IMPLEMENTATION MODULE OHash; (*============================================================== Version : 2.0 16 Sep 1990 C. Lins Compiler : Generic pc Modula-2 Component: Hash Table - Sequential Bounded Managed Iterator Collision resolution using double hashing REVISION HISTORY v1.00 22 Apr 1989 C. Lins: Initial Modula-2 implementation v1.01 30 Jun 1989 C. Lins: Removed separation of key and data. v1.02 21 Aug 1989 C. Lins: Added HashOf selector. v1.03 29 Aug 1989 C. Lins: Added HashOf selector. v1.04 03 Sep 1989 C. Lins: Copy hashing function to target hash table in Assign. v1.05 19 Sep 1989 C. Lins: Pass back result from hash table for key from searches instead of key parameter. v2.00 16 Sep 1990 C. Lins Created generic pc version (C) Copyright 1990 Charles A. Lins ==============================================================*) FROM SCLStorage IMPORT (*--proc*) Allocate, Deallocate; FROM Relations IMPORT (*--type*) Relation; FROM HashTypes IMPORT (*--type*) Exceptions, Operations, ComponentID, FoundProc, NotFoundProc, UpdateProc, LoopProc, AccessProc, HashFunction, States, Key, Data; FROM Items IMPORT (*--cons*) NullItem, (*--type*) Item, AssignProc, CompareProc, DisposeProc; FROM ErrorHandling IMPORT (*--cons*) NullHandler, (*--type*) HandlerProc, (*--proc*) Raise; FROM TypeManager IMPORT (*--cons*) NullType, (*--type*) TypeID, (*--proc*) AssignOf, CompareOf, DisposeOf; (*-------------------------*) VAR tableError : Exceptions; VAR handlers : ARRAY Exceptions OF HandlerProc; PROCEDURE TableError () : Exceptions (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN tableError; END TableError; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE SetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*--in *); theHandler : HandlerProc (*--in *)); BEGIN handlers[theError] := theHandler; END SetHandler; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE GetHandler ( theError : Exceptions (*--in *)) : HandlerProc (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN handlers[theError]; END GetHandler; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE RaiseErrIn ( theRoutine : Operations (*--in *); theError : Exceptions (*--in *)); BEGIN tableError := theError; Raise(ComponentID + ModuleID, theRoutine, theError, handlers[theError]); END RaiseErrIn; (*-------------------------*) TYPE HashTable = POINTER TO BoundedHashTable; TYPE TableEntry = RECORD state : States; key : Key; data : Data; END (*-- TableEntry --*); TYPE HashingTable = ARRAY [0..0] OF TableEntry; TYPE BoundedHashTable = RECORD keyID : TypeID; dataID : TypeID; h : HashFunction; size : CARDINAL; extent : CARDINAL; table : HashingTable; END (*-- BoundedHashTable --*); PROCEDURE InitToEmpty ( theTable : HashTable (*--inout*)); VAR index : CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH theTable^ DO FOR index := 0 TO size-1 DO table[index].state := empty; END (*--for*); END (*--with*); END InitToEmpty; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE FreeTableEntry ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *); theEntry : TableEntry (*--inout*)); VAR free : DisposeProc; (*-- key/data disposal routine *) BEGIN free := DisposeOf(theTable^.keyID); free(theEntry.key); free := DisposeOf(theTable^.dataID); free(; END FreeTableEntry; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Hash ( hashAddress: CARDINAL (*--in *); tableSize : CARDINAL (*--in *); VAR theBucket : CARDINAL (*--out *); VAR increment : CARDINAL (*--out *)); BEGIN theBucket := hashAddress MOD tableSize; increment := hashAddress DIV tableSize; IF (increment = 0) THEN increment := 1; END (*--if*); END Hash; (*-------------------------*) (* Search the given hash table for the given key returning the index into the hash table where the key was found. Finding an empty slot in the table causes the index to the last empty or deleted slot encountered during the search. *) PROCEDURE Search ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *); theKey : Key (*--in *); VAR theBucket : CARDINAL (*--out *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over table entries *) incr : CARDINAL; (*-- increment *) last : CARDINAL; (*-- last table entry to examine *) compare : CompareProc; (*-- key comparison routine *) comparison: Relation; (*-- compare result *) BEGIN theBucket := 0; WITH theTable^ DO compare := CompareOf(keyID); Hash(h(theKey), size, index, incr); last := (index + (size - 1) * incr) MOD size; WHILE (index # last) DO WITH table[index] DO CASE state OF empty: IF (theBucket = 0) THEN theBucket := index; END (*--if*); RETURN FALSE; | deleted: IF (theBucket = 0) THEN theBucket := index; END (*--if*); | used: comparison := compare(theKey, key); IF (comparison = equal) THEN theBucket := index; RETURN TRUE; ELSIF (comparison = greater) THEN theBucket := index; RETURN FALSE; END (*--if*); END (*--case*); END (*--with*); index := (index + incr) MOD size; END (*--while*); END (*--with*); RETURN FALSE; END Search; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE AddTableEntry ( theTable : HashTable (*--inout*); theKey : Key (*--in *); theData : Data (*--in *); theProc : Operations (*--in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- bucket where to insert *) incr : CARDINAL; (*-- increment value *) compare : CompareProc; comparison: Relation; tempData : Item; BEGIN WITH theTable^ DO compare := CompareOf(keyID); Hash(h(theKey), size, index, incr); LOOP WITH table[index] DO IF (state = used) THEN comparison := compare(key, theKey); IF (comparison = equal) THEN RaiseErrIn(theProc, duplicatekey); EXIT (*--loop*); ELSIF (comparison = greater) THEN tempData := theKey; theKey := key; key := tempData; tempData := theData; theData := data; data := tempData; END (*--if*); ELSE (*-- empty or deleted --*) state := used; key := theKey; data := theData; INC(extent); EXIT (*--loop*); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); index := (index + incr) MOD size; END (*--loop*); END (*--with*); END AddTableEntry; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Create ( keyTypeID : TypeID (*--in *); dataTypeID : TypeID (*--in *); theSize : CARDINAL (*--in *); hashFunc : HashFunction (*--in *)) : HashTable (*--out *); CONST baseSize = SIZE(BoundedHashTable) - SIZE(HashingTable); CONST entrySize = SIZE(TableEntry); VAR newTable : HashTable; (*--temporary for new hash table object *) BEGIN tableError := noerr; Allocate(newTable, baseSize + theSize * entrySize); IF (newTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(create, overflow); ELSE WITH newTable^ DO keyID := keyTypeID; dataID := dataTypeID; extent := 0; size := theSize; h := hashFunc; END (*--with*); InitToEmpty(newTable); END (*--if*); RETURN newTable; END Create; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR theTable : HashTable (*--inout*)); CONST baseSize = SIZE(BoundedHashTable) - SIZE(HashingTable); CONST entrySize = SIZE(TableEntry); BEGIN Clear(theTable); IF (tableError = noerr) THEN Deallocate(theTable, baseSize + theTable.size * entrySize); END (*--if*); END Destroy; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Clear ( theTable : HashTable (*--inout*)); VAR index : CARDINAL; BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(clear, undefined); ELSE WITH theTable^ DO FOR index := 0 TO size-1 DO IF (table[index].state = used) THEN FreeTableEntry(theTable, table[index]); END (*--if*); END (*--for*); extent := 0; END (*--with*); InitToEmpty(theTable); END (*--if*); END Clear; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Assign ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *); VAR toTable : HashTable (*--inout*)); PROCEDURE RecreateTarget () : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(assign, undefined); ELSIF (toTable = NullTable) THEN WITH theTable^ DO toTable := Create(keyID, dataID, size, h); END (*--with*); ELSIF (toTable = theTable) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF (toTable^.size >= theTable^.extent) THEN Clear(toTable); WITH theTable^ DO toTable^.keyID := keyID; toTable^.dataID := dataID; toTable^.h := h; END (*--with*); ELSE RaiseErrIn(assign, overflow); END (*--if*); RETURN tableError = noerr; END RecreateTarget; VAR assignKey : AssignProc; (*-- key assignment routine *) assignData : AssignProc; (*-- data assignment routine *) index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over table entries *) BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF RecreateTarget() THEN WITH theTable^ DO assignKey := AssignOf(keyID); assignData := AssignOf(dataID); FOR index := 0 TO size-1 DO WITH table[index] DO IF (state = used) THEN Insert(toTable, assignKey(key), assignData(data)); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Assign; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Insert ( theTable : HashTable (*--inout*); theKey : Key (*--in *); theData : Data (*--in *)); BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(insert, undefined); ELSIF (theTable^.extent >= theTable^.size) THEN RaiseErrIn(insert, overflow); ELSE AddTableEntry(theTable, theKey, theData, insert); END (*--if*); END Insert; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Remove ( theTable : HashTable (*--inout*); theKey : Key (*--in *); notFound : NotFoundProc (*--in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- bucket where key was found *) BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(remove, undefined); ELSIF Search(theTable, theKey, index) THEN WITH theTable^ DO FreeTableEntry(theTable, table[index]); table[index].state := deleted; DEC(extent); END (*--with*); ELSE notFound(theKey); END (*--if*); END Remove; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Update ( theTable : HashTable (*--inout*); theKey : Key (*--in *); theData : Data (*--in *); updateEntry: UpdateProc (*--in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- bucket where key was found *) BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(remove, undefined); ELSIF Search(theTable, theKey, index) THEN updateEntry(theTable^.table[index].key, theTable^.table[index].data, theData); ELSIF (theTable^.extent >= theTable^.size) THEN RaiseErrIn(update, overflow); ELSE AddTableEntry(theTable, theKey, theData, update); END (*--if*); END Update; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsDefined ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN RETURN (theTable # NullTable); END IsDefined; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsEmpty ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *)) : BOOLEAN (*--out *); BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(isempty, undefined); RETURN TRUE; END (*--if*); RETURN theTable^.extent = 0; END IsEmpty; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE KeyTypeOf ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *)) : TypeID (*--out *); BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); RETURN NullType; END (*--if*); RETURN theTable^.keyID; END KeyTypeOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE DataTypeOf( theTable : HashTable (*--in *)) : TypeID (*--out *); BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(typeof, undefined); RETURN NullType; END (*--if*); RETURN theTable^.dataID; END DataTypeOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE HashOf ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *)) : HashFunction (*--out *); BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(hashof, undefined); RETURN VAL(HashFunction, NIL); END (*--if*); RETURN theTable^.h; END HashOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE SizeOf ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(sizeof, undefined); RETURN 0; END (*--if*); RETURN theTable^.size; END SizeOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE ExtentOf ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *)) : CARDINAL (*--out *); BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(extentof, undefined); RETURN 0; END (*--if*); RETURN theTable^.extent; END ExtentOf; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE IsPresent( theTable : HashTable (*--in *); theKey : Key (*--in *); found : FoundProc (*--in *); notFound : NotFoundProc (*--in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- bucket where item was found *) BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(ispresent, undefined); ELSIF Search(theTable, theKey, index) THEN found(theTable^.table[index].key, theTable^.table[index].data); ELSE notFound(theKey); END (*--if*); END IsPresent; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE LoopOver ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *); process : LoopProc (*--in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over hashing table *) BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(loopover, undefined); ELSE WITH theTable^ DO FOR index := 0 TO size-1 DO WITH table[index] DO IF (state = used) & ~process(key, data) THEN RETURN; END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END LoopOver; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Traverse ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *); process : AccessProc (*--in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over hashing table *) BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(traverse, undefined); ELSE WITH theTable^ DO FOR index := 0 TO size-1 DO WITH table[index] DO IF (state = used) THEN process(key, data); END (*--if*); END (*--with*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Traverse; (*-------------------------*) PROCEDURE Iterate ( theTable : HashTable (*--in *); process : IterateProc (*--in *)); VAR index : CARDINAL; (*-- loop index over hashing table *) BEGIN tableError := noerr; IF (theTable = NullTable) THEN RaiseErrIn(traverse, undefined); ELSE WITH theTable^ DO FOR index := 0 TO size-1 DO WITH table[index] DO CASE state OF used: process(index, state, key, data); | empty, deleted: process(index, state, NullItem, NullItem); END (*--case*); END (*--with*); END (*--for*); END (*--with*); END (*--if*); END Iterate; (*-------------------------*) BEGIN FOR tableError := MIN(Exceptions) TO MAX(Exceptions) DO SetHandler(tableError, NullHandler); END (*--for*); SetHandler(noerr, NullHandler); tableError := noerr; NullTable := NIL; END OHash.