IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Play3; (********************************************************) (* *) (* 3-part music *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan, T. Channon *) (* Last edited: 21 March 1995 *) (* Status: Working *) (* *) (* This is the version that uses a precomputed *) (* envelope and precomputed amplitude. *) (* *) (* This is the module that deals with the data *) (* format used by Music3. It takes three data *) (* arrays produced by Music3, and converts the *) (* data in real time to sample values which are *) (* then sent to the speaker by the subsidiary *) (* module PlayBuff. *) (* *) (********************************************************) FROM PlayBuff IMPORT (* const *) OutputBufferSize, (* proc *) BufferAddress, SetCycleCount, StartPlaying, Synch0, Synch1, StopPlaying; FROM IO IMPORT (* proc *) KeyPressed; FROM LowLevel IMPORT (* proc *) AddOffset, SubtractOffset, FarAddOffset; (************************************************************************) (* GLOBAL DATA *) (************************************************************************) CONST (* TimeScale is an overall scaling factor for note durations. *) (* This saves the caller the trouble of re-scaling for different *) (* versions of this module. It also contains an adjustment for *) (* changes in CycleCount. *) TimeScale = 1664 DIV CycleCount; (* DefaultDuration is the initial note duration. Its value is *) (* not particularly important, since typically this will be *) (* overridden by a duration specification by the caller. *) DefaultDuration = 200; TYPE OutputBufferSubscript = [0..OutputBufferSize-1]; (*# save, data(near_ptr=>off) *) OutputBufferPointer = POINTER TO ARRAY OutputBufferSubscript OF SHORTINT; (*# restore *) VoiceSet = SET OF VoiceNumber; WaveGroupPointer = POINTER TO WaveGroup; VAR (* We have two output buffers, which we fill alternately. The *) (* following two pointers point to the two buffers. *) OutPtr0, OutPtr1: OutputBufferPointer; (* Flag to say that playing should stop. *) ExitFlag: BOOLEAN; (* Pointers to tables defining one period of the waveform to be played.*) WaveTable: ARRAY WaveNumber OF WaveGroup; (* Pointers to tables defining the attack/decay envelopes. *) EnvelopePointer: ARRAY EnvelopeNumber OF EnvelopePtr; (* Tables defining the current state of each voice. The fields *) (* have the following meanings. *) (* Duration The time duration of a note. This must be *) (* multiplied by TimeScale to get a value in units *) (* of sampling instants. *) (* SamplesLeft The number of sampling instants remaining for *) (* the note that is currently playing. *) (* Step The high-order byte of this variable gives the *) (* step size when stepping through the waveform *) (* table. (The low-order byte is in effect the *) (* fractional part.) This defines the frequency *) (* of the note. *) (* EnvIndex Where we're up to in the envelope array. *) (* EnvPtr A pointer to the envelope array. *) (* SamplePos Where we're up to in the waveform table. *) (* WaveGroupPtr Points to a set of waveform tables. *) (* WavePtr Pointer to the current waveform table. *) (* InPtr Where we're up to in the input data. *) VoiceData: ARRAY VoiceNumber OF RECORD (* Information about the current state of play. *) Duration: CARDINAL; SamplesLeft: CARDINAL; Step: CARDINAL; (* Attack/decay shaping. *) EnvIndex: EnvelopeArrayIndex; EnvPtr: EnvelopePtr; (* References to the waveform tables. *) SamplePos: RECORD CASE :BOOLEAN OF | FALSE: w: CARDINAL; | TRUE: lo, hi: BYTE; END (*CASE*); END (*RECORD*); WaveGroupPtr: WaveGroupPointer; WavePtr: WaveTablePointer; (* The "source" from which we're working. *) InPtr: POINTER TO CARDINAL; END (*RECORD*); (* The set of voices which have finished playing. *) VoicesFinished: VoiceSet; (************************************************************************) (* STARTING A NEW NOTE *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE LoadNewNote (V: VoiceNumber); (* Sets up the conditions needed to start playing a new note for *) (* voice V. *) BEGIN ExitFlag := KeyPressed(); WITH VoiceData[V] DO Step := InPtr^; InPtr := AddOffset (InPtr, 2); WHILE Step >= 65531 DO CASE Step OF | 65531: (* Set new envelope number. *) EnvPtr := EnvelopePointer[InPtr^]; InPtr := AddOffset (InPtr, 2); Step := InPtr^; InPtr := AddOffset (InPtr, 2); | 65532: (* Set new waveform. *) WaveGroupPtr := ADR(WaveTable[InPtr^]); InPtr := AddOffset (InPtr, 2); Step := InPtr^; InPtr := AddOffset (InPtr, 2); | 65533: (* Obsolete, should not occur. *) Step := InPtr^; InPtr := AddOffset (InPtr, 2); | 65534: (* New duration. *) Duration := InPtr^; InPtr := AddOffset (InPtr, 2); Step := InPtr^; InPtr := AddOffset (InPtr, 2); | 65535: (* End of data. *) INCL (VoicesFinished, V); ExitFlag := ExitFlag OR (VoicesFinished = VoiceSet{1..MAX(VoiceNumber)}); Step := 0; InPtr := SubtractOffset (InPtr, 2); END (*CASE*); END (*WHILE*); SamplesLeft := TimeScale*Duration; WavePtr := WaveGroupPtr^[0]; EnvIndex := 0; END (*WITH*); END LoadNewNote; (************************************************************************) (* LOADING DATA INTO THE OUTPUT BUFFER *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FillBuffer (p: OutputBufferPointer); (* Produces the next N bytes of output data. *) CONST bias = 128*CycleCount+255; TYPE cast = RECORD CASE :BOOLEAN OF | FALSE: int: INTEGER; | TRUE: lo, hi: SHORTINT; END (*CASE*); END (*RECORD*); VAR place: OutputBufferSubscript; sum: cast; BEGIN FOR place := 0 TO MAX(OutputBufferSubscript) DO (* If we've come to the end of the current note *) (* for any voice, set up a new one. *) IF VoiceData[1].SamplesLeft = 0 THEN LoadNewNote (1); END (*IF*); IF VoiceData[2].SamplesLeft = 0 THEN LoadNewNote (2); END (*IF*); IF VoiceData[3].SamplesLeft = 0 THEN LoadNewNote (3); END (*IF*); (* Pick up new levels from the waveform tables, *) (* and add them to the value in the output buffer. *) (* Note that SamplePos must be permitted to wrap. *) (*# save, check(overflow => off) *) INC (VoiceData[1].SamplePos.w, VoiceData[1].Step); INC (VoiceData[2].SamplePos.w, VoiceData[2].Step); INC (VoiceData[3].SamplePos.w, VoiceData[3].Step); (*# restore *) DEC (VoiceData[1].SamplesLeft); DEC (VoiceData[2].SamplesLeft); DEC (VoiceData[3].SamplesLeft); := VoiceData[1].WavePtr^[VoiceData[1].SamplePos.hi] + VoiceData[2].WavePtr^[VoiceData[2].SamplePos.hi] + VoiceData[3].WavePtr^[VoiceData[3].SamplePos.hi] + bias; p^[place] := sum.hi; END (*FOR*); (* To save on processor time, we do envelope updating only *) (* once per buffer. This version uses a precomputed envelope. *) (* Note that WaveGroupPtr points to a collection of waveform *) (* tables, one for each gain level. What we are doing here, in *) (* effect, is updating the gain. *) WITH VoiceData[1] DO WavePtr := WaveGroupPtr^[EnvPtr^[EnvIndex]]; IF EnvIndex < MAX(EnvelopeArrayIndex) THEN INC (EnvIndex); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); WITH VoiceData[2] DO WavePtr := WaveGroupPtr^[EnvPtr^[EnvIndex]]; IF EnvIndex < MAX(EnvelopeArrayIndex) THEN INC (EnvIndex); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); WITH VoiceData[3] DO WavePtr := WaveGroupPtr^[EnvPtr^[EnvIndex]]; IF EnvIndex < MAX(EnvelopeArrayIndex) THEN INC (EnvIndex); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END FillBuffer; (************************************************************************) (* THE EXTERNALLY CALLABLE PROCEDURES FOR PLAYING MUSIC *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DefineWaveform (N: WaveNumber; VAR (*IN*) data: WaveGroup); (* Defines a new waveform for wave number N. *) BEGIN WaveTable[N] := data; END DefineWaveform; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DefineEnvelope (E: EnvelopeNumber; shapeptr: EnvelopePtr); (* Defines one of the attack/decay envelopes. *) BEGIN EnvelopePointer[E] := shapeptr; END DefineEnvelope; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Play (VAR (*IN*) A1, A2, A3: ARRAY OF CARDINAL); (* Plays the music encoded in arrays A1, A2, A3. The encoding is *) (* explained in the comments in the definition module. *) VAR voice: VoiceNumber; p: OutputBufferPointer; i : CARDINAL; BEGIN (* Set up pointers to the user data. *) VoiceData[1].InPtr := ADR(A1); VoiceData[2].InPtr := ADR(A2); VoiceData[3].InPtr := ADR(A3); (* Set the state of all voices to suitable initial conditions. *) FOR voice := 1 TO MAX(VoiceNumber) DO WITH VoiceData[voice] DO Duration := DefaultDuration; SamplesLeft := 0; Step := 0; EnvPtr := EnvelopePointer[0]; SamplePos.w := 0; WaveGroupPtr := ADR(WaveTable[0]); WavePtr := WaveGroupPtr^[0]; END (*WITH*); END (*FOR*); VoicesFinished := VoiceSet{}; ExitFlag := FALSE; (* Now for the actual playing. *) FillBuffer(OutPtr0); StartPlaying; WHILE NOT ExitFlag DO Synch1; FillBuffer(OutPtr1); Synch0; FillBuffer(OutPtr0); END (*WHILE*); StopPlaying; END Play; (************************************************************************) (* INITIALISATION *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetDefaults; (* Gives initial conditions to some of the global variables. Note *) (* that a lot of the initialisation is done in procedure Play, and *) (* various variables are given values by commands embedded in the *) (* user data. We do however have to cover the possibility that *) (* the caller neglects to specify some options. *) VAR w: WaveNumber; E: EnvelopeNumber; NilGroup: WaveGroup; g: GainType; BEGIN FOR g := 0 TO MAX(GainType) DO NilGroup[g] := NIL; END (*FOR*); FOR w := 0 TO MAX(WaveNumber) DO WaveTable[w] := NilGroup; END (*FOR*); FOR E := 0 TO MAX(EnvelopeNumber) DO EnvelopePointer[E] := NIL; END (*FOR*); END SetDefaults; (************************************************************************) BEGIN OutPtr0 := BufferAddress(); OutPtr1 := FarAddOffset (OutPtr0, OutputBufferSize); SetCycleCount (CycleCount); SetDefaults; END Play3.