IMPLEMENTATION MODULE FileSort; (********************************************************) (* *) (* In-place file sort using the QuickSort method *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 27 February 1995 *) (* Status: Working *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM FileSys IMPORT (* proc *) SetPosition, ReadRecord, WriteRecord; FROM IOErrorCodes IMPORT (* type *) ErrorCode; FROM QuickSortModule IMPORT (* proc *) QuickSort; FROM LowLevel IMPORT (* proc *) AddOffset, Copy; FROM Storage1 IMPORT (* proc *) ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE; (************************************************************************) CONST CacheSize = 2048; TYPE Cache = RECORD first, last, dirty1, dirty2: RecordNumber; dp: ADDRESS; END (*RECORD*); FileDescriptor = RECORD file: File; eltsize, offset: CARDINAL; greaterorequal: CompareProc; cache: Cache; END (*RECORD*); EltPointer = ADDRESS; (************************************************************************) (* BASIC I/O OPERATIONS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ReadBlock (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; N1, N2: RecordNumber; dest: EltPointer); (* Reads record numbers N1..N2, inclusive, into a buffer starting *) (* at location 'dest'. *) VAR status: ErrorCode; actual: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH FD DO status := SetPosition (file, VAL(LONGCARD,offset) + VAL(LONGCARD,eltsize)*N1); status := ReadRecord (file, dest, eltsize*VAL(CARDINAL,N2-N1+1), actual); END (*WITH*); END ReadBlock; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE WriteBlock (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; src: EltPointer; N1, N2: RecordNumber); (* Writes from a buffer starting at location 'src' to records *) (* number N1 to N2 inclusive. *) VAR status: ErrorCode; BEGIN WITH FD DO status := SetPosition (file, VAL(LONGCARD,offset) + VAL(LONGCARD,eltsize)*N1); status := WriteRecord (file, src, eltsize*VAL(CARDINAL,N2-N1+1)); END (*WITH*); END WriteBlock; (************************************************************************) (* CACHE MANAGEMENT *) (* The cache here is a "load on demand" cache rather than the more *) (* conventional cache which holds recently read records. Our approach *) (* is to cache the low-numbered records of the subfile currently *) (* being sorted, which is consistent with an algorithm which, roughly *) (* speaking, sorts the bottom half of a range before starting work on *) (* the top half. *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FlushCache (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; N: RecordNumber); (* Writes back any unwritten records, up to and including record *) (* number N, back to disk. *) BEGIN WITH FD DO WITH cache DO IF N > dirty2 THEN N := dirty2; END (*IF*); IF N >= dirty1 THEN (* We must flush out records dirty1..N *) WriteBlock (FD, AddOffset(dp, eltsize*VAL(CARDINAL,dirty1-first)), dirty1, N); dirty1 := N+1; END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*WITH*); END FlushCache; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE LoadCache (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; low, high: RecordNumber): BOOLEAN; (* Puts records low..high inclusive into the cache, if they will *) (* fit. If they don't fit, loads as many as possible starting from *) (* record number low. Returns TRUE iff everything fitted. *) VAR result: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH FD DO (* Work out whether everything will fit. If not, adjust *) (* high downwards. *) IF VAL(LONGCARD,eltsize)*(high-low+1) <= CacheSize THEN result := TRUE; ELSE result := FALSE; high := VAL(LONGCARD, CacheSize DIV eltsize) + low - 1; END (*IF*); (* Clean out everything below 'low' from the cache *) IF low > 0 THEN FlushCache (FD, low-1); END (*IF*); WITH cache DO (* If the leading part of what we want is already in *) (* the cache, move it to the beginning. *) IF (first <= last) AND (low >= first) AND (low <= last) THEN IF low > first THEN Copy (AddOffset(dp, eltsize*VAL(CARDINAL,low-first)), dp, eltsize*VAL(CARDINAL,last-low+1)); first := low; END (*IF*); low := last + 1; ELSE (* In all other cases, empty the cache completely *) (* and make a fresh beginning. Note that we don't *) (* bother to check for cases like lowfirst, because we know that data will flow *) (* through the cache only in one direction. *) FlushCache (FD, last); last := 0; first := 1; END (*IF*); (* At this stage, either the cache is empty or it *) (* contains a part of what we want. In either case, *) (* the remainder is sure to fit. *) IF first > last THEN ReadBlock (FD, low, high, dp); first := low; last := high; ELSE IF high >= low THEN ReadBlock (FD, low, high, AddOffset(dp,eltsize*VAL(CARDINAL,low-first))); END (*IF*); IF high > last THEN last := high; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*WITH*); RETURN result; END LoadCache; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MarkDirty (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; N: RecordNumber); (* Notes that record number N needs to be written back to disk *) (* from the cache. *) BEGIN WITH FD.cache DO IF dirty2 < dirty1 THEN dirty1 := N; dirty2 := N; ELSIF N < dirty1 THEN dirty1 := N; ELSIF N > dirty2 THEN dirty2 := N; END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END MarkDirty; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AddressInCache (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; index: RecordNumber): EltPointer; (* Returns the address in memory of element 'index', if it is in *) (* the cache; otherwise returns NIL. *) BEGIN WITH FD DO WITH cache DO IF (first > last) OR (index < first) OR (index > last) THEN RETURN NIL; ELSE RETURN AddOffset (dp, eltsize*VAL(CARDINAL,index-first)); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*WITH*); END AddressInCache; (************************************************************************) (* I/O THROUGH CACHE WHERE POSSIBLE *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE GetRecord (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; index: RecordNumber; dest: EltPointer); (* Reads record number 'index' of the file into a buffer starting *) (* at location 'dest'. *) VAR p: EltPointer; BEGIN p := AddressInCache (FD, index); IF p <> NIL THEN Copy (p, dest, FD.eltsize); ELSE ReadBlock (FD, index, index, dest); END (*IF*); END GetRecord; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PutRecord (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; src: EltPointer; index: RecordNumber); (* Writes from a buffer starting at location 'src' to record *) (* number 'index' of the file. *) VAR p: EltPointer; BEGIN p := AddressInCache (FD, index); IF p <> NIL THEN Copy (src, p, FD.eltsize); MarkDirty (FD, index); ELSE WriteBlock (FD, src, index, index); END (*IF*); END PutRecord; (************************************************************************) (* THE OVERALL SORTING ALGORITHM *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Partition ( VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; low: RecordNumber; VAR (*OUT*) mid: RecordNumber; high: RecordNumber); (* By shuffling elements as necessary, ensures the property *) (* R[j] <= v for low <= j < mid *) (* R[mid] = v *) (* R[j] >= v for mid < j <= high *) (* where R[j] represents record number j of the file, mid is the *) (* function result, and v is some unspecified value chosen by the *) (* procedure. *) VAR up, down: RecordNumber; ptemp, pmid: EltPointer; BEGIN down := low; up := high; mid := (down + up) DIV 2; ALLOCATE (ptemp, FD.eltsize); ALLOCATE (pmid, FD.eltsize); GetRecord (FD, mid, pmid); (* v is pmid^. The following loop maintains the invariants: *) (* R[j] <= v for low <= j < down *) (* R[j] >= v for up < j <= high *) (* We exit the outer loop when down >= mid and up <= mid. *) (* Note that v=pmid^ is the value that should be stored as *) (* R[mid], but to avoid redundant store and load operations as *) (* mid changes we don't actually store this value back until *) (* the final exit from the loop. During loop execution, mid *) (* refers to a "hole" in which a value has not yet been stored. *) (* Note also that ptemp^ holds either R[down] or R[up], *) (* depending on whether we're adjusting down or up at the time. *) LOOP GetRecord (FD, down, ptemp); WHILE (down < mid) AND FD.greaterorequal (pmid, ptemp) DO INC (down); GetRecord (FD, down, ptemp); END (*WHILE*); IF down < mid THEN PutRecord (FD, ptemp, mid); mid := down; INC (down); END (*IF*); (* Note that down >= mid at this point. *) GetRecord (FD, up, ptemp); WHILE (up > mid) AND FD.greaterorequal (ptemp, pmid) DO DEC (up); GetRecord (FD, up, ptemp); END (*WHILE*); IF up <= mid THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); PutRecord (FD, ptemp, mid); mid := up; DEC (up); END (*LOOP*); PutRecord (FD, pmid, mid); DEALLOCATE (pmid, FD.eltsize); DEALLOCATE (ptemp, FD.eltsize); END Partition; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SmallSort (VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; low, high: RecordNumber); (* Sorts the subfile of records low..high inclusive, where we are *) (* guaranteed that the entire range is in the cache. *) VAR p: EltPointer; BEGIN p := AddressInCache (FD, low); QuickSort (p^, VAL(CARDINAL,high-low), FD.eltsize, FD.greaterorequal); MarkDirty (FD, low); MarkDirty (FD, high); END SmallSort; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Sort ( VAR (*IN*) FD: FileDescriptor; low, high: RecordNumber); (* Sorts the subfile of records low..high inclusive. *) VAR mid: RecordNumber; BEGIN IF LoadCache (FD, low, high) THEN SmallSort (FD, low, high); ELSE Partition (FD, low, mid, high); IF mid > low+1 THEN Sort (FD, low, mid-1) END(*IF*); IF high > mid+1 THEN Sort (FD, mid+1, high) END(*IF*); END (*IF*); FlushCache (FD, high); END Sort; (************************************************************************) (* THE END-USER VERSION *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE InplaceSort (f: File; from, to: RecordNumber; EltSize, Offset: CARDINAL; GE: CompareProc); (* In-place sort of part of a file. We sort record numbers *) (* inclusive. EltSize is the element size; Offset is the *) (* number of bytes (zero, in most cases) before record number 0 in *) (* the file; and GE is a user-supplied function to compare elements *) (* at two specified addresses. *) VAR FD: FileDescriptor; BEGIN WITH FD DO file := f; eltsize := EltSize; offset := Offset; greaterorequal := GE; WITH cache DO first := MAX(RecordNumber); last := 0; dirty1 := 1; dirty2 := 0; ALLOCATE (dp, CacheSize); END (*WITH*); END (*WITH*); Sort (FD, from, to); DEALLOCATE (FD.cache.dp, CacheSize); END InplaceSort; (************************************************************************) END FileSort.