WITH newTree^ DO keyID := keyType; dataID := dataType; size := theSize; root := nil; InitFreeList(newTree); END(*--with*); END(*--if*); RETURN newTree; END Create; (*-------------------------*) (* MakeTree is a combination of Create(keyType, dataType, theSize) immediately followed by Insert(theKey, theData). Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE MakeTree ( keyType : TypeID (*--in *); dataType : TypeID (*--in *); theSize : TreeSize (*--in *); theKey : Key (*--in *); theData : Data (*--in *)) : Tree (*--out *); VAR newTree : Tree; BEGIN newTree := Create(keyType, dataType, theSize); IF (treeError = noerr) THEN newTree^.root := NewNode(newTree, theKey, theData); ELSE RaiseErrIn(maketree, overflow); END (*--if*); RETURN newTree; END MakeTree; (*-------------------------*) (* Destroy lets Clear raise the undefined exception and simply releases dynamically allocated memory resources for theTree back to the system. The amount of space originally allocated is released back to the system and the pointer is altered by JPIStorage.Deallocate to NIL (which is also the value of the NullTree). Complexity: O(n). *) PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR theTree : Tree (*--inout*)); CONST minSize = SIZE(BoundedTree) - SIZE(NodePool); CONST nodeSize = SIZE(Node); BEGIN Clear(theTree); IF (treeError = noerr) THEN Deallocate(theTree, minSize + nodeSize * theTree^.size); END (*--if*); END Destroy; (*-------------------------*) (* Clear uses a postorder traversal of theTree, clearing the nodes of both subtrees before clearing the tree itself. After disposing the subtrees the key and data values can be disposed followed by the node. Complexity O(n). *) PROCEDURE Clear ( theTree : Tree (*--inout*)); VAR freeData : DisposeProc; (*--data value disposal routine *) freeKey : DisposeProc; (*--key value disposal routine *) PROCEDURE ClearNodes (VAR theSubtree : Link (*--inout*)); BEGIN IF (theSubtree # nil) THEN WITH theTree^.nodes[theSubtree] DO ClearNodes(left); ClearNodes(right); freeKey(key); freeData(data); FreeNode(theTree, theSubtree); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END ClearNodes; BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(clear, undefined); ELSE WITH theTree^ DO freeKey := DisposeOf(keyID); freeData := DisposeOf(dataID); ClearNodes(root); root := nil; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Clear; (*-------------------------*) (* Assign uses a preorder traversal of the source tree to generate a copy in the destination tree. Preliminary to the actual copying, we must ensure that the source tree is defined and clear or create the destination tree as necessary. This step is accomplished by the RecreateTarget routine which must accomodate the following cases: * the source tree is undefined, and thus, the target tree must be left unchanged; * the source tree and target tree are the same and therefore the postcondition of the Assign operation is already met; * the source tree is defined but the target tree is undefined, so the target tree must be created with the same key and data type id's as the source tree; and * both the source and target trees are defined, and thus the target tree must be cleared of its contents followed by its key and data key id's being set to the same as the source tree. In the second case, we automatically return FALSE so that Assign will bypass the node copying operation. While in the other three instances, success depends on whether treeError remains set to noerr. The main body of Assign uses the result from RecreateTarget to determine whether to continue with the copy operation after recreating the target tree. Complexity O(m+n) where m is the number of nodes in the destination tree and n is the number of nodes in the source tree. *) PROCEDURE Assign ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); VAR toTree : Tree (*--inout*)); VAR assignKey : AssignProc; (*--key item assignment routine *) assignItem : AssignProc; (*--data item assignment routine *) PROCEDURE RecreateTarget () : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(assign, undefined); ELSIF (toTree = NIL) THEN WITH theTree^ DO toTree := Create(keyID, dataID, size); END (*--with*); ELSIF (toTree = theTree) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE Clear(toTree); WITH theTree^ DO toTree^.keyID := keyID; toTree^.dataID := dataID; END (*--with*); END (*--if*); RETURN treeError = noerr; END RecreateTarget; PROCEDURE DoAssign ( theSubtree : Link (*--in *); VAR toSubtree : Link (*--out *)); BEGIN IF (theSubtree = nil) THEN toSubtree := nil; ELSE toSubtree := GetNode(toTree); IF (toSubtree = nil) THEN RaiseErrIn(assign, overflow); ELSE WITH toTree^.nodes[toSubtree] DO key := assignKey(theTree^.nodes[theSubtree].key); data := assignItem(theTree^.nodes[theSubtree].data); left := nil; right := nil; END (*--with*); DoAssign(theTree^.nodes[theSubtree].left, toTree^.nodes[toSubtree].left); DoAssign(theTree^.nodes[theSubtree].right, toTree^.nodes[toSubtree].right); END (*--if*); END (*--if*); END DoAssign; BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF RecreateTarget() THEN WITH theTree^ DO assignKey := AssignOf(keyID); assignItem := AssignOf(dataID); DoAssign(root, toTree^.root); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Assign; (*-------------------------*) (* Insert adds a node with theKey and theData to theTree and places the node within its proper position maintaining the search tree property. This algorithm is the standard recursive one for binary tree insertion converted to use the pool of nodes instead of the heap. Complexity O(log2 n). *) PROCEDURE Insert ( theTree : Tree (*--inout*); theKey : Key (*--in *); theData : Data (*--in *); found : InsertProc (*--in *)); VAR compare : CompareProc; (*--key comparison routine *) PROCEDURE DoInsert (VAR theSubtree : Link (*--inout*)); BEGIN IF (theSubtree = nil) THEN theSubtree := NewNode(theTree, theKey, theData); IF (theSubtree = nil) THEN RaiseErrIn(insert, overflow); END (*--if*); ELSE WITH theTree^.nodes[theSubtree] DO CASE compare(key, theKey) OF less : DoInsert(right); | greater : DoInsert(left); ELSE found(key, data, theData); END (*--case*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END DoInsert; BEGIN (*--Insert --*) treeError := noerr; IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(insert, undefined); ELSE WITH theTree^ DO compare := CompareOf(keyID); DoInsert(root); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Insert; (*-------------------------*) (* Remove searches theTree for the first node containing theKey. If no such node exists the notFound procedure parameter is called. Otherwise, we use the standard binary tree deletion algorithm as given by Wirth [8] and many others (see references). Complexity O(log2 n). *) PROCEDURE Remove ( theTree : Tree (*--inout*); theKey : Key (*--in *); notFound : NotFoundProc (*--in *)); VAR compare : CompareProc; (*--key comparison routine *) freeKey : DisposeProc; (*--key disposal routine *) freeData : DisposeProc; (*--data disposal routine *) PROCEDURE DoRemove (VAR subTree : Link (*--inout*)); VAR oldTree : Link; (*--link to subtree to be disposed *) PROCEDURE SwapRemove (VAR subTree : Link (*--inout*)); BEGIN WITH theTree^ DO WITH nodes[subTree] DO IF (right # nil) THEN SwapRemove(right); ELSE nodes[oldTree].key := key; nodes[oldTree].data := data; oldTree := subTree; subTree := left; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--with*); END SwapRemove; BEGIN (*--DoRemove --*) IF (subTree = nil) THEN notFound(theKey); (*--ERROR key not found in the tree *) ELSE WITH theTree^ DO CASE compare(theKey, nodes[subTree].key) OF less : DoRemove(nodes[subTree].left); | greater : DoRemove(nodes[subTree].right); ELSE (*--key found, delete it *) oldTree := subTree; IF (nodes[oldTree].right = nil) THEN subTree := nodes[oldTree].left; ELSIF (nodes[oldTree].left = nil) THEN subTree := nodes[oldTree].right; ELSE SwapRemove(nodes[oldTree].left); END (*--if*); WITH nodes[oldTree] DO freeKey(key); freeData(data); END (*--with*); FreeNode(theTree, oldTree); END (*--case*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END DoRemove; BEGIN (*--Remove --*) treeError := noerr; IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(remove, undefined); ELSE WITH theTree^ DO compare := CompareOf(keyID); freeKey := DisposeOf(keyID); freeData:= DisposeOf(dataID); DoRemove(root); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Remove; (*-------------------------*) (* 5.2.6 Selectors IsDefined verifies to the best of its ability whether theTree has been created and is still an active object. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE IsDefined ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN theTree # NullTree; END IsDefined; (*-------------------------*) (* IsEmpty returns True if theTree is in the empty state, as indicated by the root being nil (0), and False otherwise. As per the specification (section 3.3) undefined trees are considered empty. Complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE IsEmpty ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree # NIL) THEN RETURN (theTree^.root = nil); END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(isempty, undefined); RETURN TRUE; END IsEmpty; (*-------------------------*) (* IsEqual uses a preorder traversal of both left and right trees. As soon as an inequality between keys is found we can return false as the trees cannot be equal. Complexity O(Min(m,n)). *) PROCEDURE IsEqual ( left : Tree (*--in *); right : Tree (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); VAR compare : CompareProc; (*-- item comparison routine *) PROCEDURE DoIsEqual ( leftSubtree : Link (*--in *); rightSubtree : Link (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN IF (leftSubtree = nil) OR (rightSubtree = nil) THEN RETURN (leftSubtree = nil) & (rightSubtree = nil); ELSIF compare(left^.nodes[leftSubtree].key, right^.nodes[rightSubtree].key) # equal THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN (DoIsEqual(left^.nodes[leftSubtree].left, right^.nodes[rightSubtree].left) & DoIsEqual(left^.nodes[leftSubtree].right, right^.nodes[rightSubtree].right)); END (*--if*); END DoIsEqual; BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (left = NIL) OR (right = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(isequal, undefined); ELSIF (left^.dataID # right^.dataID) OR (left^.keyID # right^.keyID) THEN RaiseErrIn(isequal, typeerror); ELSE compare := CompareOf(left^.keyID); RETURN DoIsEqual(left^.root, right^.root); END (*--if*); RETURN FALSE; END IsEqual; (*-------------------------*) (* SizeOf simply returns the defined size for the given tree. KeyTypeOf and DataTypeOf return the key type ID and data type ID, respectively, for the given tree. Undefined trees, as always, raise the undefined exception and return a reasonable value, in this case either zero for SizeOf or the NullType for the TypeOf routines. All three routines have complexity O(1). *) PROCEDURE SizeOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree # NIL) THEN RETURN theTree^.size; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(sizeof, undefined); RETURN 0; END SizeOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE KeyTypeOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : TypeID (*--out *); BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree # NIL) THEN RETURN theTree^.keyID; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); RETURN NullType; END KeyTypeOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE DataTypeOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : TypeID (*--out *); BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree # NIL) THEN RETURN theTree^.dataID; END (*--if*); RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); RETURN NullType; END DataTypeOf; (*-------------------------*) (* ExtentOf returns the number of nodes present in the given tree or zero for an undefined tree. We simply employ an inorder traversal of the tree counting the nodes along the way. Complexity O(n). *) PROCEDURE ExtentOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); VAR count : CARDINAL; (*--running count of nodes in tree *) PROCEDURE CountNodes ( theSubtree : Link (*--in *)); BEGIN IF (theSubtree # nil) THEN WITH theTree^.nodes[theSubtree] DO CountNodes(left); INC(count); CountNodes(right); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END CountNodes; BEGIN treeError := noerr; count := 0; IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(extentof, undefined); ELSE CountNodes(theTree^.root); END (*--if*); RETURN count; END ExtentOf; (*-------------------------*) (* IsPresent uses an iterative traversal of the given tree attempting to find node in theTree containing theKey value. The search path begins at the root switching to the left or right subtree based on examination of each node's key. As noted by Wirth [9] and others, as few as log2 n comparisons may be needed to find theKey if theTree is perfectly balanced. The algorithmic complexity of the search is therefore O(log2 n) where n is the number of nodes in the tree. It is assumed that all keys are comparable and the compare procedure is not NIL. *) PROCEDURE IsPresent ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theKey : Key (*--in *); found : FoundProc (*--in *); notFound : NotFoundProc (*--in *)); VAR treeIndex : Link; compare : CompareProc; (*--key comparison routine *) BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree # NIL) THEN WITH theTree^ DO treeIndex := root; compare := CompareOf(keyID); LOOP IF (treeIndex = nil) THEN notFound(theKey); EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); WITH nodes[treeIndex] DO CASE compare(key, theKey) OF equal : found(theKey, data); EXIT (*--loop*); | less : treeIndex := right; | greater : treeIndex := left; END (*--case*); END (*--with*); END (*--loop*); END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(ispresent, undefined); END (*--if*); END IsPresent; (*-------------------------*) (* 5.2.7 Passive Iterators Each of the three iterator routines accomplish recursively Preorder, Inorder, and Postorder traversals of the given tree. If the tree is not defined, the undefined exception is raised and the traversal is aborted. Otherwise, traversal begins with the root of the tree following the specifications given in section The complexity is O(n) for all three traversals. *) PROCEDURE Preorder ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theProcess: AccessProc (*--in *)); PROCEDURE DoPreorder ( theSubtree : Link (*--in *)); BEGIN IF (theSubtree # nil) THEN WITH theTree^.nodes[theSubtree] DO theProcess(key, data); DoPreorder(left); DoPreorder(right); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END DoPreorder; BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(preorder, undefined); ELSE DoPreorder(theTree^.root); END (*--if*); END Preorder; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Inorder ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theProcess: AccessProc (*--in *)); PROCEDURE DoInorder ( theSubtree : Link (*--in *)); BEGIN IF (theSubtree # nil) THEN WITH theTree^.nodes[theSubtree] DO DoInorder(left); theProcess(key, data); DoInorder(right); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END DoInorder; BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(inorder, undefined); ELSE DoInorder(theTree^.root); END (*--if*); END Inorder; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Postorder ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theProcess: AccessProc (*--in *)); PROCEDURE DoPostorder ( theSubtree : Link (*--in *)); BEGIN IF (theSubtree # nil) THEN WITH theTree^.nodes[theSubtree] DO DoPostorder(left); DoPostorder(right); theProcess(key, data); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END DoPostorder; BEGIN treeError := noerr; IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RaiseErrIn(postorder, undefined); ELSE DoPostorder(theTree^.root); END (*--if*); END Postorder; (*-------------------------*) (* 5.2.8 Active Iterators The active iterators given below simply return eomponents of tree nodes and are thus self-explanatory. *) PROCEDURE RootOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *)) : NodePtr (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theTree = NIL) THEN RETURN nil; END (*--if*); RETURN theTree^.root; END RootOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE LeftOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : NodePtr (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theTree = NIL) OR (theNode = nil) THEN RETURN nil; END (*--if*); RETURN theTree^.nodes[theNode].left; END LeftOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE RightOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : NodePtr (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theTree = NIL) OR (theNode = nil) THEN RETURN nil; END (*--if*); RETURN theTree^.nodes[theNode].right; END RightOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsNull ( theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN theNode = nil; END IsNull; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE KeyOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : Key (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theTree = NIL) OR (theNode = nil) THEN RETURN NullItem; END (*--if*); RETURN theTree^.nodes[theNode].key; END KeyOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE DataOf ( theTree : Tree (*--in *); theNode : NodePtr (*--in *)) : Data (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theTree = NIL) OR (theNode = nil) THEN RETURN NullItem; END (*--if*); RETURN theTree^.nodes[theNode].data; END DataOf; (*-------------------------*) (* 5.2.9 Module Initialization The module's local variables are initialized to known states. treeError is used to fill the handlers array with a routine that will exit the program when an exception is raised (saving the declaration of a special loop control variable for this purpose). The condition noerr is given the NullHandler which is presumed to do nothing. Applying MIN and MAX to cover all exceptions followed by resetting the handler for noerr ensures that this initialization will be unaffected by any future changes to the number of Exceptions or their order of declaration within the enumeration. Since a FOR loop control variable is undefined following the loop, treeError must be set to indicate that an error has not yet occurred. *) BEGIN FOR treeError := MIN(Exceptions) TO MAX(Exceptions) DO SetHandler(treeError, ExitOnError); END (*--for*); SetHandler(noerr, NullHandler); treeError := noerr; NullTree := NIL; END TreSBMI. (* References [1] A. Aho, J. Hopcroft, and J. Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1983. [2] G. Booch, Software Components in Ada Structures, Tools, and Subsystems, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA 1987. [3] G.H. Gonnet, Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1984. [4] K. John Gough, ≡Writing Generic Utilities in Modula-2≡, Journal of Pascal, Ada, and Modula-2, Vol. 5(3), (May/June 1986), pp 53-62. [5] T.A. Standish, Data Structure Techniques, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1980. [6] A. Tenenbaum and M.J. Augenstein, Data Structures Using Pascal, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1981. [7] R.S. Wiener and G.A. Ford, Modula-2 A Software Development Approach, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY 1985. [8] R.S. Wiener and R.F. Sincovec, Data Structures Using Modula-2, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY 1986. [9] N. Wirth, Algorithms and Data Structures, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1986. *)