IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Calculator; (********************************************************) (* *) (* Simple calculator (Algebraic notation version) *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 13 December 1994 *) (* Status: Working *) (* *) (* Note that this module includes preprocessor *) (* directives for compiler-dependent code. *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM Keyboard IMPORT (* proc *) InKey, PutBack, StuffKeyboardBuffer, LockStatus, SetLocks; FROM KBdriver IMPORT (* const*) NumLockLED; FROM SoundEffects IMPORT (* proc *) Beep; FROM TextLines IMPORT (* type *) LineType, (* proc *) Box; FROM Windows IMPORT (* type *) Window, Colour, FrameType, DividerType, Rectangle, RowRange, ColumnRange, (* proc *) OpenWindow, CloseWindow, ChangeScrollingRegion, WriteChar, WriteString, WriteLn, SetCursor, ShiftWindowRel, WindowLocation, Hide, PutOnTop, IdentifyTopWindow; (**) FROM Menus IMPORT (* type *) Menu, ItemText, (* proc *) CreateMenu, PositionMenu, SelectFromMenu, DestroyMenu; FROM RealIO IMPORT (* proc *) WriteLongReal; FROM Str IMPORT (* proc *) Copy; FROM LowLevel IMPORT (* proc *) IAND; FROM MATHLIB IMPORT (* proc *) Pow, Sqrt, Exp, Log, Log10, Sin, Cos, Tan, ASin, ACos, ATan, SinH, CosH, TanH; (************************************************************************) (* MISCELLANEOUS GLOBAL DEFINITIONS *) (************************************************************************) TYPE CharSet = SET OF CHAR; CONST EmptyMarker = CHR(0); EndMarker = ' '; Enter = CHR(0DH); Esc = CHR(01BH); UnaryOperatorSet = CharSet {'%', ')', 's', 'S'}; UnknownOperatorPriority = 255; numberstart = 8; (* the x cursor position for displaying numbers *) numberwidth = 9; (* The field size for displaying numbers *) VAR calc, help: Window; baserow, basecol, helprow, helpcol: CARDINAL; (************************************************************************) (* THE CALCULATOR STATE *) (************************************************************************) CONST MaxRegisterNumber = 6; MaxMemoryNumber = 3; DisplayedRegisters = 3; TYPE RegisterNumber = [0..MaxRegisterNumber]; MemoryNumber = [0..MaxMemoryNumber]; VAR (* Array "Register" is a combined operand and operator stack. It *) (* would be more conventional to have separate stacks for the *) (* operators and operands, but we adopt this slightly unusual stack *) (* format because it makes it easier to maintain a user-friendly *) (* screen display. *) Register: ARRAY RegisterNumber OF RECORD operator: CHAR; ParenCount: CARDINAL; value: LONGREAL; END (*RECORD*); (* NumberPresent = FALSE means that Register[0].value is displayed *) (* as space characters rather than as a numeric string. *) NumberPresent: BOOLEAN; (* In addition to the stack, there is a set of "memory" registers *) (* in which the user can save calculation results. *) MemoryValue: ARRAY MemoryNumber OF LONGREAL; (************************************************************************) (* THE PREFIX UNARY FUNCTIONS *) (************************************************************************) (* To simplify the calculator logic, and to keep the display readable, *) (* all prefix unary functions are stored in the calculator stack in *) (* terms of the all-purpose binary function "f". The first argument *) (* of f is the function number, and the second argument of f is the *) (* true argument of the original unary function. *) CONST MaxFunctionNumber = 13; (* number of built-in functions *) functionnamewidth = 5; (* # of characters in a function name *) TYPE FunctionType = [0..MaxFunctionNumber]; NameText = ARRAY [0..functionnamewidth-1] OF CHAR; NameArray = ARRAY FunctionType OF NameText; MathProc = PROCEDURE (LONGREAL): LONGREAL; FunctionArray = ARRAY FunctionType OF MathProc; PROCEDURE Negative (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; BEGIN RETURN -x; END Negative; CONST (* Array FunctionName gives the function names as displayed. *) FunctionName = NameArray (' ', 'SQRT ', 'EXP ', 'LN ', 'LOG10', 'SIN ', 'COS ', 'TAN ', 'ASIN ', 'ACOS ', 'ATAN ', 'SINH ', 'COSH ', 'TANH '); (* Array Function is the set of built-in functions. This is a *) (* constant array, but I have to set it up as a variable to mollify *) (* compilers that can't handle constant arrays of procedures. *) (*<~TopSpeed3 VAR Function: FunctionArray; >*) (**) (************************************************************************) (* DISPLAY ROUTINES *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MoveWindow (code: CHAR; w: Window); (* Parameter "code" is the second character of a function key *) (* sequence. This procedure moves window "w" on the screen if *) (* the key turns out to be an arrow key (and does nothing if it *) (* isn't). *) BEGIN IF code = "H" THEN (* cursor up *) ShiftWindowRel (w, -1, 0); ELSIF code = "P" THEN (* cursor down *) ShiftWindowRel (w, 1, 0); ELSIF code = "M" THEN (* cursor right *) ShiftWindowRel (w, 0, 1); ELSIF code = "K" THEN (* cursor left *) ShiftWindowRel (w, 0, -1) END (*IF*); END MoveWindow; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CreateHelpWindow; (* Puts a help message on the screen. *) (**) BEGIN OpenWindow (help, intensewhite, blue, helprow, helprow+10, helpcol, helpcol+28, simpleframe, nodivider); Hide (help); (**) WriteString (help, "Operators: + - * / ^ % ( )"); WriteLn (help); WriteString (help, " S store to memory"); WriteLn (help); WriteString (help, " M load from memory"); WriteLn (help); WriteString (help, " F function (from menu)"); WriteLn (help); WriteString (help, " P 3.14159..."); WriteLn (help); WriteString (help, "Arrow keys: move calculator"); WriteLn (help); WriteString (help, "Backspace: delete last"); WriteLn (help); WriteString (help, "= or Enter: evaluate result"); WriteLn (help); WriteString (help, "Esc: exit from calculator"); END CreateHelpWindow; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE HelpVisible(): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE iff some part of the help window is visible on the *) (* screen. We have to work this out each time, because the *) (* visibility of the help window can be affected by things that *) (* this module doesn't know about. *) VAR R: Rectangle; w: Window; r, row: RowRange; c, col: ColumnRange; BEGIN R := WindowLocation (help); row :=; LOOP col := R.left; LOOP r := row; c := col; IF IdentifyTopWindow(w, r, c) AND (w = help) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSIF col = R.right THEN EXIT (*LOOP*); ELSE INC (col); END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); IF row = R.bottom THEN RETURN FALSE; END (*IF*); INC (row); END (*LOOP*); END HelpVisible; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE LiteralAccumulatorDisplay (VAR (*IN*) Buffer: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Displays "Buffer" as a text string at the screen location *) (* reserved for the accumulator. *) BEGIN SetCursor (calc, DisplayedRegisters+4, numberstart); WriteString (calc, Buffer); END LiteralAccumulatorDisplay; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WriteSpaces (N: CARDINAL); (* Writes a string of N spaces at the current cursor location. *) VAR k: CARDINAL; BEGIN FOR k := 1 TO N DO WriteChar (calc, " "); END (*FOR*); END WriteSpaces; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WriteParentheses (count: CARDINAL); (* Writes "count" left parentheses on the screen, with an *) (* abbreviated display if count > 4. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF count > 4 THEN WriteString (calc, "(..("); ELSE FOR j := 1 TO count DO WriteChar (calc, "("); END (*FOR*); WriteSpaces (4-count); END (*IF*); END WriteParentheses; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DisplayRegister (j: RegisterNumber); (* Refreshes the display of the left parentheses, the value, and *) (* the trailing operator for register j. *) VAR row: CARDINAL; operator: CHAR; BEGIN IF j = 0 THEN row := DisplayedRegisters+4; ELSE row := DisplayedRegisters+3-j; END (*IF*); SetCursor (calc, row, 2); IF Register[j].operator = EmptyMarker THEN WriteSpaces (numberwidth+6); ELSE IF Register[j].operator = "f" THEN IF Register[j+1].value = 0.0 THEN operator := "-"; ELSE operator := " "; END (*IF*); ELSE operator := Register[j].operator; END (*IF*); WriteChar (calc, operator); WriteParentheses (Register[j].ParenCount); SetCursor (calc, row, numberstart); IF (j > 0) AND (Register[j-1].operator = "f") THEN WriteSpaces (numberwidth - functionnamewidth); WriteString (calc, FunctionName[FunctionType(Register[j].value)]); ELSIF (j = 0) AND NOT NumberPresent THEN WriteSpaces (numberwidth); ELSE WriteLongReal (calc, Register[j].value, numberwidth); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END DisplayRegister; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DisplayStack; (* Refreshes the display of the stack of registers. *) VAR j: RegisterNumber; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO DisplayedRegisters DO DisplayRegister (j); END (*FOR*); (* If stack is empty, display help message *) IF Register[1].operator = EmptyMarker THEN SetCursor (calc, 3, numberwidth DIV 2 - 1); WriteString (calc, "Press F1 key"); SetCursor (calc, 4, numberwidth DIV 2 + 1); WriteString (calc, "for help"); END (*IF*); END DisplayStack; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DisplayMemory (j: MemoryNumber); (* Refreshes the display of "memory" register j. *) BEGIN SetCursor (calc, DisplayedRegisters+j+6, numberstart); WriteLongReal (calc, MemoryValue[j], numberwidth); END DisplayMemory; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE InitialDisplay; (* Assumption: the calculator window calc is already open. This *) (* procedure puts the initial picture of the calculator onto the *) (* screen. *) VAR mem: MemoryNumber; BEGIN (* Draw a box for the accumulator. *) Box (calc, DisplayedRegisters+3, numberstart-1, numberwidth+1, 2, single); (* Display the register contents. *) DisplayStack; (* Display the memory values. *) FOR mem := 0 TO MAX(MemoryNumber) DO SetCursor (calc, DisplayedRegisters+mem+6, 2); WriteChar (calc, "M"); WriteChar (calc, CHR(ORD("0")+mem)); DisplayMemory (mem); END (*FOR*); END InitialDisplay; (************************************************************************) (* NUMERIC INPUT *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AcceptNumber (nextchar: CHAR); (* Reads a number from the keyboard. On entry, nextchar holds the *) (* first digit or the decimal point. On exit, the input value is *) (* in Register[0].value. *) TYPE BufferSubscript = [1..numberwidth]; VAR placevalue: LONGREAL; j: BufferSubscript; Buffer: ARRAY BufferSubscript OF CHAR; BufferFull: BOOLEAN; (********************************************************************) PROCEDURE GetNextChar; (* Displays the input so far (as a text string if it will fit, *) (* otherwise by a call to WriteReal), and then reads nextchar. *) BEGIN IF BufferFull THEN DisplayRegister(0); ELSE LiteralAccumulatorDisplay (Buffer); END (*IF*); nextchar := InKey(); IF NOT BufferFull THEN IF Buffer[1] <> " " THEN BufferFull := TRUE; ELSE FOR j := 1 TO numberwidth-1 DO Buffer[j] := Buffer[j+1]; END (*FOR*); Buffer[numberwidth] := nextchar; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END GetNextChar; (********************************************************************) BEGIN Register[0].value := 0.0; BufferFull := FALSE; FOR j := 1 TO numberwidth-1 DO Buffer[j] := " "; END (*FOR*); NumberPresent := TRUE; Buffer[numberwidth] := nextchar; (* Read the part before the decimal point. *) WITH Register[0] DO WHILE nextchar IN CharSet {"0".."9"} DO value := 10.0*value + LONGREAL(ORD(nextchar) - ORD("0")); GetNextChar; END (*WHILE*); END (*WITH*); (* Now the part after the decimal point, if any. *) IF nextchar = "." THEN GetNextChar; placevalue := 0.1; WHILE nextchar IN CharSet {"0".."9"} DO Register[0].value := Register[0].value + placevalue*(LONGREAL(ORD(nextchar) - ORD("0"))); placevalue := 0.1*placevalue; GetNextChar; END (*WHILE*); END (*IF*); (* Correct for overshoot in input. *) PutBack (nextchar); END AcceptNumber; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE priority (operator: CHAR): CARDINAL; (* Returns the priority of an operator. *) BEGIN CASE operator OF EndMarker: RETURN 0; | Enter,"=": RETURN 1; | "+","-": RETURN 2; | "*","/": RETURN 3; | "f": IF Register[1].value = 0.0 THEN RETURN 7 ELSE RETURN 4; END (*IF*); | "x": RETURN 5; | "^": RETURN 6; | ELSE RETURN UnknownOperatorPriority; END (*CASE*); END priority; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE TopOperatorPriority(): CARDINAL; (* TopOperatorPriority is normally the priority of the operator in *) (* Register[0]. However any left parenthesis in Register[0] *) (* overrides this; in that case we return an answer of 0. *) BEGIN IF Register[0].ParenCount > 0 THEN RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN priority (Register[0].operator) END (*IF*); END TopOperatorPriority; (************************************************************************) (* STACK MANIPULATION *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PushStack (LatestOperator: CHAR); (* Pushes the register stack, clearing the top one. The argument *) (* ends up as the operator in Register[0]. If the stack overflows *) (* we give an audible alarm, but perform the push anyway. *) VAR j: RegisterNumber; BEGIN IF Register[MaxRegisterNumber].operator <> EmptyMarker THEN Register[MaxRegisterNumber-1].operator := EndMarker; Beep; END (*IF*); FOR j := MaxRegisterNumber TO 1 BY -1 DO Register[j] := Register[j-1]; END (*FOR*); WITH Register[0] DO operator := LatestOperator; value := 0.0; ParenCount := 0; END (*WITH*); NumberPresent := FALSE; DisplayStack; END PushStack; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PopStack; (* Pops the register stack, clearing the bottom register. *) VAR j: RegisterNumber; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO MaxRegisterNumber-1 DO Register[j] := Register[j+1]; END (*FOR*); WITH Register[MaxRegisterNumber] DO ParenCount := 0; value := 0.0; operator := EmptyMarker; END (*WITH*); DisplayStack; END PopStack; (************************************************************************) (* OPERATIONS ON THE MEMORIES *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE GetMemoryNumber (): MemoryNumber; (* Returns the value of a one-digit memory number typed from the *) (* keyboard. Also wipes the "memory number" prompt on the display. *) (* Assumes memory number 0 (and does not consume the typed key) if *) (* no valid memory number is specified. *) VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN ch := InKey(); SetCursor (calc, DisplayedRegisters+5, 3); WriteString (calc, " "); IF ch IN CharSet{"0"..CHR(ORD("0")+MaxMemoryNumber)} THEN RETURN ORD(ch) - ORD("0"); ELSE PutBack(ch); RETURN 0; END (*IF*); END GetMemoryNumber; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE StoreToMemory; (* Gets a memory number from the keyboard, stores the accumulator *) (* value in that memory register. *) VAR mem: MemoryNumber; BEGIN SetCursor (calc, DisplayedRegisters+5, 3); WriteChar (calc, CHR(25)); mem := GetMemoryNumber(); MemoryValue[mem] := Register[0].value; DisplayMemory(mem); END StoreToMemory; (************************************************************************) (* OPERATIONS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Divide0 (first, second: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Computes first/second, except that division by zero gives 0.0. *) BEGIN IF second = 0.0 THEN RETURN 0.0 ELSE RETURN first/second; END (*IF*); END Divide0; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE BinaryOperation; (* Performs the binary operation requested by Register[0].operator. *) VAR x, y, result: LONGREAL; command: CHAR; BEGIN command := Register[0].operator; x := Register[1].value; y := Register[0].value; result := x; IF command = "+" THEN result := result + y ELSIF command = "-" THEN result := result - y ELSIF (command = "*") OR (command = "x") THEN result := result * y ELSIF command = "/" THEN result := Divide0 (x, y) ELSIF command = "^" THEN result := Pow (x, y) ELSIF command = "f" THEN result := Function[VAL(FunctionType,x)] (y); ELSE Beep; END (*IF*); Register[1].value := result; PopStack; END BinaryOperation; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PostfixUnaryOperation (code: CHAR); (* Performs the unary operation requested by code. *) BEGIN IF code = "%" THEN Register[0].value := 0.01*Register[0].value*Register[1].value; ELSIF code = ")" THEN IF Register[0].ParenCount > 0 THEN DEC (Register[0].ParenCount); ELSIF Register[0].operator <> EndMarker THEN BinaryOperation; PutBack (")"); ELSE Beep; END (*IF*); ELSIF (code="s") OR (code="S") THEN StoreToMemory; ELSE Beep; END (*IF*); DisplayRegister(0); END PostfixUnaryOperation; (************************************************************************) (* GETTING A FUNCTION NAME BY MENU SELECTION *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadBuiltinFunctionName; (* Allows the user to select a function name from a menu. We then *) (* load the stack with the function number, and the special *) (* "binary operator" f. *) VAR funcmenu: Menu; menutext: ARRAY FunctionType OF ItemText; function: FunctionType; BEGIN menutext[0] := " Function"; FOR function := 1 TO MaxFunctionNumber DO Copy (menutext[function], FunctionName[function]); END (*FOR*); CreateMenu (funcmenu, 3, menutext, MaxFunctionNumber); PositionMenu (funcmenu, 14, 22, 60, 78); function := SelectFromMenu (funcmenu); DestroyMenu (funcmenu); IF function <> 0 THEN Register[0].value := VAL(LONGREAL, function); PushStack ("f"); END (*IF*); END ReadBuiltinFunctionName; (************************************************************************) (* THE CALCULATOR CONTROL LOGIC *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE HandleFunctionKey; (* Looks after the cases where the keyboard input code was CHR(0). *) (* In the present version, the arrow keys and F1 key are looked *) (* after, and all other function keys are ignored. *) VAR code: CHAR; BEGIN code := InKey(); IF (code = ";") OR (code = "T") THEN (* F1 or Shift/F1 *) PutOnTop (help); ELSIF HelpVisible() THEN (* check for arrow key *) MoveWindow (code, help); ELSE (* check for arrow key *) MoveWindow (code, calc); END (*IF*); END HandleFunctionKey; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE LoadAccumulator (VAR (*OUT*) nextchar: CHAR); (* Loads the accumulator with a number, also accepting and keeping *) (* track of any opening parentheses. Unary operations are also *) (* dealt with by this procedure; and this could lead to the *) (* evaluation of entire subexpressions, because we treat a closing *) (* parenthesis as a unary postfix operator. On return, nextchar *) (* holds the following keyboard character (usually an operator, but *) (* it could also be Esc, Return, or an illegal keystroke). Most of *) (* the complexity of this procedure lies in the fact that the user *) (* can also type Backspace at any time, which has the effect of *) (* cancelling the latest number, left parenthesis, or unevaluated *) (* operator, as appropriate. *) (* It is possible that the user will enter no value before the *) (* operator. In this case, the previous accumulator contents are *) (* retained, unless they have been wiped out by a backspace. *) (* Conversely, the user can override a number which is already *) (* present. We try to give a legal meaning, wherever possible, to *) (* any user input. *) CONST Backspace = CHR(8); Starters = CharSet {"(", ".", "0".."9", "f", "F", "m", "M", "p", "P"}; Misc = CharSet {CHR(0), "e", "E", EndMarker, Backspace}; HandledHere = Starters + Misc + UnaryOperatorSet; BEGIN LOOP nextchar := InKey(); (* If the input is such as to imply that a new number is *) (* to be entered, discard any number already in the *) (* accumulator - i.e. allow the user to override any *) (* previous input. *) IF nextchar IN Starters THEN NumberPresent := FALSE; DisplayRegister(0); END (*IF*); (* On seeing a "-", we have to decide whether it is a *) (* unary minus (if so, handle it here) or a binary minus. *) IF nextchar = "-" THEN IF NumberPresent THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) ELSE Register[0].value := 0.0; PushStack ("f"); END (*IF*); ELSIF NOT (nextchar IN HandledHere) THEN EXIT (*LOOP*); (* Any character which, by coincidence, has the *) (* same character code as EndMarker is ignored. *) ELSIF nextchar = EndMarker THEN (* do nothing *) (* Function key? *) ELSIF nextchar = CHR(0) THEN HandleFunctionKey (* Read prefix unary operator. We don't evaluate it here; *) (* it's put on the stack to look like a binary operator. *) ELSIF CAP(nextchar) = "F" THEN ReadBuiltinFunctionName; (* Handle postfix unary operator. *) ELSIF nextchar IN UnaryOperatorSet THEN PostfixUnaryOperation (nextchar); NumberPresent := TRUE; (* Handle opening parenthesis. *) ELSIF nextchar = "(" THEN INC (Register[0].ParenCount); DisplayRegister(0); (* P means the constant PI. *) ELSIF CAP(nextchar) = "P" THEN Register[0].value := 3.14159265359; NumberPresent := TRUE; DisplayRegister(0); (* Fetch a number. *) ELSIF nextchar IN CharSet {"0".."9", "."} THEN AcceptNumber (nextchar); (* We use the calculator itself to evaluate "E" notation. *) ELSIF CAP(nextchar) = "E" THEN IF NOT NumberPresent THEN Register[0].value := 1.0; NumberPresent := TRUE; END (*IF*); PushStack ("x"); Register[0].value := 10.0; PutBack ("^"); (* Or an operand from memory. *) ELSIF CAP(nextchar) ="M" THEN SetCursor (calc, DisplayedRegisters+5, 3); WriteChar (calc, CHR(24)); Register[0].value := MemoryValue[GetMemoryNumber()]; NumberPresent := TRUE; DisplayRegister(0); (* Now the hard part: handle Backspace. *) ELSIF nextchar = Backspace THEN (* The effect of a backspace depends on whether the *) (* accumulator holds a user-supplied number at this *) (* stage. This depends on things like whether the *) (* user has typed several backspaces in a row. *) IF NumberPresent THEN (* Delete the number in the accumulator. *) Register[0].value := 0.0; NumberPresent := FALSE; ELSIF Register[0].ParenCount > 0 THEN (* Remove one left parenthesis. *) DEC (Register[0].ParenCount); ELSE (* Delete the last outstanding operator, if any. *) IF Register[0].operator = EndMarker THEN Beep; ELSIF Register[0].operator = "f" THEN PopStack; Register[0].value := 0.0; NumberPresent := FALSE; ELSE PopStack; NumberPresent := TRUE; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); DisplayRegister(0); END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); END LoadAccumulator; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PerformCalculation; (* This procedure consists of a loop which is repeated until an *) (* Esc character is encountered. Each time around the loop, we *) (* pick up an operand followed by an operator. (Fetching the *) (* operand, which is done by procedure LoadAccumulator, may itself *) (* involve some subexpression evaluation, because the operand can *) (* include things like opening and closing parentheses, prefix and *) (* postfix functions, and the like. Procedure LoadAccumulator also *) (* allows some of the preceding input to be deleted via the *) (* Backspace key.) The operator may be a binary operator, or Esc, *) (* or Enter, or '='. (These last two are considered to be *) (* equivalent.) Anything else is considered to be an unknown *) (* operator, and results in an audible Beep. *) (* A calculation step, or possibly a whole sequence of steps, is *) (* triggered if there are more closing parentheses than opening *) (* parentheses, or if the operator has lower priority than the last *) (* stacked operator. *) VAR operator: CHAR; BEGIN LOOP LoadAccumulator (operator); (* The Esc key drops us out of the calculator - unless the *) (* help window is on display, in which case Esc simply *) (* removes the help window from the display. *) IF operator = Esc THEN IF HelpVisible() THEN Hide (help); operator := Enter; ELSE EXIT (*LOOP*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Perform any pending operations. *) NumberPresent := TRUE; WHILE TopOperatorPriority() >= priority(operator) DO BinaryOperation; END (*WHILE*); (* Push the latest operator, unless it marks the end *) (* of the calculation. *) IF priority(operator) = UnknownOperatorPriority THEN Beep; ELSIF (operator <> Enter) AND (operator <> "=") THEN PushStack (operator); END(*IF*); END (*LOOP*); END PerformCalculation; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ForceExit (w: Window; row: RowRange; col: ColumnRange); (* This procedure is triggered by a mouse click on the "hide" *) (* button. We turn this into a keyboard Esc character, or two Esc *) (* characters if the help window is visible. *) BEGIN IF HelpVisible() THEN StuffKeyboardBuffer (Esc) END(*IF*); StuffKeyboardBuffer (Esc); END ForceExit; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ForceF1 (w: Window; row: RowRange; col: ColumnRange); (* This procedure is triggered by a mouse click on the "F1" *) (* message. We turn this into a keyboard F1 keypress. *) BEGIN StuffKeyboardBuffer (CHR(0)); StuffKeyboardBuffer (';'); END ForceF1; (************************************************************************) (* INTERFACE TO THE CALLER *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE RunCalculator; (* Displays a calculator window on the screen; this can be operated *) (* from the numeric keypad. On exit, the screen window is closed, *) (* but calculation results are saved for the next invocation of *) (* this procedure. *) VAR KeyboardLocks: CARDINAL; R: Rectangle; (**) BEGIN (* Set the NumLock state, if not already set. *) KeyboardLocks := LockStatus(); IF ORD(IAND (KeyboardLocks, NumLockLED)) = 0 THEN SetLocks (KeyboardLocks + NumLockLED); END (*IF*); OpenWindow (calc, yellow, blue, baserow, baserow+DisplayedRegisters+MaxMemoryNumber+7, basecol, basecol+numberwidth+9, simpleframe, doubledivider); WriteString (calc, " Calculator"); ChangeScrollingRegion (calc, 3, DisplayedRegisters+MaxMemoryNumber+6); (**) CreateHelpWindow; InitialDisplay; PerformCalculation; R := WindowLocation (help); helprow :=; helpcol := R.left; (**) CloseWindow (help); R := WindowLocation (calc); baserow :=; basecol := R.left; CloseWindow (calc); (**) SetLocks (KeyboardLocks); END RunCalculator; (************************************************************************) (* INITIALISATION *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ClearCalculatorState; (* Clears all of the working registers of the calculator. *) VAR j: RegisterNumber; mem: MemoryNumber; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO MaxRegisterNumber DO WITH Register[j] DO ParenCount := 0; value := 0.0; operator := EmptyMarker; END (*WITH*); END (*FOR*); Register[0].operator := EndMarker; NumberPresent := FALSE; FOR mem := 0 TO MAX(MemoryNumber) DO MemoryValue[mem] := 0.0; END (*FOR*); END ClearCalculatorState; (************************************************************************) BEGIN baserow := 0; basecol := 70 - numberwidth; helprow := 7; helpcol := 26; ClearCalculatorState; (*<~TopSpeed3 Function[0] := Negative; Function[1] := Sqrt; Function[2] := Exp; Function[3] := Log; Function[4] := Log10; Function[5] := Sin; Function[6] := Cos; Function[7] := Tan; Function[8] := ASin; Function[9] := ACos; Function[10] := ATan; Function[11] := SinH; Function[12] := CosH; Function[13] := TanH; >*) END Calculator.