MODULE PlayVOC; (********************************************************) (* *) (* Plays sound from a VOC file *) (* to the PC speaker *) (* *) (* Programmer: T. Channon *) (* with some modifications by P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 21 March 1995 *) (* Status: Working *) (* *) (* This module has been reorganised a little *) (* by PM, but it's still basically TC's code. *) (* *) (* Changes: *) (* - some code lifted out of lower-level *) (* modules. *) (* - declarations shifted around to make them *) (* as local as possible. *) (* - sample rate doubling for input data with *) (* slow sampling. *) (* *) (********************************************************) IMPORT Lib, Str; FROM FileSys IMPORT (* type *) File, (* proc *) OpenFile, SetPosition, ReadByte, ReadRecord, CloseFile; FROM IOErrorCodes IMPORT (* type *) ErrorCode, (* proc *) TranslateErrorCode; FROM PlayList IMPORT (* type *) BufferList, OutputBufferPointer, (* proc *) CreateList, AddToList, PlayFromList, DiscardList; FROM PlayBuff IMPORT (* const*) OutputBufferSize, (* proc *) SetCycleCount; FROM Storage1 IMPORT (* proc *) ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE; FROM Windows IMPORT (* type *) Window, Colour, FrameType, DividerType, (* proc *) OpenWindow, WriteString, WriteChar, WriteLn, PressAnyKey, SetCursor; FROM NumericIO IMPORT (* proc *) WriteCard, WriteRJCard; FROM LowLevel IMPORT (* proc *) Far, Copy, BlockFill; (************************************************************************) CONST (* Size of an input buffer. *) SIZESOUNDBUFFER = 16384; (* Sampling rate below which we decide to make the output rate *) (* twice the input rate. *) SlowRate = 11000; (* Hz *) TYPE SoundBufferType = ARRAY [0..SIZESOUNDBUFFER-1] OF BYTE; HeadType = RECORD name : ARRAY [0..12H] OF CHAR; eof : CHAR; ofs : CARDINAL; vers : CARDINAL; verx : CARDINAL; END (*RECORD*); VAR (* The screen window used for log messages. *) log: Window; (* PWM span - this depends on sampling rate. *) span: SHORTCARD; (* PWM span *) (************************************************************************) (* MESSAGES TO SCREEN *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Err(s : ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN WriteLn (log); WriteString (log, 'Error: '); WriteString (log, s); PressAnyKey (log); HALT; END Err; (************************************************************************) (* SETTING THE SAMPLING RATE *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetSampleRate (Hz : CARDINAL); (* Sets internal rate, module defaults to 13 kHz. *) CONST (* MAXPWM sets minimum allowed sample rate. Timer rate is *) (* 1.19318MHz, 200 is approx 6khz. MINPWM sets max allowed *) (* rate, would stress computer, 54 is 22.05kHz ie. half CD rate *) MAXPWM = 200; MINPWM = 54; BEGIN span := SHORTCARD (1.1931817E6 / VAL(LONGREAL, Hz)); IF (span >= MINPWM) & (span < MAXPWM) THEN (* If error use last rate, default if never previously set. *) SetCycleCount(span); END; END SetSampleRate; (************************************************************************) (* DATA FORMAT CONVERSION *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ScaledValue (val: SHORTCARD; scale: CARDINAL): SHORTINT; (* Requantizes val to suit the desired output range. The basic *) (* operation is to scale the value up and then take the high-order *) (* bits of the product, adding some random noise for dithering. *) (* The final step is a "round up" based on the most significant *) (* of the ignored bits. *) VAR ti: INTEGER; BEGIN ti := INTEGER(CARDINAL(val) * scale) + INTEGER(Lib.RANDOM(256))-128; RETURN SHORTINT(ti DIV 128 + (ti MOD 128) DIV 64); END ScaledValue; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE LoadBlock (f: File; dlen: LONGCARD; RepeatCount: CARDINAL; VAR (*INOUT*) OutList:BufferList); (* Converts one block of input data to the form we want, appends *) (* the result to OutList. Parameter dlen specifies the number of *) (* input samples. RepeatCount specifies how many output samples *) (* will be produced for each input sample. We pad out the data at *) (* the end, if necessary, to give an integral number of output *) (* buffers. *) VAR scale: CARDINAL; OutBuffer: OutputBufferPointer; OutIndex: [0..OutputBufferSize-1]; OutCount: CARDINAL; InData: POINTER TO SoundBufferType; InIndex: [0..SIZESOUNDBUFFER-1]; InCount: CARDINAL; rptcount: CARDINAL; status: ErrorCode; BEGIN NEW (InData); InIndex := 0; rptcount := RepeatCount; NEW (OutBuffer); OutIndex := 0; OutCount := 1; SetCursor (log, 3, 1); WriteString (log, " 1 output buffers"); scale := CARDINAL(span DIV 2)-2; (*reduce amplitude slightly: dither *) WHILE dlen > 0 DO IF dlen > LONGCARD(SIZESOUNDBUFFER-1) THEN status := ReadRecord(f, ADR(InData^[InIndex]), SIZESOUNDBUFFER, InCount); ELSE status := ReadRecord (f, ADR(InData^[InIndex]), CARDINAL(dlen), InCount); END(*IF*); LOOP IF dlen = 0 THEN EXIT END(*IF*); OutBuffer^[OutIndex] := ScaledValue (InData^[InIndex], scale); IF OutIndex = OutputBufferSize-1 THEN AddToList (OutList, OutBuffer); NEW (OutBuffer); OutIndex := 0; INC (OutCount); SetCursor (log, 3, 1); WriteRJCard (log, OutCount, 6); ELSE INC (OutIndex); END (*IF*); DEC (rptcount); IF rptcount = 0 THEN DEC(dlen); rptcount := RepeatCount; IF InIndex < (SIZESOUNDBUFFER-1) THEN INC (InIndex); ELSE InIndex := 0; EXIT; END(*IF*); END (*IF*); END(*LOOP*); END(*WHILE*); IF OutIndex < OutputBufferSize-1 THEN BlockFill (Far(ADR(OutBuffer^[OutIndex])), OutputBufferSize - 1 - OutIndex, span DIV 2); END (*IF*); AddToList (OutList, OutBuffer); WriteLn (log); DISPOSE (InData); END LoadBlock; (************************************************************************) (* THE MAIN PROCEDURE *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Play (f: File); (* Assumption: file f is already open. Takes all the input data *) (* from file f, converts it to our output format, and calls the *) (* player procedure. *) VAR blocktype : SHORTCARD; sam : SHORTCARD; rl : CARDINAL; dlen : LONGCARD; samplerate: CARDINAL; (* Hz *) RepeatCount: CARDINAL; comp: SHORTCARD; OutList: BufferList; status: ErrorCode; BEGIN CreateList (OutList); LOOP IF (ReadRecord(f, ADR(blocktype), 1, rl) <> OK) OR (blocktype = 0) THEN EXIT END(*IF*); CASE blocktype OF | 1: dlen := 0; status := ReadRecord (f, ADR(dlen), 3, rl); DEC (dlen, 2); RepeatCount := 1; sam := ReadByte (f); samplerate := VAL(CARDINAL, 1.0E6 / VAL(LONGREAL, 256-CARDINAL(sam))); IF samplerate < SlowRate THEN RepeatCount := 2; samplerate := 2*samplerate; END (*IF*); SetSampleRate (samplerate); WriteString (log, 'Sample rate '); WriteCard (log, samplerate); WriteString (log, ' kHz'); WriteLn (log); comp := ReadByte (f); LoadBlock (f, dlen, RepeatCount, OutList); ELSE Err('Unknown block header byte'); END(*CASE*); END(*LOOP*); PlayFromList (OutList); DiscardList (OutList); END Play; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Init(): File; CONST DEFAULTPWM = 13000; (* 13kHz *) VAR s: ARRAY [0..79] OF CHAR; rl: CARDINAL; head: HeadType; f: File; status: ErrorCode; BEGIN SetSampleRate (DEFAULTPWM); OpenWindow (log, black, green, 8, 16, 10, 70, simpleframe, nodivider); IF Lib.ParamCount() = 0 THEN Err ("Missing file name"); ELSIF Lib.ParamCount() = 1 THEN Lib.ParamStr(s, 1); ELSE Err ("Only one file name may be specified"); END(*IF*); WriteString (log, "File: "); WriteString (log, s); WriteLn (log); status := OpenFile (f, s, FALSE); IF status <> OK THEN TranslateErrorCode (status, s); Err (s); END (*IF*); status := ReadRecord (f, ADR(head), SIZE(head), rl); IF Str.Pos(, 'Creative Voice File') = MAX(CARDINAL) THEN Err ('Not VOC file'); END(*IF*); status := SetPosition (f, LONGCARD(head.ofs)); Lib.RANDOMIZE; RETURN f; END Init; (************************************************************************) VAR f: File; BEGIN f := Init(); Play (f); CloseFile (f); END PlayVOC.